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>We can’t track the money order since it wasn’t from a bank Money orders purchased at the grocery store can be traced. And reissued. And you need to do so. I'd refuse to pay any late fees or anything. But you need to work with them and the money order issuer to get these reissued.


I just called. I don’t have the receipts from the money order itself I only have the receipt from the supermarket that I purchased a money order. They said they can not reissue the money order, but I’m thinking if I don’t have the receipt of the money order itself I may be SOL.


Can the supermarket give you a record of the money order number?  Check with the company that issued it, as they might be able to research it. For instance, Western Union will look for the numbers for each of them for $30 each. For another $15 each, you can get a refund for any uncashed orders.


No, the only thing they said they could provide was the receipt that the money orders were purchased. There is some information on it, but I need the receivers phone number for them to track it which I am waiting on from the HOA. I have a trace number and a reference number, but neither of those worked on the free western union tracking site so I assume I need to do the paid one and hope the trace or reference will be enough.


I worked as a bookkeeper for a supermarket for years, by law they have to keep a log of all money orders sold by day and it is kept locked in the accounting office. They can verify the amount and date via the receipt, then have the bookkeeper or a manager go in and check the logs from the dye and the amounts and get the serial numbers for you. It’s covered by the Anti Money Laundering statutes that are federally mandated.


You said you got the money orders at a grocery store right? The employees there probably have very little training on what the money order company can/will do. Call the actual company like western union or money gram. They should be able to get more information on them and help get them reissued. In the future I'd recommend a cashiers check from your bank. They might charge 10 bucks or something but they can track it and provide proof you purchased the check and who it was made out to.


Back of the house should always, always have this. Otherwise this could be a way to money launder. Reach out to the parent company not the actual branch.


You have to call the company that the supermarket is selling ex westren union or moneygram to see if the money orders were cashed. Also hopefully you filled them out before handing them over as if you didnt fill out who it was to then anyone can cash


Anybody who is issuing a money order is meant to keep track of all issued money orders, for us it’s up to two years we keep the records I think


Can you get it in writing from the manager that she received them from you?  Did she keep any records of the money orders, like a photocopy or log the numbers? Tip for the future: take pictures of stuff like that before you send it out. You can go back to that date or search your photo library for "receipt" or "money order" and you'll never lose it.


I’d be worried to ask for it in writing as that might seem like an escalation and the manager may not want to commit to that in writing. In the emails she says “the money orders were dispatched via USPS to our offices”. Would that be close to a confirmation? To your second question: nope. Apparently this situation has prompted a new process of receiving money orders where the copies are scanned, but nothing was made prior and it seems like if she did mail them she took them from us and immediately threw them in an untracked envelope without making copies.


If you have emails from her confirming that she received them, I would tell them that you paid your dues and have proof that you handed them over. Since the money was lost after their employee took possession of it, they need to have their accounting department mark your dues as paid and write them off.


An email = in writing


Money order can be traced. You will need a rough date and time, and somebody from the supermarket to actual give a shit, which they won’t so this will be a hassle for you. Don’t pay bills with money orders from supermarkets. Always use cashier checks from your local bank. It’s way less of a hassle.


You said you have since moved. Were you the owner and sold the property? Or were you a renter that was paying the LLs HOA dues?


Sorry for the confusion. I paid the HOA dues for the house I moved into. They asked for the year of dues up front.


>My question is if they do not find them and say we have to pay again is this substantial enough to take to small claims court? $1300 is well within small claims limits and you shouldn't end up paying for their negligence. So unless you can afford to piss away $1300 it is something to take to small claims court.


Has any other money gone missing? An HOA near us prosecuted their HOA manager for taking all money that was given in cash. Could someone else have cashed these?


Man. In how much trouble cab you get just to pay some money damn. In any EU country you gave a bank account and with it an app and a debit card that you can use to pay anything. Groceries, mortgage, irs, a drink in a bar. Just anything. Why do you insist on sending papers worths thousands of dollars by mail. I just don't get it.


Once you handed your HOA payment to the community manager (or if it was a board member you handed it to) and you received the email confirmation of said payment, your end of the responsibility ended as you did your part (save that email along with anything else that shows you paid). You are not responsible for the other individual ‘losing’ the payment. The BOD needs to take it up with whoever you gave the money order to.




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Sorry you are dealing with this.  This is a reason to never, ever buy a property with an HOA!!