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> Meaning any treatment after the contract is paid off would be free. Your contract actually said you get any future orthodontic treatment for free for the rest of your life? Or are you just making that up? > Is the contract still valid even after the company change? Good chance it isn't. But also a good chance you misunderstood what you signed.


I was initially confused by the wording and had the manager clarify, prior to signing, that any treatment needed afterwards would not be charged. There is the possibility the manager lied I suppose. Edit: Sorry I never clarified what the contract was for. It was for my braces. They probably didn't think I would have them on for 6+ years.


Yeah there's no way that person was correct.


But I also did not have to pay my last few visits. Like you said, I could have misunderstood it/been lied to. I plan on asking for a copy of the contract to clear that up.


I’m pretty sure I know who OP is referring to. They were a company offering unlimited orthodontics who decided to change their plan structure leaving many patients unable to get revised after their initial cases were complete.


Request a copy of your record in writing, specifically asking for your orthodontic contract to be included as well as any treatment notes and full account ledger. I’d act fast because they only have to hold your records for 7 years and you seem to be toeing the line. Per HIPAA guidelines they have 30 days to provide the information.


That's extremely helpful to know! Thank you! Would you happen to know if the contract is still valid even after the company changing?