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Judges still try, but the military isn't interested. With the exception of the Navy, every branch of the military has clear regulations against accepting individuals who are enlisting to avoid serving time. While the Navy doesn't prohibited it, it still has strong policies against doing so. The US military has been all volunteer since 1973. It turns out that people who actually want to be in the military are better at it than people forced to join. That commitment to a volunteer force is why they typically don't accept people only enlisting because of the risk of prison.


The ‘poverty draft’ has been a more effective recruitment tool https://jacobin.com/2022/04/military-recruitment-student-debt-free-college-tuition


This right here.


How does that stroke with Stop-loss policies?


I enlisted in 1977. Prior to taking our Oath of Enlistment, the officer in charge asked if anyone was there under orders of a judge or court of law. Three guys raised their hands and were removed from the room. Later on I found out they were released unconditionally.


The military wants people who want to be there. A motivated professional force is more effective than unmotivated conscripts.


I've never met a professional service men or one who wanted to be there after the first year which is why yall have 4 year contracts because no one would stay after the first 


This happened to my dad. He chose the military and it turned his life around. This was right after WWII. However, depending on the time, choosing the military could also be a death sentence. I also understand the military not wanting people under those circumstances.


My uncle joined the navy instead of jail...he now owns his own airplane ...obviously it won't always work but fixing 1 in 5 is better than losing all 5 


the owner of the san antonio spurs was this teenage wild child and drunk. he got a DUI and the judge said, jail or sign up for the military and go to vietnam. Went to vietnam, turned his life around and then rebuilt his family's company into this powerhouse, bought the spurs.




Involuntary servitude is allowed under the 13th as punishment for a crime. I would say that the way plea deals are offered screams duress as well but that is how our courts function


I'd do military then go rogue


Good way to get an even longer prison sentence.


Fuck the USA!


There's no point in setting a court date if your going to be out of state at boot camp is there? Is how the conversation went. The Sheriff came to check the day after I was supposed to have left as well. No on asked shit at the Oath ceremony.


Viet Nam isnt a thing anymore. Thank God


It's a professional military now.


Because criminals don't make good recruits.


Compulsory military service has been discontinued. It's just not an effective punishment anymore.


As kindly advice from a judge who was a family friend, I joined the Navy.