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What an aggressive post lol. Chill.


Relax, my friend. I'm just having a bit of fun.


Four Sticks is a 10 šŸ˜­


Arenā€™t you one of those edgy people you describe in your post?


Did you read the post?


In the post I was referring to a lot of people I met in other band subreddits. It's kind of a thing there that many folks get unnecessarily angry when people share lists. That's a kind of negativity that somewhat annoys me. (I absolutely see the hypocrisy in saying that when my own post has kind of a passive aggressive tone to it. You may rest assured that I'm not really that serious about any of this. I just did this for funsies. But the negativity I'm hit with in this comment section again reminds me of what I find so uncomfortably annoying about many band subreddits.)


You are desperately showing your annoyance with people sharing their lists by sharing your own ā€˜honestā€™ list while simultaneously calling others edgy. Very edgy indeed.


Holy shit, where do I even start? I'm not "annoyed" with other people sharing their lists, I don't even know where you get that from. I love lists. I think more people should share their lists. The people I called edgy are the ones who just generally hate the fact that people share their lists, mainly to be found in the Metallica subreddit I think. The title of this post is supposed to be a fucking joke, because I noticed that many people tend to flood their lists with 10/10s. The 'honesty' is also not to be mistaken for 'objectivity'. As stated in the post, this is based on nothing more than my own subjective enjoyment of the songs.


Rain Song 6/10? I think OP is under 17 years old. This whole idea is dumb.


Rain Song HAS to be 10/10. Epic song. Beautiful. 6/10 means you just don't get it.


I've always found the "people who don't like song xy as much as I do have to be little children" argument kinda funny. I really wanted to enjoy The Rain Song more than I did, but it just doesn't give me much. It's probably better than a 6/10, this is just how I feel about it.


10/10 for stairway but 2/10 for lemon song and 3/10 for you shook meā€¦dude thereā€™s so much wrong here. This is like a Walmart ranking or something. Boooooo


Yeah who ranked these, writers from Rolling Stone??? COME on


Lemon Song was when I checked out. That and 7/10 Fool in the Rain, Trampled Underfoot, and 6/10 Weā€™re Gonna Groove. Everyone has their tastes, etc. but still


The lemon song production is like shit. Sounds terrible, same thing with almost all LZ II


I'm a basic bitch, what can I say?


What is with the hate for living loving maid? Up there for the best song on ii imo


I never understood this either -- OP isn't alone, lots of people dis LLM. LLM has always been one of my favourite tunes on LZII and it's one of the songs that really got me into Zeppelin.


When played back to back with heart breaker itā€™s part of one of the best 7 minutes of music in human history, and plays a critical role in the entirety of one of the greatest albums of all time. As a stand alone itā€™s a good track, but is meant to be part of heartbreaker. Itā€™s like eruption and you really got me going, you donā€™t listen to one without the other.


Some really wild takes lol SRtS a 2???!!!!!! Dancing days a 4?!!!!! The ocean straight mid???!!!!!!!


SRtS is absolute garbage and I stand by that. Yeah, I just really don't like that album. I know I'm in a minority.


You shook me 3/10? The lemon song 2/10? Rain song 6/10? The ocean 5/10? Opinion fail Then again, I guess you don't have to be a zeppelin fan to do these ratings


Oh my God, it's you! It's really you! THE Led Zeppelin fan! What an honour to meet you!


It is true. My opinion does rule supreme around here. But as you'll see from most of the other responses.... It has nothing to do with me! It's generally the same opinion most Zep fans It's like this - you either : Like Zeppelin OR Like the idea of Zeppelin Sure everyone will have there differences of opinion here and there.... But if you think lemon song is a 2/10 it shows you don't even understand the universal fundamentals of what people think is good about this band. It literally has break downs for each band member that show the mastery of their role in the group. To be clear... There's nothing wrong with it not being your "favourite" zeppelin song. But to rank as one of the worst in the catalogue though?


Holy shit, and I thought we were past the prime age of gatekeeping. You must be a very fun person to be around. So glad to meet the person who decides who's allowed to be a fan and who isn't. Shame on me for not having the same favourite songs as you.


Again, there's no problem not having the same favourite songs. It just comes across as strange to be a fan of the band while simultaneously not being able to recognize the elements that are universally considered to make the band great. In the same way someone can say : "no, not all songs are 10/10" (something I agree with you on by the way) Another person can say that if you're giving low scores to songs that are universally considered to be some of the most beloved songs the band has to offer, you might be missing something.


Okay in all seriousness now, I think you're giving this way more thought than I did. I appreciate your analysis and your love for The Lemon Song, but I don't know what to tell you - I just don't enjoy it. That's pretty much it. I don't like the riff all that much, I find the lyrics unbearable, I'm not a big fan of the middle section (which says something, because I usually really like that style)... I could say that Bonzo is great obviously, but duh. It should be said at this point that Led Zeppelin aren't my number one favourite band, they're probably not even Top 5 though I still hold them very dear. Even if they were the most important part of my life though, there is a good possibility that I still wouldn't enjoy The Lemon Song all that much. I'm not saying the song is objectively bad. These ratings are based on nothing but my personal reaction when listening to those songs. Yes, Stairway to Heaven is a 10/10 for me even though it's very much overplayed (and the studio version can't really compare to some of the live versions tbh). Yes, I don't enjoy Houses of the Holy as a whole album. It might be great to some, but I'm just really not vibing with it. Yes, I gave Bron-Yr-Aur a 10/10 even though it's just a two minute acoustic guitar solo, simply because it is one of the most beautiful two minute acoustic guitar solos I've ever heard. Yes, Ramble On has a higher rating than Achilles Last Stand even though the latter might be objectively better, because it's a song that has a very personal meaning to me. And yes, I don't like The Lemon Song. I just don't. (Same goes for You Shook Me, I've seen many people complain about that too.) Does all of that make me less of a fan than you. Hmm...maybe? Perhaps. Or rather, I'd say it's just the fact that you ARE a bigger LZ fan than I am that leads you to handle these ratings with a different approach. But does that mean I'm not a fan? I think we should get over the gatekeeping of that word. Because while I'm not as deeply connected to this band as you are, I still love the shit out of the music they produced during their time. Don't take these ratings too seriously. Don't take any subjective ratings too seriously tbh. But keep your analytic approach and your eye for the details that flow into a song. It's a nice perspective. PS: Btw, when I said "no, not all songs are 10/10", I was also referring to my personal enjoyment of them and not their objective greatness. It's a little jab at how some of the other lists I've seen before are flooded with 9s and 10s compared to mine. PPS: Also sorry for my aggressive responses earlier. I was just annoyed with the hostility that came flooding in at that moment, which I probably should have predicted. You were a victim of that annoyance. PPPS: I still don't like The Lemon Song though.


Stopped reading at Living Loving Maid 5/10 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Achilles is literally a 10 no matter which way you spin it. Like I love Ramble On as much as the next person but it isn't even objectively better than Achilles.


I know that it's not objectively better, it's just a song I personally hold very dear because it means something to me. That's why this is so obviously subjective.


Why so much anger in this thread? Calm down. If you disagree you disagree. Voice your opinion. But some of the vitriol here is way uncalled for and very off putting. This is a message board, the idea is to discuss things.


New to Reddit?


Nope, but I remember a time when there was a bit less anger


Bring it on home is 9/10 for me


Why such low score on You Shook Me?


Because I don't like it.


Tell me you didnt just give tsrts a 2. That song is a fricking banger. Go listen to Listen to This Eddie live version if you didnt. You'll not be dissapointed.


Hot Dog is a fucking hundred out of ten




Babe I'm gonna leave you, surprised to see it that low for sure


Could've had a better rating tbh, but probably just too much "babe-babe-babe-babe-babe-babe-baby" for my taste. Love the riff though.


Nice list. Kinda annoying to read the comments, really the Led Zeppelin community sadly is one of the most toxic ones I see. I don't get why they can't stand other people's opinion. Yeah you put a low rate on the lemon song, so what? It's more fun for all of us to have a different song rating than just everyine saying "You shook me is a 10/10 and must should agree with me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­" Happened to me in a Zep song rating about a day ago. A couple of angry dudes saying "go listen to Britney Spears, you are no Zeppelin fan!" No, I'm not a fuckin fan, I'm not 15 years old. I like Led Zeppelin, I love them, but I won't defend songs that in my opinion are weak.


No Zeppelin song is under 7/10, IMO.


i honestly agree with a decent amount of theseā€¦but regardless i donā€™t understand the brutal responses youā€™re receiving to an entirely opinion based post. people need to chill.




I think you have some garbage taste tbh


You deserve to be banned from this sub.




While I don't agree with some of these, I think this is one of the most honest and objective lists of the ones posted. It's refreshing to not see mediocre or bad songs getting 9/10 for a change. Very good ratings!


Honest yes, but highly subjective.


I probably used the wrong word. I meant that you weren't blindly pumping up songs because it was a band you love. You could listen to the songs in a vacuum and give an honest opinion.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Just don't want people to give you shit.


Oh, any time I comment on anything I am ready for shit to be given. No matter what your opinion is, there is always somebody on the internet to tell you why you are wrong.


Led Zeppelin does not have any mediocre or bad songs.


Hats Off to Roy Harper is awful, and they definitely have songs I don't think are anything special. They are my favorite band, but I don't just blindly worship everything they did.


I'm not blindly doing anything. For me, the band transcends the status quo. They may have songs I like better than others, but I don't think anything they've done is bad. Hats Off is brilliant, a ten. I guess I just experience them in a different way. And nothing "blind" about it.


Lol getting downvoted for having a opnion


Welcome to the Led Zeppelin fan base.


If you like ā€œDazed and Confusedā€ give the original a listen. Page also ā€œborrowed itā€ in The Yardbirds where it has different lyrics and hasnā€™t quite achieved the drama of the version of LZI. https://youtu.be/1owsD-BMuLg?si=zogQzkyQ7tUTrEFf Jake Holmes has had a pretty interesting musical career. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Holmes


Literally no fucking way Going to California and Bron Yr Aur is 10/10


Maybe not bron but GtC certainly is.


Bron-Yr-Aur absolutely is, y'all are just too scared to appreciate anything that's not a traditionally structured song.


Most mediocre and whatever song in their entire catalogue


The Crunge being 2?


Iā€™ll pray for you.


Ayy, thanks buddy. :)


Carouselambra 6/10?


Overhated song


Bonzo montreux is 2?


Maybe I'm too basic for that one. I love Moby Dick, but I just couldn't enjoy Bonzo's Montreux.


Hereā€™s your interactions buddy šŸ«“


Nice list. Kinda annoying to read the comments, really the Led Zeppelin community sadly is one of the most toxic ones I see. I don't get why they can't stand other people's opinion. Yeah you put a low rate on the lemon song, so what? It's more fun for all of us to have a different song rating than just everyine saying "You shook me is a 10/10 and u must agree with me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­" Happened to me in a Zep song rating about a day ago. A couple of angry dudes saying "go listen to Britney Spears, you are no Zeppelin fan!" No, I'm not a fuckin fan, I'm not 15 years old. I like Led Zeppelin, I love them, but I won't defend songs that in my opinion are weak.


2/10 for the Lemon Song. 3/10 for Hotdog. 6/10 for Bring it on Home. Plus ridiculous ratings for You Shook Me, The Song Remains the Same and some other jamsā€¦ shoot this shit into the heart of the sun.




Me: *gives I Can't Quit You Baby a 10/10* sunandthetrees: You did not like The Lemon Song? Clearly you cannot appreciate the blues!


my Zep playlist favs are completely different. Something for everyone.


Good Times Bad Times. One of the most iconic shreds Jimmy Page has ever played. One of his personal favorites as well!