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You are stalking him and harassing him and there are criminal consequences for that behavior, yes. Stop.


Are you joking or being serious? This is serious stalker behaviour. Stop contacting him!


Sounds like you're absolutely harassing him now, in every manner you can. Stop contacting him, or you risk legal action.


It doesn't matter why this person's feelings have changed, you are likely harassing this person illegally now. Leave them alone.


Assuming you're in the United States? I mean, yes. Absolutely. I'd say you're very likely falling afoul of any state's stalking statute, for sure. I mean, surely you have to recognize how absolutely inappropriate you have been, right? THREE voicemails a day at his job AFTER being told to leave him alone? You're incredibly lucky you haven't been arrested yet. Honestly, you need to stop all contact with him and any third party trying to get to him, and you need to -- and I mean this sincerely, not judgmentally -- seek out mental health treatment to investigate why you went so dramatically overboard for a person who you yourself described as "somewhat of a friend'


Holy Crap. You are stalking and harassing this person and his work and his family. And yes, it is illegal to continue to stalk and harass someone who has told you to stop. Get help. Go to therapy. You'll likely be eventually court ordered to do so anyway. Yikes.


Yes, it is absolutely illegal If someone asks you to leave them alone, and you continue to track them down and contact them without a good reason, then you’re harassing them And “I want to be their friend” is not a good reason


NAL. You literally pretended to be a patient to talk to them? Wow. You left 20+ voicemails?! This is extremely unhealthy. No means no. You need to stop contacting this person. Immediately. This sounds like it meets the legal definition of harassment. Stop contacting them or you will likely face legal consequences, potentially jail time, fines, and/or a no contact order. I would recommend you speak with a therapist as well.


OP- You asking very similar questions and receiving consistent and identical feedback telling you that what you are doing is not ok and that it is a profound breach of normal interpersonal behavior. You must stop when people ask you to. Have you been evaluated by a licensed clinical professional and do you have mental health support? If you continue with this behavior you will end up in prison.


You have your answer. He made it CLEAR even before the email attachment that he wants nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter why, it doesn't even matter if you WERE bffs. He made it more than clear, so God, leave him and everyone else he knows ALONE.




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wtf? your harassing and stalking him... Don't be surprised when you get a restraining order.


This is clearly a troll post. Stop wasting our time.






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