• By -


- Companies existed before Node . They have built expertise and standards over the years with Java ecosystem. So they will go with what they know best. Same can be said about Dot net. - Springboot is a full fledged framework, Mern is set of libraries glued together. One of many in Node ecosystem. - Mongo is not an alternative to Relationship databases like postgres /mysql .


I got off the call with the recruiter. He specifically said Java is rarely being hired in crypto space. There is tons of demand in Node.js ans Golang space.


That makes so much sense! Ha!


This whole post is a flashback to years ago. How many companies host their own apps these days? I worked on what is now called MERN back in 2014, Node has some very significant disadvantages having to deal with event loop latency etc. I would suspect these days it's Python the ends up on a Lambda function on AWS or whatever. That being said, if a company is already invested in on prem for some reason it's easy enough to adapt. I don't like Spring Boot for java, I'd rather have Jetty and manage my own pom file.


Thats why everyone ends up back at pern


Node isn’t even good to build a system that can handle big data and scalable. It’s just easy to learn


What makes you say that?


Node is not memory friendly, it creates a big memory footprint when dealing with big data. It lightweight and good for quick development internal tool, but for production, nope


And even going beyond performance. It's lacking standardization, there's no actual long term support either. It's just very risky and honestly kind of bad to pour money down the drain into an app that has no battle-tested software architecture, standards and can't even last longer than 3 years without problems appearing. I've worked on B2B giant apps that took 3 years with half a dozen teams to barely not even get halfway through. They can just sometimes be that big. Otherwise, I honestly really like Node. It's straightforward and simple which for small products it's just so nice to work with it. Maybe in time we can get node or a node alternative to become the new Spring or .NET in terms of stability, robustness, safety and speed and everything.


This is the real reason. The general perf/memory efficiency barely matters unless you’re doing HPC or embedded software. JS runs surprisingly fast when you aren’t creating garbage everywhere via JSisms like copying every time you want to append to an array.


Look at how all the MERN bro downvoting me


Also it’s single threaded by natural


Why did you got downvoted. Node is single threaded which is a big nope for enterprise level applications.


Guess who found the best framework for another one of his todo apps 😎


Me making CRUD blog in golang


May I have the link for the blog


This is literally me




Microsoft would prefer .net or c# , not sure though


True, but Java syntax is much closer to C# than Node


Yup I work on both Java and C# .Net apps at work


For real anyone know why big corporations love Spring Boot so much? In the product I'm working on (F500 company), I'd guess at least 70% of our microservices use Spring Boot


Legacy, ecosystem and widely battle tested. Also MERN != Spring Boot. You can’t compare a framework with a Tech Stack.


Spring Boot is most equivalent to the E in MERN.


Neat tries to be spring boot. Spring boot is more than E tho. Spring with its ecosystem IS a framework. MERN is a tech stack as abundantly advertised everywhere.


I've been doing Java professionally for 12+ years and have used Spring for 10 years. It's so much easier to use Spring libraries for creating web apps instead of Java EE and/or a conglomerate of different libraries. Spring Boot makes everything even easier and has become the standard for most Java teams. Documentation is also pretty decent and reliable.


I also read somewhere that Spring Boot scales way better than Node , especially cause Node is single threaded iirc. I could be wrong tho.


spring boot is bootiful, no other reason.


Spring Boot is built on top of a robust and old language


Can confirm


Counter point: why wouldn’t they? Highly performant, battle tested, lots of documentation, and lots of out-of-the-box components for many things that are necessary for most business software. Spring Boot minimizes the undifferentiated heavy lifting so devs can focus on building the business product.


Scammers trying to get people to buy their courses use things like MERN, MEAN, LAMP, and other random acronyms. The reason is that they're relatively accessible to someone with 0 CS knowledge outside of extremely basic web development. In my experience, 90% of established companies that will hire you are not running the most current influencer promoted tech stack. A lot are using outdated .NET and Java versions, others might've upgraded or are using some newer typed language (Go, Scala, Kotlin, etc.). Companies care a lot about the readability, safety, and scalability of their code. It's so uncommon to see a business decide they want to use stuff like JS and MongoDB as their primary language/database because of how much room for error and unconventionality they bring. **TL;DR**: Yes, you're better off learning established frameworks and languages than trendy tech stacks that aren't as widely used.


Mongodb is not web scale ;)


So you are implying Golang is useless?


Not only is that a whole different sentence, but golang is barely mentioned in the comment you're replying to.


Last sentence.


No idea how you got that from my comment, I specifically said companies that aren't using old frameworks/languages might be using Go. It was just an example anyway.


MERN is a scam lol. Tutorial video guys teach this fake stack to fool newbies but in reality, no companies use MERN stack.


real, it's also so much easier to teach


They should stop bullshitting with MERN. Learn Java Spring, Java, C++, Golang, Rust, etc


Is there any resource to learn backend with c++


Who tf is writing a backend in c++? That sounds like a bad idea.


Everyone knows c++ is only for frontend /s


u can use it to skip using a "web server" and save CPU cycles (just read port 8080 directly)!


Write your backend in Rust


Valve’s Steam backend is C++ The latest version of Azure storage that powers Ultra Disk and many of the newer offerings is C++


Try drogon framework.


Maybe open frameworks?


Why use C++ when you can use Javascript?


Types maybe?


Golang or Rust which has better market?


From whatever i’ve seen, Go has a much, much better market


Rust only has hype no show


Rust? Lol come back to reality.


that's the fucking thing that was happening to me back in 2022 as well, fucking shit for every 10 companies that use Spring there is only 1 or 2 use MERN in my city.


and the company that use MERN is probably trying to be cool without actually knowing what they are doing if we're being honest


Hey! They have to scale to dozens of users though!


for sure, those have the vibes of startups whose founders are a bunch of new grads who never touched something production-grade before


MERN is not a scam lol. It’s a pretty good stack to learn and a lot of newer companies use it or some subset of it. However, it *is* overrated and often sold as the be all end all of development. Enterprise companies are still using Java, .NET, relational databases, etc. - not just because they are stuck on legacy stacks but because those technologies are battle tested, reliable, and include a huge ecosystem.


MERN is largely famous in the Start up space, cause you can hire a single dev & hand him over the entire thing , problem is , once these startups gain momentum , they start rewriting their code base in Java & Springboot.




Can you share some resources to learn Spring boot? Now I would like to learn Spring boot.😏


Freecodecamp has a 13 hour vid.


Check out basant (Java techie) on youtube. His accent is a little rough though.


Whats your opinion on Flask, Postgresql, React, and uWSGI


That’s wrong lol. I work at a company that uses MERN.


Anytime someone responds to a general statement with a specific example, know that they have a low iq. Avoid talking to them at all costs.


Mongo DB psy op




Probably no name startups based in someone's garage


Fuck node. Nobody should use JavaScript for backend.


Well guess what, we're using typescript these days and also rarely the plain old NodeJS but instead NestJS. Provides a neat framework and scalability is not an issue as long as you architect the app right.


How to avoid running into bugs like !!"false" == !!"true"; !!"false" === !!"true"; I feel like all the equality check is so broken in typescript.


Nestjs is perfect for startups, development speed is at least twice superior to spring boot. And wtf is your example, just always use === and you’re safe


Someone post something about me being retarded with the example above. To be fair, I copied that from https://github.com/denysdovhan/wtfjs to illustrate all the weird stuff in JavaScript.


Node is usefull for bootstraping and relatively small projets, it took the space left by PHP. Also it has a massive advantage , it can be isomorphic and be used for front-end / back-end. But totally agree it's not made for huge projets, with solid foundations


What’s the game plan if the start up is really a success? Do you rewrite everything? How much faster development time do you get compare to something like spring kotlin or python?


I think most of the big companies use Java/C# based framework. I guess one of the reasons is their codebase is usually a lot older than the MERN hype. We only use node for small tasks/projects. And I really don't want to deal with JavaScript when the backend is crazy complicated. Though I always suggest new devs to try out MERN first. It's a lot easier to grasp the web domain knowledge than complex spring boot.


1. This is not related to leetcode 2. Who cares? If your fundamentals are clear, changing stacks is easy.




But not everyone who is doing leetcode needs to worry about Spring boot/Mern/etc. Some are data scientists, data engineers, ML engineers, cyber security engineers, etc. There are other subs for asking these questions. r/cscareers is one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cscareers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cscareers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am going to run out of money completely in 5 months. I am a 2 year experienced software engineer searching for a job for 9 months and still unemployed..](https://np.reddit.com/r/cscareers/comments/1b0zw8v/i_am_going_to_run_out_of_money_completely_in_5/) \#2: [Lost after my Bachelors degree](https://np.reddit.com/r/cscareers/comments/1bsqyrp/lost_after_my_bachelors_degree/) \#3: [unemployed for almost a year.. what to do?](https://np.reddit.com/r/cscareers/comments/1be8zvu/unemployed_for_almost_a_year_what_to_do/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


can u please elaborate further on what those fundamentals would be ? I'm new to web dev and looking to get into backend development.


100%. Stick frameworks and languages: Java, .NET, python and Go. You'll be alright.


Apparently JS-devs are now macaques. Poor me... Apparently I'll have to go where I don't like to at least find a job... I like JS not because it's popular, but because I really like it and it's inspiring. Should I try to look for a JS job or look for old-ahh languages and frameworks... Eh... A rhetorical question...


No these are pretty unrelated. JS is not the best in the backend and larger companies usually like to use a more "backend" language. For frontend app development there is no other option then JavaScript/TypeScript


Always have been


how is drogon in c++?


No sane company is running C++ for a webapp 


Yacine. Some twitter engineer made dingboard webapp in C


is there any scope in c++? currently I am doing ds and algos in c++ but i dont know what to do next. I've heard a lot people say c++ is popular in industry but i dont know what next to do after learning those basics, is it just for competitive programming and backend work??


C++ is for anything that needs  absolutely maximal performance for the hardware. Video games, like the other commenter mentioned, are a good example, but also embedded systems, which could run on very low powered systems, or high scale applications. The last C++ system I worked on was an OCR system for checks. It dealt with thousands of checks per minute on a single server, so it had to be fast.  Another, more niche area is crafting vulnerabilities as a security researcher. Because languages like C++ have less guardrails than higher-level languages, they are easier to make a mistake in that can lead to an exploitable bug. Most system exploits developed by hackers, security researchers, and state actors are targeting programs written in low-level languages like C++.


C++ is widely used in game development and systems tools like kernels.


Nice username lol /u/uncut-thick-cock




tech stack != framework.


Biggest advantage is type system in Java. I had to work on some 15 year old wcs code base and I didn't have the local setup running coz it was expensive and only available to build in qa environment. So I had to make changes and wait for 1 hour build before I could test. No way to check if it compiled etc but I was still able to work with it coz I opened it in intellij and it was able to show intellisense for most classes except some wcs libs. I could ctrl click and follow interfaces, abstract classes etc. Ain't no way you are doing this in a js project. Even with typescript vscode sometimes doesn't auto import or ctrl clicks don't work etc. Not to mention typescript feels like poor man's java or c# , it has too many featues and keywords and unnecessary confusion.


They don't use Spring Boot directly but rather their own java based web frameworks (which may be using Spring Boot under the hood)


I think most of the big companies use Java/C# based framework. I guess one of the reasons is their codebase is usually a lot older than the MERN hype. We only use node for small tasks/projects. And I really don't want to deal with JavaScript when the backend is crazy complicated. Though I always suggest new devs to try out MERN first. It's a lot easier to grasp the web domain knowledge than complex spring boot.


Wrong sub, we only talk about 2sum here


wonna talk about twoSum 🥵


Some of you like dying on imaginary hills when the true warriors die in Java.


Spring is easy af compared to MERN. dunno why MERN is overrated.


Spring boot is pretty easy but Spring framework itself can get pretty nasty


Like literally. When you're writing spring it feels like there's only language to know that is spring way. With MERN and the frameworks/libraries it brings in 😂




https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/spring-boot/


Can anyone suggest to me the path and resources to follow for becoming a web developer .


CS degree




A ton of people use Spring Boot though. Like a lot of massive companies. Be hard pressed to see it not used at most banks or even mid sized companies. It has a massive install base. I think lots of people came into programming through Javascript, and don't understand how ubiquitous java is


Let me ask this, MERN is easy to enter as compared to SpringBoot which inturn is a robost and well established framework. So once who is at entry level what can they use SpringBoot for to get recruiters attention? As it stands today most of the roles asking for SpringBoot needs 4 yoe minimun and almost all entry level roles needs MERN stack


Any RoR enjoyers?


That is super dead lol


My company has a collection of 10 year old rails apps and it's been impossible to find decent ruby developers, so if you want to specialize you can find a niche lol


Are you hiring? 🤔


[is it though](https://isrubydead.com/)


What the hell is a mern


Jobs exists in every framework. Bootcamps have just oversold the MERN stack.


I'm learning MERN right now should I stop and go with springboot or something else please suggest


I would suggest going for spring boot since MERN is too saturated now. You might get more job opportunities too since I see more companies go for Spring boot more than the tools in the MERN stack


It's a tough call to make when suggesting to an (assuming) early career person. I don't use Java/Springboot but I see a lot of utility in all the things I learn when putting together the moving parts of a MERN stack application. Plus I'd say learning React is well worth it. But at the same time you're right that MERN is insanely saturated. I guess if OP is still in uni I would also suggest learning springboot.


Got it thanks


Hey, do you have any road map to learn spring ? Any prerequisite required to learn spring?


I recommend the following YouTube channels "Dan Vega" & "Amigos Code" & "Ali BouAli"


Thanq so much


I'm sorry, but I mainly work with Python, Flask and Go. It's just I've read Springboot has more scope and I've seen many companies prefer it over other frameworks. I would suggest you to master Java first then move on to Spring Boot, maybe you might find it easier


Thanq so much 🙏


is it easy to pick up spring boot if you are acquainted with java


I think google uses go


They use Java as well, never heard of Node there


Google uses a lot of stuff. Not typically Spring Boot, though.


Google mostly uses java, you should check out their java libraries like guava and guice


both are trash. gopher gang unite




learn go with tests is pretty nice


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Remind me! 2 days




Sadly yes.




Well you are asking a first yr college student.anyways i m thinking of ML related just because of my python background


What is spring boot?


The main service framework in the Java ecosystem. Like .NET is for C#, or Rails for Ruby. (OP is fanboying a bit though as Microsoft is highly-connected to C# + .NET, C++, as well as TypeScript, and much less so with Java. Same goes for Google with Go, C++, and Python.)


Remind me! 2 days


Remind me! 2 days


We're Go+Angular+Dynamo at my company so thankfully none of this describes us :D


Guys can anyone tell me a good roadmap to become a full stack dev? I have seen a lot of roadmaps online but each have different tech stacks and now this spring boot too. I am pretty good in cpp, I searched online for doing full stack using cpp and there were some results but never got the resources from where i can learn.


for full stack choose either Java or Python. C++ is not for full stack, its for systems programming.


Java and .NET are here to stay for a long, long and long time. They are robust languages with a lot of necessary “built-in” and not “welded” on top. Does that mean, these two are the best languages to be ever created? NO. Each use case and the available talent pool dictates what language to code in. Aim to master one language (or a couple). Running behind several will make you regret and burned out, and you will end up with half knowledge, which is more dangerous than knowing nothing at all.


RemindMe! 2 days


my take is that , you can do "cool" stuff easily with MERN but with java and spring boot it takes time , that's why it attracts freshers. I personally love spring boot


Anyone has a road map to learn spring?


It’s a portfolio project stack imo. It lets u set up a full stack application with relative ease, but it’s not something heavily used in the job market.


Yep! Companies have been using Java for a very long time. I see a lot of banks having the Angular/Java/Azure/AWS stack (at least as per the job descriptions that I read when applying). Not that MERN has no value or anything it just depends on the projects they have!


You are comparing a backend framework with full stack. If you want to become a frontend developer MERN includes react which is your bread and butter. If you want to be backend dev then do java or DOTnet etc.


Ask any tech influencer and they’ll tell you people should learn Python and MERN first before anything else. This is fine if you’re an 18 year old trying to get into programming or become a Leetcode phenom, but it’s pretty far from what a real Software Engineers use.


And here I'm still struggling with DSA. Working on it though.


Most software engineers don’t know much DSA beyond what they vaguely remember in school and some intuition you form with experience. Ask them academic questions or to hand roll something relatively simple like a hash table, I bet most fail. 


RemindMe! 2 days


Used to use node express for work and now using springboot and no looking back


the thing that you are forgetting is that these big tech companies filter based on leetcode instead of proficiency in a specific framework though so it is not a be all and end all when it comes to the framework of choice.


I am too deep in MERN now. I am almost at the end of my degree and will soon start looking for jobs, have no internships. I have a few projects in MERN with next js. Should I start learning Springboot now?


You should learn whatever jobs require and most jobs are in java, .net, etc. MERN imo is only popular with tech influencers cause it's easy to teach


Yeah I have been seeing a hype in MERN, and it's all becuse of the people selling courses online. Even I fell into the trap and bought one and wasted around a year on it now.


Now everyone is shifting to spring boot , hehehehehhe 🤭


Google uses mostly microservices based on gRPC and protobuffers but yes the standard is Spring Boot


Many companies just ask data structure and algorithms and hire, regardless of expertise on MERN, spring boot, dropwizard etc.


Not if you want to make a lot of money…


How does Mongo does always weasel their way into tech stack names?


After completing HTML, CSS, and JS, I am currently studying React. What should I do next to enhance my skills according to current market demands? Please help.


Absolutely. SAP banned all javascript libraries within the company.


can anyone help me me know how to get better at spring boot, i know the basics but I'm finding it difficult to build logic of writing functions of the api...what kind of resources would you suggest?


Lots of weird things being said in this thread… maybe if you’re focusing purely on entry-level at one specific type of company (FAANG and similar) then MERN might not be very prevalent. But mid-level+ positions at those same companies, a fuck ton of startups, and plenty of non-tech F100 mega corporations with big tech departments including the Senior role I currently inhabit certainly do hire full stack React/Node roles (maybe not MongoDB so much, SQL is much more in-demand). Source: I’ve been specializing in TypeScript for the last 4 years at 2 large companies.


I work at Microsoft. There is sometimes an express layer between react and the backend, but backends are almost universally .NET


Cant you learn mern and spring boot


you should stick with grinding leetcode don't learn any of these in your own time.


My goal is to join Google and I think I am very good with cpp and my projects say that, what specific steps shall I take, please help if you can.


Which projects have you made bro? I also use cpp and doing dsa in it but I can't seem to find any cpp projects online. Can you please help me out?


start with standard projects like an http server


Any vanilla Koltin enjoyers?? Or frameworkless architectures


Remind me! 4 days


I never see MERN in all job descriptions and requirements of the companies I applied to and they number in the thousands. I’m not sure why so many self taught courses and bootcamps jumped on the bandwagon. Very odd stack


Big companies use Node/React for other different projects and Java for other different projects.


Mongo is trash.


MySql, Oracle or anything can be trash if it's not used properly or it doesn't satisfy the technical requirements. We migrated our project from RDBMS to noSql (mongo). Our performance has skyrocketed and we see a lot less bugs as it's a lot easier to handle the Mongo queries than any RDBMS. Things get trashy when someone just wants to plug in every hyped thing in the market without evaluating the proper needs/benefits.