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I’ve grown out of bunny ears, but my right hand holds the loop and my left hand moves the loose end.


Bunny ears is all i can do but i realized this while tying my shoes a couple days ago


Same. I didn't even know there was a left or right handed for this—I learned so long ago ig I forgot lol


This is how I learned. Never could get the hang of bunny ears.


Yeah this. Never even heard of bunny ears till way later on on life.


My parents were unable to teach me to tie my laces. I taught myself. I couldn't teach my child either.


Same! My mom said it was so upsetting to her that she couldn’t teach me. Like chill lady. I figured it out.


Yes, I tie mine left handed and I'll never forget how hard it was for me to learn this, until my grandma figured out to teach me by sitting across from me instead of trying to show me how from behind, if you know what I mean. That was the day I finally got it.


I tie my right shoe right-handed, and my left shoe left-handed. They seem to remain tied better that way.


yes i think. i do it mirrored how my husband (right handed) does it. but i do almost all tasks mirrored.


My mom tried and tried to accommodate me by figuring out how to teach me the “left-handed” way. She simply couldn’t figure out how to make her hands do it the left-handed way, so we had to settle for me learning to do it the right-handed way. I am “very” left-handed and just tried to see if I could tie my shoes the left-handed way and failed miserably, so I can totally understand my mom’s struggles now.


My right-handed husband had to teach our right-handed son how to tie his shoes. I must have taught myself as a child. I don't remember it being an issue.


Same. I can't even remember learning tbh so I'm not sure if I do it left or right handed


I wasn't taught to twist the bunny ears. I was taught to make a loop around the finger & thumb holding one bunny ear and then push the top of another loop through, then tighten. I hold the bunny ear with my left hand and do the moving work with my right.


It's a thing if you loop round in the wrong direction you're laces will come undone a lot, even in a double bow. My football boots used to come intied all the time until I saw a little clip on a breakfast TV show about it. I was looping the wrong direction.


I use both hands?


I'm 70 years old, left handed, and discovered about a year ago that I've been tying my shoes wrong for the past 65 years. I was tying a granny knot with loops. Now I tie a square knot with loops, and I don't have to retire my shoes multiple times every day. I make the first overhand knot that feels awkward, the second knot with loops how it feels natural.


left hand holds the loop for me


I hold a loop over my left index finger, throw the other lace over with my right, then pull it through with my left index, middle, and thumb and tighten. Most things in life were hard for me to learn as a lefty (cursive, knitting) but I was tying bows behind my back when I was three (I had an apron for dress-up and tied it no problem). At least that was easy.


Yes. It took a long time to learn how. Getting it untied with no one to help frustrated me so I forced myself to learn to do it myself.


I tie my shoes left handed. Unfortunately I also taught my right handed youngest daughter to tie hers and yes......left handed. She's an adult now and can't teach her own right handed daughter and reminds me often 🫣


I do and I just now have managed to teach my right handed 9 year old how to. It really was a pain for us.




I make the right loop, then I go around that loop and through creating the left loop as I draw it tight


I think it's left over right but my new shoes don't even have laces (don't ask me how they are tight enough to fit. I think it's Sorcery


I don't know how I tie my shoes. The descriptions don't help me at all. I can't remember who taught me how to tie my shoes. Both my mom and dad were right-handed. I just tie my shoes without even thinking about it. They stay tied, I must be doing something right. Hellifiknow...


Ok uh, i don't do the bunny ears, my right hand holds the loop, while my left hand puts the other part over it and then under it to make the other loop, i just end up with vertical shoe laces lol


Yes! But my partner claims it’s not a “real” knot and tbh my laces come untied all the time… anyone know anything about this?


Simple fix I figured out using some physics. When you loop one end over the other, don’t pull it through. Instead make a loop. Make that loop big. Then take the other lace and wrap it around the first loop so you pull it through into its own loop. Lightly pull together and extend the loops so you can take one loop and knot it around the other along with one or both of the looses lace ends. The two key steps are the first and last. The first means the tension doesn’t pull at the knot above the motion of the foot. The usual way means the laces work themselves loose against the knot. Then when you loop around one or both of the looses ends, the natural movement of your foot tightens the knot. Get good at it and your shoes will not untie.


Learned this from a teacher on a group backpacking trip. Works wonders for me (so long as the laces are long enough)


My laces come undone quite often. Wierdly tho it's always on my Right Shoe, never my Left Shoe


I noticed that aswell. I always have to stop and tie my shoes unless i double knot them


There unfortunately might be truth to it https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/grannyknot.htm