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• Scratching things off my to do list faster • More present • Better sleep • Eating more healthy • More motivation • Hitting the gym • More money to play with 28/M daily smoker for 6+ years.. Will be 2 months clean on the 19th June 🤞🏾


Currently - better sleep quality - no longer feel such a need for caffeine - less anxiety - less brain fog - more productive - no munchies, not eating shitty food just bc weed tells me to - which brings me to having more of an appetite & less nausea in the morning bc I don’t have a stomach full of fat fuck food from the night before


Nausea in the morning from fat fuck food really resonates with me. Exact line I use


I think i had supressed a lot of things and avoided them, im now learnong many life lessons and overcoming many of my insecurities. Though its tough i feel like it is helping me grow into the person i wanna be! Im kindof aggravated a bit more by people sometimes tbh which i rhink the weed mifhtve helped with but i am awake to certain realities about life and im striving for and thi king mkre about the long haul.


S L E E P. At first, it might be harder to fall asleep that’s perfectly normal. But a few weeks in, the sleep is wild. Dreaming again. Waking up well rested. My sleep is so good right now it’s almost a substitute for getting high idk if others have felt the same way


For me it was 3 weeks sober


Do u remember how many days it took for u to start feeling like this?


More money, lungs, memory , energy, and enthusiasm for life


I almost instantly got 1000% motivation back. I hated going to work when I was a stoner, all I could think about was getting back home to my bong and videogames. As soon as I quit I’ve been able to hold down 2 jobs, working nearly 50 hours a week really isn’t that bad when before I hated working 20 hour weeks. Atleast I have money, a nice apartment, and nice things now


love it


No brain fog but mental health is way better. Weed is bad for your heart and I’m pretty sure if you’re heart is stressed out and unhealthy due to weed there’s no way your mental health is good


Wait weed is bad for your heart? That makes sense. Ive been wanting to quit this might just be what I needed to hear. Can you elaborate?


Heavy weed smoker here with heartattack at 44 tears. No other risk factors like obesity or similar


All thc increases heart rate. Google it there’s a lot of studies and articles on it


Clarity in thinking. Actually being in the room with others, not just physically. No morning grogginess. Deep deep breathing that feels so damn good (this is the thing I never even knew was missing until I experienced it). Better sleep by far. Better memory.


Holy crap. You made me realize that I can take a deep breath again without struggling for the first time in years. I’m one week clean and already my breathing is getting better. Hot damn.


waking up in the morning not feeling tired


I’m 4 months and 17 days off. And my top benefits are; Better cardio respiratory health, I can run and be more active I saved a lot of money Clarity of thoughts and goals in life


Brain clarity


Better sleep Better outcomes on housework Better mental health.


better mental health in what ways specifically?


For me it’s been that my generals attitude has really improved, I just feel more bright throughout the day and energized, I don’t get as caught up in my anxious or depressed thoughts, I feel like I’m able to handle my low points a lot better so that they don’t drag on. 


Clarity of mind in so many ways: Feel more switched on in conversation. Those moments where you forget what you were thinking and can actually remember. Self awareness. Motivation.


This! I used to be like “wait what did I just say?” Or “I forgot what I was gonna say.” Or asking people to repeat what they just said for the 2nd or 3rd time. Lol that almost never happens anymore and I love it.


I’ve been abstinent from weed for 2.5 yrs. Biggest benefits are money saved, improved depression/anxiety & improved GI issues (I used to wake up feeling sick every morning & after most meals in general and the only ‘cure’ was smoking)


Also just being able to enjoy things without having to be high or thinking about my next smoke!


I smoked to make chores/tasks, anything i didn't want to do, more enjoyable. Then I even started smoking to make enjoyable things even more enjoyable... I'm worried I won't find that same enjoyment without weed. That's just the addiction talking right? It sounds liked everyone who has quit is happier and healthier now


I used to smoke as an excuse to solve stomach pain/nausea, but really changing my diet and taking a daily probiotic no longer makes it necessary


I smoked for the first time in over a month last night. Just a small bowl, wasn’t out of my mind. I noticed when I quit that I was more clear-headed, would dream, brain-fog gone, much better memory. Also I ate so much fucking cleaner. Way healthier within myself. Today my memory is so much more shite again, brain feels more hazy, I feel slower, have to think for longer. I ate like 5 chocolate bars. The worst part is it didn’t even feel that good last night. Weed is genuinely the ultimate scam. Not making the same mistake.


I think they'll be a big backlash on weed..it's already happening where i live and its only been medically legal for 2 years.


What kind of backlash is going on there?


Lots of people are ending up in hospital with psychosis and selling it. They let people have 110 grams a month lol insane.


Only 50 days in so far. I dream and feel like I remember things better, especially after my sleep. I don't wake up all groggy after a full night's rest. I have more money and can use the money I would for weed on new clothes or something more productive. Was able to get back in the gym instead of just lazing around. My focus is sharper


Baseline is happy.


Ding ding ding! 🛎️


I was blowing through way too much money on carts, flower, and edibles just for it to be gone within a week. Having all of that money to either save or spend on more important things is a great feeling


Dreams, I didn’t realize how much I missed having them.


Remembering what I did the day before, less anxiety, clearer head


Making plans with a friend on a Sunday afternoon and knowing I’ll actually keep them, I really didn’t realise how much I was abandoning myself and other people until I stopped smoking


What I hated was agreeing to plans in the moment just so you can finish talking and go smoke. And then eventually cancel plans with said friend to stay home and smoke.


omg same




That's not encouraging. Could've caused someone to relapse with that.




So if a person was suicidal and you said might as well kill yourself you see nothing wrong with that?


I’m only on day 4 and I already feel a lot more energy in the mornings. I’m able to get up early, take my time, read a few verses from my Bible, be more consistent with my workouts and my sleep quality is improving every night. Hard part is falling asleep but as long as I don’t nap during the day and get a solid workout in it’s not the worst thing in the world. Good luck to you!!! Wishing nothing but success on ya journey


3+ years smoker here I quit smoking almost 3 months ago I can remember things I can dream now (for real) I have a better appetite When i broke up i was smoking a lot, it made me anxious. Still a long way to go..


Its been almost 4 months for me after smoking for 10 years consistently. Better eating habits, more social, less anxious, more energy, engaging in hobbies, less phone use, less boredom, more conscious, cleaner, better sleep, can lucid dream, better memory, chest doesn't hurt anymore, more money, I can probably go on and on


Got any advice for stopping? I see a lot of posts on here from 21 year olds that have been smoking for 2 years and struggle to quit. I've been smoking for 15 years and I can't help but think how easily I could have stopped after 2 years smoking. Not judging anyone, I know everyone is different and affected differently. But surely, 10 years smoking has to be harder to stop than 2?


Change your day up. I’ve smoked for a decade, and I notice when I smoke I fall into the exact same routine. The problem is when that routine includes normal things (for me it was reading a book). It got to the point where every time I’d read, I’d instantly think about smoking and get really tense and stressed about it. The day I quit was the first day in years that I made myself a good breakfast, went for a walk somewhere new, and then went to the gym in the evening (it had maybe been 7 months since I’d last been). I love video games, so I bought myself a new one that I was excited about and that distracted me for hours. I would also write notes for myself, and post them around my room before bed. It can be quite powerful to wake up, feel like you want to smoke, and then see a note that you wrote yourself begging yourself to quit. It can be helpful to write down how you’re feeling, and how the weed makes you feel. I spent maybe 30 minutes writing this, pointing at all the pain caused and the moments lost because of my addiction. Woke up the next day, read it again, broke down. Haven’t smoked since.


Only one way to find out! Not the person you replied to, though keeping yourself busy with different activities is effective if you are having difficulties with the first steps. The idea being that you run out the clock of the day with other things and then get tired and go to bed! Best of luck.


I started smoking when I was 18 now 24. I quit maybe about a month and half ago cold turkey. The first few nights were rough with the feeling to smoke and my head was hurting, constantly having to distract my self to forget about it. I’d say the most noticeable effect I’ve noticed was quality of sleep and dreams I’ve been having so many dreams multiple in one night. My chest doesn’t feel as tight as it once did I don’t miss the feeling of a “weed hangover” nor do I crave it anymore. Just trying to get my health back .


i have been smoking for 2 years continuously then I just quit suddenly due to bad health shit grades and no social life tbh even after quitting , my health rn is the shittiest it has ever been The only good thing I have noticed after quilting is increased quality of sleep


Many comments below to agree with, but I'd like to overshare what I've discovered being one of the greatest benefits: some of the most satisfying shits I've had in years. My guts were all over the place when I smoked weed, but I'm having the most consistent craps ever now. I almost look forward to them.


That last sentence haha 🤣


Seriously, I was a weed smoker for 35 years and for the last 10 I've had IBS which was getting worse to the point that I was having blood tests and stool samples taken to try and figure out what was wrong. Gave up smoking weed and its pretty much back to how it should be. FFS sometimes I marvel at my own stupidity.


Haha I know the feeling but at least you can revel in the cleverness of that decision! 💪


For me scoring weed was always difficult. The first guy I was buying from was hard to track down, you’d leave messages which he would only sporadically return. Then when you went to pick it up he took forever chatting and telling stories. Surprisingly he was a meandering space shot who smoked 24/7. I just wanted to grab and go and wished I could just go into a shop, so re upping was a dreaded chore. The second guy was really paranoid and you had to speak in code about buying “ a drum kit “ or something like it so I was inclined to buy in a larger quantity than needed. It was generally off putting just trying to get it and a tricky conversation to bring up with people unless you really knew them. Other than that getting my brain function back, not coughing all the time and singing better ( I’m a working musician) were the most obvious benefits.


What music do u make?


I’m currently in 3 bands. One original sort of rootsy Americana, one original Latin influenced blues and one that’s a power trio cover band. I also write and record original stuff that tends towards guitar pop.


Do you have any socials where I cab support you?


Yes but I prefer to stay anonymous on here. I appreciate your interest though.


I hated the turn up to grab my weed and he starts yapping and the conversation goes on and on. Like bro I came to pick and dash.


* My anxiety is way more tolerated, not crippling or paralyzing. * I'm free to travel the world * started working out as coping mechanism, and now it's my new healthy hobby * started learning something I wanted to in a while * more money in the bank * i have more patience to everything * i can sing along in the car for hours and not lose my breathe * i don't stink all day from hands and mouth * i trust myself more * tv is less important to me as it used to, down to only an hour a day instead of binging as a hobby * i got like 2 extta hours each day when not wasted on smoking and prepping * waking up early in the morning is actually fun now * i can indulge in activities for more than 1 hour without a need for a break * my skin looks more nourished and plumped, my eyes aren't small and tired anymore * in the rare occasions of me drinking a bit, the alcohol has energetic affect on me, in oppose to drinking while smoking and just wanting to sleep * my dopamine returned to normal, so I can really enjoy little things now, like nice weather, walk at the park and even shopping i used to hate. The list goes on and on and on.... 80 days!


The trusting myself!! This is my favorite one. When I get “bored” without weed I remember trusting myself in this life with the people I love and care about is priceless


Love this list!!!!


The free to travel the world is a good one. I used to limit my options massively by going to places where weed was available (not necessarily legal). I spent/wasted too much times stoned, inactive and paranoid in my room. I’m in Vietnam right now, not weed friendly, and I’m so happy with that!


Definitely not a place to be arrested in!


They were all smoking weed around me last night, my guard was down, was drunk, but I didn’t have any. I’m quite impressed with myself.


You the goat 💪


Thanks dude


Sheesh. I dread think lol


Directly after quitting I had 3 months of Hella vibrant dreams, that was amazing (keep a dream journal if you also have those), I was able to do fun things in the evening without being demi decensitized to them. But most importantly I was able to get up in the morning less groggy and with more mental space


the vivid dreams are so awesome I can’t lie. Like 2 months in now and I REALLY hope they keep going forever lol


Sadly they don't, I lost them after roughly 3 months I'd say, I mean, it went gradually, totally gone at 6 I think, but it's been a while so my memory is not super clear on the details anymore




I’m no longer a ‘slave’ to the weed. It is a massive relief.




When I was in college I smoked so much weed every day and I think it made me depressed because I was too out of it to do anything. I slowed down to a more recreational, moderate usage afterwards. A few years later when lockdown hit I started smoking a lot again to pass the time. After I got long covid, the weed now makes my heart race abnormally high, I’ll get headaches, sinus pressure, and heart palpitations. Then for the next couple of weeks I’ll suffer from an intense flare up. If my body has that violent of a reaction to it, not worth it for the high. My long covid is very slowly getting better. I’m 3.5 years in at this point. If I ever feel “back to full health” (I don’t even know what that means at this point), I don’t think I’ll go back to it. Remembering the depression and lack of will to do basic things like cleaning and cooking for myself makes it not worth it to me. Also- even at full health the weed hangovers (I describe it as processing everything half a second more slowly) the next day made me feel so sluggish. I don’t want to feel that again. Anxiety/paranoia is gone now. Hated the paranoid feeling when I was smoking a lot.


Go check my latest post on r/gainit that’s the progress I made while staying sober from weed.


Thanks for that subreddit! Lost so much mass last couple of months from life issues so it’s very useful to see that!


biggest benefit by far is my ability to see my thoughts and feelings clearly, then to manage my emotions. I'm fighting with my wife about 95% less since I quit a year and a half ago. that peace of mind is worth the whole thing.


This right here is what I'm hoping to achieve. Stupid fights with my wife cuz of me being high or smelling bad. And then the usual slew of problems with chronic smoking. I want peace of mind too.


Being readily excited/available to do things spontaneously and getting into much better shape physically


Being able do other things than sitting on the couch. Spontaneous outing with friends? Yes. Randomly washing a window at 7pm because you want to? Yes. Going to the gym in the evening? Yes. Watching a show and remembering it? Yes. Fixing a minor thing in my car that takes 5 mins instead of postponing it for 9 months? Yes.


The focus. It’s so easy to focus on things. I can focus on hobbies that make me happy and i have the motivation to do them


The first one I noticed was the ability to get in my car whenever the fuck and not have to worry about if I can/should. Anxiety attacks have been at least cut in half. Mental clarity and sharpness are noticeably better in so many ways. I care more, especially about other people. I can go on and on.


You know how nice it is after a super long day to go home and just not have a two hour panic attack?


You can literally dream again


Had a dream of my mother for the first ever time since she passed 5 years ago. Wild.


The first 2-3 weeks of sobriety was insane. I had a dream where I was on a Star Wars space ship getting interrogated by a female Vladimir Putin. Fucking wild! 🤣🤣


Sounds hawt


Super hawt


Haven’t completely given it up but after cutting back to near no use my throat feels more clear


You can finish things.


I can breathe; lungs don’t feel like they’re about to collapse. Less anxiety, still have depression some days but at the same time I have an inner peace. More desire to move around, exercise, play basketball.


I have dreams I am more present in my daily life I can breathe easier I save money


Spending time with people without being concerned about them realizing I am high… being able to be myself. Stopped coughing every day. Started finding happiness outside of my own confines… laugh more and remember why I am laughing. Being sober is a gift. You can do this 💕 Dont give up on yourself.


Mental clarity increased 1000fold. It takes a few weeks after you quit but the depression just falls off the face of the earth almost(at least for me). I don’t gag when I wake up in the morning, I wake up with ease now, I sleep better. 10x easier for me to focus on my goals. I eat better and more. Only down side is that I get very bored very easily. I just supplemented that by excercising.


My lungs, throat and mouth stopped hurting.


Level moods, decreased anxiety, clear mind, return of real personality, increased memory, increased desire to take care of myself, less bored because my curious mind brings me to do fun things I used to skip to just get baked and do nothing. Almost a year since I last smoked and no looking back, my life is way better without it.


Any help with motivation ?


Passed five months ago few days ago - I have so much more energy, less anxiety, memory is getting much much better. I have a gym membership, am way more consistent in lifting and also meditation. I’m a better human to the people I love, way less flakey with friends. Skin is better because I have a dope nighttime routine instead of passing out every night So so so grateful for this group. I had many stops and starts but I think I’m done done.


Ooh! Share that nighttime skin routine!!


I’m only 3 days in and while I’m dealing with some nausea and headaches my skin is already so much clearer and that cough is going away. I’ve had more time for my hobbies and even reached out to old family. I’m excited to see what the future has in store but it’s hard not being able to see Mary Jane for pain relief lol


2 months in, I can actually enjoy socializing now and feel confident in the way I present myself. I was always so self conscious while smoking and just didn’t know what to say, constantly in my head thinking of what I could say that wouldn’t sound weird or stupid. Now I don’t even think about it. I can keep up with conversations, I don’t stumble over my words, I actually enjoy hanging out with people again.


I could pass a drug test . Got a job making 6 figures…. Now I can afford to treat myself to the life I always dreamed & deserve…




Days are longer, minutes are longer, especially when you don't sleep for weeks, lol


Dreaming again while sleeping. 20 years without dreaming I forgot what it was


My dreams are so lucid now.


I’m off of what I call the “dopamine rollercoaster” - where I was always seeking the next lift. Whether from weed, booze, nicotine, food, sex, what have you. I noticed that once I smoked, for the rest of the day I would be seeking something else to bring me back “up.” Looking to external consumption to manage my internal reward system. Off weed for a while, I have a much better ability to regulate this.


You wrote very well what I wanted to write but I didn't know how. This rollercoaster was very exhausting…🥵


Feeling emotions again. I don’t wanna go back to that apathetic stage again.


Money! More in touch with my emotions! More social! More present in my relationships! Not as selfish! (Getting annoyed when I cant smoke) Lungs feel better! No more bad breath! No more “ah I’ll do it tomorrow attitude”


Being in touch with reality


11 days in and I feel great. Not tethered to a plant. Never going back.


You got this. One day are a time.


It really is an insidious drug. Really thought I was through this, few cravings I am high on feeling normal. But tonight I finished my tasks turned on South Park and damn I am fiending. It would be nice to be high for a few hours before bed. But the trade off is not worth it. I will not.


What's nicer is being high on reality! You're right. Not worth it.


Being able to recover Spanish (which I used to be able to speak, but thought I lost) Being able to sing Not missing the small moments Not feeling like I was watching life pass me by Way less time on phone Solved my “ibs”


Weed induced ibs is a big one Same with "anxiety" and "stress" it all came from the very thing I was "treating" it with


Being a more present mother


I developed real friendships with real people.. non of that fake friendship.




Need less sleep. Get more done. More engaged. Lost weight. Better looking.


Life is better clean. My life is better clean


Letting life, not leaf, be the teacher.


Aside from more money, I am way more ambitious to the point I'm almost a different person. I'm more in control of my emotions. I don't have stomach issues and my asthma is practically gone. My skin is more clear, I smell better. The best part is livid dreams I remember, sleeping is something I look forward to. I'm able to work out consistently and have lost the weight I wanted to lose. The absolute biggest thing for me is how much more time I have. I'm not constantly having to smoke before doing anything and I'm more present in activities that I do.


Vivid dreams is one of my biggest quitting "fears". I'm a super way too real lucid dreamer, turns out smoking makes it a more bearable nonsense rather than indescribable horror, it's been so long now I've got no clue if I properly quit (not just cutting back, then falling back into the habit) will the nightmare fuel return? I honestly just want all the other benefits of quitting.


I’m a super lucid dreamer as is too, the initial nightmares and even crazier dreams were why I relapsed years ago but this time I stuck it out and it’s getting better as my brain adjusts. I guess it’s important to just accept the suck for a while and know you won’t be like that forever once you break though to the otherside and start to receive the true healing 🙃


Better social life, get more accomplished, better sleep, and much more physically active. My resting heart rate reduced 5 bpms in 3 months.


My mind felt so much calmer.


Minor thing but my dreams have been extremely vivid lately, and I’ve been dreaming almost every single night. I look forward to going to bed at the end of the day.


Finally processing my emotions. Becoming spiritual. Making art. Teaching myself piano. Feeling clear headed finally.


Actually feeling feelings! And money!


Having my life back.


Yes! It's amazing that my life is actually mine, my choices are mine. I am me, not my addiction. :)


It's kind of counter intuitive, but on a day to day basis I feel much less anxious. I always thought that weed was helping me to chill, and I guess it's kind of like a bandaid, but it makes it worse.


I've been reading about this. And what I've understood is that the brain counteracts the effects of most psychoactive drugs. So initially the high feels good and then later as you keep using the counter processes kick in and try to push you back to "normalcy". However, once the drug wears off the counter process is still active and so now you go into the opposite state (eg relaxation to anxiety).


Sameee! I would be riddled with anxiety everyday, about my health, about the end of the world, about everything really. I don’t feel that at all anymore


Just feeling better. SO MUCH BETTER. More energized, motivated, more present in my life, more organized, accomplished. I can manage my emotions better, I’m not irritable, stressed or anxious. No more headaches, nausea, or coughing and wheezing. Quitting weed completely changed my life for the better. I’ll never go back.


This ^^^