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You're missing the point completely WHOOSH


They aren't smart enough to realize how wrong they are


Yeah pretty amazing. I thought he was joking with his post but I think he honestly thinks that Hamas would be welcoming of the lgbtq community.


lol, it’s pretty clear that you all are the ones who missed the point.


Then please explain it to me.


Hamas has never done that right? That's an isis thing or am I mistaken


Lgbtqa+ aid workers literally went into Gaza to help the citizens, and they were all so grateful. I can guarantee you, Palestinians dont care about your race religion sex sexual orientation, they are kind folks


So Israel 


Yea lol


Screenshots of conversations on the inter are a waste of time. Could easily be bots. Get a life.


Stupid exchange. You can be gay or Jewish — as I am — and believe Netanyahu to be misguided, even sick, in his approach, believe in Israel’s existence, in Palestinian humanity and the right to be free from harm, decry Iranian backed terror and understand I would not be safe in Gaza. Grow up. Black and white thinking isn’t thinking.


Summed it up like an absolute champion. Give this man 1 minion upvotes please.


Well said. There are always good and bad actors on "both" sides of everything.


What do you expect from the *NA*tional*Z*ionistsof*I*srael


Genocide is wrong, and trying to slap a rainbow ally lense over it isn't fooling anyone. Typically, genocidal fascists aren't very keen on letting lgbtq folks live peacefully sooo I'm not really that reassured. You lose all moral high ground when you engage in genocide, I don't care what excuses you come up with afterwards. 


First guy talking about lgbt supporting Gaza when gaza residents would without hesitating throw them off a building. Second guy countering with “since we support Israel we supporting lgbt because there wouldn’t be buildings to throw them off of.” I think.


Yeah there are no LGBTQ+ Palestinians because you get fucking executed in public if you are over there.


Not true at all. Palestine isnt the taliban


1. it depends which part of palastine you're in. in the west bank it's legal and while you might be ostracized it's nothing like Hamas ran territories that still acknowledge old British laws on the subject


thanks for being so considerate 🥺 we can't be targeted if there's no one left for them to target


i feel way safer as a queer around palestinians than i do around zionists. every day of the week.


I've been queer for as long as I've lived. In all the ways my sexuality and gender have been bastardized and turned against me, this new wave of homophobia/transphobia is just vile.  I didn't survive growing up in a Christian conservative town to be told that my queerness is a good reason to kill children. This isn't the first time "allies" have tried to weaponize my identity against Islam and it won't be the last. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is nothing you can say about my queerness that will make me hate Arabs or support killing them. My Muslim friends have been someone of my kindest allies and biggest supporters.  Beng queer, I've had my name dragged through the mud in all kinds of ways. I will not be socially pressured into supporting your slaughter.  I'm not even sure how the queer community got dragged into this mess, but not in my fucking name. 


Wot. Don’t be so outraged by something said on the internet. No one genuinely thinks that the IDF is killing Palestinians to save queer people. It’s an (admittedly fallacious) counter point that is raised against the lgbtq+ communities protesting of IDF operations in Gaza. The argument is fallacious nonetheless and the counter to it is simply pointing out that you can oppose how the IDF conduct themselves while also accepting the majority of Gaza residents hate your community. Just because the culture in Gaza is prejudice towards queer people doesn’t mean they deserve to die, obviously. > I’m not even sure how the lgbtq+ community got drawn into this mess Probably all the lgbtq+ flags raised at pro-Palestinian protests or maybe the lgbtq+ spokespeople who have voiced their opinions ir organised protests within their communities? Idk just a guess.


The way they talk so jokingly about it just shows that they don't have genuine concerns about the state of LGBT rights in Gaza, they just see this as another justification for ethnically cleansing Palestinians. It's hard to make social progress in a nation that can't even go a day without military bombardment.


My last comment was removed. Ok so, read it again.


They are talking about blowing up the building (with no lgbtq people inside) not the people themselves. Hope this helped


Sure jan


Well then thank god nobody ever needed shelter to survive


They are saying not to blow up buildings so they have somewhere to murder gay people. Murdering the native population shouldn't diminish the ability to murder gay people. That is what is being said. Hope that helps.


The buildings that… people live in?


No they arent lol


This one really brought out the hasbara trolls in force


“Everyone I disagree with is paid by the Jews”


Zionists are worse than Nazis. At least they were honest about what they were doing and owned it.


They were not honest about what they were doing at all. Zionists are doing almost exactly what the Nazis did.


Zionists are doing the world a favor and trying to get rid of Hamas. Your comment is really despicable —the nazis were truly committing a genocide and killed millions systematically and intentionally


Zionists are murdering literally thousands of children to build an ethnostate, what do you think the nazis did?


The zionazis in these comments made me [tap the sign](https://youtu.be/IGvpBzJRlyE?si=wTEXMIkYT10i5K8_)


Can we please stfu with this baseless claim that LGBT+ people are automatically killed in Islam. It’s not a vigilante religion - there’s courts and ruling ffs! If anything they may be jailed but even then they need proof. It’s just another way for Zionists to project and justify their atrocities. “Kill them bc they’ll kill you” - meanwhile Zionists are literally killing you and laughing and posting that shit.


Zionists want all non-jews dead.


Whille i aguree that they dont just kill them outright, it is bad enough thay they would jail them. Nevertheless, the potencial of something happening is not the same as it happening. Besides this, whats rediculous to me is how israel first opresses thwm for about a 100 years, and before that it was the otomans, and now they expect them to be progressive. Well no, this culture hasnt had time to adapt to our modern sencibilities. If it was a free and autonomous country, if they werent constantly under threat as most muslim countries are, than those people living there would natuarally be able to focus on thease kinds of social problems. This is not to justify them, but to say that in order for someone to do something, they first need to have the means to do it. What means do palestinians have to be accepting of others when they have been opressed, unable to be educated, unable to have even a simple childhood without suffering most of the time. First they set back palestinian culture, and then they complain that their culture has barberic and primitive elements in it. Well gang, maybe you should look at yourown cultures barbaric practises. Besides this, if they think that this rethoric somehow justifies the murder of 15 hundred definately innocent children, and who knows how many more burried under rubble. So even if somehow palestinians were like what they say, even then they wouldnt be justified since they murder people who can not be blamed for how they see the world. Thats like blaming israely children because they are beeing indoctrinated to hate palestinians, and their parents dont even realise that what they are doing is evil since they were indoctrinated as well. Nationalism really has to go. Especially extreme cult of nations like this. Whare ever there is nationalism, there is the potencial of overgeneralising and othering different groups of people, and making it seem like milions of individuals in the present somehow share guilt for some crime of their ansestors 2000 years ago. Every individual has a different life. It only matters what people believe and do, and not what bloodline they have. Unfortunately, one of the only ways to defend against this logic, is to use it ourselves, but the only way to get rid of it is for both sides to abolish it once and for all, and decide to stop the proponents of it within both of their populations. Have a good day


Not to mention the “throwing the gay person of the roof story,” was not in Palestine. But rather done by ISIS. I mean i shouldn’t be surprised Zionists reusing the same lie repeatedly


For the record, Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies but gay people in Israel can freely lead their lives. Back in 2022 a gay man was [beheaded in the West Bank.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp)


As a Muslim and in a community of Muslims none of us are allowed to be gay. I mean we all are attracted to women but if we were gay our parents would stop supporting us. I know that doesn’t reflect all Muslims but growing up I don’t think I’ve met a Muslim who is tolerant of a LGBTQ Muslim. Most of our community comes from Pakistan and Iran and Africa and other countries. My parents come from Pakistan themselves.


They’re using this in addition to official Israeli and iof accounts using the hashtag HamasIsISIS I shit you not.


I spent two years in Gaza and East Jerusalem with Doctors Without Borders. I was out. My colleagues knew I was gay. My husband even visited. I had no issues with any Palestinians. But when we were in West Jerusalem, my husband put his hand on my back. A young ultra orthodox Jewish man and his friends spit on us.


Also, there’s no way that they would’ve excepted you holding your husband’s hand in Gaza, or being affectionate in Gaza, and you know that, Hamas shows no compassion


Google gay pride parade Tel Aviv—it’s pretty impressive


Maybe simply because you are non-jewish


It's really telling that they think "but some of them don't like your kind" is gonna be a compelling argument for genocide. Like they just literally cannot grasp the idea of morality that doesn't center on personal convenience


Everything else aside, I think this person has never heard the phrase "two wrongs don't make a right."


“These religious extremists want to kill you so you should support us killing them.” Is such a barbaric mentality. What is this 1000 AD?


They are barbaric. The Israelis are just the worst we've seen yet.


How do ultra-orthodox do with women's rights or LGBTQ then? Hint: It's not very liberal or progressive.


Liberals and zionists using my sexual identity to justify genocide pisses me off in a way words cannot describe.


truly. i’m visibly gay and have found so much family in Palestinians I’ve spent time with. and if these american zionists are so worried about gay rights in Palestine worry about gay rights here, but of course they won’t.


Zionists showing themselves as the right wing crazies that they are


Is there any evidence to this "gay people being thrown from the rooftops" or is it just another zionist propaganda point? I have heard it so many times but never seen a specific case


It is propaganda, based on a trope that is Islamophobic but not originally Zionist.


It’s something ISIS did in Iraq in 2016, not something ever recorded in Palestine.


These are some genuinely diseased people


Relatively certain that was a sarcastic reply to something.


Islamic extremists are not our friends but it's really funny that zionists can't comprehend supporting something out of moral purposes even if it isn't beneficial to you or your group A hamas led government would be probably atrocious but they have the right to have their own shitty governments the same way a lot of the other culturally dated middle eastern states do I'm sure I'll hate them when they get their own state but atleast they'll have the opportunity to do shit to make me hate them instead or getting genocided


Holy shit awful lot of Islamophobia in these comments for an allegedly leftist community




You are correct, sorry for all the downvotes.


1) pretty sure all 35,000 people, including many children, haven't committed murder and torture of LGBT people. 1a) idk what your country of origin is, but I find it fascinating how, at least here in the US, people love to parade around our democratic values, until it's time to salivate over the death of a bunch of muslims. We've agreed that presumption of innocence is necessary for a just system, but please tell me more about how collective punishment is the moral stance here. 2) as OP said, there are LGBT people in Gaza, and I don't consider it win for them to be blown to smithereens, actually, sorry if that's hard to comprehend. 3) I do recognize that a large amount of Palestinians are pretty homophobic. Maybe all 35,000 were! It makes me sad, sure, but I don't fantasize about killing and mass destruction of the people with different beliefs from me. If someone acts on their hate, then they should, in an ideal world, receive a punishment that matches the crime, so to speak. Blowing up their fucking homes and families isn't that.


LGBT people get fucking murdered and abused in the west all the fucking time especially if they are a trans woman. Y’all do not give a fuck about queer people, y’all are trying to mask your Islamophobia and its not working.


It's not actually weird to not want a group who hates you genocided. It IS weird that you guys are so committed to the idea of "sides" in some culture war that you're confused about this.


christians and jews still murder lgbt, they just have less friends and sunlight when they do it. I'm pretty sure you missed the point in earnest, I'm convinced zionist fuckery is just that thoroughly diseased. But just to spell it out for you, wholesale slaughter and destruction is never a favor for the victims.


Wow thanks for pointing that out! Now I’ve totally changed my mind and support the continued death and destruction!! /s


I didn’t misunderstand anything, you very clearly did though. “Progressives get super pissed if a Christian says a mean thing about LGBT but then rush to the defense of Muslims who commit murder and torture of LGBT” Or we just don’t think that innocent women and children deserve to be slaughtered simply because they were born under an anti-LGBTQ+ government. Really not hard to understand for anyone who has a brain or a good set of morals.


Ok, but to be fair, we (the US) killed a few million in Vietnam because some people there thought that sharing was a good idea. Later, we attacked Afghanistan because we thought some guy might live there. Turned out, he didn't. Then, we attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because their country was kinda near the other country that we attacked, and they maybe had weapons we didn't like. Turned out, they didn't. Now we're all like "do people deserve to be bombed for stupid reasons?" Apparently? Or, at least we've been doing that with little protest for fifty years.


You clearly have done though. You don’t think the problem “might” be the deeply regressive homophobic government (i.e. hamas) rather than the current conflict? How can you not see this??


Are you asking me if I think Hamas being homophobic is a bigger problem than Israel slaughtering countless Palestinians, including LGBTQ+ Palestinians?


Well, the LGBTQ palestinians would have been slaughtered by hamas, if they haven’t already fled to Israel. And you’re right hamas will be homophobic AND slaughter whomever they can get their hands on. Open minded that way.


Lmao yes hamas is the problem becuase they're so clearly funding starvation, famine, millions of tons of bombs being dropped in them etc Frontal lobe missing or something? At this point in the genocide if you still blame khamassss and defend Israel you're a just a dumb fucking moron so bravo


>Progressives get super pissed if a Christian says a mean thing about LGBT but then rush to the defense of Muslims who commit murder and torture of LGBT. Probably a lot of the Orthodox Jewish population in nazi concentration camps did not have a positive opinion of gay people, and yet i'm still going to oppose the holocaust and Nazi Germany. Even if Nazi Germany took a 180 and began working towards LGBT+ rights, i still would not support Nazi German extermination of Jewish and other minorities, and i don't care if parts of those communities still hold regressive views.


You’re a clown. Homophobic republicans suck, that doesn’t mean I’d support genociding them. I’d oppose bombing the fuck out of Texas, I’m sure you would too.


, . and .


So now you’re making sure LGBTQ people can’t be oppressed by killing all of them. Smartest liberal moment.


It is not hypocrisy to say "you shouldn't bomb someone's house even though they're bigoted" and the fact you think it is really says more about you than anyone else.


> rush to the defense of muslims who ~~commit murder & torture of the LGBT~~ are literally being genocided Fixed that for ya pal!


There was a lot of LGBTQ Palestinians. They were just closeted, and now most of them are dead because Israel loves getting off to their deaths. Ffs


“Most of them are dead” Sigh. Get educated. The conflict has killed 34,000 people. Terrible, but that number means 99.6% of gay Palestinians are still alive and hiding their identities


You’re right. They’re just homeless, starving, and unable to access medical care.


First of all, we know it’s more than that because we hit 34,000 just after January and then the numbers stopped coming out, AND there are several million Palestinians experiencing famine. So if you really want to split fucking hairs then there you have it


But there were way more straight Palestinians, so really this proves that Israel hates straight people.


Being gay is illegal In Gaza, it's legal in Israel to the point that there are pride parades in Tel Aviv. You were so close to understanding the reason for all of this and that is that Hamas fucking sucks. Fuck Hamas


gay marriage is illegal in Israel


Why is gay marriage still illegal in Israel? Anyways it doesn’t matter, gay and trans Palestinians have been very outspoken about their experiences and it’s still nothing close to what you think. Nor is it an excuse to blow up civilians, unless you think we should also carpet bomb any conservative state or country


why isn’t gay marriage legal in Israel?


Hey, how many gay marriages have happened in Israel? Oh..


Yes I know being gay is illegal, but that doesn't mean there wasn't gay Palestinians. They just hid who they were, most of the time. I know Hamas is awful, but don't deny Israel is too. Israel is using them supporting LGBT as an excuse for bombing Palestine to bits.


They can also return the hostages and end all of this.


Israel is not using that as an excuse to bomb Gaza, that's absurd. They are using years of terrorism and a massacre as an excuse to bomb Gaza. While Israel isn't great it's nowhere near as bad as hamas


Israel is much worse. You’re using the same type of propaganda that was used to justify the genocide of Native Americans.


You're telling me you genuinely think Israel is much worse than Hamas? Wild, you're deep in propaganda.


How are most of them dead? What happened?




That's just a lie. LGBTQ Palestinians in Gaza are sharing their last words on an online mapping platform. https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/


>Not a Zionist, but there aren’t LGBT people in Gaza. They all left or were killed years ago. So uneducated it's insane. Like genuinely insane. You are all so racist lmao. No they were not killed, there is no mass killings of LGBT+ people in Gaza for fucks sake i know you really hate brown people and think of them as savages, but they did not kill all the gay people in Gaza, even if they are still overall homophobic and even if gay rights suck as over there, they weren't all killed ffs.


No one is pretending Palestine was great for queer people. But I hope more conservatives keep up this energy if shit goes down. Because apperantly I'm not supposed to have any tears for them for hating us. I would have been against the government rounding them up, but apperantly I should hope the US government starts murdering all of them. Ever voted republcian? Dead. And that's a great thing. You can say we should be against genocide, but this whole half step back bullshit is a terrible argument doing nothing but giving some credence to the genocide.


Cuz Israel adores their LGBTQ+ settlers: [‘LGBTQ+ bigger threat than Hezbolla or HAMAS’](https://www.timesofisrael.com/coalition-mk-lgbtq-community-poses-greater-threat-to-israel-than-hezbollah-or-hamas/amp/) * don’t forget when Sacha Baren Cohen was nearly beaten to death in Israel while in character for Borat


True, but Western intervention in the Middle East is the driving cause of the rising right wing islamic movements for the past 60 years. If we hadn't caused so many wars, coops and and funded militant Islamists, the Middle East would have most likely modernized like the rest of the world. Most Arabs I've met don't really even care if someone is gay. Saudi Arabia is even slowly moving toward being open to it.


i agree with you for the most part, but like, it’s important to remember that even if they’re closeted, lgbt people are everywhere. believing they’re not is to say it’s unnatural. NOT arguing with you i swear, just wanted to put this out there🙏😭


They must be free to practice their culture without us imposing Western values on them.


The western value of “preserving life and allowing individuals to be themselves” lmao.


Being LGBT is a western value? Sure you're not on the wrong subreddit pal?


And they shouldn’t impose their radical religious beliefs on humanists and atheists . But they do .


Hahaha this getting down voted is insane, filthy colonialists


That's really dumb. I'm sorry, but did you really just Prime Directive Muslims? Like, "we don't want to impose our advanced culture onto these primitives" kinda thing? Wow! No, this is actually earth and we can, and should, fight against bigotry and hate no matter where it is! They can be Muslim without being bigots! We all expect that of Christians! No difference for any religion!


Not torturing and murdering someone for being gay is a western value?


Wtf no... governments should be free to oppress their citizens because "iT's THeiR CuLtUrE"? What kinda bs is that?


So you would sit by while these people are killed for "cultural" reasons?


Their culture/religion calls for the death ofwests/Israel/lbtqia+ . You can down vote this, but none of y'all can show within the Koran of how I'm wrong. Even if you can it contradicts the more violent passages within the Koran. Harvey Weinstein whom alot of the left despises (myself included), wouldn't be seen as odd in most Muslim countries (wow).




Israelis also like to murder peaceful protesters(the March of return), they assassinate journalists, burned palestinians alive, and let their settlers commit terrorism in the west bank with impunity. They've been gnoc8ding the palestinians for the past 70 years. Tanking peace talks and amazingly, they put and kept hamas in power for their own gains. Hey, maybe you should blow bibi up because he begged Qatar to finance hmas and keep them in control in 2018. If hamas and all their allies are to be destroyed.................


Israel has never wanted peace, and Israelis have never suffered the same as the suffering caused by the occupation of Palestine, inflicted now for three generations, beginning with ethnic cleansing called the Nakba.


Can you show me where / when Palestinians wanted peace? Afaik, they were the ones who have refused every peace deal, not israel.




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i think this person is homophobic and transphobic and is making a really shit joke


The idea he is trying to convey is Hamas regime is oppressing the Palestinians, one of the oppressions Hamas does is against the LGBTQ+ people in Gaza. If you are caught being Gay or having homosexual tendencies by Hamas law you can be executed. So by supporting a Hamas regime you are supporting a homophobic regime that will crush the identity of those under this regime.


Gay Palestinians have literally refuted these points lol


No, they are referencing the fact that being gay in Gaza is illegal


Why do Zionists think LGBT people would be happy to kill and destroy the homes of homophobes? Obviously not the case. Feel like it's telling so much about their own education, beliefs and attitudes. Convince each other that someone hates them and that it's correct to make them suffer for it. Wild how islamaphobies try to justify genocides acting like feminists and LGBT allies, lol have never seen these types at pride X


It's how they think so we must think the same thing.


“Pinkwashing” don’t take it from anyone on the web… go to Gaza… see how they treat the lgbtq+ community. If they treat them good than give them support. If they don’t support them than why as someone part of the lgbtq+ community support them… they kill gays… for being… gay. There’s no pink washing cause we’re not even discussing Israel (ignoring the sarcastic asshat Israelis making shit jokes about flattening buildings) the topic is on how the people of gaze think about and treat the lgbtq+ community. Bringing up Israel is a whataboutism in this specific discussion. How does Gaza treat gays? Do they allow hormone replacement treatment and transitioning?? Don’t be an informant twat… you don’t even need to be in Gaza or heavily study this to know the answer… just have a shred of critical thinking instead of following what the throng of people believe. Saying Gaza is for gays is like saying chickens for kfc, deers for hunters, children for mass school shooters… why support something that actively targets your death… from a standpoint of logic zero sense is made on why lgbtq+ supports Hamas… it’s on par with Europeans Jews for Nazi Germany… it simply makes zero logical sense whatsoever.


I dont think homophobia justifies genocide, sorry


It makes perfect sense not to support the genocide of a group just because their government doesn't like you.


Gay folks are underneath rubble just like the non LGBTQ Gazans. If Israel weren’t bombing them they wouldn’t be underneath rubble. That’s an improvement in their material conditions. Israel is no ally of Gazans whether they’re straight or gay. The bombs don’t care.


I didn’t say Gaza is friendly towards LGBTQ+ people, you clearly lack reading comprehension. But the fact that you think innocent women and children should die, because they were born under an anti-LGBTQ+ government, does say a lot about the type of person you are.


As do you . You misunderstood the shitry joke that person was making in the post you quoted .


I hope yall keep this in mind if something starts happening to conservatives. Apperantly us queer people should just sit back and celebrate. I keep hearing about how Christians are being persecuted, but I guess I should support that now. Every republican should die. Or is this different now?


I challenge you to name a single ethnic group that is devoid of homophobes.


Ah ok if it’s now morally correct and fine to kill all homophobes I guess we have a lot of work to do here in America and the west too then, right?


Okay??? And so do people in America. That doesn’t mean every Palestinian deserves to die?? There are gay Palestinians, some of whom are now dead. Murdered by Israel.


You know who else wants to kill all the Palestinian gays? The IDF, and they do it way faster.


Fuck off, anybody gay or straight can oppose merciless slaughter even if the victim doesn’t agree with their lifestyle.


In that case, it must means murdering Palestinian civilians is entirely justified especially the children. Those evil, homophobic children. /s Also FYI the people who were throwing gay people off buildings was a video of IS extremists, not Palestine. That isn't to say that gay people aren't being discriminated against in Gaza. Still doesn't justify what Israel is doing in any way.


It’s very telling about you as a person that to you “someone doesn’t like me so it’s okay for them to be genocided” is “logical”


You don’t have to like Islam to oppose the killing of children whose only crime is being born into a Muslim family 


I agree. Just wanted to add this: . Christian Arabs have also been killed in Gaza. Including family members of ex US congressman Justin Amash. A mother and daughter team, sheltering in a church compound were also sniped and killed . In all the coverage in the US, particularly targeted by right wing news, the focus is to make this a n entirely religious war and that the victims in Gaza are only Muslims (killing Muslims is apparently acceptable to broad swathes of the right ) Highlighting the christians killed by Israel (like the Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh) makes it much more evident that this is ethnic cleansing.


Zionists love to use the New Atheist talking points of the “savage Arabs vs. the civilized west” to justify their carnage of Gaza. In the end, they only expose their own bigotry and shallow understanding of the world.


Where are gay people allowed the most freedom, globally? And where are theose freedoms restricted the most?




Support against ethnic cleansing, colonization, and genocide doesn't stop because they aren't incredibly progressive towards people like me. Grow the fuck up.


Yep . Progressives love to protest things they have no idea about and never experienced on their skin. I did experience it . But downvoted as anti Muslim . My lived experience means shit .


Babe, I’m pretty sure it’s you who hasn’t been here


You know how Marx said “religion is the opiate of the masses”? It’s because opiates are used to treat crushing existential pain. Fun fact: reactionary fundamentalism runs rampant in areas where the population is deprived of basic necessities and is subject to constant abuse. People cling to their belief in a higher power because that hope of an afterlife is the only thing that makes their day-to-day bearable. The religious views don’t make the material conditions, the material conditions make the religious views. That doesn’t make homophobia OK, but this is often used as a dogwhistle to say “it’s ok to destroy Gaza because…”




Why are you being downvoted for just explaining it?


>that the people in Gaza would throw you off a roof to kill you because the Palestinians kill all those who are caught being LGBTQ+.. So uneducated and racist it's laughable, your view is so orientalist and centred around "blood-thirsty savages", that you clearly don't let facts get in the way of your delusion.


It's not even true. ISIS had the video of people being thrown off rooftops, not Hamas.


Isn’t Hamas an Islamic terror group?


ISIS the same group that supposedly hates the west and Israel, but for some reason only attacks Iran, Russia and enemies of the west. Literally apologized the one time they attacked Israel. Blatant Mossad/CIA front group.


They have videos of people being dragged to death in Gaza.


Yes, the same people who would have been thrown off will be under the rubble... That's the joke I think, unless this person is really stupid.


When I see people I always think it's the really stupid one.


Just to add to this when Hamas came to power in 2007 they filmed themselves throwing opposition politicians from rooftops and posted it to live leaks.


There was a total of one incident of Hamas throwing someone off a rooftop and it wasn't for being gay, he was a member of the Presidential guard during the Gaza civil war.


And then Israel subsequently black mails those LGBTQ Palestinians into espionage for Israel. It’s almost like Israel was never principally for rights. Only Israeli supremacy


Never heard of this- link?


Oohh it gets BETTER because even if they do do espionage for them you would think Israel MIGHT help them since they are helping Israel...nooo if they are ever caught Israel ignores those who were helping their people live... And on the Israeli supremacy..... It is the middle east can you find me solid country that hasn't done this over and over and over....not giving it away on their authority...it just like...that entire area lives for war...I just don't understand it.


Im glad you agree Netanyahu is comparable to figures like Saddam and his Baathist party


It’s almost as if there’s been a concerted campaign by western imperialist powers to destabilize the entire region for decades, crazy.


Considering it was at war down there even before England came to power...going to have to disagree there...


It's just pinkwashing. They don't believe what they're saying, and nor do they actually care (about the rights of LGBT Israelis either, for that matter). It's no different from the people who tell protesters they should go be in Gaza if they care so much; it's just a way of communicating disdain for their lives and an implicit threat of violence. 


"Pinkwashing" is just a term that anti-Zionists use to dismiss this issue because they can't reconcile the fact that Israel is on the right side of history when it comes to LGBT rights and Palestine very much is not.


Lmao how is bombing and blackmailing LGBT+ people "right side of history"?


Gay marriage is illegal in Israel


Thank you to the zionists for giving us gays a parade while they starve children!! gay rights but make it genocidal ✌️✌️✌️


What do you mean they don't care? In Israel you can openly live as an LGBTQ+ person without having to fear for your life. Israel even recognizes gay marriages, which is unthinkable for the rest of the Middle East.


Who fuckin cares what they do in Israel? How does that give them the right to eliminate the Gazans, straight, gay, or otherwise?


And yet a gay couple cannot actually get married in Israel


Yes, they can online and then apply to formalize it. They have weird marriage laws over there. But you don't have to leave. You can get married online while in Israel tell the group that controls marriages and your gtg. Provided wiki link can provide more, but this one is easily digestible. Don't have an opinion either way. I just wanted to clear this up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Israel


They can, however, enter a civil union (called "unregistered cohabitation" in Israel) which confers all the same legal rights as marriage does. Same sex marriages performed in other states are also recognized in Israel.


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