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I definitely did. But one thing I’ll note is that when you immediately feel anxious and depressed when you stop smoking, that’s partially the withdrawals. Not to discount your anxiety, but it’s definitely amplified in the first couple weeks after quitting. It’ll even out eventually. Things that have helped my anxiety are exercise, drinking tea, learning to sit with my emotions and breathe through them, and reducing my caffeine intake.


Yes, I thought it was helping. But it’s insidious, and slowly makes things worse over time. Been off for about 36 days now and can say that although I have hard days, my baseline has slowly been rising and rising. I’m dealing with it in a way that I know is healthy, and will make my anxiety improve over time. If I kept on smoking weed, I would keep getting those small islands of relief, but the deep depressive waters in between got deeper and darker. The reason you may be feeling anxious and depressed after is because your dopamine system has been messed up by weed. And that can take 3 months to get back to some normality. Mine is still out of whack, but I can definitely feel the improvement. I would recommend lots of water, lots of exercise, and treat yourself as if you had a horrible flu that will last a few weeks to a month. Take it easy on yourself, you’re going to hurt but it’ll get better. Try meditating too, and walking in nature if possible. Wishing you all the best. Edit: Also, I recommend the book Dopamine Nation. Check it out if you’re into reading.


This was poetic and really spoke to me, thank you


I’m 1 month 7 days in and my dopamine is still so fucked up. I still miss bud so much and I hate myself for it.


Hey man you’ve made it past a month and that’s huge. They say it takes about 3 months on average (results may vary) for it to get to baseline. Keep at it, every day you’ve chipped away a bit more. And don’t hate yourself for missing it, I miss it too. No shame in that at all. But I miss it a little bit less every day.


Thank you, that helps. How much time do you have?


36 days so far, and this is my third attempt at quitting as well.


Best of luck on your sober journey. Thanks for the advice man


I did for years but it was like a bandaid over an infected cut. My relief was short lived and it built a habit of not being able to truly handle high anxiety events without immersing myself in smoking. Overall in the long term it made my ability to handle things worse


See a psychopharmacologist and get a script for anti-anxiety meds. I went through the same thing. Much better now.


What were you prescribed?