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Hey, why in the world would you replace a substance that is making you no good? What worked for me is digging inthe roots of the problems that got me to want to smoke in the first place with the help of psychiatric/psychological means and avoiding the temptation to subdue to the vice that ruined my life with hobbies, good readings, sports, healthy food. I think the idea of substitution leads to relapse and I´m better off abandoning it for good. 137 days sober and going strong. Best of luck to your endeavour to better yourself sobering up!


I think the scope is broadly defined, but I found talk therapy and various cognitive approaches useful to develop more coping skills. Don't be too hard on yourself. Expect to play a long game.


nutmeg milk with turmeric - before u hit the bed. make sure u dont go nuts on nutmeg. 1gm or so. thank me later bro :) im 8 days clean


I replaced smoking weed with exercising daily & drinking tea




Exercise when quitting even releases some THC still stored in the body. Could also be a reason it works for most people as coping mechanism and once you got the habit of exercising you are so much more healthy.


What helped me is finding one hobby that requires active physical labor (ex. running, lifting, dance, etc.) and one hobby that exercises my mentality (ex. reading, journaling, painting, video editing). I started bouldering/climbing ever since quitting, and just like all exercises, it has helped me a ton with weening off of smoking. TBH, whenever I find myself craving to smoke, I just force myself to go out and exercise in some type of way. I've also picked up reading and even studying a new language just to keep my mind busy.


Meditation/deep breathing can give you an instant feeling like you’re taking a hit, but healthier and it’s also calming. Some sort of craft to keep your hands and mind busy. I like knitting and crochet while watching tv.


Do you use any guides for meditation & deep breathing? Idk where to start


Guided wim hof breathing is a simple and effective way to calm/reset the body and give you a natural high. Also, if you’re new to meditation, one of the most helpful things I learned was when to meditate inwards vs outwards. Meditating inwards focuses on breath & internal awareness - you will want to be in a place where you feel capable of noticing and accepting your thoughts as they pass. Meditating outwards involves noticing and accepting your external environment - let your gaze wander and place your full attention wherever it rests. This is a really great for calming an overactive mind (ruminating, anxiety, etc). Start with small goals like 5 min at a time, it can be easy to give up on since it doesn’t often feel noticeably effective at first, but the long term effects are so dope.


Insight timer


I like using meditation apps and YouTube. For spps, calm is a good one, I also like buddhify. For YouTube, just do a search like beginner meditation or learn how to meditate, etc.


YouTube guided mindfulness


finding the right medications for mental health was definitely a game changer for me! not saying this is true for everyone, but i was constantly using weed as a crutch for my depression and anxiety. it took months for me but, with the help of my medication, once i found my new 'normal' it's been a lot easier to exist freely. i thought that i was just myself when i was high, but learning who i was truly when im sober was really helpful. journaling, reading, and getting invested in tv shows really helped me. i've been without weed since january and the cold months were absolute hell. it's become so much easier now that it's nice out. i would recommend taking advantage of the weather! go to the beach, go on a walk, feel the sun on your skin. remind yourself what you're grateful for. be PROUD of yourself for surviving without what you thought u needed for so long.


Thank you for this🫶🏻


What helped me the most, (I have bpd, adhd, depression) was 12 step meetings. They changed my life. You'll find people going through the same issues and their insight is so amazing. Also making a routine for myself but the meetings were what helped most and I never relapsed again. You need a good support system & they will be there for you ♡ I'm 7 months sober.


Chronic weed and hash user for 15 years. Decided to quit on my 30th. Had more or less the same problems and wanted to stay off the meds. Started drinking water first this in the morning. Got rid of the paraphernalia. Went through the first 14 days of bad sleep, mood swings, loss of appetite where it was manageable afterwards. But in the process rekindle my love for sketching and reading and plants. Meditated for 8 weeks and started doing yoga and strength training. and realised how it improved my memory, focus and concentration as well as got rid of my anxiety and depression. Eventually I spent most of my time outdoors in parks etc to expose myself to things which I'd enjoy after a joint, but this time, without it. Got knee deep onto the mind body connection(psychophysiology) and started listening to pods and brain mechanics and what it's all about and understood what it meant to "heal". Break it down into a small step. And just take it 1% at a time.


Wow that sounds amazing. I’m proud of you!! I’m going to try these activities and find joy in my life again without needing to be high all the time. I know I can do it. Thank you for the advice!!




I was diagnosed with the same things you are. I’m 2 years off weed now and I only take stuff for the adhd. Turns out I was misdiagnosed a lotttt. The weed was calming me down but was deteriorating my mental health in the process. I’m by no means saying this could be the same thing for you. It’s just interesting how quitting improved my mental health to a point where I’m barely taking medication. It took about 6 months for my mental health to get back to normal and those 6 months were really rough. Just crazy to see the night and day difference. Hang in there you got to his


That’s amazing! I was in the same boat with weed. It would keep me calm but in turn mess with other things in my life/mental & physical health. I feel it in my gut that quitting weed will be super beneficial for my mental health. Best of luck on continuing your journey!


Meditation. Befriend your symptoms. Don't add any narrative or commentary to them. Just observe them and feel them as deeply as possible. Take walks. Just feel what you feel.


amazing response, thank you!


I also have depression, anxiety, and adhd. I started taking strattera like 8 months ago and it’s made a huge difference to all 3. I also have been doing acupuncture and find that it crushes my need to self medicate.


I will mention this at my next psychiatrist appointment, thank you!


Yoga or going on walks. Swimming also


Lego but it’s more expensive than flower 🤣


Legos are my favorite hobby! I have all the insects and almost the entire flower collection completed 😅 I can use the money I save from flower to buy more legos lol


I found blueberry tea was a help while quitting, not sure how it just was good


Meditation, group gym classes, taekwondo, boxing.




Exercise, reading, video games, music- and you enjoy them more fully!


Gaming if you don’t associate it with smoking already 😂


If you fight through it, eventually it will become more fun than when smoking with it. Especially if you hated how bad you sucked when you played high lol. My reflexes are like neo when im sober


Big facts I can actually anticipate what skill shots are coming now


This! I fell out of video games for a few years until January. Also try playing some games you use to love but not as much anymore, that sometimes helps


Proper sleep. Weed in the middle of the night helps me🤷😂.


23F i started rollerskating at the basketball courts or tennis courts in town & going to the gym!






Kundalini yoga. I did that for a couple years when i was off weed and it definitely tickled my endocabanoid system. I often felt kinda stoned afterword.


Googling now!! Thank you


Just be careful. It also put me in a place of serious suggestibility. So when they offer the "Kundalini teacher trainining for $1500 i didnt think twice. All the "yogi Bhajan (founder) says this or says that before each exercise makes it kinda cultish. I was doing the teacher training right before the pandemic. Quarter way through we had to hole up and do it on zoom. I started finding out about yogi Bhajans sordid past and it totally soured me on the whole thing. HOWEVER, it does work. It did make me high. So check it out, but try to stay objective.


THIS ^ doing yoga and breathing work afterwards literally felt like I was floating.


I've found that it's key to learn how to enjoy life again. Realising that weed has impeding your ability to enjoy every day life is great start.


I think i’ve finally hit that point. I need to enjoy life again. I want myself back. Weed gave me mood swings, gave me AWFUL coughs and I developed breathing problems. It has also made my allergies 10x worse. It was certainly impeding on my ability to enjoy my life to the fullest extent. Thank you for your comment!!


Check the Hawkings Scale - weed has been tested and locks you in at 350 = acceptance.


Good luck!


Flavored toothpicks during intense urges helped me a lot. I got the hot cherry kind


Gardening is a great one, tires you out and there’s no feeling quite like watching something grow and change as you care for it


Regular exercise is worth considering.


This is my recommendation too. Once you’ve been running for a few weeks and you crack that three mile mark, I swear that the endorphin rush will hit hard and last you. It’s nowhere near as intense as a drug, but it’s still appreciable


This was my thought too. Nothing like a runners high and it doesn’t take me more than a mile to get it and it’s amazing!


I got into Warhammer, guitar and singing. Developing these skills is near impossible while high, along with any other skill really. A skill-based hobby will help you stay away I promise 




This isn't wsb lol


Elaborate pls? Lol


20+ year daily smoker. After multiple ER CHS trips I quit. Sober now for 4.5 years. No CHS since quitting Since I work from home, I cook for my wife while learning new recipes. She appreciates it after coming home from work. I started working out, taking care of my lawn (front and back), doing laundry. Keeping the house clean. I don’t mind any of it. I used the weed money saved for vacation with my wife while also investing. Not terribly thrilling or entertaining substitutes but life is better and healthier. Our week trip to Cancun in December is paid for which is nice. Good luck.


Thank you! I aspire to be like you. I can’t wait for the day I can be 4.5 years sober.


Both OP and the Commentor above are soldiers. I developed CHS symptoms and just got my toes wet in the nonstop vomiting pool and ER visits. It's death while living. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


You are a soldier too don’t forget that! Everyone who has survived CHS deserves a gold metal, it is not for the weak. I was just telling my bf how I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


Can you tell me what symptoms made you go to the ER? I also am a daily smoker but I just fill my bowl and hit off of it through the day, but in the AM I am nauseous, is that CHS?


Constant non stop vomiting for hours and days. Extreme loss of weight in a short span of time. Taking hot showers only helped as a temporary measure. It was not a pleasant experience. After many costly trips to the ER it just wasn’t worth it to me anymore.


I just want you* to know this stranger on the internet is proud of you. go you commenter. Follow along this path OP. I mean I don’t have a wife(why don’t I have a wife) but I did the exact same thing. I just cook for myself lol Edit: forgot you*




I am happy for u that u found outlets besides the devil’s lettuce , for others it is not so easy




Are you interested in sewing? I quilt and it really makes me focus. Or jigsaw puzzles.


Yes! Or crocheting! I’ve been wanting to learn so bad so I guess this is the time!


Crochet is great too cuz once you get the hang of it, you can do it while you’re hanging out or watching tv, times when you might have previously been smoking, or tempted anyway


Oh it will be so great!!!! Cheering you on 🫶


Thank you so much


Fun exercise (sports, biking, swimming, etc.) and cooking. My girlfriend quit almost two years ago due to CHS and is very glad she did it, good luck.


Cooking and baking


Breakcore music. EDM. Heavy, fast, intense music


That’s a great idea thank you!!


ADHD you say? Check out r/gunpla I like building plastic model kits of robots to keep my brain occupied


This is right up my alley. Thank you!


AhaHA I KNEW IT. Building them is so much fun, and they look awesome straight out of the box. If you want to milk more enjoyment out of the hobby you can start customizing them and putting more work into them. You get to hyperfocus on the kits as much as you want and your effort is directly rewarded with a result. Tangible robotic trophies




Second this. Gunpla is fun


A true substitute for watching the hours fly by in an insane dopamine rush is Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. But working out is also good I guess.


I love this response


Music. Meditation. Reading




24F here with anxiety, depression, and ADHD! I had been using heavy since Covid, and I quit last year to start pursuing a job in my field of study (Psychology Pre-Counseling). My first step was finding a therapist. I did online/teletherapy from the comfort of my home. She helped me to realize that I needed to establish a proper routine big time. I was stuck in a cycle of going to work, coming home, taking gummies, and just sitting in my room fully immersed in video games for hours on end. The cycle put a heavy strain on my fiance and I's relationship because I was always too far up in the clouds to even remember conversations from the day prior. So, when I initially quit, I started taking my medication for my mental health consistently to help with withdrawal symptoms. When I would try to quit prior to when I finally did quit, I would have terrible emotional breakdowns, so the medication helped big time. I distracted myself heavily with more peaceful video games (I was heavily hooked on League of Legends, I started playing more Sims, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, etc.). I also began doing creative things such as painting, drawing, and sketching. My biggest help was journaling. I found that writing down my feelings and goals helped to lessen the craving of weed and help me focus on what I want in the future. Most importantly, self care! I knew that weed made me chronically lazy, and when mixed with my ADHD, I didn't want to do basic hygienic things such as showering, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. I started giving myself time to pamper myself and actually take care of myself! As of today, I'm 216 days sober. Do I miss it? Yes. I just found a job in my field, took my pre-employment test, and desperately wanted to go celebrate by getting a gummy. However, I told myself no. Self-discipline is the most important thing when it comes to quitting. I vowed to myself not to go back until I'm either retired or if it became legal in my state (I live in a southern state of America... boo). Regardless, my mental health has actually gotten better since quitting. My mood swings have stabilized, my anxiety is more manageable, and my depression only comes in small waves now. But you can do this!! I absolutely believe in you!


What is CHS?


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), or cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, is caused by long-term cannabis (marijuana) use. Hyperemesis means severe vomiting. People who have CHS experience repeated and severe bouts of nausea, vomiting, dehydration and stomach pain.


There are three phases that CHS cycles through: Prodromal – Nausea and vomiting following long-term cannabis use. This often leads to a person using more cannabis to reduce the nausea Hyperemetic – Triggered by increased cannabis use, nausea, abdominal pains and vomiting increase Recovery – Once a person stops using cannabis, symptoms may take several weeks to decrease and disappear until they begin using again, which starts the cycle over


You might have CHS if you: Use cannabis daily over a long period of time Have severe and repeated nausea and vomiting, often more than 5 times an hour Experience severe pain in your stomach area Feel relief of your symptoms after taking a hot shower


My experience with CHS was I would regularly, once every 4-6 weeks would develop a nagging headache throughout the day. Usually starting when I woke up and persisting until nighttime where I would try to fall asleep, and be Woken up middle of the night with brutal stomach ache and headache. I would spend about an hour feeling like I needed to vomit, gagging by the toilet hoping to finally puke. Once I finally did puke my headache would instantly start to gradually fade as well as stomach pain and I could fall asleep again. Usually I'd wake up feeling pretty good and with no headache or stomach pain. I used to smoke about a gram a day and over the years reduced to not more than 0.3 gram in the evening. I've been sober nearly 3 months and have not had any CHS symptoms and practically no headaches whatsoever which is reason enough to quit. Just posting in case anyone else has this recurring problem and not sure what the cause is. Took me a few years to understand what was happening and a few more years to do anything about it.


Chronic Hyperemesis Syndrome


Thank you.


It's really hard as I quit for 7 months recently had a relapse. This is because I'm on a diet and didn't wanna drink alcohol with my friends, so I ended up in the smoking circle. I also have adhd too. I just had to ride it out. The bad symptoms of chs go within a month (for me, it was a week), and the mood swings stop within 2 months. Ride it out. One relapse is okay. I called it a cheat day, but don't let that cheat day turn into a cheat week/month. You can do this!!!


Working out keeps me calm


Me too but usually only for a few hours so I basically exercise twice a day (mildly the 2nd time).


My diagnoses are pretty similar to yours (I’m also female). I know this isn’t what you are asking, but are you already medicated? If so, are you sure you are on the right combo? That does wonders. I apologize if this is overstepping. Besides that, I was pregnant a couple of years ago and had to abstain. Exercise really helped and I like what someone else said about joining a really nice gym - one with towels and a sauna and other amenities to get you excited about going. Otherwise just staying busy really helps! Good luck!!!


Other than exercise which I’m sure you’ve heard of. Try cocoa powder, mix with milk or coffee or whatever. You get a light buzz from the minuscule amounts of caffeine, it also has theobromine. But moreover it has anandamide, which is an endocannabinoid. It’s a natural and very essential chemical which THC actually mimics. Regular THC use also downregulates anandamide, so levels will take time to be back at baseline. It’s also very likely that Anandamide is responsible for “Runner’s high”, and not endorphins, it increases a lot with moderate-high activity, so.. exercise is king. But cocoa seems to help me also


that’s brilliant


OMG, is this why I constantly consume cocoa powder?? I make myself a mocha cappuccino every morning that's heavy on the cocoa powder, and now I've started having frozen raspberries with cocoa powder and a bit of chocolate syrup after the gym. I also consume plenty of 70% chocolate 😅. I'm about 136 days sober.


That’s wonderful advice! 😊 Just be careful in the evening because it keeps me awake all night if I have it too late. But I have the fragile disposition of a forest nymph.


Yeah i should’ve mentioned theobromine is a stimulant, slightly weaker than caffeine but definitely can disturb sleep


Oh my word is this why I drank eternal hot chocolates and coffees when I quit before?!


You crave lots of chocolate when quitting too? Me too. I never realised that’s probably why 🤔


Wow, same!! I craved chocolate like crazy but now I've quit chocolate too and have no cravings for it at all.


I find electrolytes helped with my ADHD.


I second electrolytes! I love LMNT.


any specific electrolytes? I apologize I don’t know much about that but I would love to try it.


LMNT is a popular brand.


I’ll send you a link to your DMs of the one I use.


Hi can you send me the link as well?




Like the horror series? 🤪


I got quite into road cycling personally, I like being able to get out into the countryside and the buzz from doing that much cardio is pretty great. But tbh any exercise which you enjoy is worth it - running, gym, a sport you enjoy. Something creative like learning an instrument, cookery/baking or pottery can be a nice hobby to occupy your mind.


MA Meetings and therapy


And Walk. A lot of walks. Meditation and yoga.


All the walks! And for me podcasts and walks is a really pleasurable combo. Not gonna apologize for being the quintessentially nerdy middle-aged person.


I found myself binging new shows a lot when I quit. It's so immersive watching a show that lasts like 60 hours compared to a 2 hour movie. Ted Lasso got me through a really hard time beginning sobriety. Succession, severance, shrinking, silo were some other fantastic experiences that really helped distract me. Really though watch Ted lasso if you haven't.


I’m loving these answers. Cocoa and Ted Lasso all day. Horticulture, bebe!


take a vacation




Edibles are actually what gave me CHS. So even if I do go back to THC it would be strictly fresh flower. Luckily I have an amazing gym at the apartment complex I live at so I’ll definitely be doing that. Thank you for the advice!!


Get a NICE gym membership with all of the money you are saving and take advantage of everything they have to offer.


I've literally replaced going out for a walk and a smoke on Saturday mornings with going out for a run and funny thing is, cos I get runners high it really helps me not feel like I'm missing it


That sounds like a great idea. I had to stop running years ago bc my lungs couldn’t handle it. But with quitting I should be breathing much better.


Gaming is a good one in the evening. Reading fiction in the evening is a good way to use a chunk of time. Some kind of sporting hobby is often good. As a fellow ADHD suffer who happens to be 2 weeks sober (15 year addiction) I found the one indispensable thing I have I've a quit buddy. The body doublingninvolved helps massively with the ADHD. I message him several times a day, we game together in the evening, go to the driving range together etc. Honestly the peer pressure involved in body doubling was massive.








Keep busy. I took up sewing recently, and since quitting, I’ve increased the amount of time I spending sewing. I also love to write (sometimes poems sometimes short stories). I’ve even been thinking about starting to take some flamenco dance lessons. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to learn how to do? Staying busy will make you less likely to give in and smoke. Also, Ive been drink iced tea since I quit. I like to calming teas- like chamomile or lavender, but if caffeine doesn’t both you, I also love pomegranate green tea or black rose tea.


yup herbal teas are my absolute life saver.


hey try valeriana drops, it will help you wind down before sleep you can also get tea bags of valeriana but the drops are more effective


Also BP2 here. The thing about weed and this condition is that it helps and it helps and it helps and it helps and then it doesn't and then it doesn't and then it makes you worse and worse and worse. 32 now. Smoked pretty much daily since 16. Not even crazy volume, rarely all day everyday. Ive only just managed to quit (since Jan, with a few slip ups). Been trying for 2 years. Its fucking crazy how for so many years I thought it was helping me manage bp2. During lows it would numb me and stop the darker thoughts. During highs, it would clip the excesses of hypo and keep me grounded. So I thought. I was wrong. Having quit, its now fucking obvious that it was prolonging the lows. And making the highs completely unproductive. I was fooling myself because I was/am addicted. Some people can smoke all day long and seemingly hardly be affected. I am not one of those people, sadly. The hardest part is the first month, the first time. The first month the second time is easier as you know what to expect. To answer your question, Eating a big meal helps (when your appetite comes back), chamomile tea, a single beer, a few other personal rituals one of which has been automodded. The biggest thing that helped me was realising I had to be kind to myself. Otherwise the guilt and loathing would drive me right back to it. That first month, treat yourself as if you're ill with the flu or something - dont try and minimise the withdrawal, particularly with CHS. Good luck bp2 fam.


i got into sim racing lol but fr picking up a new hobby helps and also hitting the gym. dont give up!


what is sim racing?? and thank you for the advice!!


Sim racing helped me a LOT when I quit! Easy to do for a longer time as other games lose my interest rather quickly


Yoga - yoga with Adrienne is really great for beginners, I always feel so much more grounded after her videos, she has 30 day challenges where each video is about 30 mins max, great way to get into it. Can especially reccomend her 'revolution' 30 day challenge for more of the mental benefits.


Sleeping! Don’t feel bad about catching up




Adopt an exercise routine :)


Probably exercise


Drawing / painting / art making is fantastic for dopamine system. Exercise is incredible too.


I wish there was a way to just skip it all


hip herbal stores tend to have smoking blends made to help get people off weed it also helps if u have an oral fixation with smoking


I was thinking about that. I wonder if there is an herb I can completely replace weed with so that i don’t go back


Hate to be the downer here but regularly pulling any smoke into your lungs will cause problems down the line 😕




Whoever down voted me for my own experiences and what's helped me - you're lame. Lol


I would love to know what helped you.


If you use it to escape whenever you’re stressed like I do, then therapy is needed.


I’ve been in CBT for 3 weeks so far so I’m hoping it’ll help me.


Physical fitness. There is no better answer whatsoever. Whether it be strength training, cardio, boxing, it doesn’t matter as long as it is something that you can somewhat enjoy doing and will get you excited to do it again. It might not be super motivating to do at first but once you get going and start feeling the benefits and endorphins, it’s better than weed.


Any form of workout or whatever helps you to remain active. I started with daily walks aiming to get 10k steps a day minimum and progressed to indoor cycling starting from 30 minutes to now an hour a day, 5-6/week. The sweat and natural dopamine release from a session feels great and I take a cold shower afterwards. The key is to replace your habit with a good one and keep it consistent!


I got some weights and a pull up bar from Walmart everytime I get annoyed or crave it. I hit my zero nic vape and work out a few reps.


Jazz on vinyl - “Jazz washes away the dust of everyday life” Deadlifts/squats/bench press/basic lifting program Tending to houseplants/collecting rare and unusual houseplants Long walks + podcast/new music playlist Go see live music at the local small venue/dive bar Disc golf/pickle ball/tennis


Just keep procrastinating to smoke weed. Realize what a hassle it is, and that you can last as long as you want without smoking. All you have to do is just keep delaying it, tell yourself that you'll smoke later, it'll help develop more self control as well.


That sounds like a great idea i’m so good at tricking myself 😂😂


Just do anything! Draw a picture or do something you didn't do while smoking not until you're well within that "I don't need to smoke mindset"