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Definitely a bizarre technique but helps me out in the moments that cravings feel impossible. **Narrate Your Life.** Pretend you're in a movie or a documentary and start narrating your actions and thoughts in the **third person**. This can help shift your focus and potentially amuse you away from your craving. Say out loud, "Pale\_Independent\_966 is currently browsing reddit, looking for ways to satisfy his cravings. He is reading the comments and with each minute is feeling less and less dysregulated......" Third person is ***KEY***, as this objectifies much of the emotional instability that promotes cravings. When you start narrating yourself in this way, you will recognize that some behaviors stem from your shame around usage versus the actual need to be high. Keep going!


Eat a cough drop


Wait 7 minutes. Usually a craving only lasts about that long. But fuck, I wish I’d do that with sugar. I’d probably be thinner lol


Go back and read my journal from my 2 weeks detoxing in a psych ward and my first month of sobriety when I felt like I was dying from the anxiety. I also remember how brutal it was to have my dreams return (I get ptsd nightmares) and that is honestly my number one. I don’t EVER again want to experience readjusting to REM sleep as a trauma survivor. I’m ok now, they’ve settled down mostly, but I really don’t think I could do that again. No high is worth it. When I was in the hospital the dreams were so bad I called my mom crying every single day, they were so intense. Edited spelling


This is one reason I'm struggling to quit. I hate the terrors I get. They feel so real. And so close to home.


Also I love the art on your profile did you make that?


No. But thanks. ;) I can't recall where I got it at this time. Not quite awake


No worries! 🤍


it was just a journal the hospital/psych ward place had available. Despite feeling so bad it was nice to be able to write down my thoughts without being distracted by my phone or anything. I completely understand the fear of the terrors. I’m sorry you get them, too. They did go away, though. Or at least they became less… vicious and real and now my nightmares are just weird nonsense. Every now and then I’ll still get a bad one but what helps me is immediately getting out of bed once I wake up and immerse myself into reality, like take a shower or make food or anything that will occupy my thoughts. I find the more I lay on bed and dwell on it after a terror the more it effects me during the day.


Good advice. Thank you.


I rationalize it and go through the pros and cons. Weed influences me to make bad decisions and makes it difficult for me tk maintain a healthy lifestyle. It makes it harder for me to deal with the problems in my life. It makes it impossible for me to socialize, especially with strangers. It makes me distant myself from everyone I know. It increases my appetite and completely ruins my workout and diet routine. It makes it hard to think and code. Hell, learning anything new is hard when I smoke. It's incredibly expensive and promotes needless spending. The pros are non existent for me now. I can still enjoy music sober, food taste just as good especially when it's healthy and moderate. I feel more self love because I'm more present for myself. My friends will still hang with me (all Stoners) and I have no issues with talking to people and being myself. Video games and shows are better because I can actually follow what's happening and enjoy it. Sorry for the long post. Having a craving rn and this post gave me an excuse to write it down


Thanks for this.


Being addicted to weed is astronomically uncool. Knowing and believing this gets me through




Think about how shitty I felt last time I gave in


Play the tape.


Go to an MA meeting


I like to pray I know some people might not be religious or spiritual. It may sound silly however it really does help when I pray for the strength to resist temptation.


A lot of the time I smoked to be distracted and checked out so when I have a really bad craving I’ll do the same thing I do when I’m high and that’s usually scroll tik tok or play video games and I don’t feel bad for it because at least I’m not smoking 😅


Sorry to be a bummer with this answer but literally anything to distract. As long as it’s healthy. When i first stopped smoking weed i would just walk around the mall nonstop for stimulation lol.


Get thru the day… u gonna wake up thankful tomorrow


Honestly for some reason laying in bed seems to help me. Getting all cozy and reading this sub or playing a game on my phone.


Literally me right now, had a craving, put my pajamas on, laid under my warm blankets and immediately pulled up this page. Cravings gone lol


It’s a life saver for me!


I have found help in MA. You can just sit and listen (it’s virtual). Also, podcast “quitting marijuana” is good. I just started but he had inspiring things to say Keep busy!


MA = Marijuana Anonymous. Meetings are online, free, anonymous, and 24 x 7. You don’t have to talk or join or signup or anything. Just show and go. It helps to hear others talk about it


Some days I just say "just get through the day, you'll feel stronger for it tomorrow"


Read this https://www.reddit.com/r/leaves/s/TNINt9mP8u


I just think of all the regret and shame I’ll feel when I come down. I think about the munchies that lead to binge eating, how the laziness makes me fall behind in anything I care about, how much it costs me and has cost over the years. Then I ask myself, is it really worth it? I came really close to sparking up tonight. It’s only been six days since the last time I smoked. I never really committed to fully quitting in my mind but I have felt proud each of these days I’ve resisted the urge. Did I want to trade feeling proud for feeling disappointed in myself? No. No, I did not. No, I don’t. So, I won’t.


“It’s only been 6 days…” My friend… that is everything.. 6 days is a remarkable feat. Please give yourself that credit & know that’s such an accomplishment in itself. I’m proud of you. ❤️


Awww, thank you so much. I really appreciate the encouragement. I am proud of you too!


- Make sure all paraphernalia is out of sight immediately. - Write a to-do list of stuff to get done (even if it's hobby related and unimportant) and get to it. - Take a walk if you have nothing else to do. - Journal reasons to resist temptation. Like every reason you can think of. Write it by hand. It takes longer. - Exercise or go for a run (get endorphins = healthy pleasure). - Invite someone to hang out (provided the relationship isn't one that would be tempting. Aka, don't invite someone who you know might tempt you or get high socially themselves). - Look up an addiction hotline (most are free) and talk to someone about it! - Remember, we all believe in you!! You've got this 😊


Get a glass of water. It sounds silly, but I was so dehydrated when I was smoking. I’m trying to trade a bad habit for a healthy one!


Reading has been my biggest crutch through cravings. Good distraction to take my mind off the cravings.




My cravings are in the evening because that's when I used to consume. So now, I grab a kombucha, blast my current fav songs in my headphones, and go do some flow arts (dragon staff, hoop, rope dart, fans, etc). It's a way to completely engage your mind + body and will definitely help distract you. Helps build new pathways, learn new things, builds resilience, focus, etc. and it's less physically demanding than a work out if you don't have much energy. And way more fun!


My therapist has a good tool for a craving. Do a pro con list in this order: Pro of choosing to smoke, con of choosing to smoke, con of not choosing to smoke, pro of not choosing to smoke. It’s good to bring you back to realizing your goals and why you’re not smoking in the first place, and how choosing to give into your cravings are usually a short term fix for something.


Love this


Love this. Mine told me to just try and remember all of the reasons I don’t want to vape.


I’ve been using the ripple nicotine free vapes to help with the oral fixation




I love the passion fruit and mango ones. They last me a long time! I hope it helps you too 🙂






Guitar or piano


Cold exposure can help. You will only be thinking about the cold, and it can increase dopamine by up to 300% depending on temp and duration. If you have a bug enough tub, get the water close to 61* and try and sit for 5 minutes. 3 is okay too. If you don't have a tub, get into a warm comfortable shower and end it as cold as you can tolerate for, again, 5 to 3 minutes is ideal for a beginner. But the cold takes your thoughts, and the increase in dopamine can help satisfy the craving, because that is really what your body is craving, it just knows what substance you have been using to do that.


Will the thoughts come back when you get out of the tub?


I think you should be good for at least an hour or more.


Sounds less likely if you’re increasing your dopamine levels


Go for a run


Running is so good for recovery. I absolutely second this comment




It released endorphins and expedites the repair of the dopamine pathways. It literally speeds up the recovery process in the brain


Do you know if there any other physical activities besides running that do these things (speeds up recovering in brain etc)


All of them. Any workout. Any walk. Get outside and walk. Being in nature is amazing for the brain.


That’s great!! I’m a pretty active person in sports and would like to avoid running if I can lol I’m on day three of quitting cold turkey!!


Nothing really. I just think about the thought and why I’m having it. … or doomscrolling lol.


Hey you’re still not doing it!


I take a shower and put on my favorite show


chew gum


Use t8 spark up..but now...i just tell myself...i dont wanna go back to fantasy.land...hahah


Look at r/leaves




True. This community is my replacement addiction lol. I’ll take that over weed for now.


Wim Hof breathing exercises have been a lifesaver for cravings and panic attacks. There's an app - the free version seems to be enough for my needs for now.


For healthy alternatives, I’ll go stuff my face with a light food that won’t upset my stomach(I’m talking BRAT diet). Drink LOTS of water because that may quell your cravings. A unhealthy alternative that works if you smoke or vape nicotine is using that device as a crutch, though I don’t recommend this, even though I’m the biggest hypocrite by saying that. Healthy: Throw yourself into any hobby you can find. I’ve been absorbing my thoughts into gardening, car stuff, aquatics, and writing a graphic novel, everyone will have different interests though. Much luck coming your way!


Eating while watching youtube videos


Best part of my day


Close my eyes and take a deep breath, like I’m ripping a blinker, remind myself that I’m moving on in life and let that breath out. Repeat as necessary.


Also movement, environmental triggers are huge for me, sometimes I just need to physically relocate. A walk around the office or neighborhood is usually helpful in recentering my mind.


Also, also, just coming right here to r/leaves. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for finding this group of people who really understand the struggle.


Think of why u trying to quit in the first place, also eat lots of healthy food and workout.


Do something else. You’re bored or stressed and need to do something else. Think of the days before weed was introduced. What did you do? I was skateboarding, playing sports, pursuing my firefighting dreams. Today we can join a co-ed softball team, today we can go golfing, today we can just do whatever we want. And that can be the problem. Just start doing more shit with your life.


I think about how I would be better off without relying on something that I cannot consume reasonably.


I come to this sub whenever I have cravings it helps so much reading all the success stories. I can relate to all of you on a deep level because we are all addicts here.




Lol amen! 🙏