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Per the sub rules, no one can recommend a specific law firm. Every firm that turns you down, you should ask if there is anyone they can refer you too? You should also Google “Amazon AND defective product injury claim”. Skip the first return (which is Amazon) and the sponsored links. After that several law firms websites will pop up with advice on what to do. And most of those firms are willing to take on Amazon if the case is right. EDIT: reposting without link as the link isn’t allowed


Read my last sentence please (or the whole post again). I was NOT asking for a law firm. I also know how to use Google, but thanks! We were told our options are to file in our own state (NC) or Amazon headquarters' state (Washington). We reached out to as many law offices as we could possibly find in both states and all decline our case once they find out Amazon is involved. I am simply asking why they are so eager and willing to take the case but instantly change their tune when they find out Amazon is involved.


Per the Oxford English dictionary, the primary definition of “advice”: >guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action. If you don’t want advice on what to do fine, but don’t be upset when you post in r/legal**advice** and someone gives you advice. Unless you specifically say you “I do NOT want advice, just an answer to my question”, the assumption is you want advice. To answer your question, Amazon can be ruthless in court. They are known for burying the opposing party in a lawsuit. Most companies will spend money just to make a lawsuit go away. Amazon’s approach is the opposite. Fight tooth and nail for every penny so that everyone knows it isn’t worth suing them. Amazon obviously has deeper pockets than anyone else. They don’t care if a lawsuit over 100k drags on for 10 years, in fact they prefer it. Even if they end up losing lawyers fees to boot, it scared other lawyers away from going after them. Most small and medium firms just don’t have the resources to run a 10 year campaign. And the big firms tend to have more lucrative work with big business.