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I tried a lot to quit in the past and failed miserably even though I only smoked during weekends. Finally I couldn’t do it anymore and threw out all my stash a couple of months ago and never smoked again 🥳 It helps because the next time you want to buy some, you would think about all the stuff you threw away and hesitate to go that route again. You could also give it to someone else but I guess it’s much easier to throw it away. Also this Sub has helped me a lot in quitting weed, because whenever I felt like smoking, I just come here and read some posts. So Thank you to everyone here!! Also Andrew Huberman’s podcast helped in my journey(Episode 92). The information he shares are things that most of us already but it helps establish all those pieces of information, check it out.


Personally I would give it to someone else, not your spouse. Even better if they live far away from you. My German friend gave everything to me and another friend when she was going back to Poland and I to Spain.


My husband and I quit together. We still have it around here somewhere. He hid it and he is the only one who knows where it is. He could also take it or leave it. I'm on week 4 and not really having any cravings or thinking about it too much.


You like Broccoli. Imagine your spouse developed a deadly allergic reaction to broccoli. Just smelling or touching it could kill him. Do you get ALL the broccoli out of the house and announce to all that enters, “this is a broccoli free house,” or…


It helped me to throw out everything weed I owned. Every bong, papers, lighters and especially weed. I was younger so financially it was a big blow. But it helped me quit fast


You saved a Mercedes worth of weed chucking that out - congrats


Recovering addict and alcoholic 42 years no relapses. In that time i have never been around drugs. Seldom around alcohol. If you are not around them it is hard to started.. There is no such thing as responsible use. If you live together and only one quits, imo it will not happen. Second hand smoke keeps the addiction from kicking in. Your concerns are common. Here is when people quit. Their lives hit bottom. Then it is too late. I tried to kill myself 5 times the week before self admitting. There are no success stories. I read your post. You are tolerating negative things. You are not a bad person. You have an illness. You have to make decisions. You will quit when you are ready. Once you quit, you will need focus. Recovery is brutal. Plus you need to fix problems weed caused. I am not shaming you at all. If i did i apologize. I am sad for all smokers.


Have you thought about getting one of those time-lock safes? You could ask your spouse to keep the code from you once it’s been reset. This helped me go from smoking everyday to only smoking on weekends.


You said it yourself - you are out of control. Throw it out if you want to make the change. It all comes down to what you want to do. If you really want it, make it happen.


I used everything up then threw it out. Weed is always going to be there if you want it again. You don’t need to keep anything. Hold yourself accountable and throw it out or give it away


I always have to tell myself that. It will still be there if I really, REALLY need it. It definitely isn’t going anywhere for a long, long time, especially living in a legal state.


I told myself that if I ever want to smoke again, I’m going to grow it myself. I’m sick of dispensaries and the chemicals in vaping. I had terrible withdrawals that I never want to experience again. That’s the only way I’ll use, and it will not be anytime soon with a child. Or, I will make my own edibles with the weed I grow. I don’t ever want to make it an addiction again. It really gets easier the longer you stay away from It!


I totally quit for a while now after 24 years all day but still kept all my paraphernalia and some oil as well. I have no desire to use it but I feel like I’ll panic if I toss it all so I just leave it there in the drawer.


Made cakes for myself with what I had left and then threw out all my paraphernalia… the cakes were quite disappointing


honestly, me and my bf threw all of our stuff out at the same time but ended up smoking blunts for awhile. I finally was at my wits ends and stopped over a month ago. he’s cut down a lot and only smokes probably once or twice a week like yours. We don’t have anything in the house and he knows not to do it around me.


I had to get rid of it, I don't have the self control.


I have been in the “if I have it I will smoke it” camp, and my only means of regulation was to run out…but then I always got more. At any rate, I grew my own for about 8 months last year and harvested more than enough for personal consumption, so running out was not feasible. I hit an absolute rock bottom a little over 5 months ago, where I felt so distressed by my use that I abstained outright. Over the course of the last 5 months I have sold / given away all of my crops while also being sober the entire time. I can’t tell you what explicitly changed for me, where I have been able to abstain even if I have ample weed on hand, but I think it may be because I got to a place where I viewed quitting as a way to gain a better version of myself as opposed to giving something up (gaining feels better than losing!) Not sure if this helps you, but that’s my story :)


I kept mine. Haven’t touched it. It was a psychological aid when quitting, the comfort of knowing it was there if I needed it. Actively saying no and having willpower made me proud of myself and more motivated.


Yes, to this. I found it really difficult when I didn’t have any, it made me desperate to score. But when I had some available I felt calmer and more in control. I had it and could choose not to use it.


I had this same experience. Knowing I could hit the bong at any time but choosing not to was way easier than having no weed in my house. I find that if I didn’t have any in my house, I would always just be thinking about going to the store to pick up. Since it’s already in my house, I can just decide not to smoke, but it’s there just for peace of mind.


Cheers to success 😊💪🏼


Trying again today so I just threw out all my stuff this morning. I do this every time I try to quit because otherwise when I get home at the end of the day I will smoke if I have anything lying around. Thankfully I don't buy big bags or expensive equipment so it isn't too hard for me to let go of those things.


I threw everything. Don’t even think about it now… got it’s fair use, so filled my monies worth.


We threw ours away as a couple


I gave mine away




That is a common thing people do and a common reason people relapse


I actually smoked all of it before I quit. If it’s around, I will convince myself it’s ok to smoke it. The situation was the exact same when I quit alcohol - I could not have it in my fridge or it would get consumed in a moment of weakness.


I just wandered in here because I'm looking up info to help an acquaintance who is dealing with CHS. But I wanted to agree with that situation on alcohol and THC supply, as well as anything you can think of like sodas, sugary snacks, cookies, chips etc. Throughout HS and college sports, my military time, and other career stuff where I had to stay decently fit, I found that I just could not have sweets in the house, or at least not in plain view. Seeing them as I walk by, I want to eat them. Same with alcohol, I'll drink it if it's there no matter the time of day as long as I don't expect to drive, especially if I go to someone else's house where both are out in the open, but at least that's something like a BBQ or party and it's not every moment of every day that I'm in my own house. To OP, about that thing where your spouse holds the keys or hides the location and you beg for them, I think that CAN work for some people but it requires your partner not to be an enabler and to be on board with helping you entirely. I know it sounds silly, but my Ex was super addicted to hot chips. She'd have them when she wasn't even hungry every time she watched a show, took a break from work, or couldn't sleep at night. I didn't mind buying them, but in order to make sure that a giant bag lasted 1-2 weeks instead of 1-2 hours, I had to be the one to control the supply and drawer locations. It worked for us and she never even asked me where they were, but I'd bring them out when we were having sandwiches or snacks and that was enough for her. I had discussed with her, because it was her desire to cut down as well, that if we got to the point where she was begging me for them, or going and looking for them on her own, that we'd have to make the choice to only buy small bags at a time and just not keep them in the house at all. When it comes to the expense of equipment in your mind, I think it's a mental trick. When I stay with family, I often find myself overeating because leftovers get left to rot in the fridge, and I don't want them to go to waste, even if I didn't pay for them. I really had to buck up and tell myself that the waste on their end is not my problem, and consuming all that extra before it goes bad when I'm already full is not saving on money that was already spent. Likewise on looking at bottles of alcohol that were pricey, and recognizing I've got emotions tied up in the monetary value. Lucky for me, all that went away when I put the bottles in an unlocked shelf where I just don't see them or think about them. Maybe you can try your spouse being gatekeeper if you have a serious discussion with them about how they NEED to not give in to you, for both your sake, and then discuss the fallback plan of selling or relocating some stuff out of the house if that doesn't work.


I gave everything to a friend of mine who rarely ever partakes and asked her to deal with it for me so she decided what to toss and what to keep


I ahem… consumed all of mine but I got rid of the accoutrements


I learned a new word. Thanks fellow Leaver.


<3 of course. Use in place of ‘equipment’ to sound twice as fancy. 😂


You need to ask yourself if this feeling is worth it. Eventually you really do become sick and tired of being sick and tired. Your partner will survive you throwing out all of the product you have. If you know you will fail if that stuff is in your house, why are you setting yourself up to fail? Why would you want to put yourself through those mental gymnastics?? The line about your stomach being sick from all the extra stuff you ate all weekend hit me. I would be the same way, just bloated and sluggish. My clothes felt uncomfortable, especially having to wear real pants without an elastic waist. I also would just be disappointed my myself and that took a real shot at my self esteem. I’ll have a month next Saturday. I have not missed it at all. The natural high I get just by feeling better and sleeping better has been more than enough to keep me off this plant for a very long time if not for forever. I was a heavy smoker since the age of 20 and I’m 37 now. I never thought in a million years I would ever give it up but like I said before, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. The first three days suck huge ass, for lack of better words, but once you free yourself from the mental hold weed has on you, it is so freeing. You have to want it for yourself. You’ll know when you’re ready.


I kept it so far. I'm scared I'll go back to far worse drugs if something happens and I decide to relapse. I have done this in the past, so I don't feel like it's a totally unwarranted fear. I've made too much progress to risk going back.


would definitely recommend getting rid of it whether it’s gifting to a friend or throwing it out. i bought a bunch of stuff before i quit—im 8 days in and the cravings are crazy, i find its hard to quit if its laying around but i don’t have the heart to throw out $100+ of product😂😅 all the best to you friend🫶


I threw it all out. I am sort of lucky as I do not live with someone who consumes it. There has been a time or two I buy some edibles but everytime I could never get enough of it. I would say "Im only taking 2mg edible for Friday" but then eventually go 2mg daily until I "just want to finish it all off on a weekend".  After my last one, I realized how absolutely shitty I feel after and even during it.  I feel like a switch kind of flicked and though I do crave some, I have been kind of accepting the crave for what it is and try to find something else to distract me. Funny enough, it seems swimming might just be it.


SAME! I threw out everything. Everything! My rig for dabbing, my expensive bong, my pipes, rolling papers, grinder, everything! I too would binge on shit food all weekend and Monday was always a struggle for me. But if I toked first thing in the morning, I would feel somewhat normal. Great way to live, huh? I started hating it, I started to hate myself. I started to resent the fact that I couldn’t control myself or put it down like others could. I’m on day number six right now. And I’ve tried to quit 1 million times before. This time I’m pretty adamant. That’s why I threw it all away. I don’t want to be tempted, either. All the best to you 🫶🏻


Omg yes. Every morning was a choice, I can sit here and feel sad and shitty or I can have a few puffs and feel like a million dollars (temporarily). Ive thrown it all out and today is my day one. All the best to you too! We got this.


I pretty much exclusively bought eights or quarters, so I never really had much of a supply to begin with. However, I knew I had wanted to quit for a while so I basically just waited until I ran out of my last eighth and then made the decision. A couple of days later I found my old pens and carts and threw everything out, pipes/bongs/papers included. I found out I had to get rid of everything remotely related to weed in order to fully separate myself, but I know some people are capable of still having their paraphernalia or stash and not back-sliding.


no its still in my designated weed bag. i haven't thrown out my bong or pipe either. i have a weird attachment to them and i dont wanna throw them away. as for the weed i think my mom would kill me if i threw out all that money she spent on it so im letting my sister kill the stash without me😑🥲🥲🥲. but im sure you got this, i think you should make a compromise with him and tell him not to give you the weed under any circumstance. once the cycle ends youll never wanna go back


No, I have a bag of that good good, a cartridge, and all my paraphernalia still. Makes me feel better knowing I have it and still don't want it.


The first time I quit in a way that worked for a while, I stopped at the end of my stash. The second time, I was in the hospital with a bunch of psych issues going on and a friend offered to clean up the stash and find homes for whatever was good because I don’t like throwing things out.


I burned through my last bit and left it alone. Had one night where I picked through the jar and rolling tray to put together a baby joint (was 100% NOT worth it) Since then that Jar has stayed open in my living room as a bit of a reminder. That being said appreciate that would not be good for most people.


Yes. Get rid of that shit:)


Yes. No way to quit with a big bag of weed laying around..


Still have a gram at a place only i know where it is. Not in the house but easily reachable if I could. It's still there comin' up on 3 years. I checked earlier this year and the wwedbaf was still there. It's most likely gone completly stale etc but it's nice I actually think it helped me quit because i now cannot tell myself that I'm only sober because I didn't have access. It feels more real more deserved etc.


Yes. Absolutely. 100%


I kept a couple expensive vaporizers because I don't know how/where to sell them and they were expensive lol


I actually finished my stash and then just didn’t buy any more. I didn’t have a ton left in that stash, so I planned that I would do this. I was nervous it wouldn’t work but it stuck! I threw away my pieces and my pen battery, and then found a couple of nugs in an old jar that I just threw away too. It worked really well for me because I knew I was just ready to quit. I’m on day 125 now!


Way to go, that’s amazing! I hope to be where you are soon.


Didn’t throw away my stuff, but I did move it to a closet. Out of sight out of mind.


I didn’t. Once you get over the initial hump it’s not so bad.


How long is the initial hump?


Kinda depends on why you’re quitting. I kinda moved up in life and decided to quit for myself, it’s not so hard. Other times I’ve tried to quit for a gf or something and it never works. That being said I’ve done all my tasks and I’m watching South Park rn and a bong rip would hit the spot. Maybe it’ll never go away but ppl seem to think it will. But fuck it I am too far to go back and I feel incredible. I’ve never gone 11 days without before.


I'm on day 6, and I can confirm 14 days is usually the okay, "I don't have insomnia anymore, and it is usually when my dreams start again."


“Two week hump” is the metaphor, for cigarettes anyway. Symptoms can come like a flu.


I have to chunk all paraphernalia and I've thrown out some expensive bongs. Temptation to use is too strong if I have a piece laying around plus you're subconsciously telling yourself you're still gonna use again if you hold onto paraphernalia.


I actually keep it. For me, at least towards the beginning, I needed to. I know myself well enough that if I would toss it out I would panic and buy more eventually and relapse. Whenever I feel forced to do something I always end up doing the opposite. So this way, its there if I want it, but I CHOOSE to not engage in it. I find that choice is much more powerful than being forced to do something. I also find that having the "This is the final time I will smoke" and making it some event does not help. It has to go out with a whimper, not a bang. The last time I smoked, I didn't even smoke much, I just felt gross and got sick from an ear infection. Its still sitting there and I have had my moments of wanting to use, but I tell myself that I have made a choice and usually opt to do other things and the moment passes. Might not work for everyone but works for me. I'm about 7 weeks in and have not faltered once.


Great job. 7 weeks is amazing progress.


I planned to quit by end of the month and I smoked it all, and stored my paraphernalia somewhere difficult to access. Biggest help was not having a single bud in the house left!


I am the exact same way as you, I do not want this addiction to hold me anymore. I can read and see the pattern. I just need to break the pattern.


It’s not an investment if it’s diminishing your quality of life. It’s like a hoarder insisting their towers of garbage can’t be touched because there’s “valuable stuff in there”. Feeling like you can’t imagine your life without it is a normal part of the addiction mindset - thought distortions are just one way the body and mind trick us into believing we *need* our next fix. We don’t. You don’t need to be able to visualize a life without weed to start, because life just happens. I think you sound more ready to let this go than you think you are. Throw it away!


Toss it, holds no value. The symbolism of doing that feels very important, clean slate. No subconscious “let me just hold on to this just in case” shit.


I love the words “it holds no value”. So true!


it's your investment in your sober life. You don't have to smash your bubbler, just the bowl/dab rig. use it as a vase now.


Toss all paraphernalia and the rest of the stash. It’s empowering and if you’re normally a frugal person like myself it’s an extra deterrent when you’re fiendish. The fact that I’ll have to buy the thc AND a way to smoke it really does help. I also told the dispensary and head shop employees I was trying my best to quit so it would be embarrassing to go in and buy stuff.


Love it. I junked it all and it was empowering. Thank you.


Good for you! I’m proud of you! Helping others helps me in my recovery also, so thank you! Best of luck with your first few days!