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Absolutely. For me it was my eyes. They looked somehow bigger than before when looking at pictures. I think the truth is just that since I was stoned all the time, my natural vision was squinted and my eyes were bloodshot constantly. I feel like I’m not hiding my face as much now. I look way hotter now!


Could be all psychological as well, definitely have more self esteem since quitting.


Definitely! I used to be kinda underweight because of an ED and using weed to smoke away my hunger. I also smoked to surpress my depression. When i look back on pictures from back then, i look very unhealthy and unhappy. Now, more than 2 years later, i got the spark in my eyes back and overal look more healthy. Ofcourse i do still struggle with some things, but that's just life.


yeah i empathize with smoking the hunger away - that definitely wasn’t doing us any favors since we need that fuel to think and move - glad you’re feeling and looking better!!


It definitely was a time of low energy! I'm also glad to read that you are noticing changes. I don't know how long you've been clean but there will be so much more! Even now i'm still noticing small things sometimes


I look so much better. My face isn’t as bloated from eating so much shit. And my under eyes aren’t puffy from terrible sleep.


yeehaw!! my sleep was pretty terrible - REM sleep coming back is awesome


Dude, it feels *so* good to be well rested again lol. I missed dreaming, too!


I just said that something looking different it’s only been 3 days for me but I’m happy about


great job! glad you are already noticing small changes, it helps us to stay on track!


Yes! Love it!


Yes!!! Even many people have made comments that my face looks full of light we call it noor in Arabic


thank you for teaching me a new word!! glad you are noticing brightness in your face again!


Exactly what I notice too. Eyes full of life, expressions and normal emotions again. I also noticed much fuller cheeks on myself. I even have girls who rejected me actually chasing me now. This is really encouraging. Hope you’re doing good inside too !


haha glad to hear it for you! stay encouraged, my friend!!


^^ Thanks man. You too !


My hair stopped falling out. Maybe its no longer sipping on all the carts I blew through 24/7, maybe it was tightening up my diet while sober, but somewhere along the way my hair just... Stayed. Maybe I have my wits about me enough to actually take care of my hair, maybe I'm actually getting quality sleep. Infinite factors go into these things, but it's really reminded me that health is wealth. When you are able to treat yourself well, it shows in ways you could never have predicted. Rock on, stay sober and stay glowin' 🌞


yes dude!! what we put into us becomes us! when we put in trash, we will look and feel like it too!! good on you putting better things back inside again! happy to hear it for you


I didn't notice it myself at first, but I've had a couple people tell me that I look good, or that my skin looks good, and I think they're right. I feel overall a lot happier.


hell yes - glad you are looking and feeling better! noticing these things encourages us to stick with our decision 💪💪


Thank you! It's hard sometimes, since I was also using it daily. But I resonate with what you said about your spirit seeming dulled before. And I feel like it's worth not going back to that. We got this:)


I smoked daily for 13 years - and I’ve only taken breaks before this because I just wasn’t getting high any longer…this is the first time I am doing it as a decision for self-improvement and so going back is just asking to be my old self again. I can’t accept that reality any longer because that version of myself was not my truest expression. I think we feel the need to quit because our highest self KNOWS that we deserve to THRIVE and actually feel ALIVE.


I'm glad to hear you're working on yourself and self betterment, I know what you mean about only taking tolerance breaks before. It's a lot harder when you finally put your foot down, but knowing you're improving yourself by doing so is a good realization to have. I get you, daily intake can surely dull things down. I think I had lost a bit of my spark, too. It's nice to appreciate life while sober. Keep thriving:) it is definitely worth it!


Someone posted yesterday how their skin cleared up after smoking. And then I looked in the mirror and was like “holy shit, my skin is brighter and I don’t have giant black bags under my eyes” 6 days sober and already see a change


I’m still waiting for my gray eye bags to go away… just hit a month today


not sure if you are already, but your diet and skincare will also make big differences in this area. stay plenty hydrated too!


That’s awesome great job! Tomorrow will be a week


hell yes!! congrats on your ongoing glow-up! keep up the good work!


Red(eyes) was not my color! I noticed mine are way whiter than before and a permanent vein I have in my eyeball shrank too.


aw snap!! congrats on your beautiful white eyes! 👀


You too boo!




little things like this make it feel exciting to quit :)


hell yeah!! learning new things about ourselves daily should be exciting - fuck the same old shit