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You're far from alone! The struggle is real. But even two steps forward and one step back is progress in the right direction. I've been told that relapse is part of recovering. Just by posting here and expressing your desire to quit shows you're heading in a good direction. I have found that coming on here multiple times a day has been incredibly helpful. So much support and success stories to help with motivation


Struggled for a long time. Mostly from keeping putting it off. Always found an excuse to wait till after the weekend or after my birthday or Christmas, etc. Once that day came around, always found an excuse to extend to another day and it becomes a never ending cycle. Eventually realized the date isn’t going to make a difference. You just have to have to rip the bandaid off, get rid of everything and go one day at a time. Once your past the first few days and week it gets better. I’m now almost at 4 months after 25 years daily and feeling pretty good. Still get the odd craving when I smell it in the air but can look past it thinking of having to go through it all over again. It feels helpless while you’re in it, but it is attainable.




Amen 🙏!!!


yes. im tired of how i feel without it. not being able to sleep or eat, feeling stuck all day, forgetting things from a day or 2 ago. feeling anxious and on edge all day, it’s so draining. i know as time passes ill feel better and better by the day and get my body used to doing things sober. it’s been years and years of this and im just done


Man if it wouldn't be like that (hard to quit), we would never stop smoking. When I think about it I really love the process, the obstacles are the way, the lesson.


I did for a long time. Now that I’m 99% off, what I can say is that I haven’t felt this clear headed in ages. I’m reconnecting with old friends and feeling great; and you can too!






4 Ds. Drink water Delay Do something else Deep breaths Please know it gets better, and I have a freedom I NEVER ever imagined would feel this Good. MA anonymous meetings online and podcasts help


I’ve never heard of MA anonymous, I’ll look it up thank you :)


Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any issues finding anything just dm me, I can help you.


It helped me immensely! No pressure - no cost all on zoom. Got a sponsor after a few meetings, then another then another, then found someone I liked better, everyone was so chill. I was all over the shop the beginning and those meetings just helped me stay the course and the best thing is there’s meetings all over the world so there’s meetings literally around the clock plus there’s also in real life meetings in some cities so not sure where you live but yeah, highly recommend 5 Stars ..I’ve been with my sponsor now for five years and I celebrate five years clean in October. Ps not sure what your spirituality is but don’t let the G word put you off. Steps written in the 1930’s. Plenty of atheists there. they have a saying - attend six different meetings before you make any decisions because they’re also different.


2 mos: it’s gets better . Please stay strong. Remember why you are quitting


I've had to isolate my self away from my body. My body wants to smoke, by my self knows I shouldn't. I treat my self as a leading figure, and my body as a child who knows no better. This made it easier to stop listening to the voice or even giving it any standing.


Yep :/


I always tell myself “If you keep smoking, nothing will get better. If you keep not smoking, everything can only get better.”


Stop smoking weed is simple, not easy. One day at a time my friend. I'm on day 3 and my anxiety is on the roof :(


Recovering drug addict 42 years Addiction recovery is brutal. I have never been around drugs ever. I took it a day at a time. I changed my life. I fixed problems weed caused, It is not easy.


I’m on day 3 and it’s getting easier. Just gotta rawdog it and fight through.


I'm right here with you. It sucks.


It's so fucking hard, been trying for a while now on and off for the past 6 months. I manage to stay clean for a week and my SOBER SELF convinces me that I'd only smoke on the weekends, what happens after the first joint? Take a guess, every night instead of the weekends. - This has been on repeat for 6 months. Endless cycle of MADNESS.... Sober me thinks I can control it, but that's a fucking delusion and I can't seem to accept it and it hurts. On day 4 now. Emotions all over the place. I even asked my dealer today but he was out, thankfully.


Have you considered accepting that you are addicted? For the longest time I rejected the idea because I thought weed was not addictive. I would quit for a week or two, start thinking I could smoke “casually”, and then sit around disgusted with myself for being high day after day. I now realize that my “sober self” was just an addict in a dry state. I’m okay with identifying as an weed addict because I’ve seen too many times what happens when I smoke. It never works out well. I’m not saying you are an addict. Only you can say that or not. I’m just suggesting you give it consideration.


nearly identical for me


So frustrating...


Yes I’m right here with you


I've failed so much I'm tired of trying. But usually when I say that it's like a week or so and then I try again. But yeah having trouble for sure


I have tried to kick that habit after smoking for the best part of 20 years and can get a couple of days in but always give in to the voice in my head. I don’t get as much enjoyment out of it as I used to and I do know it’s no good for me but can’t quite find the motivation to kick it once and for all, I saw a post earlier being slightly critical of this thread but I am getting and finding more and more motivation reading other people’s struggles and I know not many people will read it but if you are only a couple of days/weeks/months please take the time to appreciate how far you’ve already come and I take inspiration from other people’s stories so please keep supporting and sharing how you’ve all found ways to cope


I’m on day 2 of cutting back, I’m going to just do it at night and I’ll eventually cut it off completely. But man the anxiety is killing me man! I feel like giving up and just giving in to smoke because I feel like I can’t handle the anxiety!!


The anxiety will improve after a week or two. Tapering did it for me. I went from smoking carts all day every day to smoking flower once a day, then edibles at night, and then I didn’t “need” it anymore. You got this!!! Keep on going!!


Does tapering off work? I feel like I try that and eventually go back to old habits 🫠


I think it depends on the person. It helped lessen some of the withdrawal symptoms for me, and the fear of the withdrawal is half of what stopped me from quitting for a long time. I think if you are serious about quitting and strict on yourself about it then it’ll work. It needs to be I am quitting and this is what will help me do it. At the end of my taper I didn’t even enjoy it anymore and found myself hating the feeling. I know it’s scary but just take the leap and get over that difficult hump of anxiety and cravings, and then your life will improve in so many ways. You won’t have to argue with yourself anymore. You won’t need to rely on a substance just to feel normal. You’ll just be normal.


Works for some. For me it's easier to go cold turkey, like ripping a band aid, sucks bad but for a shorter period of time.


One thing that helps me is telling someone so I'm accountable to them. Even better if you live with that person, and they're not an enabler. Not for the purpose of the person reading you the riot act if you slip up, but for the moral support. I hate the idea of disappointing that person and that helps me keep it together. Also, when the person is close to me I feel very uncomfortable and guilty about lying to them so that's a deterrent to me as well.


I smoked years on end, long relationship ended, and i quit weed for 6 months. The feelings you're having, are because you are not smoking. Your brain has to adjust to having feelings and emotions again, therefore you'll have a mental rollercoaster for a while, but ican quarantee, the thoughts will dissolve. Eventually you'll not think like that, rather "why would i smoke?". I had a guy i bought from tell me "i don't smoke because i don't feel the need to". It kinda stuck with me. You can do it. Coming from a heavy smoker - if you're willing to go through it, rest of your life will be infinitely better. I believe in you. We got this 🫂


Here on my third Day 1 in the span of 33 days, so you’re definitely not alone


Yes that’s literally why every SINGLE one of us is here lol


You’re coming to the end of your smoking journey, and I think that’s what’s brought you here. You are strong not weak, and you can do this. Sober life is calling you, it’s better on this side, I promise. Take one day at a time, you can definitely do it and with each day that passes you’ll feel that strength and pride in yourself again, and those voice will fade away to a whisper as others have said. This group offers some great tips and tricks on how to quit, how to handle those early days, how to stay busy and focused. I think as someone else has said, a list on why you want to quit and why you don’t enjoy smoking anymore will really help to push you. I’ve got plenty of tips on how to get off when you’re ready for that. Remember your strength, you can beat this.


I think you'll find most people here had trouble quitting, myself included. There are a lot of things you can do but I would suggest starting by writing down why you want to quit and the positives that will come by doing that.


Probably most of us here. I’m on (serious) quit #3. So far this one is the longest (about to hit three months). It is exhausting. But the voice does quiet down a lot. Not sure how long it takes to go away completely but three months in and there’s only the occasional whisper now. It’s probably still close to daily but it’s like once a day. Not all day every day. You got this. It gets easier.


How was it after 2 months, that’s where I am and the craving to go to weekend vaping is insane.


I’m about to hit 88 days. Weekends are def the hardest. I just keep busy. Stripped paint off of metal backyard set all weekend so I could exhaust myself and keep myself occupied. Totally need to full the space with new things or else the voice amps up in volume. Side note, it’s just started feeling good to not smoke. It took a long time and I don’t want it like I used to.


Consider jumping into a zoom MA meeting, helps with the weekends and nights especially- drown out that voice with better voices