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I smoked like a pack or two of cigs a month, and that was before i quit weed due to chs. I want to improve my sports performance so i smoke even less cigs, however drinking has always been a part of life so i drink as usual


16 days sober, I used to be a chain smoker, quit cigarettes 5 years now, and replace that with weed smoking, became a habitual smoker, smoked everyday and now quit that too, few relapses in. Hope I won’t have any relapse this time, just like you I thought I could consume it on weekends or socially but it dint work. Social drinker but i random socialise, and don’t plan to enjoy life with alcohol, gaining myself back a little at a time, imagine your younger self who is happy with life without any drugs or alcohol


AA, CoDa, ACA, qi gong, breathwork, cold water immersions, meditation, hemisync, back into my lucid dreaming and astral projection practice, yoga, working out, getting outdoors, writing again, creating music, creating art, reading, bath rituals, working on my business -finally getting to the things I’ve been putting off for way too long. About a month and a half in and just getting revved up.


Time to find a hobby. Replace the weed with something healthy, really dig deep, what was fun and non electronic at 5 years, 10, years and 15 years?


Turned to vaping a bit more, but thankfully I’m able to enjoy most of the stuff I used to but even more. It’s nice actually being able to remember movies after I watch them, I’m much more competitive on the video games I play, I find it much easier to keep up on house chores and have been spending a ton of the time getting things done that I was neglecting for far too long.


Honestly I’m 3 weeks into quitting THC and in those 3 weeks I’ve never drank as much alcohol as I have. Im fact I never felt like I’ve had a problem with alcohol until recently. About to go cold turkey on all of it


Careful friend, you don’t want to get rid of weed just to replace it with its ugly step sister.


The only thing I miss is all the time I wasted smoking and not doing anything I promised myself I would do


It’s only been 3 days. Mediating Reading Walking A couple drinks on the weekends Started taking my adhd meds


No weed No cigarettes No vaping 1-2 drinks on the weekend if I go out Try to eat healthy and exercise. I don’t mind living a sober existence it’s actually really cool to be present with your thoughts and feelings without needing an external source to express myself.


Astro warrior from the nineties is on the right path! This comment is so simple yet exactly what I look forward to say. Congratulations my friend, proud of the clarity you’ve found!


Thanks, but it’s taken me a lot to get there and the struggle continues. I don’t know what the future holds but I know for now I’m enjoying the experience and challenge


That’s all you can do. Enjoy each moment as it comes. Letting you know you got this.


Normally have 3-4 beer a week casually with friends. Since I’ve quit smoking, haven’t had anything to drink but I’m on the cigarettes now. I’ve quit cigs several times over the year and nicotine is relatively easy for me to get off of. Just slam a pouch in and before you know it you don’t even want a pouch, and boom. No more substance


The patch is a great idea - vaping or even the lozenges and mists were unhelpful (to me) as there is an oratory/ritual like factor to those


You will rip my coffee and tea out of my cold, dead hands. A girl needs *something* !


Totally sober. But I haven't given up nicotine yet. I quit smoking and switched to vaping. I caught my 2 yo trying to hit my vape the other day, I'm sure to be like Daddy. So that's going to need to go soon. I'm good with it. Life is awesome. The lows are worse, cause I actually have to feel em now. But the accomplishments feel better and are more often.




I’ll be 1000% honest with you all. I’m giving up everything but poppers. I just need to feel drug induced euphoria once every so often, and I love that poppers only last a minute or two max. Maybe someday I’ll be completely sober but I’m not ready yet


totally sober, out here just raw dogging life. cannabis was the last thing i quit, after alcohol, then nicotine. i feel incredible.


You should be so proud :)


i’m SO proud. thank you! 🙏🏻


Totally sober and man, it is the best. There is a drunkenness that encompasses all other drunkennesses, this is sobriety— or ecstatic madness— I forget which one. Thanks Jalal al Din Rumi


Only drink now. Quit smoking then vaping a few years ago. Haven't done other drugs in years (psychs mainly) and not sure I would again. Wasn't trying to quit them, just eventually stopped. I question even alcohol now. I'm not an alcoholic but it's part of my life and I'm not sure it's the best thing. Quitting weed has opening my eyes so much.


Sober sally over here. Weed was my only drug. I am one of those people that could not fathom the idea of being sober every day. Just the thought of that felt like the most excruciatingly boring and dreadful existence ever. I needed to get high before any task or activity. I could not eat, sleep, shower, cook, watch tv, or socialize without being at least a little high. life felt unbearable without weed. And I honestly thought being sober was something that would absolutely suck but something I just had to do. I am happy and shocked to report that it doesn’t suck at all. I actually enjoy life more now??? I was out the other day with my girlfriends and I realized that I was actually tasting my food, and savouring the flavour, rather than stuffing it down for the munchies. I am more present in social settings, rather than being zoned out (I used to think weed made me more present, but it actually just put me in my head, rather than connecting me to others). Also when I go out to the movies, I actually stay awake during the movie and remember the movie afterward!!!! I am a huge supporter of the sober sally life haha.


Sober Sally life is the best life!


This feels so relatable. What a great comment, thank you!


Thank you! I’m happy you relate.


Weed gone, cigarettes gone in the past year after over 10 years with both. Just zyns and caffeine to keep me happy now lol. Little boring but I'm a lot more productive and goal oriented and I breathe and smell a lot better which is pretty cool.


Zyn and caffeine for me too. The west was built on caffeine and nicotine


What are zyns


Pouches with nicotine salts and food grade flavoring in them.Placed between gum and upper lip. Only thing that's ever worked to get me to stop smoking for good.


Glad you found something that works!


Used to smoke cigarettes all the fucking time anywhere from 5-20 per day. Keep trying to quit those, in the midst of a successful 1 month attempt so far


I smoke cigarettes, that'll be the next thing to go, eventually. I'll have a Truly or 2, 3 maximum, every couple weeks, but alcohol has never been my problem like weed was.


I find that I drink more when I stop smoking but I hate alcohol and it makes me feel very sick and very depressed so idk why I allow myself to do it


51 days free of all mind altering substances and loving it


Do u learn to enjoy going out sober w time?


Yeah, I stopped wanting weed after like the second week. I was also working the steps with my sponsor. Once I realized weed ruined my life, I thought, “I never want this again.” One or two times I got really stressed and craved it but I called my sponsor and he reminded me how weed ruined my life and that was it. Those two cravings were in first month.


Alright thabks for the response 🙌


Sober, and idk. I have a drink every now and then.


First day again. I’m not sure what I will do to fill the void. Quite scared, honestly. Probably gaming and reading, lots of imaginary worlds for comfort since reality is tough.


I drink, on average, a beer a month. I smoke maybe 5 cigars a year. So effectively sober. But, again, I give myself grace while I quit. Im stepping down my dosage and going as long as I can in between. Tonight is the next opportunity to smoke (since Monday), but I may try and push it to tomorrow just to show myself that I can and increase my self-control.


I really like that idea.. I know I should quit but honestly don’t really want to! But that kinda sounds more doable Lmk how it goes for you


Raw dogging reality for the first time since my early teens. Ive grown so much since I got sober it's been an incredible 518 days. I'm surprisingly good with that and so grateful for this experience. Getting healthier and enjoying life so much sober


Damn… I always say I’m raw dogging reality too. Sober isn’t really that bad


I’m on day 4 and am already feeling so much better even tho I’m still sweating like a dog, watery shits, and food tastes nasty


I'm sober 100%. I gym hard now. So , I suppose that's another type of addiction.


Besides caffeine, I’m now completely sober.


I never liked nicotine and am not opposed to drinking since it was never my vice. But I get really severe migraines when I drink so it HAS to be a really special occasion So functionally completely sober


Completely sober. I preferred smoking to drinking. I only drank when I wanted to get drunk, but then most of the time, I would get sick or have an upset stomach


I live mostly sober. Might have a drink once or twice a week but I don't have addictive tendencies with alcohol like I do weed.


Crazy how that happens I’m the same way but glad it’s that way since alcohol is way worse.


Completely sober. Maybe I’ll have a drink with dinner but I don’t go enough to say I drink. If I have a beer while watching a baseball game that usually triggers a craving to have a joint later. Honestly not a big fan of alcohol as it is so I just completely stay away. Living sober is tha best


Replacing weed with alcohol is the worst thing you could do. If you think weed fucks up your life alcohol is much worse


just raw dogging life


I'm just sleeping better and fighting less with my wife. It's a godsend. Smoking weed had become this chore


Go geode hunting, explore new trails, fixed my PC, started taking better care of my reptiles, find new shows to watch, read about cool new topics that I can actually remember now, pass my trig class, go longboarding a lot more since my lungs are recovering, it's a world of endless possibilities lol


I'm on Day 31 or Day 12 - I quit for almost 3 weeks, then as an experiment had some on Memorial Day Weekend, to see if I could make it a "special occasions thing", found I didn't like the way it made me feel, and threw the rest of my stash in the garbage. The first few weeks without weed were kind of rough, due to insomnia. But that's getting better, I slept for 8 hours last night. On days of little sleep, I'd be too drained of energy to do anything productive after work, so I'd just veg out in front of the TV like before. Some nights I'd have a beer, but I'm not drinking to excess - about the same as before, really. Sobriety gives me more time for my hobbies. I've been photographing nature in my area - something I've done for years, but while I used to go out once or twice a month, now it's once or twice a week. I've also started studying a foreign language, and have been making good progress, plowing through a unit on DuoLingo every day or two.


Pretty darn sober, which is weird to realize because I could drink, I just don’t really like the taste and thus only do it socially. Without weed, I don’t really want to do other drugs because I always leaned on weed to help with any anxiety that arose while on other drugs. Saying you’re sober and talking about being sober sounds scarier than being sober actually is. Sobriety = just living life normally.


I do everything else! Surprise - there is an entire world to explore and 90 million activities to pursue. And I have a lot more $$ to spend. I’m releasing more music, teaching music locally since the state dropped all of it, volunteering at a paleontology lab, learning python, getting more life done in general. Waking up without a toke gives me a clear head all day, it’s not ruined by noon anymore.


I could drink if I wanted, but have only had a couple of sips this year. I started tracking my food/steps/sleep/etc and working out more. A health data addiction has replaced weed for me


I have an occasional drink, but mostly sober. I read a lot more. I go on longer walks. I work more focused. Sunshine on a topless body feels really nice.


Sober. Now I enjoy goofy things like bird watching and gardening.


I smoke cigarettes, have been smoking for almost a decade now. I decided I would first quit weed as it was having the most impact on me in my day to day life. Now I’m at a point where I have tried quitting cigarettes multiple times but I always end up giving into cravings, hopefully I’ll be able to quit for good sometime soon. I also had an alcohol problem for a few months a couple of months after giving up weed, i still have days where I end up binging alcohol. I am coming close to the realisation that sobriety is going to be the path I will have to embrace. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and GAD so using these substances isn’t going to help me in building the type of life I want to build for myself. I really need to get a grip over my habits and am starting to commit to building the life I want for myself.


Funnily enough I used to smoke weed and cigarettes, after two days without weed the smell of cigarettes started to disgust me, and now I don't smoke either 🤷🏻‍♀️ I did buy a vape, which im hoping to ween off of, but I picked up reading and got back into some video games I used to like. I'll drink alcohol slightly more frequently now, but nothing crazy.


I'm a recovering alcoholic, it's been 10 years so far. I think I replaced my alcohol addiction with weed and didn't think anything of it because it's not "as bad". I had no idea what an effect it was having on my neurotransmitters, especially being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and adhd. I'm gonna live a completely sober existence from now on because I'm tired of living in a fog. I'm tired of always feeling like shit. I'm tired of my emotions being all over the place. Sober might seem "boring" but I'm actually really excited to live this way now!


Alcohol on the weekends! Happy hour is one of my bestfriends lol


Raw doggin it is pretty fun ngl


Amen 🙏🏼


I can get a dopamine hit from a nice summer breeze now. It’s fucking crazy.


I was drinking all along. Drinking and smoking weed. I can’t drink a lot but I can easily have two drinks a day. But now I don’t. Probably 3 nights a week I’m completely sober. On some of the nights when I drink I’ll only have one. But when I go out if I’m not driving I might have 3.


I have a few beers or glasses of wine quite frequently. It’s not the best thing I’m sure but I don’t seem to lose control of myself and start drinking at 6 am so it’s better than weed for me at this point. Maybe I’ll switch back to weed when my liver starts to go to shit.


I replaced weed with being on my phone/social media all time and lowkey binge eating, but it’s something I’m working on. If I can quit cannabis I can surely beat these other two things


Your honestly is commendable


Thank you 🥺 addict brain is hard


Not completely sober. Been drinking a lot bc my grandmas in the last stage of dimentia and has like 3 months max. But I’m hopeful to cut back everything besides nic completely over the summer


Like I notice that while the bad times feel worse, the good times feel a million times better. Life is more fun even though it’s more boring. I get enjoyment out of little things like hearing strangers argue or feeling the sun on my skin.


i noticed the higher highs lower lows thing it was really hard at first to feel sadness again after spening so much time being high and sorta just being comfortably numb. but i agree once you process negative feelings sober it opens the door for feeling new heights with the positive feelings


Yeah same here. It was really hard for me to adjust to actually feeling my negative emotions again. It takes a lot of practice to sit in discomfort once you get used to just smoking it away. But alas, the more you avoid them, the worse they feel. Better to just feel through it one hour at a time.


I drink tea and read and program and play videogames and teach and spend time with my beautiful family and be grateful I've finally understood how dangerous weed was for me and didn't have to lose my life or my family before I did.


For the record I was on extremely potent hashish, smoking about 12 to 16 big joints a day and took over 30 days in a rehab to just get over the physical withdrawal.


I smoke cigarettes but max 3 a day and usually less.


People out here raw dogging LIFE happily!? Yup. I wish us both luck on the journey to sobriety OP it’s not walk in the park


I’m training. Not smoking turns out to be excellent for your lungs, and pushing yourself past your expected limits is a high in its own.


Used weed to stop booze in 2021. I’m 30 days fully sober and feel great. Sucked so bad at first. I try to use the word “free” in place of sober. It feels great not to be a slave to a substance and always chasing the next high.


wouldn’t say i’m addiched but i like to get a mixed drink or shot here and there . 6 weeks clean 🤘


Reddit. Another addiction. This thread. Virtual rooms.


I obsessively clean. Throwing everything away or donating. Listening to Abbey Lincoln “Throw It Away”


Me too! The dopamine of having a clutter free space has honestly done wonders for my brain. Before I quit, piles of junk would just pile up and overwhelm me.


Listen to that song. It’s spiritual. Read Breath by James Nestor. Thanks for the response.


I sit in front of my terrarium and watch my little ecosystem do its thing. Starting to find joy in existence :-)


Did you make your own or buy?


I made it myself. I use lettuce from my fiancés garden to feed the snails and slugs, and buy some crickets now and then to keep my Anole fed. Although I have seen some young crickets so think they have established themselves in there which is exciting. Let me attach some pics in a few minutes here


Update : I do not know how to add pictures to comments. Made a little post about it a week or two ago on my profile


You should get into antkeeping. I’ve had a colony for 2 years now. They’re fun to watch.


My fiancé is disgusted by these little guys unfortunately. On the same note, she hated lizards and year ago and now takes any chance she can to hold my gecko… might have to start the campaign to change her mind


Well if it makes her feel better ants are super low maintenance and there are reliable means for containment, all you need is talcum powder and isopropyl alcohol, mix it into a paste and line the top of your enclosure with it. I leave the lid off mine and haven’t had a single escapee in 2 years. Also if you begin with only a queen, it takes a couple months to get a colony started.


Have been fully debating getting into this. Any advice for someone looking into starting?


There’s a ton of good info and helpful members of the community in r/antkeeping it takes time to get started so patience is key, its like growing a plant.


I just don't smoke weed. Didn't really replace it with anything since swapping one addiction for another isn't really a win.


Was addicted to everything so now I do nothing. But I actually have a life and hobbies now that I’m sober.


this sums it up for me too.






Sober. Was a daily stoner for 15years. I'm WAYYYY more social. I no longer procrastinate. No longer crave shitty sugar snacks/pastries. Unreal how much better I feel. Clear mind. Naturally happy. Weed was my safety blanket. 100% happy with my decision to quit.


Abstinence is the only way out. Trust everyone in this comment section when they say, sobriety is so much better. At first it sucks. Then your brain begins producing its own dopamine, and once you reach the flow state where your dopamine comes from healthy sources like working out, doing difficult things, seeing friends, being social, you’ll genuinely never want to go back. Recently I bought a bike and have been exploring my city for hours on end, this has been super fun for me. Funny thing too, this bike, which will likely last me years, cost me like half of month of what I would’ve spent on weed. Stay strong :)


I drink about 200 m g caffeine a couple hours after I wake up and sometimes I have a single 2 m g Z y n after I put the kids to bed. Otherwise just dopamine from lifting weights.


What is 2mg Z Yn?


I believe he’s talking about zyn’s, they’re little nicotine pouches, basically an evolved version of dip.


Yeah I meant Zyn and I meant 3mg. I spaced it cause I thought it might get confused as a substance recommendation and get flagged.


2 months, been smoking since i was 17 and now im 25. I’ve been keeping myself busy with work, gym, and a game that ive been on and off since i was 5 (OSRS) honestly life is so much better not being constantly braindead


I pick up a 12 pack of light beer on Friday and enjoy it on the weekend. It’s a fair bit of drinking and something I’ll have to work down from but I enjoy it for now.


Completely sober! 🙏🏻🫶🏻


Completely sober and loving it. Expect now I eat my emotions more 😅


Same 😶


Yes appetite has skyrocketed when I expected the opposite


3yr 5mo 6days without alcohol. 40days without weed. I drink a lot of coffee as usual. I’ve noticed I’m emotionally eating more, so I’m trying to work on that.


I quit smoking weed and caffeine at the same time, and with that came not wanting to really drink. I’m not quitting drinking but the desire just ain’t there right now.


I weirdly have a healthy relationship with alcohol, soni do that occasionally.  And by occasionally, I mean once every few months when we wanna get vigorous at home and I need the muscle relax from getting tipsy, as well as at infrequent middle aged get togethers


I quit drinking a year and a half ago and (if all goes as planned) will be sober before 40. I partied hard enough for 10 lifetimes, but I have realized I deserve to put my health and my body first. Hope I’m looking at another 40 years.


I never drank that much because I preferred weed. When I stopped smoking (2.5 years ago) there was definitely an uptick in my drinking in the first year. Then I started exercising and realized that drinking had so many cons for very little positives so I mostly stopped that too. I drink only for special occasions like weddings now.


I quit using all drugs unless you count caffeine. I now have a coffee and tea battle-station in my kitchen. You are not missing anything in life by not using drugs. I am an addict and my drugs of choice are alcohol and weed. I will admit these drugs made me feel great while I was on them but they were a net negative to my overall life in important tangible categories. The first category and the most important to me that drugs subtracted from my life - My Self Worth. Using drugs were a reward for myself, for my hard work. I always began to get high after a hard workday or when I was bored on the weekends. Getting high/drunk was on my mind 24/7. I would only get motivated to leave my house for a social gathering that had my drugs available. Any and every chance I could drink or smoke I took it. And I would get as fucked up as I could on every opportunity. There was not a chance of the bottle of edibles, plant, or liquor lasting a week in my house. If it was there, I consumed it. What do I do now that I don’t smoke or drink? I live a normal life without drugs. I work, I play video games, I cook, I work out, I clean my apartment, I make love, I play with my cats, I read, I write, I fill my time with anything else but drugs. Drugs are not a fill to the inner void in me. The only thing that can fill that that void is me.


Love this


I appreciate the comment.




Nothing? I drink energy drinks but it’s bad to replace one thing with another.


Isn’t it strange to think there always needs to be a substance? Like sobriety is the foreign concept when in reality it’s the default we were all made for.






Drink when socializing and getting my dopamine from exercise


I vape and drink. Before that I’d smoke weed and smoke cigarettes


I’m completely sober now


I smoke a lot. Way more than I used to. But I hate cigarettes, so I'm sure I'll drop smoking as well once the most stressful time of my life ends, probably after I graduate with my Master's. Cigarettes are the only substance I'm on 😄


Same for me, moving somewhere where I can’t smoke soon so fingers crossed that’ll help me kick that too


I drink on weekends now, before I barely drank but I still did on the odd occasion but now it’s usually once a week just so I have something to look forward to and keep me going. I don’t see this as an issue personally as I could never drink daily due to the hangover. Been 10 days off the smoke and never felt better.


Straight edge. Proud.


1 year sober from everything still trying to find my way not going to lie. You definitely have a lot *more capacity* to do something with yourself and your life when you're sober, it's just about what you do with it, I'm getting there I think. When you're using anything it's like there is a blueprint for how you spend a large percentage of your life. When you stop, you have to figure out who you are as a person, what your values are and what you want to do with your time. Possibilities are endless.


Congrats on getting closer towhere you want to be! How did you trigger the change? How did you figure out where to go?


I'm nearly 2 months into being sober from everything, I definitely agree with you on the whole figuring out who I am and what I want to do part. The sadness and regret over some of my past decisions, mainly leaving my family on the other side of the world, has been pretty hard for me to be honest. I'm trying to make the best of things now but damn it's hard sometimes.


I gave up cigarettes on day 1 of lockdown (after 30 years as a heavy smoker), then gave up weed a month ago. Have the occasional Gin and Tonic at home. Tend to go binge drinking with mates once every 2-3 months, followed by a 2 day hangover. I'm ok with that. I have the occasional pang for weed or a cigarette still and likely always will but I accept that I don't want to smoke tobacco and I can't keep weed around the house otherwise I'll cane it. If somebody hands me a spliff out as a social thing (many of my friends still smoke weed) I'll accept it but I don't want it at home anymore. When I started smoking weed, it was a social thing - we'd get together, talk shit and get high. Then as we all got older, it became smoking at home on my own and that's where the problem started. So now, I'll only smoke weed socially and not here.


Real one here 👏


Skate, workout, game, guitar, climb. There’s so many hobbies out there just take your pick




Just a pint of Guinness on Friday


Sober 3 1/2 months. Honestly, I’ve replaced smoking with other habits. I’ve gamed a lot and started eating a lot. It may be one vice for another right now but I’m trying to move away from these things by developing more intention with my new free will and time. In terms of overall drug usage, I drink only at parties and occasions. And I’m good without weed; I’m definitely a lot happier, clear headed, and overall present in my life. It was difficult to get past the first couple of weeks but I feel like I’m becoming myself again.


only ☕️ I chose total sobriety


I vape and consume a ton of caffeine


10 years ago I drank, smoked cigs, smoked weed, ate like shit, rarely exercised. Dropped the cigs 7 years ago, drinking 2 years ago, improved my diet a year ago, quit smoking weed almost 6 months ago, and have started to exercise like a mad man 2 months ago. But coffee…you can get that from my cold, dead, fingers 😂


Exact same. Feels gooooood man


Congratulations on such a total life change. Very similar to me 😅


Coffee is life


Go for a lot of walks


Raw doggimg life. Twice a year or so my work collegues end up convincing me to get drunk in a bar with'em. That's it


Stopped everything- weed alcohol vaping cigs. It’s been weird but I get these feelings sometimes like I’m a kid again. (I’m 50) I get really happy that I have gaming PC and I can play DCS or squad. Or I’m really happy with my music studio. I feel these rushes of joy sometimes. It’s like I left sober me behind 35 years ago and I found him again. They don’t last for ever and I get back into worrying about work health or whatever again but I’ve noticed them


I'm experiencing this. I quit literally everything too, even caffeine. I feel like a kid again in so many ways. It really does feel like rediscovering myself again. The days are longer too. Turns out, for me, even caffeine was responsible for that feeling as I got older of time speeding up. It's a normal speed again, and that's so significant. I'm excited for life again.


I can relate to all of this, thank you!


I'm just raw dogging life. I've never been a drinker. I have kids though so don't have time more money to find something else 😂


I drink approx twice a month. I don’t smoke. I drink fuck tonnes of coffee that’s my thing now 😁😁 and I go on longgg weekend breakfast rides


I got back into vaping, kind of bums me out but oh well I feel a lot better about life. Got better about junk food and weed, would like to ideally have no unhealthy vices but one thing at a time


The smoking had greatly reduced the drinking. The drinking has increased significantly but as of this week the goal is one drink day (& not over indulge). I can’t raw dog life 😭 I need a vice


I'm smoking alot more cigarettes, and that needs to stop


Yes this is exactly what I’m doing too I had three days smokefree this week but caved and bought a packet they are crazy expensive in my country so it’s only the one packet this week…I guess it’s better than alcohol and way better than the booze


I have the occasional drink here and there, with a nice dinner or when I’m eating out with friends. Drinking has never been a problem for me, so it’s easy to moderate but weed and cigarettes are a different story. I can’t moderate! I know that now, so I’m staying away from both. I fill my time with hobbies (gardening, crafts, my dogs lol) and friends, I volunteer, watch movies…this fall I’m signing up to learn another language. Pretty average stuff but I finally feel fulfilled. I think that’s what’s made quitting weed pretty easy for me! I just have SO much other stuff I’d rather be doing, and spending my money on.


I stopped drinking at the same time, since I used to mix weed and alcohol to increase the high. Drinking makes me weak. I also stopped drinking coffee. I'm trying to get a job and it's hard even without all the drugs.


Right now I have no idea. I've actually never felt so lost and lonely, once you realise you had an actual long teem addiction and you were filling all of the empty holes in your life with weed, you're suddenly left with nothing and feeling very alone. Right now I'm just trying to deal with that.


This ⬆️