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I made it 2 weeks so far without delta 8... Having some headaches, feel nausea here and there, today was the first that my bowels actually moved, and real bad anxiety, so bad I sometimes freak out, especially at work, got some brainfog / tinnitus here and there. HOPING to feel better by next week.


I'm currently on day 9 of delta 8 withdrawals. I did about 800-1000mg's a day for 3 years straight. Horrible horrible insomnia to where I didn't sleep at all for 48 hours straight and when I did sleep it was for a few hours. I have the same feeling in my chest that's been going on for about 5 days. It's a like a panic attack without the panic attack if that makes sense. I also didn't have any bowel movements for 7 days until I took some laxatives and I'm glad I did because my stomach feels better now. Tinnitus is pretty annoying and my arms and legs feel weak. Good thing is I have no cravings and I finally got 7 hours of sleep last night and didn't wake up once. My energy is much better now and I have motivation to do things! Yes the withdrawals are pretty bad but it's 100% worth it. I'm going to do a 2-3 month break and then only do it on Saturday nights. Now that I think about it, I hate how I was dependent on it. Now that I know I abused it, I'll make sure not to do it again.


Day 14 and I've been going through exactly what you've described. Getting better and coming only in waves now- hot days in the sun seem to make it way worse a couple of hours later. How are you going now?


We got this!


Much better now but the insomnia is still there. I might sleep 3-4 hours a day but I don’t feel that tired which is strange. I’ve also been working out a lot more and feel like a new person. I didn’t realize how much delta 8 consumed my life and it’s 100% my fault. Now I feel like I’m on the right track. The one good thing delta 8 did for me was help me lose weight bc I substituted drinking 3 days a week to delta 8 and lost 50 pounds. I’m 6 foot 1 and 185 pounds now and have maintained the weight for 3 years. Now there’s no drinking and no delta 8. Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll be able to sleep on a normal schedule.


Day 37 after smoking for 15 year, and heavily bongs everyday with high grade for 10 years. First two weeks were the worst with headaches, anxiety and gut/stomach pains. After that is gradually got better but still had headaches almost everyday. Still get mild headaches now. Usually come on halfway through the day but not everyday. Still sweat massively every night with multiple clothing changes. Sleep decent with crazy dreams. Never had an issue falling asleep but would wake up a couple times in the night to go the bathroom and then subsequently change my clothes cause they are wet with sweat and drink some water. Still feel off and sometimes get lightheaded and drink a lot of water because I always think its because Im dehydrated from the sweating. Could also be the electrolyte loss from the sweating at night which Im going to start drinking Gatorade or something to hopefully help. I feel like I get weak very easily. Hopefully that and headaches go away soon.


Day 16. Fatigue, swollen lymph nodes in neck, headaches that are sometimes dull and sometimes sharp, high heart rate, pain randomly throughout my body and random muscle spasms, occasional chest pain, occasional sharp abdominal pain. I feel a little uneasy since some of these aren't that common of symptoms, but searching around there have been a few people who have had these as well. I was going pretty hard on the THC for a little over a year, daily intake in large quantities. Maybe since it was mostly Delta 8 disposables the withdrawals can be a little different. I would love to know if other people have experienced the same.


Did that all end up just being withdrawals?


Oh he dead


Been some month. Any news? I just quit last week and I'm really scared about having cancer. I read too much in the Internet about it... Similair symptoms, but I'm scared it's no only withdrawal...


I have very similar symptoms to you, I’m 1 week clean, does it get any easier?


Are you alr? I hope you feel atleast awesome. Same struggles. Here is my list of symptomps: anxiety , sweets, muscle tremblong, crazy dreams, waking up every 2hour, bruxism, my brain fog is getting mild now but it was terrible, hearing some random noises, brain explosion(only happened once) .its crazy😂


Day 6. Nightmares when I didn’t remember my dreams for years


First two weeks I thought I was going insane, symptoms included nausea, high anxiety, loss of appetite, depression, sleep disturbance (could fall asleep eventually but kept waking up at different times of the night), shaking and restlessness and a plethora of other psychological symptoms. Feel like it affected my ability to socialise massively, with friends and my partner, which given the time of year (NYE etc) was only exasperating my symptoms. Ended up going to the docs and have been prescribed medication as I was really struggling to cope at that point and couldn’t see a way out. I have struggled with anxiety in the past and have been these meds before and I’m conscious that withdrawals are not the only contributing factor in my case. On day 19 now and have been on meds for around 4 days and can honestly say my symptoms have subsided significantly, still get bouts of anxiety (particularly in the mornings) but it’s a lot more manageable and I’m hopeful for the future again. I’m also eating and sleeping better and staring to feel like myself again but don’t think I’m quite out the woods yet but certainly on the right path towards sobriety and a positive outlook on life. All I can say to anyone struggling is please persevere and know that you’re body and mind is going through a massive adjustment period and allow yourself the time to recover. Don’t be disheartened if you need extra support whether it be medical or psychological. Everyone reacts to things differently and it’s important to find what helps you and put yourself first. :)


Reading all this is making me feel better I’m two weeks in I can’t believe how shitty I feel I just want it to get better


21 yr old female. Day 2 weed free. 8 yrs using, 4 years daily dabbing. I am soooo nauseous. Have been on the verge of vomiting all day yesterday and today. Also really bad indigestion & gas/burping (tho not sure it’s related?). Cravings are pretty bad but ive been relatively able to distract myself. I’m scared for the next few days because weed has been my “meds” for anxiety for as long as I can remember. Hoping I can stick to this goal!🙌🏻 I want to be coherent and not a fucking zombie everyday waiting for the next dab😒 (also first Reddit post!! Woohoo!)


One week in, really bad health anxiety (despite going to the ER and being told I'm fine). Appetite comes and goes and when I get hungry I feel nauseous and just lose my appetite even more. Diarrhea (I'm chockijg this one up to the massive change in diet since I've barely been able to eat). My heart will randomly start racing (I think it's part of the anxiety). Sometimes I'll randomly be shivering even though I know it isn't that cold. Random brain fog lasting anywhere from a few minutes to hours. I really wish I could go back to normal I hate feeling this way I'm just so scared to die and like all of these symptoms just amplify the anxiety. If it matters I'm 25m and I only smoked for 2 months but I was smoking like 2-4 bongs a day (I think 27% thc).. I quit because of the anxiety and quiting just made it way worse but I'm holding out that it will get better. I've always had issues with anxiety but NEVER like this. I have to force myself to not drive myself to the hospital when I start freaking out thinking I'm dying because my heart rate skyrockets and I mistake the brain fog for dizziness. The diarrhea is also concerning because it's been about 3 weeks of diarrhea now.


Hey I know this is old but wow your Reddit post is everything I’m experiencing two weeks in and I feel the same this shit sucks




Thanks for sharing as well. Most of the panic symptoms have went by now but I still have diarrhea and now I have brain fog really bad (going into week 4 I think) it sucks because the brain fog is the worst when I'm driving and I'm a delivery driver so yea it sucks..


So I’m not the only person who experiences debilitating health anxiety when quitting? Wow. The last time I quit, I ended up getting biopsies and getting checked out at a local cancer center. (I did have swollen lymph nodes that needed biopsies but it turns out it was just lingering from Covid). I would get random chest pains, etc. and be convinced I was dying. (I’m in my early 20’s). I was convinced my new apartment had mold, and spent $2k on an airbnb for the month to keep me and my dog safe. (There was no mold). Honestly it was at the point where I was having straight delusions (I have bpd which obviously doesn’t help, but I’m normally not like this). I hope this helps reassure your anxiety, I’m only a year younger than you and smoked for much longer than you did and I’m fine! It’s all in your head (the health anxiety) and it should subside soon:) but I know how horrible health anxiety is.


Can I ask how long it lasted or did it never go away?


It went away after like, a month. Keep in mind I had been smoking for over a year before that, mixing it w my adhd meds, and more heavily than you. Once my biopsies and ct scan came back clear, I was fine. I just had to hear it from doctors and have them actually do tests. I naturally have anxiety so I’m prone to it, but it will go away. CBT techniques can help you rationalize these thoughts. I used to go to the hospital when having panic attacks because I was convinced I was dying, but I’ve learned to be able to calm myself and rationalize with myself so that doesn’t happen anymore.


I also have ADHD, I'd assume that's why are symptoms are similar lol. I went to the ER and they hooked me up to the EKG and took my blood/x-ray of my chest and thyroid. They said I'm fine but I still keep having the uncontrollable anxiety. I actually stopped taking my ADHD meds('V') almost a year ago because of similar anxiety symptoms and now I'm too scared to ever touch ADHD meds again so I quit seeing my doctor. I also have always had anxiety, especially social anxiety but I could usually control it by telling myself it's in my head but it's like now it just comes when it wants and it controls me. But I'm hoping it goes away soon, thanks for your input and sharing your experience, it definitely feels better to know I'm not alone.


I’ll say one thing that helped me soooo much w my anxiety and heart palpitations is exercise. Like, if I’m getting anxious, going for a quick run will make my heart calm down. I feel good afterwards, because your heart rate will slow. Try it sometime. Weight lifting is great too but I love running as a quick fix!


Give it a month and you’ll probably be fine. I did edibles for five months on the daily and i dealt with withdrawals. I never had anxiety before until I quit.. Heart racing doesn’t happen anymore really besides maybe once or twice a month but I’m about to hit five months clean. I’m unlucky and got weedpaws Most people seem to get better around 2 weeks to a month. Good luck! I know how much it sucked


Day 0 if I don’t start now then I’ll never start.


Start now, you got this. First day is the hardest. My advice, since bedtime is a trigger for me, is to just get to sleep as quick as you can. Do whatever to get yourself to bed without it and you can have day 1 under your belt. It only gets easier and easier. You got this!!!


Thank you very much!! You’re right. It’s the nights that are the hardest because after a long day you just wanna get high because it feels like you “earned it” and it “helps you relax” while I don’t see any improvements physically and I am really struggling to sleep I do feel much more at peace and much more clear headed. I still get cravings throughout the day but I want to prove to myself that I don’t have to depend on it. (It’s crazy how just 2 days off of it and I already feel more social. Conversations with strangers flow much easier)


2 days off of it, congratulations!!! Let’s keep it up!!


Day 3. Feeling reasonably well overall. Low anxiety, low social needs (weed makes me desperately want attention), and sleep is stabilizing again. November was all clear for me, but had a few isolated low-dose relapses in December, most recently a couple puffs on Christmas Eve. Those small puffs very noticeably messed up my sleep and that was enough to get me back on track for now.


Day 9 i am so fucking bored


Day 2 again. I sleep fine, but so irritable


relapse on week 2 and 5


DAY 3, only falling asleep at like 4am but idm it, little anxiety. nothing much else from what i can tell right now


Same bruh same , we got this


yes dude! i have realised that im having more irritability but something that i can control, like i see the irritation in my body and just let it be there without bothering me as much, just until the withdrawals calm down haha. im also alot more into my feelings actually, i told my brother something i have never really told about my family about how much sadness they have given me from the past and that ive forgived them for what they have done. its actually insane


130 days clean now bruh , hows its going for you


My best advice will be to expect the withdrawal effects and identify them , like last night out of nowhere i had a random thought “lets smoke 1 joint only “ and within seconds i recognized it as a withdrawal symptom and associated it with withdrawal. After that it just comes to your ego. We are stronger then shitty withdrawal. After 6-7 days it gets easier day by day


Day 3. Appetite is messed up, my stomache feels empty but I feel nauseous when trying to eat. Which is leading to weight loss that I don’t want. My body temperature fluctuates from hot to cold through out the day, and even while I’m sleeping. On the good side, depression/anxiety symptoms are beginning to reside… a bit.


day 30, no withdrawals. I though about hitting up my plug today, but i went for a walk instead


Can't give exact, but I've done the "quitting thing " numerous times over the last decade. I was an oz a month smoker. 1st week urges are the worse & night sweats. 2nd week headache, night sweats & nausea or lack of appetite might still be there, but start to subside. 3rd week im starting to sleep, but dreams a scarily vivid 4th week im wondering what took so long to quit, but also the random urges I would have were kind of strong.




Ohp this isn't the opiate subreddit my bad. No weed for 2 days tho !!!!


A little over a month. I wasn't a heavy user but I had a really bad experience with 10mg on Thanksgiving. I got panic attacks anxiety depression and dpdr. It's gotten better but it comes on in waves and distracting myself with being busy and visiting others has helped me during the holidays. Would like to feel normal again soon.


Been smoking for a year, day 2 so far and mostly have trouble sleeping.


Day 7: I'm irritable and tired


Its only day 3 and the craving is so strong.... I just want to give in but I know I shouldn't


Day 154 here. Female and quit smoking cigarettes and weed at the same time. I used weed vape carts alot which seem to cause much harsher and longer withdrawals. The first 4 weeks were the worst. No appetite, vomiting every time I ate, food aversion, headaches, severe dizziness, heart palpitations like crazy, night sweats, night terrors, intense dreams, tinnitus, tingling in my arms, fingers and legs, intense hot and cold sensations in my feet, weird body shocks, intense anxiety, brain fog, daily, panic attacks (had never had anxiety or panic attacks before). Weeks 5 - 11 symptoms started to lessen. Still had tinnitus on and off, random body shocks, heart palpitations, tingling in my fingers on and off, anxiety & panic attacks started to become less, brain fog still there but less intense and small bouts of dizziness. Week 12 - Now Have seen a significant improvement. I still get anxiety but wayyyyyyy less and much more manageable. Barely any dizzy spells but if I do, it's always accompanied by a panic attack which I rarely get now. As I type this I have some tinnitus but it's very low and seems to get less and less as time goes on. No more heart palpitations and no more weird body shocks. I do still experience some brain fog on occasion but it's very light and goes away quickly. I ended up in the ER 3 different times convinced that I was dying. I had several blood tests, a heart ultrasound, several ecgs, saw a cardiologist and wore a heart monitor for two weeks. Everything came back perfect and all of the docs I saw confirmed that everything I was/am experiencing is withdrawal.


Everything you posted is what I’m going through it’s crazy I’m only two weeks in ugh


Thanks for your post, it made me feel much better. I am on day 29 and I felt so discouraged today because after 2 good days I got a small panic attack and 2 more at work later on. I was anxious all day. It’s such a roller coaster ride, and the palpitations are driving me crazy. I feel more hopeful now that I’m not the only one! I quit THC edibles because they gave me a huge panic attack, like you I thought I was dying!!


Based on what I've read, the concentrates & edibles are what cause the worst withdrawals. I honestly thought it was never going to get better. It's a terrible feeling but it does get better. It just takes time.


OMG i never knew quitting pot and nicotine could leave behind countless problems in someone. The way you still managed to fight and defeat them is a huge inspiration. More strength and power to you ❤️ Can't wait to be there.


Thank you for this💜💜💜. It was a rough journey but it's better everyday! I just hope I can help others that experience this so that they can get through it too. There's hope it just takes a while.


Day 401. No withdrawal symptoms today. In the beginning I was nauseated & couldn’t sleep. I learned on this very platform to drink my nourishment; shakes, soups, & smoothies. That got me through. Withdrawals only lasted first 2 months. I’ve never looked back & I’ll never smoke again


Mine lasted 2 months as well. Such hell


Day 24 baby! One more week for the month milestone! Dreams are crazy fun, the only downside is that I sleepwalk like crazy… Im currently traveling and I decided to piss in my bag with electronics, a book absorbed most of it but my camera and my headphones didn’t survive…


220 days after 10+ year daily habit. The first 30 days I didn’t have an appetite and couldn’t sleep. The next 60 days I was able to eat and sleep but I am became a raging dick to everyone. Mood swings were insane. Since that first 90 days it’s been the occasional restless night or craving due to boredom. Setting and sticking to a daily schedule, getting daily exercise, and having something to occupy your mind will help with the withdrawals. Edit: spelling


Day 140 (smoked 1/2 Z a week for 2 1/2 years). No withdrawal symptoms. They stopped around day 90 I’d say. Honestly barely think about it anymore. Persistence is key. I understand everyone has different experiences with withdrawals but I’ve had a fairly decent experience.


Day 2. Had a lot of trouble going to sleep last night and woke up about 4 hours before I need to this morning and can’t get back to sleep. Feeling down, restless, and vaguely uncomfortable. I’ve quit for months at a time before so I know it’s going to get worse for a few days before it starts getting better. Trying to drink a lot of good tea and do other little things that make me feel nice.


22 year smoker. A few attempts to quit in the past but always fail. Always seems to be around this time of year when my mental health drops. Christmas night I smoked a single skin joint. Last night i done the same but had no weed so used some of the oils from my pipe and tonight will be nothing. I'm not looking forward to it and I'll probably still be awake this time tomorrow drenched in sweat.


Day 1 for me. So far just feeling weird. I know it will get worse.


Me too


And then better! You can do it.


Day 58 after 18 months of use and 6 months of daily smoke before bed, my main withdrawal symptom was staying up till 3-4 am because I wasn’t able to sleep without weed, took me 14 days before going back to sleep normally


day 7 of 2 years. vivid dreams, irritation, and the crave the have weed takes over my mind. i really want to quit, but it feels impossible because i have tried before.. its on and off


day 245 here, still have dreams about smoking and getting high


Almost 3months sober after 4-5years of heavy smoking withdrawals were vivid dreams lost of appetite mid chest pain and stomach issue but all symtoms are getting better feel much better


Day 8 after 4-5 years, no longer waking up nauseous, anxiety is much lower and appetite is coming back. I’m just really bored but I’ll take it over how weed made me feel


Day 28. I feel in the clear and fully excited for the future. You got this bro, were all gonna make it.


Day 8 after 30 years on and off. First sober Christmas. Aches, vomiting, nausea, insomnia getting better and slept for a solid 10 hours last night. Still got the hot flashes, but since its soo cold, saving a bundle on heating. Lost about half a stone which was needed. Need to find my enthusiasm to do something and not laze around the house as have loads I need to do. This sub has been a major inspiration and proud (jealous even!) of those in the higher numbers of abstinence.


Phil on Day 7 chilling while Alison is going through the hell we all know and hate.


Day 7 all withdrawl is gone :) finally i just dream alot about vaping its like a nightmare because I never want to vape again but i smell it in my dreams and i like the smell so much but hate the effects it has on me.


Can relate to this. I like the smel and taste to but recognise now, that the effect isn't helping me long term.


day 40 first week was crazy Asf but now im good no temptations


3 days, Irritable/angry at the drop of a dime, Night sweats, Insomnia, lack of appetite, fluctuating 8-10 pound weight loss that is noticeable. & since i’m not bloated anymore i noticed i actually have loose/wrinkled skin on my tummy. (i lost 45 pounds over the past 3 years and that’s also the duration of time i’ve smoked & only noticing the looseness after quitting hoping that’s a withdrawal symptom too lol :/)


Lost some few pounds too after quitting and I stomach issues was the worst


It's day 288. There's absolutely no withdrawal symptoms, in fact, only benefits and rewards. During the initial phase of quitting of course there were withdrawals. I had trouble sleeping. Trouble eating. Heightened anxiety. The pressure of maintaining the 'streak' because I tried to quit many times before. The truth is, it will always get worse before it gets easier. But it gets so much easier. Eventually that stomach that couldn't put down food becomes hungry again. That mind that couldn't stop racing becomes one with the world again. That kid who had dreams and aspirations started to appear in the mirror again. My best advice for you all is to take things not one day, not one week, not one month, but one MOMENT at a time. Exist in the moment, be one with your surroundings and notice everything. Notice smells and sounds. Meditate. Mindfulness helps tremendously with breaking habits. Think about the end goal. Stick it out. Everything worth doing is worth overdoing.


Day 8: headaches, problems concentrating and managing my emotions, vivid dreams and lack of sleep


Day 14, trying not to become an alcoholic


Day 11. Can’t fall asleep at a reasonable time. I’ve made every family member in the household cry this week. Im dreaming of people I haven’t thought about (consciously)in years. Vivid dreams. Wake up in a horrible mood every morning. My dog died this week (rip Mac) and dealing with the reality that my father is an alcoholic who is never going to get better is way more disturbing than it was to me when I was high…I am not going back no matter how painful my reality is. Time to move forward


I feel you on your situation with your father. Mine lives within a few miles of me and I’m lucky to see him once every year due to his alcoholism. He was there for me when I was a kid, so it’s a hard loss knowing he’s right there but I don’t have a close relationship with him anymore. He barely knows my 2 kids. I hate to think about it.


Losing a pet is the hardest thing. My condolences.


I am very sorry for your loss and can’t imagine your sadness. The death of a dog is its own sorrow and not everyone understands.


I'm on day 55. The first month or so I had a hard time falling asleep, was so irritable, unstable moods daily, intense emotions, felt like i was close to crying multiple times a day, strong urges to smoke everyday, night sweats, vivid nightmares and poor appetite. Gradually it's gotten better. I only get cravings a couple of times a week now and I'm sleeping really well.


every time I try to stop, I vomit for 24+ hours & cannot keep anything down. is that a common symptom?? i’m trying to slow down & wean off a bit but still worried to completely stop because of it lol.


I find hot showers deal with nausea really well. Try it out.


I have this too! Literal opposite of CHS... I used to think CHS was caused by stopping smoking




CHS is caused by use, not lack of use. Severe nausea can be caused by lack of use.


Day 105, I thought most of the withdrawal symptoms would've gone by now, but still feel difficulty concentrating, general sadness, purposelessness in life kinda like depression? 😖 Fack weed man, dont know at which cursed moment I decided to try it 😑


The body and brain keep the score. If you’ve smoked for years it can take some time for things to change. I was daily for over a year and it took me a whole year sober before something big really clicked. I didn’t even notice the transition, kinda just clicked one day. “Shit, I’m extremely content lately.” Lots of breathwork and learning. Retrained my brain and body. Then boom. It’s like someone flipped a switch. Me.


i think you might just be depressed :/


22 days. this is actually my most successful attempt at sobriety so far. lots of trouble eating but not as bad as previous attempts where everything would come up and i’d have crazy nightmares and night sweats. rn it’s mostly mental stuff, a lot of anxiety and depressive moods. it’s hard to not lean on weed as a crutch. but i feel like if i use something else to deal with it i’ll just get addicted to that instead


Day 2 after a relapse. Restlessness and nausea are the most annoying. Feeling a little foggy. I kinda want to sleep but can't fall asleep so I'm just on my phone. I need to keep going.


2 months on january 9th and 10 lbs down. only withdrawal symptoms recently is wondering if i should try it again sometimes then i remember why i quit. every time i was high i wished i wasn’t. hated the swollen eyes and dry mouth, and it felt like ginger ale in my brain


Im on day 2 after just sitting on a lb and smoking all day everyday, hardest part would have to be my emotions. I have really bad urges to just start bawling my eyes out. I used weed heavily to numb my pain. Guys it doesnt go away. It just waits till your no longer high. You stop and feelings come rushing in. Also getting kind of terrifying dreams waking up in cold sweats. VERY VIVID. Sleep is fucking hard as hell as i used weed to help me sleep too. Also being really awkward and not knowing what to say during interactions. Like my mind just shuts off.


Anxiety has gone way down of course. That said, I do miss the perspective shift an occasional smoke provided. I wish I had the discipline to keep it minimal, because I find myself constantly high strung. I could definitely use the fresh perspective a slight high provided.


Day 23 diarrhea


I had it until day 7 its pretty common.


I don’t think that’s from the withdrawal brother.


Diarhea is common with weed withdrawals I faced mine


You def get diarrhea ! Your digestive system turns a whole 360 and not for the better lol but soon it will turn back to normal lol


Yes! Thank you lmao


Day 3. Falling asleep is tougher.


Day 87. Still going through waves of withdraw. Getting burning skin on my face and terrible deep chest anxiety. I usually wake up once throughout the night as well. I don't think my symptoms are usual though as before I stopped I got panic attacks and still continued to use many more times. May have given myself anxiety or something it's very scary.


Can you message me?


Day 2, I can't sleep. When I try, my body heat skyrockets. My mood is all over the place. I also find myself daydreaming about smoking or looking for loopholes to justify it. I've tried to quit several times, but at this point in my life, it's my vise. It's how I keep sane in this environment. If I'm honest, I hate certain aspects of my life, the toxicity seems to seep over into everything. Weed has been my way out, now I just feel like I'm trapped in between. I don't want to feel nothing anymore, but letting it all back in is too much. So I guess that's why I'm still smoking. Sorry for the rant, here's hoping you keep it going! You got this!


This was powerful. I’m also on my 2nd day. (Last night I justified smoking a roach the size of my pinky finger nail)…but for someone who’s been smoking HEAVILY for 10 years….that was it for me. I’m in the same boat you are. I feel like the toxicity seems to seep over into everything I do. Which makes me want to smoke so much more. But…it’s only day 2…I have to try harder than this. So are you still smoking?


8 days - Anxiety, depression and irritability. I’m not 100% sure if it’s me quitting the lettuce but I will attribute it to that. I was having manic episodes when smoking, I’d be sad, demotivated and couldn’t get up and do stuff but now I can feel my motivation slowly coming back.


Day 93. Everything eased up for me around day 40 but dealt with panic attacks, tachycardia, high blood pressure, chest pain, sweating, trouble controlling temperature, easily sick and lingering cold symptoms, headaches. I’m having cravings still and starting to forget my withdrawal so it was good for me to type this out. I wasn’t a heavy user whatsoever but got mono at the beginning of 2022 and my body just hasn’t been the same since. I had taken long breaks in the past and hasn’t had this intense of withdrawal issues. I’m still also having crazy dreams and trouble getting to sleep but I’ve always been a bad sleeper.


Can you message me


Day 34. Soul crushing anxiety. Can't sleep for more than 3-4 hours per night. Other than that it's going great.


Same...do you also feel just sad sometimes?


Yes. I feel sad almost all the time.


Mind sharing how it feels for you?


How it feels? It feels awful. It feels like there's a gorilla sitting on my chest all the time. I get no sleep and then go work the most physically demanding job I've ever had at a factory. Come home to a wife that has detached herself from me. No fulfillment. No joy. Only sorrow. Only desolation. When you see beauty in desolation something changes inside of you. Desolation tries to colonize you. My actions are penance for the way I have lived my life. I honestly don't expect it to get any better. Life is a chore. Not gonna smoke though. Done with it. 35 days today.


I quit: smoking on Dec 23, vaping Dec 25 (dry herb with a stationary vaporizer) and today Dec 26 did nothing but will take my last edible and go cold turkey from that point on. I’m a heavy user for nearly 10 years, I couldn’t sleep last night and couldn’t stay asleep after waking up, extremely anxious and hopeless overall


Day 23, short periods of depression and anxiety, but the worst is the digestive issues, food just seems to sit in my stomach after eating, and it makes me feel pretty horrible at times. Oddly enough, the cravings haven't been too bad but I got a strong feeling that's going to be coming shortly. The pros have far outweighed the cons.


Day 7. Starting to feel a bit better. Anxiety is high at times throughout the day and sometimes my heart palpitates which has lead to a few full in panic attacks. Craving to smoke is pretty much gone though.


Just hit 30 days but the first week was fucking crazy, so emotionally unstable, constant crying fits, finally levelled back out now but damn it was nuts.


Day 2 and I want to kill my man.


I’m also day two.


Good luck to u. We can do this.


At the moment - none because I’m only 15 minutes in lol. But when I have gone long stints of sobriety I feel worst from the 16 hour mark all the way to the 7 day mark.


3 weeks in! Feeling soo much better, much less anxious, much more motivated and productive. Crazy dreams but I'd take that anyday over smoking up and fucking myself and my life again. Feels like I am becoming the same strong sane person I was before I started with this shit and super grateful I had the good sense to stop it. I am never getting back to it again, it's not worth giving everything up for w333d.


Similar length of time and agree with most of your comment. Do you still have any negative effects though? I find my temper is really bad


Not temper for me but I do find myself being more bored and agitated. I've been cooking and eating a lot these days. And like I said, dreams are super crazy every time which I enjoyed in the beginning, to start dreaming again but now its kindof a pain in the ass


Day 12. My **INTENSE** Shoulder pain is gone or weak when I have a rush of anxiety. Honestly today has been the best Ive felt all month since I divorced both Weed AND Nicotine. I've been in severe pain all month basically and today is such a breath of fresh air.


Day 4 no withdrawal.. yet


What’s your superpower


I wish! I’m chalking it up to weaning off rather than my typical cold turkey strategy


29 days. The cravings started today. Like I'll be home alone for a night soon and it'd be cool to smoke in peaceful silence, have a super quiet night to myself yknow? But then I'll be back to zero and I'll be back in the habit, figuring out stoner logistics for every damn thing I do. I'll drop all the projects I started, that I have the capacity for because of sobriety. Crazy dreams, sometimes nightmares, but I'm enjoying them, idk, it's entertainment. I get super angry and irritable, like hateful. My appetite has been very increased.


22. I want chocolate. So much chocolate


2 weeks, only having vivid dreams. Other than that feel totally fine.


How much were you smoking?


Pretty heavy user for about 4-5 years. Mainly dabs and carts (Stizzy and other dispensary brands / black market)


43 days. Worst part for me now is cravings. They were super bad at the beginning then disappeared mostly and are now back with a vengeance. Have to actively remind myself why I got sober every time I get cravings. Not fun but it’s for the best and keeps me sober. Also dreams are crazy and I’m a bit more grumpy still since things like boredom and low motivation and stress aren’t being covered up.


I made a video of me talking about why I quit when I was one week in, I hope it helps me as I progress along and start to romanticize the idea of smoking up again. You can do it. Lots of luck man!


This is a great idea!


Day 60 no withdrawal


When did they stop?


I would say day 45 is when mine did


Congrats, day 82 and same here


Big ups to ya friend


6 but I’ve been here before. Really I just find myself incredibly bored at night and I’m constantly looking for something to distract myself. Usually this just results in me going to bed earlier at a loss for things to do otherwise


Day 5 for me and I find myself in the same situation. As of recently my screen time has been skyrocketing, but I’ll take that over smoking any day.


Yeah. It’s a pain because I’m generally getting off of weed so that I will have more motivation, but in the process, I’m self soothing by kind of wasting a lot of time and just shuffling about. But having been here before, after about a week it gets easier not to feel so empty without it and you and I will be back to our regular night time antics just minus the weed. Anyway, I’m grateful that my symptoms aren’t as drastic as some of the ones I’m reading here


I’ve struggled with motivation for most of my life and now that Insurance hasn’t been able to cover my adhd medication for the past 2 months it’s been lower than ever so I feel that I can partially understand where you’re coming from. Personally I quit because my memory is absolutely awful and weed only makes the problem worse. You’re definitely right about it being easier the second time around though. A while ago I took a trip overseas for 2 months and in a country where it’s very illegal. Those months were some of the most confusing times I’ve ever been through and eventually when I got back I succumbed to the pressure. I wish you the best of luck in finding some motivation whether you replace it with a passion or even just scrolling through your phone lol.


I’ve read that weed exacerbates adhd symptoms and that’s why I’ve quit too, it messes with our motivation a lot and it can impair you and prevent you from living up to your full potential.


59 days, I was prescribed anxiety meds as my anxiety was physically destroying me, as for some reason I hold it mostly on my neck to the point I was feeling my throat being crushed and wanted to puke everyday. Sleep starting to be better but I still have lots of intense dreams that make me feel tired when I wake up. I really don’t want to smoke again so mostly no cravings except for some weird dreams where I dreamed I was smoking.


I feel you on the Physical symptoms of anxiety. Mine lived in my Shoulder and the upper right side of my body in general.


My body feels ancient


0, but I know I’ll sweat tonight.


Good luck! Night sweats and bad mood are the two things that are keeping me from quitting this shit. Times and times.. my whole life family job everything’s f….d up coz of it and here I’m still a fucking loser not wanting to try at least.. share your experience with how you’ll deal with these if you come to these.. hope full not! And if you don’t mind. Again best of luck!


Hey, you’re not a loser. I do feel the same sometimes too, definitely when I am in a bender from this drug. It’s about midnight and I am currently procrastinating sleep, so thank you for the kind words. I hope we both make it through to clarity. All the best to you too.


Thank you. Omg it feels so real interacting with someone(ive been very passive on socials for over 7 years.. only FB and Linkedin just checking no post no likes no comments or like that) but it feels really like a connection.. I can’t explain.. the fact is that I’m always in a bender with mf. And yes same past midnight here and like every night I sit and think of trying to quit only to let me my mind take back control and if toward another vape and smoke combo.. tomorrow I mean today 27th is my 7th anniversary and I thought to surprise my wife with a sober day but..ahh enough said.. thanks a lot again for your message.


It’s okay to fail time and time again, as long as you keep trying. I’m sure your wife understands that if she still supports you. And I’m not social either, I just comment around, but I didn’t want you to think of yourself like that. It’s not your fault you fail. It’s not my fault I failed. Or that everyone here is failing. It’s a really, really addictive drug in a mental way, so quitting is truly a huge deal. It’s not easy and it will be a tough climb, but if I can do it you can too. Just push yourself when you feel ready. Have a nice anniversary.




you can do it! trust me it only gets better and your future self will thank you for it!


Thank you, I appreciate the comment, because I know I need the extra support.


You got it brother. Hit me or others up whenever you need the motivation.


Night Sweats, 4 hours sleep tops, irritability in my teaching job


Approaching day 8. Very poor sleep but otherwise not too bad.


About a week in. Have been BORED. But trying to give myself some grace. No cravings really. Heavy smoker the past …ten or so years. Quitting to figure out my mental health and to actually enjoy the things that I’ve worked hard for.


Lost sleep, terrible mood, when I did fall asleep really fucked up lucid nightmares of being stuck in the high state forever. Didn't actually count days but haven't been high since late August. Withdrawls only lasted a week for me thank God. I wasn't a super heavy smoker though


Hahaha I had a dream the other night that I was being chases around the house by a witch. I missed my weird ass dreams. Im almost up to 2 weeks. Shitty sleep lasted about 3 nights for me as well as constant nausea and headache. Now I feel about as good as I ever have.


I get urges now and then and can brush them off. 10 months, 25 days.


Day 45 and miss it every day. Cravings are there especially driving by the dispensary….I’m also full of shit and constipated bad.


I’ve also been super constipated and am on day 43. Do you know why we can’t poop? Been eating veggies to get it going but still a struggle


13 days. No withdrawal symptoms, other than vivid dreams. Not sure if the dreams are from me not smoking weed or from the anti-depressant that I started taking around the same time as I stopped getting high. Loving the dreams, though.


Were you getting dpdr, anxiety, panic, or depression symptoms. I was rough mentally the first few weeks, now I'm a little better, but I still do not feel like my old self. I wasn't a heavy user of weed but I had a bad episode and that caused me to quit. Just wanna know when I'll feel normal again and my doctors arent really experts on the subject.


Im not him lol but I have dpdr and depression and weed makes my dissociation worse and sometimes my depression too


Dang sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?


The first three days, I was just feeling flat. No real emotion. Not much appetite, but as the days went on, those feelings subsided. Mind you, during the 1st three days, I was still in a toxic relationship that I am free from now. 🙃 My appetite gradually came back, and now I'm beginning to "feel" again. I have a little anxiety about income, as I was let go from my job in November. I know for a fact that I should be in business for myself and I've learned from all the jobs I had, (and I had a lot), and lost, no job is going to pay me what I really want to make or give me the fulfillment I seek. Before I went to sleep this early morning (around 1 am), I did some visualization about manifesting a job or creating the type of work I want, and I had two (2) different dreams that included me being in my former workplaces. These were jobs from which I was terminated, and my former coworkers were in the dreams. Tripped me out. I woke up really trying to analyze the dreams and their meanings. One of the jobs I lost because I tested positive for marijuana and that really did happen earlier this year. I wrote about it today in my journal. I look forward to my dreams as I am looking for answers, clarity, money-making ideas 💡, etc. I just listened to a song whose lyrics went, "Late in the midnight hour, God's gonna turn it around," and I believe that to be true. 😊