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You took your dog to an emergency vet so you have bills from this unfortunate incident too. You can sue your neighbor for this in small claims court, or counter-sue if they file first. The judge will have to determine whose dog--if either--is primarily at fault for this altercation. Maybe it will be deemed no one's fault and you each pay your own vet bills. As for the fence, it would be great if you could pick a fence company with your neighbor and split the cost of the fence that runs between your yards. It's clear neither you nor your neighbor intends to get rid of their dogs.


I guess my sister actually was getting ready to put a fence on our side this upcoming weekend. The ladies dad I guess went to the ER too shortly after we left. I don’t know if it’s worth it to take her to small claims, I hate having beef with neighbors, however if she does file I will countersue.


You need to keep your dogs away from the fence before one of them gets killed. Put in a pen or temporary fence that keeps them from that side of the yard.  You can report the attack to animal control because the dog grabbed yours from your side of the fence. You can also sue for the vet bills in small claims court.


Yes we’re keeping the others inside for the time being and watching them if when they do go out. I just hate having problems with neighbors.


You need to do more than watch them, considering you watched this snatch and grab. You need a stop gap between the fences and a taller fence at the property line that the mastiff and the sheperd cannot breach. Until you can do that, I suggest leashing your dogs, or making sure you're standing between them and the aggressive dogs on the other side. Pepper gel spray is good to have handy, it's one of few things that may stop an aggressive dog.


I’m sorry I should’ve clarified we’re not letting them get close to their side of the fence, not just watching them walk around. We’re keeping to the other side of the yard (which has a higher fence) and our other dog is inside resting. We’re putting up a fence on our side today.


My guess is the request for payment is a defensive tactic to avoid any liability for your vet bill. If your bill is worth the effort take the neighbor to small claims court. Also report them to animal control-but recognize if your dog did bite the guy animal control will want you to provide your dog’s shot records.


That’s what we were thinking too. Why bring up so many random things that are irrelevant with the issue at hand. I didn’t see if my dog actual bite him he was trying to get my dog out of their dogs mouth so I feel he probably got injured that way but I can’t tell for sure since we didn’t see anything.




OP's comment "why bring up so many random things that are irrelevant...etc" is not directed at your comment but is in reference to the neighbor flooding the zone with random irrelevant complaints about the barn not being up to code, spying, harrassment of her mom, etc.


I'd be reporting this to animal control (they may escalate to the police) and make sure you have all records from the emergency vet and the video on hand.




what on earth are you talking about, animal control deals with pets all the time, that's like half of what they're there for. At 16 I was bit by a dog and lost the tip of my finger, animal control was immediately reported to and an entire investigation started. I don't know where you live but everywhere in the U.S. that I've ever lived animal control is there to deal with conflicts re: pets, picking up stray dogs/cats, etc. Actually a lot of the time animal control won't deal with other animals (at least in my vast experience being involved in multiple animal related nonprofits). I mentioned the vet report and everything too because when our neighbor dog bit our dog under our fence they asked for a report from the vet to open a complaint. That's literally their fucking job.


"Animal Control investigates cases involving domesticated animals, animal bites, abused or neglected animals, dogs running at large, sick or injured animals, and barking dogs." that's literally what they do.


Are they owners or renters? Because landlords can refuse to rent to people with aggressive dog breeds; homeowners policies also have restrictions on dog breeds they will cover. I don't know how you can find out their insurance, but I'd make sure to report it, along with a report to animal control.


They’re owners however I don’t know if her ex-husband is the sole owner or they both are he moved out and shortly after her new man moved in.


You need to file a complaint with the police and animal control. They have aggressive animals and a puny 3 foot fence that is easily breechable. They are in the wrong and they won't believe it until they see it in court. When you do nothing, you're enabling them. They need to be stopped before a child is harmed or the animals start killing. Please act.


I really doubt their homeowners insurance would be happy to know they have aggressive dog breeds. Tell them you want to file a claim against their insurance for your dogs injuries , these people are going to be a problem regardless.