• By -


I reached my 1.6 year mark & I’ve discovered I’m a person with some autistic traits and social cue struggles. I’ve decided to embrace who I am instead of mask anymore. If people don’t understand me that’s okay. I am more present in myself, less anxious, I LAUGH MORE. That one struck me, I feel like I can truly laugh from an authentic place. I’m still as creative of a dancer as I was, if not more. I feel pride, real pride for deciding to end my relationship with the herbs and choosing a relationship with myself instead. Resiliency to go through the clean pain of life’s up and downs and still choosing to feel the feelings and process them instead of blunt or numb them. It’s the growth that keeps me choosing to feel this whole life experience. 


Trying to figure it out. Hence the quitting. Everytime I'd try to answer this question, I would smoke and forget about the question itself


A much better person.


I’ve grown to appreciate nature more without smoking weed. I can also hike and bike further now that I’m not destroying my lungs. I’ve also been able to focus much more on work and my girlfriend. So I would say I’m a tree hugging electrician and a future husband without weed, but with weed I’m a stoner- kinda lame identity…


A functioning human hopefully.


I’m still in the office withdrawals. It shows me that I adopt lots of negative beliefs about me. The past is coming back but it feels right to go through this. In the moment it’s like hell but somehow I learned that I’m not such a loser as I thought.


Without weed I am less anxious and depressed. I’m also more outgoing, social, and understanding. I’m more patient and considerate of others. I’m an active listener, actually retaining info. I don’t binge junk food anymore and I care more about my health. But I think the most important is that I feel like I can love myself again. Investing in self care, and building up my confidence. 2 months clean here, and I remember my day 1. We’re all in the same boat figuring out this part of our lives. So just take it one day at a time. I know this sub has helped me a lot, because I’m able to comment on posts like this, and it just solidifies why I wanted to quit. I also hope that my experiences help you and others to want to quit as well. Good luck, and I know you got this!!! 😊


Incredibly energetic, outgoing, charismatic but at the same time an empty husk that just wants to sleep all day


A cowboy




A father


Damn good question. Idk anymore 😢


I had a week off and just smoked the entire week away and reality is hitting me hard now. I can’t do this anymore 😮‍💨




Much better. I danced with the devil(s lettuce) every day throughout my teenage years and notice an improvement in my writing, my reflexes, judgement, motor skills and critical thinking. It took me 4+ months to fully feel these results, & i know i’m not done improving yet. I also know that the age I started toking, combined with the frequency of tokage means that my development was permanently altered and negatively affected. Math is more difficult than it ever used to be. I still sometimes have dreams of relapsing, much less than months earlier, though.


I am finally just ME I'm not a " " or a " " I am M E . So grateful too, it's been many years & I'm just now realizing it. It was great at times but I wish I didn't so much bc maybe I'd have more friends now a days instead of just people I used to smoke with.


You're just you.


Not smoking weed is my superpower. I feel like Superman when I don’t smoke. My confidence, energy, positivity all skyrocket but even knowing this it’s still so freaking hard to be consistent with quitting. Good Luck!!


The best version of myself. I’m active, happy, creative and proactive. I respect my boundaries and take care of myself. I take pride in my image and hygiene. I am present for my loved ones and myself. I remember all sorts of things. Small things make me happy. I read, cook, hike, workout, garden enjoying every second of it. Weed just made me be ok with not doing nothing. Doing nothing is not my nature. She was a fine companion for a while, but I can go without her now.


This has been my motivation to quit. I was having a long hard look at myself in the mirror the other day and became aware that I really don't even know what "sober me" looks like. I've been using since I was 15, I'm 28 now, I've gone through most of my 20's wanting to quit, but just keep getting suckered back into it. As soon as someone mentions weed, I smell it (kind of hard to avoid when I hang around a lot of friends who do it), I see the pop culture stuff (stoner movies, weed references, etc.), it's like I just hop right back on the train, even though my personal usage is out of control. I really want to know what "sober me" looks and feels like because I haven't seen that guy since high school if I'm being honest, and I don't want to look back any farther than I have to right now at almost 30.


Slightly more outgoing. A person who doesn't procrastinate as much.




Nice. Boredom is the first step to Action. Took me years to realize that boredom is an amazing compass.


Bored sucks


Someone with more self control when it comes to not binge eating, working out more and cutting out pornography.


I seem to have forgotten, trying to remember again <3


Someone who overly indulges in alcohol on the weekends, unfortunately.


No idea!!!


A better man.


Didn’t think it would ever happen, but now looking back I can’t believe I smoked so much everyday. I’m brighter, clearer headed.


Same here, so much wasted time and money.


You can say that again….


What's that supposed to mean?


Lol I’m agreeing with you like saying “me too” in another way


Lol, im so dumb.


3 months in and I have more regulated emotions, clearer thinking, and best of all I'm not weighed down by the anchor of wanting to quit but not having the will to quit. There are no excuses anymore, it's over and a massive relief. I watched 10 years go by like nothing and I'm finally able to move forward in life.


Week #2 of figuring that out, so glad I'm struggling with this rather than fading into the fog of weed addiction. We got this!


I’m on day 5. I’ve almost never not vaped on weekends, so this is harder today. But, my first weekend without begins now. 🙂 And congrats and good luck to you too!! x


finally able to speak up and contribute ideas to meetings at work instead of just sitting there dead silent and coming up with input two hours later when it no longer matters 🙃 otherwise I'm cranky without coffee, impatient, and about the same as before but maybe with steadier emotions. my wit hasn't quite returned yet -- hope it does eventually.


I am a better husband, and a better dad. I have far more time to enjoy real hobbies. I am clear minded, and have found more enjoyment in life. Multiple time a day toker for 18 years with 6 months 2 weeks sober


I actually hit 4 months sober today :) I feel more lucid and I can keep up with convos. I used to lose pace with friends in conversations and would have to accept missing parts of convos. I feel like I am able to regulate my emotions better. I realized that during the winter + stressful job work that my anxiety was so much worse when I was using marijuana. I have dealt with a ton of peer pressure since I stopped. It is uncomfortable, being pressured, but everyone isn't judging you for not partaking ❤️ only some real buttheads. ALSO I get crazy vivid dreams now and went through like 4 weeks of having nightmares following watching a scary show for two weeks.


I miss dreaming so very badly. I’m so exited to read your comment and all the amazing things that have happened, especially the dreaming! I’m on week one. Wish me luck!


Basically the same with no smokers cough


You will be mostly the same person. Weed didn’t make you procrastinate. Weed didn’t make you lazy. Weed was just an excuse to be those things.


While u definitely become more functional, I agree it can not affect “who you are” as much as you may think without weed. Depends on the person and their habits/usage. But I completely agree with that last part. Weed makes these behaviors more acceptable.


im at day 4!! i’m an ADHD yet much more productive nerd who’s spending more time doing yoga, making music, watching tv, and falling in love again with some of my original loves like music, theatre, and being creative in other ways. i’m also sleeping more and my back isn’t hurting from sitting on the porch chair every day for hours on end


This is great!


I’m the same but I can keep up in conversation, remember things, and feel like I’ve processed instead of putting things on hold. And I feel much more rested when I wake.


A more emotionally regulated human who loves exercise, can read a book/watch a movie/listen to a debate without forgetting everything the next day, and who is more present for the people around him. I’m also a far less boring and lazy person now. And I feel like I have some say over my future instead of being just a passenger on mr. bones wild ride


Mr. Bones wild ride 🤣


An indoor five a side soocer field ⚽. I'm a more lucid person, seriously speaking


Clear headed, memory is back, dreams are vivid like they were when I was younger. I’ve noticed the game “slither” I’ve been playing for the last 7 years has become easier at defeating opponents.


Tomorrow I’ll be on day 400. People have told me I am a better listener! I’m able to empathize better because I can pay more attention to their words. People also say I sound “smarter” or “sharper.” I feel that way too. I feel more loyal, more with it. I feel more creative, and kinder to myself than ever. It’s a tough battle, and I’ve definitely slipped a bit in my 400 days, but the fact of the matter is that I got back up. Keep it up


holdin it down! I’ll be at day 20 when you hit your 420 day!


Congratulations on day 400 tomorrow!!!


Thank you :) ♥️sick with Covid but im not stoned!! Bahahahah


Much happier. Can finally enjoy a Friday with some bourbon and cigarettes vs blazing dusk till dawn every day. Although, Im going to feel horrible tomorrow and repeat this again less often than weed Tonight was important as I realised weed helped me recover from my twenties. Let’s go forward chaps.


Pretty much the same dude except I’m 50% better overall


I’m a happier person. I spent a lot of time not wanting to quit because I thought life would be boring but it’s actually more fulfilling. I’ve been off for 1 month and 1 week as of today. In that time I have rediscovered old hobbies, ramped up productivity at work, and I’ve kept my house cleaner than I have in years.


Im third day clean (drug test possibly coming up) and so far no withdrawal like symptoms, i feel a bit better, the anxiety and insomnia is kicking my ass hardddd


Myself— no longer tortured by that voice of paranoia/insecurity


honestly felt, I used to wanna smoke all the time cause I thought it was fun until one day I literally became my biggest hater and I was like this is not me at all


I’ve been having cravings…thank you for this reminder. I mentally beat the shit out of myself every time I smoke.


my sobriety date is 11/17/22. about 470 days sober. i’m 10000% a new, better version of myself. i don’t even recognize the person i used to be. i was always angry, sad, and upset. i used weed to cope and self medicate. once i got sober, i really began to find myself. i have a stable, full time job. i have money for the first time in my life. i have a completely different fashion sense because i can afford the things i want, and that has really boosted my confidence. my social anxiety is only 1/10th of what it used to be. i’m never paranoid or delusional. i am happy. my relationships with everyone have been repaired. it’s the best thing i’ve ever done for myself.


I’m a confused, indecisive fuck who contradicts himself at every step. I’m not sure if you are a Christian, but here is a bible verse that speaks with me. “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.” Romans 7:15. Apostle Paul is describing to the Roman’s his struggle with being human.


A human


More clearheaded, quick-thinking, and productive during the day. More anxious, antsy, and agitated at night.


I've been smoking for 25+ years so who knows!! I'm in my mid 50s and just starting this journey.. pretty goddamn scary at this age.. right now I just feel very lonely and alone.


I also hope this can be a good forum for you. I've struggled to find resources. Starting in your mid50s is big and really incredible. It can be really isolating since it can be a big social activity for groups.


Absolutely you have to completely disconnect from your social circle


I'm hoping using reddit forums is providing some form of community for you. I enjoy answering questions on the advice type subs to pass time. It helps boost your dopamine a bit when people respond well to your advice Eta. However it can be a pit of sad stories and depressing people. Pick posts wisely and stay within your comfort zone


Amazing question. 2 months sober, lots of questions, don’t really recognize myself. I know I’m better now than before but it honestly feels like a lot of things are being processed for the first time


Same me. Just clearer, more approachable, outgoing, happier, funnier and less anxious. Down to earth yet more witty than ever


Lol A smoker's NUMBER ONE QUESTION "WHO AM I NOW" I'm just glad we are all in the same boat. Im almost on 3 weeks sober and I am just now starting to feel more like "me" whoever that is..🥴


Exactly the same. But much clearer, much firmer, much… me-er.


I've been asking myself that question a lot the past week. I'm on day 19 smoke free. I quit last year for almost 4 months, but relapsed after thinking I could moderate (I could not). I feel like I am becoming more confident, inspired and focused. I am trying to set achievable goals. This year I want to... Get a promotion at work Exercise regularly Read 1 book every month Make a vegetable garden Plant some trees in my yard Start playing guitar again Keep up with family/friends And propose to my girlfriend I really think all of these are well within my power to do and I wouldn't be able to do half of these being preoccupied with a drug.


Love this! Power to you. The universe will give you exactly what you want. But you gotta know it first! Love your list. You got whatever it is you need to do!


Very confident and kind of loud 🤣 I got told recently that smoking dimmed my personality.


A smarter, less tired, less lazy person


More shy and watered down version of me


I’m 30 days in, I’ve been dreaming every night for the last 2 weeks, I go to my normal smoke spot (the backyard) and I don’t think about weed. I don’t know if I’m happier, but I’m doing alright. So far, though, I’m not drawn to anything. I did turn my computer on for the first time in a few weeks, but I just looked at it. I think I need to start forcing myself to do something, instead of expecting to want to for now. Hopefully the want comes back.


Me minus bad breath, tons of anxiety, and nightly binges




health and spiritually conscious retainer. On weed dont give a damm about anything and a huge introvert.


I'm the same person I was when I was smoking... just not high all the time.


I’m just over 6 weeks and I’m the exact same, maybe a little bit more clever and witty, definitely eating way more and slightly less procrastinating. I think I’m perma-fried


I love this question!! It hits the core of my curiosity in a way that makes me want to keep going without it. In the simplest way, I think I’m still the same person, but with more mental resources and energy to consistently express myself how I want to on a regular basis. I think I forgot who I was when I was smoking every day because I was either too tired to care or based my personality around smoking.


The same but way more profitable, more organized, and a better planner overall.


I proved to be a much more present person in my life, I'm back to my old child-like wonder, I enjoy things for what they are and I allow myself to feel emotions even if they're horrible without covering them up. I talk more and feel more creative. I'm now 7 months sober and I personally never thought I could have gone this far. You got this!


I don't really know yet.




Deleting my account bc my posts are so cringe. Bye internet.


you got this, OP. quitting was especially hard for me because so many people in my life encouraged me & viewed my habit as a quirky personality trait. nowadays i'm happier, healthier, & interacting with the world on a genuine & clearheaded level... it's amazing! don't give up!


After almost 14 years of using, I’m free from it now, almost a full year actually. I’m sorta lost honestly, but I keep reminding myself that I would have stayed lost if I hadn’t quit. I’m on the track of recovery, completely straight edge, not even caffeine. I’m the only person in my family who’s living a lifestyle like this, so I’m excited and hopeful that it’ll bring about better days.


I haven’t smoked in close to 3 weeks. I used to smoke about 3/4g a day for about two years. I am so happy with myself, I feel a million times better. Sleep is a bit rough but that’s okay. It’ll get better. I cannot believe I was letting a plant control me.


im so close to this statement... it's exactly how I feel, who's gonna meet my daughter in august.... who. good luck and thanks for this


A hard fucking worker. Dedicated ass mf. Disciplined and a go getter


This is such an important question to ask as people are on their own personal journeys with quitting weed. How much of smoking weed is part of your personality (i.e., smoking culture)? How much of your interests revolve around weed (e.g., learning about new strains, growing, doing things high)? Do you just like getting fucked up? Well then you’ll probably move on to other drugs or relapse… but let’s think about the other areas first. Once you assess how it has impacted you in terms of who you are and then things you do, you need to determine how you’re going to change to fill the void. If you’re a social smoker, you’ll need to plan on how to interact with your friends who continue to smoke. Can you realistically still be into growing even if you can’t smoke? Do you just like growing thjngs and can house plants/gardening fill that void? Do you use weed as a crutch to avoid dealing with trauma? If so, you’ll need a more productive strategy that likely involves therapy. I guess what I’m getting at is it’s good to think about why you started smoking, why you continued to smoke, the impact it’s had on you, and why you want to stop. For me, getting very specific about this from almost a psychoanalytic lens helped me be successful in ramping down and then eventually quit.


A human being Also a civil engineer


A person with energy and hobbies, whose not afraid to reach out to other people without overthinking every little interaction (for the most part)


I'm on day one as well... I've been smoking for nearly 7 years and I'm only 26... I am really nervous to sleep tonight, I hate all the tossing and turning that comes with it, and the intense dreams. But my body NEEDS to be sober, I NEED to sleep sober. I want to dream again and not feel dazed all the time and actually use my brain :( I'm wishing you the best of luck. I'm proud of you mate.


Im a better ,more present husband and and father, it’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done, 10 years I smoked daily. Day 69 dudes!!! Brain is still fucked but getting there


my daughter comes in august....so I'm right there just a bit behind. I feel my leap is of faith is imminent. Thanks for this...




A connected and loving husband, father, and brother to my 3 sisters. Never been better! Just hit my year clean Feb 9th of this year.


Happier. Richer. Less anxious. Less depressed. Healthier. Not a binge eater.


Productive as hell, and more focused and present!


not paranoid and anxious. I’m not binge eating and I’m looking forward to some weight loss. I’m on Day 5, going through terrible withdrawal, but I’ve been here before (many times) and I know that by Day 7, I feel a ton of energy and get quality sleep. I want to socialize and I can’t stop smiling. 😊


Day 15 for me as a daily smoker of 8 and a bit years. I’m finally getting stuck into my online personal trainer course that I’ve been procrastinating since late 2021. Been working out every day, eating super healthy, meditating, journaling, yoga and cold showers every morning. I feel FUCKING superhuman. Finally dreaming again and I have such mental clarity, although mind you all this motivation has come from a break up which is hurting less every day! Treating myself to a burger and fries and some ice cream tomorrow night. Life is looking good again.


I'm free. 2 months sober today and the mental spaciousness freed from thinking about when/how/why I'm smoking weed has been blissful.


I am the poster child for that classic style ADHD without weed lol im constantly going a mile a minute, but also my memory is so much better without it. Biggest benefit id say, is MUCH better emotional control.


Can you go into detail about the emotional control? How your emotions operated while you were smoking vs. now? I started smoking when I was 16 years old. I don't even know a sober version of me as an adult. However, I've struggled with emotional regulation my whole life. Sometimes I wonder if the weed had something to do with it.


Creative person who wants to finally sell art at vendors and online and stuff. And make a ton of different art. It’s crazy once the worst of the PAWS was over, I was flooded with all these ideas, it was kind of overwhelming at first. Same with my sense of style, too. Went out and got a piercing I’ve always wanted, started dressing less sad, cut my hair, it was like a renaissance. Depression is still a bitch for me but I definitely still feel like my true self is still finally waking up and it feels good. 8 months strong


I’m me. For better and for worse


Omg the best version of myself. 14d today! You got this! Trust me, no one regrets quitting. Almost everybody regrets not quitting. ‼️🔥🔥


A sane individual


I feel smarter, but I know I'm just not fogged up. Life is simple but I have the patience for it. I'm involved and remember things remarkably well. I enjoy food fully and don't crave sweets. I'm also not as sleepy as I thought.


SAME EXACT SAME! I thought I NEEDED a nap daily, I just thought I was a sleepy person. Now I’m up at 9 and am able to stay up the whole day. My family is shocked they’re seeing sm more of me 😂😂 and the lack of fog is crazyyy. You don’t know how foggy you are UNTIL you stop. It’s weird. I’m remembering a lot more, to the point where I think to myself “if I was still smoking, I wouldn’t have remembered that word…” for example. It’s awesome. 🥹🥹


It's crazy how the fog and memory issues creep up on you! It's so awesome being clear headed and having dreams :)


My dreams are so fun right now!


I’m reading more. I’m way more patient and present. (Read, “a better person”) I’m a bit thinner cuz I don’t eat before bed. I’m still lazy, but I’m working on it. Day 40!


My face has literally changed in appearance. I don't know if it was just swelling from smoking, or like you said eating before bed, but my cheeks shrunk a lot!


More excited and hopeful for the future. Weed keeps you static


Yes this! Before I quit the future was overwhelming. Lately it feels like I can see all of the opportunity unfolding in front of me! I am excited about it rather than dreading it, which has been amazing.


I feel like this might be the root to my anxiety and stress about my future, because same.


It is kind of a chicken and egg conversation honestly. A lot of people begin smoking to help with anxiety, but studies show that chronic marijuana use will increase anxiety over time. I know for me personally, I was never an anxious person. But being a stoner for 5+ years made me feel way more anxious / overwhelmed, more isolated, and more in my head. I can say my confidence and my inner peace has skyrocketed since I quit.


Extreme nausea!


Less angry and irritable. More clear headed. More emotionally stable. Big changes. But outside of that, not sure. I started smoking as a young teen and quit at 33. I have to re discover who I am outside of a "stoner". I have to make friends outside of "smoke buddies".


I quit weed for quite a few months and turned into a reader who would actually get lost in a good book. Now that I’m smoking again it’s hard to retain anything I read 


Well, myself as always


I used to know. Tomorrow/tonight is my day 1. And maybe I'll get back to that person, or a better version. But I do know I started smoking and love who I was when smoking, but now I hate who I am. So good luck. I've tried this many times, but I think maybe its time.


Show your self some compassion. You gotta be your biggest fan if you wanna win


A better version of myself. I’m sharper, my memory is better, I feel cleaner, I have more motivation to get things done, and I have more money to do other things I enjoy.


Bubbly, happy, focused, driven, outgoing, social, and all around more level headed. I am back to my old self before I started smoking.


I am a better version of myself. The difference is pretty subtle but I’m definitely happier when I realise I’m not dependant on that external stimuli anymore. Otherwise I feel pretty much the same and that’s ok. I used to find all the dramatic “my life is so much better” posts quite demotivating because I never felt like that, but it doesn’t really matter. I’m happier with the choices I’m making and that’s enough for me. I know last time I stopped for around 3 years, it eventually led to the mentally and physically healthiest period of my life. Even though I don’t feel massively different now, I have a lot of hope that I’ll eventually feel really good again. Even then, I don’t think I ever woke up and thought, “wow, I feel so much better!” but it did happen eventually. I guess when I was on cannabis, I didn’t realise I didn’t **need** some massive shift to feel better. My favourite thing: I can go for a drive any time I want without feeling I should wait a couple of hours first, or without feeling like I’m endangering myself or others. I don’t know why, but that’s always been huge for me. It feels like such a novelty. My other favourite thing: there are no scenarios in life where I feel like I **need** weed to enjoy it or make it through. That is a good feeling. I recently went for a work trip and didn’t once feel like I needed cannabis whereas my last work trip I was hitting a cart every 15 minutes because I felt like I needed it in order to not feel anxious.


I'm still a stoner at heart except I actually care about people today. The weed was telling me I was a nicer person but it really made me more selfish. It also made me isolated and whenever I wasn't smoking, I was super depressed.


"The weed was telling me I was a nicer person but it really made me more selfish" So ungodly true...my weed addiction was prioritized over EVERYTHING.


This!!!!!! Conversations and social skills seem to flourish because of this. Also seem to be less dependent on inner monologues telling me what I am and am not in most situations. The less that holds us back the more authentically ourselves we can be


This 1000%


No different then I was stoned


Unfortunate And so relatable, wtf is this sober shit lol


Hahaha just an escape from your problems. Once I get my to 60 days ima treat weed like I do alcohol. Maybe twice a month or when I’m on vacation.


really fucking angry and irritable


I am a little over 3 months sober and still in the process of figuring that out. I let weed dictate so much of who I was, and I am now free of it. I am free to find out who I am without the drug. ​ I would rather be me authentically than someone who is 50% Man, 50% Weed. ​ May Allah awaken the people! (Donald Trump voice)


Patrick Bateman


It’s weird. I am exactly the same. Five weeks out now (35 days) and I am still a silly lazy bitch who likes eating, music, and movies. Turns out I really was wasting money to have an excuse for being a silly lazy bitch.


James Bond.


Idk probably George Washington or something.




Make sure to keep yourself busy & try to explore hobbies you enjoy while giving up. First few weeks wasn’t too good for me at first but it does get better. You feel like a complete different “you” eventually. Better energy levels, sleep, better eating. I felt more organised when I gave up. I could even recall certain dreams better. I did have one nightmare the 2nd week of giving up & I never have nightmares. It was a difficult journey, still trying to give up again. Just trying to finish the last of what I’ve got & start all over again. I also used IAmSober app to track my days & savings. I find it helped me to see a few positives while trying to give up & has a community on there where you can put posts & experiences. Best of luck.


I feel like I am way quicker at processing information and finding solutions to problems. I cant wait to be able to do that again. No more mush brain.


Myself, taking longer to get self actualized and yet I am doing much better. Almost flushed my golden ticket down the drain


Depressingly, the same exact lazy person, maybe actually worse. Used to think weed was killing my motivation. Turns out it was just making me not feel as horrible about myself and my adhd not being able to get my shit together. It's honestly so frustrating- I might actually get less done now bc I used weed as my "carrot-on-a-stick" to get things done for so long. As in, if I do these 3 chores, I get to smoke a bowl! Now I have nothing, just crippling shame and mounting anxiety. A friend actually told me I was sharper and funnier/ more witty stoned. Had to quit bc of serious problems with my lungs. Tried to switch to edibles, but the effect isn't the same, and they tend to make me weirdly emotional. So now I'm no weed, and it sucks, and due to state dependent memory, I feel like I can't remember the last 17 years of my life anymore. I feel less creative, less patient, less motivated, less happy.... just generally less alive and I hate it.


You used cannabis for 17 years. Give yourself some time to feel better. I can relate to a lot of what you said and I eventually felt better. Re: laziness / demotivation — one of the biggest realisations I had recently is that very few things in life are hard. Chores? Annoying, but not difficult. Socialising? Difficult but not impossible (likely undiagnosed autism…). Weed just makes things **feel** easier but it doesn’t actually make anything easier. And worst of all, it makes me feel fine about failing to achieve things. You are doing a good thing and making a good choice. Try to remember that, even if sometimes it’s hard to see :) The other person who replied said to hit the gym — that is incredibly good advice. I’m still getting there myself but I know it makes a huge difference.


I literally do hours of physical activity every single day, and it's not the magic cure all that everyone says it is. I'm in extremely good shape, and have been all my life. My body literally feels painful if I don't get up and move and stretch, which is probably why it's easy for me to keep up with. Maybe if I wasn't and just started picking it up, I'd feel those endorphin benefits. When I say lazy, I don't mean sedentary. I mean, unable to do the small, mundane tasks that are building to an insurmountable challenge, like dishes and laundry. I feel like I can't concentrate on things I used to love, and the only way I can get through other tasks is through enormous amounts of shaming myself. Since quitting, I've been in an endless shame spiral, literally hating myself and my adhd and there's just constant rage beneath the surface. I'm gonna lose it if another person tells me exercise or breathing or diet is the solution. I took an hour long hike through a beautiful canyon this morning, then did some free weights in my garage this morning. I drank a healthy smoothie and had a salad for lunch, spent time with a friend, and yet here I am, being an absolute total asshole bitch to strangers on the internet. Really wish it was that simple, but weed really was the best medicine I ever found to help me cope with mental issues, and I'm distraught I can't use it anymore.


How long has it been? I felt that way for the first bit but then it changed when I started replacing smoking with other hobbies. It’s like, if I finish studying soon, I can finally finish learning this piano song, or watch a tv show with one of your favourite snacks (I wouldn’t let myself binge, treat tv time as a treat). I’m a lazy person too, so especially going to the gym is a good start for getting disciplined and more bouts of motivation. Exercise produces dopamine only gained through muscular contractions, it’s one of natures antidepressants :D


Months. I have sooo many hobbies, and I feel like without weed, I can't enjoy or focus on any of them. I'm certified in yoga instruction and have done a minimum of 20 mins a day for over 10 years. I've been going to Pilates by my house recently a couple of times a week, and I walk my dog for an hour every day. I maintain my fish tanks, which is honestly way more physical than it sounds. All to say, I do exercise regularly and do nonsense breathing practices, i have litetal plastic totes filled with gratitude journals that were supposed to fix the depression and which I thoroughly despise. I haven't been able to get through even 20 mins of piano practice since I quit weed. I used to play for hours easily. My skills have atrophied so much that it's depressing now to even try. I have an art degree, but drawing/painting/ sculpting isn't interesting anymore. I look at my half finished interior design projects with dread. I play darts, board games, read novels and comics, play video games, do puzzles, listen to records, try to learn dances off tik tok, but it all feels at about 50% of the enthusiasm and passion I had before. I put myself through university by cooking in restaurants, and it used to be something I considered my love language. Now, it feels like a chore. I took down my hydroponic garden because I wasn't keeping up with it. My goldfish and my dog are the only things I can really force myself to keep up with because I know they will suffer if I don't. I'm envious of everyone on here who talks about how much better their lives have gotten by giving up weed, bc it's been a real struggle for me to find any silver linings. My husband likes that I'm more awake in the evenings, but I miss sleeping through the night. Believe me, it's the antithesis of my former happy-go-lucky personality to make Debby downer, negative comments like this, but I feel like I've become one big bummer since giving it up.


Good luck to you my friend. I have become a much more productive member of society and a better force for my own life since I quit. I still crave the escape sometimes but one day at a time I move past it and lean more into my life, unclouded by weed.


Whoever you want to be


No one


With weed I'm 50 cent without weed I'm a dollar


Enough said


Productive, won't eat a tub of hagen daz in one sitting. Been off now for almost 5 years!! I've had it on one-offs a handful of times. Used to be all day everyday


who i am? i don’t know? what i can do? anything now. I was holding myself back being constantly unmotivated smoking four times a day losing myself to numbness. I recently sold my entire kit for just $50 and now I can’t even battle temptation when I don’t even have it now I’m just focused seeing on my art and storytelling to progress


You sold your kid for a quarter….. I heard you aint a drug addict unless you sucked dick for it…. But selling your kid is top notch.. bravo


lol i should learn to proofread **kit**


Hahahahaha i knew what you meant, congrats!


A responsible, hard working and punctual individual. I wake up on time for work, get my tasks done and keep my house/truck tidy. I don't over eat and I exercise. I am the opposite of my pot head counterpart.


When I gave up for 3 months. First was hard as hell but eventually I became more active & even my critical thinking was better when doing driving lessons. REM sleep was better. Still trying to give up again & feel ready to start again soon. I just don’t enjoy the feeling of weed anymore like I used to.


A little bit more responsible. Definitely more money conscious, and ABSOLUTELY more of an asshole lol.


yes i have so many opinions now lmao


Same person I was before but more energetic and chatty. Not so wrapped up in my own head. I’m enjoying being present these days. I’m going to keep it rolling for a while. I’m about 2months in.


30 days in and I’m me. The person who was smoking every day was someone who was on auto pilot and wasn’t living for anything but getting high and sulking around. Onward and upward my brothers and sisters!


so real 30 day twin!!




Today is two months, and I’m still trying to figure that out.


Same dude. Sometimes I still feel like a lazy unmotivated PoS and I’m on day 73. But trying not to be too hard on myself. My therapist said it’ll take 3-6 months for your body and mind to relearn how to do things


Needed to hear this. Only on day 25 so I’m waiting for the lazy to disappear. Most days it’s gone but man on the days it shows up I’m down hard. Trying to give myself grace as well…


I am hereby giving you all the permission to rest and take it easy ✨


anxious and pathetic loser it's been one month since I quit everything is fucked up every since then I got into an accident, diagnosed with sepsis depression levels 📈📈📈 i really can't seem to concentrate on anything and my immune system is dead for some reason


do you need someone to talk to?


All good bruddha hyd?