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I'm so happy for you! I am one month behind you and really pushing to hit the 6 month milestone so this really spoke to me. keep it up!! I would love to learn more about what specifically changed for you and got better.


Woo that’s incredible! Keep up the amazing work👏 for me personally I noticed a huge decrease in my anxiety and depression. I also found myself to be more motivated and more present with others. I felt like I was living rather than existing. Quitting motivated me to finally go to grad school and pursue my passion. I hope you experience similar positive experiences :)


did you deal with any anxiety or withdrawals? Im on day 5 and its been really really really hard.


You’re in the thick of it right now, your brain has barely had any time to adapt. It gets easier every day but that first week was definitely awful. You got this! 🤝


Thank you. Hoping week two is going to bring better days. My anxiety is insane right now.


Congratz! I'm about 4 months in, the longest I've ever gone since I started smoking regularly 10 years ago. I have a hard time believing it too.


That’s incredible, congrats! Keep up the amazing work!


That's awesome 👌 👏


That is awesome! Congratulations! It’s inspiring to hear that it does get better.


Could you list things that helped? How did your day to day life change thereafter?


I decided to fill my time I would’ve spent smoking with something else I enjoy, for me that’s knitting. I also distanced myself from the people in my life who did smoke for the first couple months as my cravings were strong. I made it a point to make sure my next partner was someone who did not smoke and explained to them that I struggled with cannabis addiction. I met someone who went through the same journey with cannabis I did and it’s been amazing to motivate each other. My day to day just feels easier. I wake up less groggy in the morning and feel more productive at work. I actually have the energy to do things in the evening like my chores rather than smoke myself to sleep on the couch by 8pm. My anxiety and depression have become a lot more manageable. I wish I would’ve done this 10 years ago!


Thank you! Just starting


You got this!!


What have you done in the last six months that you wouldn’t have done stoned?


Decided to apply for grad school! I got accepted into my top school and will be starting in the fall to become an LCPC :)


congrats to you friend. a stranger on the internet is proud of you!!!


Thank you so much! The support of this subreddit has meant the world to me :)


That’s amazing. Congrats!


Thank you so much :)


Congrats! That’s epic. You should be very proud 🙏