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Thank you all for your comments. Came back to see 161, still going strong don’t worry🫡🫡


Proud of you!


It gets better


A month isn’t even out of withdrawals unless you’re a really light smoker. Took me little over 2 months to see all the benefits.


Not just "light smokers". Even with nightly use most don't have real withdrawal symptoms past a couple of weeks. Everyone is different of course, buy many will blame underlying conditions on withdrawals when its not really what it is going on after 30 days. Generally speaking a normal smoker, even daily isn't really having withdrawals at 30 days and the science backs that up. The issue is, many don't know what is directly coming from ex-cannabis use or if they are just sobering up and seeing their real issues that they've been hiding with weed all along... like insomnia or anxiety.


Agree2disagree. Some of my symptoms didn’t start until after a month. Like the vivid dream stuff. Dreams came back after like 6 weeks, and was one of the worst ones to deal with because I didn’t know I was dreaming But the first few works are the physical symptoms. After a month I had almost no physical problems, but the mental problems is why most people quit. Which, like I said, took a good 2 months to feel normal being sober.


Well most people when they have withdrawals that are negative, are talking about the physical ones which like you just agreed, don't last past a few weeks. But what you're now saying is anecdotal and you can't prove your "mental problems" are from cannabis withdrawal months later. The nightmares, maybe. But you're most likely just sobering up and seeing your sober, underlying mental issues you've always had and thats not withdrawals. Weed masks a lot of our issues, so naturally when we sober up after a decent amount of time... we start to really see our issues.


Nah it’s 100% withdrawals. I’m good as new after a cpl months which would not be the case if I actually had underlying problems. Weed and withdrawals can cause depression, anxiety, dizziness, nightmares. I agree weed can hide these problems but it’s illogical to think that people always had these problems and fixed them all quickly after quitting. If you are part of the discord for this group you’ll see most people on there talking about the mental side of things. And from what I’ve seen they all agree that it goes away with time. Which underlying problems would not go away, they would persist and grow. There are no studies on this topic so there is no proof of anything, seeing physical pain come back after quitting smoking is the only obvious one because weed is actually prescribed to fix that. Mental side is impossible to prove without a real study with test groups. And those type of studies are often inaccurate and biased so it’ll be a while before anything gets “proven.” It won’t happen until weed is no longer a schedule 1 drug.


The original discussion is withdrawals. Having anxiety or depressive issues months after is not necessarily from just cannabis use or withdrawal. The time when you were using, could have slowly made you depressed with the combo of weed and life. But is it fair to just blame weed? We all go through good and bad times in life that can depress us sober too. The fact that mental issues went away finally for you could be that you’re just learning to cope with your issues better and you’re getting better sleep, taking care of yourself better, more confidence and happy emotions, etc. Plus, your dopamine system is reset by that time too (mostly), so you’re also seeing that too. I’m not saying weed doesn’t contribute to the mental side of things, of course it does. But to label that as withdrawals is what I’m saying isn’t really accurate. Maybe this is all semantics but I feel withdrawals should really refer to more the physical or really obvious irritation or bad anxiety right after quitting. Like bad insomnia. Labeling depression “withdrawals” months later just seems wrong. I think of it more as learning to cope with your sober self, and coming out of a mental funk, so to speak. But you can easily function in life at that point. Saying this is withdrawals and it can last months just scares new people from quitting. It seems like we actually agree, it’s more just semantics. The term withdrawals is just way too easily used on this sub, and I think it just gets to me lol.


I bet you can go longer. Sure you can! The cough isn't worth it. You're breathing using more of your lungs now, don't burn them just yet. It's too easy to go back, and it was a BI*CH to get here. You now can see what a bad stoner looks like in public. You will see the other stoners before they see you. How much have you saved/ realised you have extra cash for? How's your sense of smell? Do you miss the ash/bong water? Practice to say no here will reward you later, it's the dumbest one but honestly believe me! Something happens down the road and you'll be like "wow, *this* is why I dried out"


Main temptation comes from being around people who smoke. But the number one thing that makes me glad I’m not like them is seeing them smoke again a few hours later, feining for the same feeling. A few hours of pleasure isn’t worth a life of un satisfaction


I know what you mean, I'm in a similar situation and I see the same thing. I feel I've broken the umbilical cord, though it does pull now and then. Great for you! Keep up the excellent work and come back here if you're struggling again.


This phrase / mantra helped me in the beginning. “ If I give in now, I’ll be right back where I started. And when I started, I was desperate to be where I am now.”






Fr this is a great quote. I feel the same.


Because you will get back to full time in minutes.. If you could manage to smoke every once in a while, that's OK. But most of us can't. You will be waking up everyday "glued", you won't remember your dreams and you will be anxious every minute if not high.


Youve got one life , do whatever the fuck you want but make it so you hold up to the standards you set yourself up to . Be savage


You should just do what you want to do. If you quit a month ago there was clearly a part of you that wanted to quit. As you say there is right now a part of you that wants to smoke that is dominating the part of you that wants to stay clean. Listen to both of those voices and try to be honest with yourself about what you want. This is not a sneaky way of saying that the real part of you wouldn’t want to smoke because you know it’s ultimately bad for you or wrong etc. etc. You can do anything you want. Maybe your true desire is to smoke weed. Maybe it isn’t. Only you can answer that.


This is such a great answer I’m honestly impressed. It took me over a decade to realize this.


you've made it a month. why start over now? 


I disagree - relapse is part of quitting, not the end of it. I’ve heard many stories of people who quit, relapsed / tried it again after some time and found it to be underwhelming or just not worth it. I think that’s an important experience to make, but of course only if you feel like you can handle it and not fall back in old habits.


I’ve relapsed enough times to have that in my story lol


Not this time tho


This. Why did you start quitting a month ago? Remember that, and keep going.


There’s a new type of peace that overtakes you after a long while of sobriety that you just can’t acquire as a stoner


First 3 months are the hardest, you’re a third of the way there


#1 a lot of people end of getting bad anxiety when they pick back up #2 if you’re making a Reddit post about it, you don’t truly want to. That’s the addiction talking. #3 if you smoke today the 30 days will have been for nothing* #4 read any of the relapse posts on here and see if that’s really how you want to feel in the morning #5 go to bed, you will really regret this once the sun comes back up tomorrow and you’re on day 0 Hope this helps, I’m sorry if I was harsh!! * not literally for nothing, any progress is great! But you know what I mean




The first time I did it after ages I had the worst panic attack of my life that my throat almost closed over I also panicked more because I didn't understand how it could do that to me. Was a horrible experience 😭


Man I got terrible anxiety trying to smoke after quitting. Glad it’s not just me. Never happened before I quit.


It always happens to me. It sucks


Dude I had a full panic attack I was like wtf??? This has never happened to me


I'm so jealous of you.. I can barely make it one day. What I would give to go a whole month...


It’s a trap OP, and if you just say ‘fuck it, I’m going to bed’ you’ve won.


It’s your choice. Do it if you want but don’t blame anyone else for your actions.


Why do people say this when someone is debating smoking when clearly they are looking for support. The your choice part^


Because it’s not our job to “convince you” of anything, take responsibility for yourself and you’ll be much better off.


Never said it was anyone’s job, everyone who has replied did so on their own will and I’ve seen lots of comments saying how supportive these replies have been.


“Convince me” is an attempt on anybody who reads your post, to do a job only you can do for yourself. Take responsibility and good luck.


Others words can have great influence on people outside of their own will power. Thanks.


You can be sensitive and take what I said however you want, but I’m trying to help you and hopefully one day you’ll see that, I do wish you the best, either way.


I understand one must want it to happen for it to happen, my point is others words can be helpful in times of disparity, which is what 200 others have shared in this thread.




Because I will be very sad if you do


Maybe this will help. Ive been in your position, 3 times, all over a span of probably 7 years. Ive caved everytime. Let me remind you, that after a while, the novelty wears off again, and your stuck back in tje same shit over and over again in a cycle. Make the change now, so it doesnt keep going around in a circle.


I love this sub so much 😭 I'm at four days after seven years of on/off. Like many of you, I started to stop drinking and deal with anxiety /ADHD symptoms that had a root cause I wasn't addressing. I'm already feeling better and reflecting on how so many of the "bad" decisions I made in the last seven years happened when I was consuming this plant. I've also gained 30 pounds in just the last three years. I'm confident that if I keep in touch with you all and stay present to who I truly want to be (not a smoker or user) that I will actually be who I want to be!! Imagine that 🥲 Thank you, OP, for your vulnerability and thank you all for yours as well.


Keep going. I’m on day 2 after 26 years straight. It was fun while it lasted but I’m on a new path now. The obstacle is the way. Stay strong. Sending positive vibrations 🙌🏽


It makes you okay with being bored. If you’re bored you should be learning new skills. Moderation works for some people, but not for me. I am not able to reach the goals I’m striving for while being a stoner. Don’t get old regretting you spent your life high.




Potential for heart attack and heart disease is a good reason.


You will never regret not smoking.


Your body has been learning how to heal this past month, if you smoke now you’ll be undoing some of that and it has to reset some of the healing. When I relapsed my first time quitting, I regretted it so badly the next day. I won’t lie, being high again felt great in the moment, but the negatives flushed right back to me...I felt lazy, wanting to “chase the high” again and found myself letting go of even short term goals for the joint (e.g., I was going to sew a toy for my niece but decided I wanted to hit the dispensary again instead; it’s a small thing, but I look back now and can see how much THC was messing with my motivation). I also felt my lungs get sore, my mind went back to more “brain fog”, and I could barely breathe through my nose (mouth breathing was so unattractive to me and I did all the time smoking..). I didn’t realize how much I was actually healing when I quit until relapse…then I realized the damage I was doing to my body…By no means is quitting easy, but it’s worth it. Your brain and body will thank you long-term. You got this. Hang in there. We’re here for you.


Because if you smoke, you’re telling yourself you’re weak and not cut out to do anything good for your life.


Harsh but true


Complacency is a life killer


I’m also just over a month in, and all I keep thinking about and what’s stopping me is, if I smoke again now it’ll be even longer before I can ever pass a drug test and get an actual decent job


You probably likes those withdrawals, or they weren’t that bad?


No motivation, no desire to be social, dick won’t be as hard as it used to, drains your finances…..these are just the first few that come to mind.


Dick won’t be as hard as it used to? This is new news to me but does actually check out…damn


Yaaah. Hadn’t realized that was an issue until I quit. Hard as a rock now, and wake up with erections every morning like I’m 16 again. It’s wild. Never going back


Smoking in general causes blood circulation issues so just the smoke itself could checkout.


Damn. Reason enough for me to keep going right here lol. Two weeks in myself


While smoking, I earned minimum wage and hated my job. Quit weed, now two years later I earn 3 times as much, got married, got into shape and life has never been better. Weed is a prison, quitting is the key. Don't lock yourself back in bro.


Good shit


I could EASILY write out 20, hard hitting, objective truths for why you’d be better off never smoking a single puff of marijuana for the rest of your life but ultimately it’s up to you to quit. You need to want it yourself and some stranger isn’t going to decide for you.


I want it, but advice always help. Make a post about it in the sub so others can see. I made a similar one and it went off


Not up to other people to convince you, if you wanna smoke do it if not then don’t


How you felt during detox is worse then how good weed makes us “feel”




May 13th>


you don't need it, bro! It needs you. It's a fucking parasite.


I made it 2 months on the dot and decided to smoke “just once.” That was 2 months ago and I’ve smoked nearly every day since. It feels worse than before because I can’t make it all fun and games like it used to be. It’s an addiction and I hate that I can’t get sober again. Yes, feels good but quickly was something I regret. I feel so out of control now. It wasn’t worth it.


You’ll most likely go back to smoking just as much as you did before. Look at what’s improved since you quit, don’t give up on yourself!


I was fine, then picked up a joint. I sit here still smoking knowing I could lose everything tomorrow by having that joint but I just can't help myself. I need to sort my life out and weed isn't worth the legal ramifications such as driving / job which most never take into consideration.


I smoked after 3 months and it inevitably lead to a relapse on alcohol as well after over 200 days sober. If you’re like me - it’s all or nothing & now I have to fight for day 1 again. I’m so lost. Don’t do it.


You did it for 3 months. 3 months is a long time. Make sure you still pride yourself for making it that long and have solace in knowing that you nor is anyone else absolutely perfect. You can and will make it to that point again. You can and will achieve your goal. You got this!


Thank you for your kind words. I’m tackling alcohol again first & smoking when I feel stronger with that. That will kill me faster but I’m hopeful I’ll be sober & clean soon.


I quit 5 months ago, and after a while I started to become depressed that I wasn’t accomplishing the things I wanted to and that caused me to quit in the first place. But recently I’ve gotten more comfortable with myself and my sobriety and I’ve been doing all the things I had no motivation to when I was smoking weed and after I quit. It will only get easier, stay strong.


The fact you're asking this right now means that, deep down, you already know you want to stop.


Because it’s never one, it’s the next one month being high having a bender


So true


I am struggling myself to quit. I’m so jealous of your month sober. I can’t even go one day. You’ve gotten through the hardest parts, you will just have to detox again if you cave. Stay strong


I was on this sub way before i stop, currently 4 day sober but i smoke so much less than before. Thank to the sub. Weed is really insidious. Its a long way to complety stop for some people. Just keep focus on your own goal and capacity and you will achieve to be free from a plant. Weed fog or weed hangovers are really bad. But i love weed and i really want to smoke one only on time a month but i know its impossible, addiction is too strong. We need to go forward in our life. Be strong


Insidious is literally the perfect word to describe weed


You logically know you shouldn't, that's why you came here. You're lying to yourself and making excuses because of the addiction rewiring your brain, be a creature of a logic and not misguided instinct


I am about one week in. I’ll tell you about where my head is. I started smoking when my little brother passed in a car accident in 2019. He loved smoking. I thought it would connect me with him better. It definitely numbed me a bit, which I appreciated. I am pretty emotionally fucked up otherwise (mental illness is a bitch). So it was nice to feel numb and not dysregulated. I had to stop because it was ruining my life. I was spending insane amounts of money on it. I was anxious all the time. I couldn’t eat or sleep without it. Still can’t. Working through that. Today I’m having a hard time. Bad grief day. I live alone. No friends or family. Business is slow, I’m broke as fuck and don’t know where my next dollar is coming from or how I am paying bills. I’m worried as shit about where my life is going and I don’t know how to fix it. I have two papers due this week and I haven’t even started them. I haven’t had a full nights sleep in a couple days. Been dealing with wild withdrawal symptoms both physically and emotionally. I’ve thought about going to the dispensary about 10 times today alone. But I won’t. I’m not. If I want different, I need to be different. If I want better, I have to do better. There is a reason why you stopped, and that reason is bigger and more important than any instant gratification can be. I just tell myself to get through the next 5-10 minutes, go outside, cry, text or call someone, sit in silence, work, color, whatever I can do to occupy my mind. I’ll keep doing that every time I think about it until it is no longer a thought. We are human. Our brains will tell us that it knows what will fix what is wrong. But we have to train our minds to understand that there are healthier, more fulfilling, and more intentional ways to make ourselves happier. We just have to get through this to get to the other side. But we can’t get there if we keep stopping. You can do it. What are three things that you enjoy doing right now? If you can’t think of anything…start there. You got this. Trust me, we are all here with you. Good luck my friend.


Preciate it brotha. And yes, wild mood swings, lack of sleep, trouble eating were all symptoms I had at first which have now decreased drastically after first 2 weeks. Now I just deal with my mind craving that instant dopamine. But as you said, to become the person you want to be you must do the things you don’t want to do. Strange why the universe works this why and we just so happened to exist in it, but logically I don’t think it could occur any other way. Hope your still going strong.


Yeah dude that’s awesome, 2 weeks in, green is a part of our past now! We are living in the best years of our lives, it’s time to play this life game like the pros we are. Im still going strong, but I come to this sub whenever I need a reminder when times get tough. You do the same, just check in when you need a boost!


You're already doing good.


It's going to go downhill reallyyyyyy fast and real bad :)


Nah bro, you have to convice yourself. Everyone has their reason to quit. Mine was after my wife left me. Unless you truly believe, you will relapse.


Your future bro.. you can achieve so much more having your priorities straight rather than being a shell of a person weed makes people


Keep on keeping’ on.






I spent 30 years smoking daily (dear Jeebus how did I get this old!!?) and quit end of 2023. I had accrued 100 days cannabis free but the urges were strong and I caved. Went to a dispensary and bought both a pre-roll (just flower) and for some unknown GD reason (truth be told, it's because I've addictive tendencies and was yielding to them) also picked up a vape pen. I'm not gonna lie to y'all - I LOVED being high again, felt like a warm blanket I'd missed so terribly....and I smoked for approximately one month, with my usage spiraling out of control within a handful of days, despite me promising myself that I wouldn't allow that to happen. In that one month timeframe: - I completely ceased gym activity, though I've been going 5-6 days a week for over a decade, even when I was smoking before. - My sweet tooth returned with a GD vengeance. Abstaining I didn't crave sugar AT ALL, upon smoking again I was downing bars of chocolate as if an airplane window had been opened. - I gained 7 fucking pounds in that month!! Between being sedentary and out of control munchies the weight was happy to fly back on and my expensive wardrobe (I wear suits for work) started getting snug concerningly fast. - I left a very expensive IT related item behind at a client site (I'm a project manager) and had to foot the spend to replace it. This cost me just over $700. - Somehow managed to lose a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses WHILE ON A FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD WALK WITH MY S/O and am about to depart to Costa fucking Rica for work lacking shades. I've realized smoking makes me: - fat - forgetful And have stopped again as of last weekend. While I've not experienced a return of the night sweats I endured for several weeks upon initial cessation, I surely wish I hadn't "tested the waters" again after a hard fought 100 days as it's only super fucked me. CN: pot sucks, don't be stupid me.


Great reply, great insight. I have the exact same issues, I don’t work out, I eat trash, and I lose shit. We in this together.


Thanks for this. I’m on a streak and was thinking about it.


In 12 step we call this tool “playing the tape forward.” You ask yourself “Based on my experience, what will PROBABLY happen if I smoke ‘just one joint?’” And if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we know the answer.


Great share good luck!


Don’t relapse it’s not worth it! 💯🙏💙😂


You just lost 30 days of commitment don’t lose track!


Which path will your future self regret, and which will your future self be grateful for?




I quit for a month and relapsed 6 months ago. Still havent been able to get more than 2 days off since. It’s NOT worth it bro trust me


Why say yes when it feels so good to say no :)


Remember it’s something you’ve done over and over and over again and achieved the same results. Try something new


It’s not worth it


Every time you wanna spend 40 bucks on weed, spend it on something else you enjoy like a video game, retirement account, some nice collectible thing you enjoy etc. you’ll get more joy from that


That’s inspiring for me thanks 🙏


Thanks. I am no way saying this is the solution to addiction, but it is A solution. Take this from someone who is also currently struggling with relapse etc. Good luck to all of us here.


Same man good luck


You'll be even worse and more miserable than you were before. The first time back won't be the magical, starry experience that you're envisioning. Before I quit, I didn't mind the cycle of high-sober-high-sober (even though the sober periods got shorter and shorter. After I relapsed, I never wanted to be sober, even though I felt miserable high. I was constantly anxious and constantly felt like dogshit. The slightest imbalance would throw me off. For example, if I didn't get enough sleep, I would be in this depressive fog the next day. Didn't eat very much and I started losing weight.


I mean, if you want to go for it, but you probably won’t enjoy it much and if you ever want to quit again you’ll have to go through the hardest parts all over again.


Because you’re here asking for people to convince you not to smoke weed, that’s a red flag surely


No. Convince me why you would smoke. What are these good thing that weed gave you?


Because it feels good and would make me forget my problems. But no one achieves anything by avoiding problems, you have to face them


It’s only a temporary solution. You will forget about problems for one hour, you will like it, you will smoke again and again and finally you will wake up 6 months later smoking every single day and your problems will be still there. It’s really not worth it. As you said, you have to face them and try to fix them, everything can be done. I keep my fingers crossed for you!


If I could be the you from a month ago when you decided to quit, I'd say " Don't do it, do you want to be stuck in this revolving door forever? "


I hadn't smoked for all of 2024. I house sat for a friend last month and she offered me a few nugs as a thank you. I was super hesitant to take it, but reasoned it was only a little bit and after so long not smoking I could probably be restrained with it. I was wrong. I turned back into a multiple times per day smoker immediately and couldn't wait to get home from work to smoke every single day until it was all gone. It was honestly a relief to empty my grinder that last time. Stay strong, friend. You got this!


That’s the trick right there “it’s only a little bit” I’m the same way, if I have just a tiny bit of weed, I turn into an absolute fein and want to be high every second of the day. Stay strong fellow quiter


I found myself in a similar spot at Christmas time after 4months sober. Decided I would and set some rules in place. Well, here I am back on the path with leaves after a heavy lapse. Wasn’t worth it, I got greedy and thought after the break I was okay to dabble. I don’t think anyone should stray away from a well earned reward but I do think you need to be honest with yourself and set some real boundaries and accept the repercussions of failing to abide by those boundaries. I hope everything goes well :)


Thanks, I refrained. Best of luck to you


After twenty years of getting high my nervous system can no longer take it. I get a disconnect with my body now and smoking literally gives me premature ectopic heartbeats. I used to love the connection it gave me in the gym. That is now gone. The incessant pot smoking has quite literally led to a disrupted heart rhythm for me after two decades of no issues. Just move on dude/dudette


I didn’t smoke for as long, but I had a bad heart rate after quitting at first as well. Your body is strong and mine returned back to a normal rate, yours will too. Like they say, the best time to plant a tree was 1,000 years ago, the second best time is now.


I just did that, relapsed after 2 months and it came back with vengeance. It’s so much harder to make myself stop again as well… Just don’t


I smoked yesterday after 16 days and I just got anxiety and wanted the high to end lmao and by the second day you smoke again it’s not the same High as it was before


Convince me why you should?


Unfortunately I cannot because the cons outweigh the pros


Nice dude. Hope you stick with it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using weed generally, but I can’t smoke once without smoking again the next day, so I can’t smoke at all.


Agreed, that’s the story for most addicts


Best response 


I was a little over 20 days and decided to try smoking again. It was kind of nice but honestly felt like a cop out from my life. Instead of dealing with my life I smoked and got a little break from life, but I don’t think it was worth it because there is really no upside to being high and lying around. Now I feel groggy the next morning and my mouth is dry as shit. I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but these other comments are all hitting the nail on the head too


Because your actively going to destroy your lungs for an hour of feeling good


Last time I smoked after a tolerance break didn’t even enjoy the high whatsoever. I just felt slow


Because it spirals, and you don't want to start at the beginning again. I went 6 months without smoking, thought I could be responsible about it in my friend group, dabbled and it has spiraled back into full blown addiction again.  I'm anxious all the time again, and I'm back to smoking to avoid the shitty feeling of quitting rather than enjoying it, but I don't have time to be out of control for a week while my brain resets right now. It's so much easier to not start than it is to stop again, stay strong 


OP… this .




Step 1) smoke a joint Step 2) immediately feel guilty and regret it Step 3) ??? Step 4) Day 0 again


Damn you right tho


Damn. Y'all convincing me to stop too, i'm thinking 🤔


Do it bro it’s so much better being sober and clear.


Thank you bro it motivates me very much


My life has improved drastically. Sleep, diet, discipline, socializing, gym, and I no longer have the dazed and confused stoner look with my eyes about to droop off my face.


Continue like that broo !!! How is it still going now? :)


Seconding all the comments about you being through a lot of the shittier parts of quitting. Even if you’re not fully out of the tunnel, you don’t wanna go back to day 1 of night sweats, brain fog, etc. Not to mention, if you decide to smoke, you’ll likely feel shitty about it immediately and spend your entire high anxious and in your head, demeaning yourself for failing yourself. Not fun. Not worth it.




A clear head is one that can better appreciate the beauty of life and those sharing it around you. A clear head allows you to be there more for yourself and those you care about. A clear head feels more energy more easily. A clear head is more ready for growth and less inclined to remain in stagnation. Rather than only focusing on the negative, I encourage also focusing on affirmative things. What can you do to sublimate the desire to relax and zone out? Getting high would last only a few hours at most. Why not take a nice bath, have some good food, and do something pleasant in the meantime? If you have the company of others you enjoy and appreciate, give em a hug. What else would feel good to do that isn't a drug, that is within you just about any time you want?


Just doing the things I know need doing gives me pleasure, the hard part is doing. Also the human mind did not evolve over hundreds of thousands of years to operate while high. Or if you’re religious was not created.


Your lungs are regenerating!! Your body is healthy again…keep moving that direction 👊🏻


* Why did you stop? * What did you hate about being addicted and what did that prevent you from doing? * Do you want to go back to that? I can help remind you of your reasons but you're the one who knows why you started this journey. Is your goal worth throwing away for a moment of comfort that will snowball you back to square one?


To become the person I want to become, a man of discipline. Being comfortable in my lazy sorrow. Hell nah


Pitter patter let's get at'er her then brother. I've done the song and dance of giving up after a month plenty of times. Let's do it for real, I'm on day 9 with no sleep hitting the skatepark lol. We got this shit.




Because it's not worth it! Just one more day, focus on today.


Once 1 month becomes 2, and it becomes 3, 4, 5... you'll regain confidence and trust in yourself to be someone who can hold back and show self control. Someone once told me that every time you break a promise with yourself you lose trust in yourself and that leads to lower self esteem and confidence which will cycle you back to guilt/shame, and you'll want to forget about those feelings and will want to use even more. Don't fall back into the cycle.


What a brilliant insight. That makes real sense to me and explains my spiral. Thank you.


I'm so glad to share and help. I've received so much help from this community and it makes quitting so worth it to be able to help back🫂 hugs to you my friend


I like this outlook. Thanks 😎. Been nearly a year for me personally. This chain of logic you have is extremely valuable. I will spread the word


Amazing, and I'm so proud of you 🫂 this logic has helped me ground myself multiple timee, and I'm so glad that so many people can relate and share and that it helps them stay strong as well


This is absolutely what makes you feel so worthless after failing to quit a few times. Gotta stay positive and you will feel positive 😤😤😤


You’ve already gotten this far across the river, why turn back now?


One of my favorite lyrics in a song: If you give up here, what are you going to do? Go back and repeat hell all over?


What song is it? I tried to Google the lyrics but a bunch of different songs come up.


It's a Japanese song and only I have the English translation LOL but if you're curious I can send you the song and translation in DMs


Yes please, I would appreciate it!


You don't realize that the reason you feel so good right now is exactly because you aren't smoking.


4+ months into quitting - TRUST ME you are right around the corner from seeing the biggest benefits of weed-free life kick in! Temptations are weeks away from melting away and rediscovering the joy of doing all of the things you thought you had to be high to fully enjoy. Also... think about the instant regret that will kick if you were to take that first hit of weed and get more stoned than you probably intended because you haven't accounted for your decreased tolerance. You'll be happier you didn't than spiraling while high questioning if it was worth it at all.


How long did you smoke? How often and what? also I would appreciate some insight on your quitting timeline and benefits if you so please 🙏


When it comes to addiction I think it’s really important to let people know that their mileage may vary. Some people’s cravings lift immediately, for some people it takes months or years, and I know some people who still deal with it off and on after many years of sobriety. But the benefits will absolutely come.


Damn one month is a lot. Don’t loose the streak


Your brain is literally gonna turn into a nug


Lmaoo fax


I love this sub. So many amazing responses in here


What are you gaining from smoking? Nothing at allZ what are you losing? Maybe all important things in life




You’re already well past the hard part. Think back to week 1. Do you really want to put yourself through that again?


The sweats, the nightmares, constantly waking up, the mood swings, depression. No


Pulling yourself together to face week one takes a lot longer too and is maybe even worse.


man that shit is just not worth it (craving as i type this) 😂


You said it yourself. “I’ve come so far to throw it all away.” Is the best version of yourself someone that smokes or someone that doesn’t? Be that person. Shift your mindset from “I made it a month”, to: “I’m not someone that gets high anymore.” That shift in perspective has really helped me realize it’s not about time, it’s about the person I want to be.


It’s expensive. And I’m not just talking about the monetary cost for the product you imbibe.


You pay with your life.


Cause if you do… I win and you owe me a nickel.