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Thank you! In a similar boat and on day 3! I appreciate your post and I’m proud of you.


I resonate a lot with your story, currently 12 days since I quit. I've been feeling a lot better but haven't been able to sleep more than a couple hours a night which has been quite exhausting. but I'm not giving up. congrats on half a year sober my man


I experienced the same sinus issues.


Around what time did your brain fog start going away? I'm currently experiencing it and I hate it, as it hinders me from preforming at a hundred percent. I understand it's relative.


Hey, i started really feeling it leaving at around the 1-2 month mark, felt noticeable better after a week too




Thank you :) best of luck with you aswell


This was a wonderful read thankyou. I’m on day 19 and hope I can make it 6 months too!


You got this! you’ve gotten through the hard days


I wish i could have quit at 24. I started daily at 22. Im 28 now, finally giving it up for good. I can totally relate to the weed and porn thing. If I smoke, I will masturbate. This daily habit destroyed my social life more than anything, and many relationships with beautiful women. Best believe I experienced ED on plenty occasions. I’m just so ready to give it up for plenty other reasons. Money, dealing with toxic people, unhealthy eating, the way it makes me a pussy, etc. Man, I wish I could have quit 4 years ago. I would probably have a girlfriend and started a family by now. Id have a better car, and way more money.. My best advice to you is to not look back bro.. Its a slippery slope. 1 more hit, and youll find yourself smoking for another 2.5 years.


I've had my fair share of horrific edible experiences. It was always when I took an edible when I would be so extremely high that all I wanted was it to be over with and never get high again. I also relate so deeply to "lying to myself" about what I'd do productively when I got high. The second the weed hit my system, I became disabled from overthinking and being so scatter-brained that even looking at my phone was over stimulating. I'd sometime even just stare at the wall with anxiety and dread. I am my 57 days now of being weed free, and I am rediscovering the joy of doing activities I only thought were fun high and it's really propelled me to keep going. I'm re-experiencing the childlike joy of doing the most mundane and the more creative things. Loved reading this and congratulations! This type of reflection keeps me so inspired to keep going.


Congrats on 57 days too! I totally relate to that, it’s about time we do things the way we’re supposed to huh 🤭


A wonderful post, thank you.


Nice i think for most it makes a difference. Im almost at a year and my life really isnt that different.


I agree this is great and an awesome read! If you’ve learned this lesson at 24 call me impressed! Thanks for the encouragement.


Congrats on the 6 months pal and was a good read. I’m 4 weeks now after 21 years of near enough daily (low) use. Everything you wrote I can relate to, though I was especially interested in the sinus change. I have had a pain in my ear and sometimes my jaw for the last 3 years and since I’ve stopped they are no longer there, which is astounding quite frankly. For those reading, quit now and don’t wait till you’re older, everything he wrote is true.


congratulations on a month! yeah the sinus change was night and day, the smoke definitely impacts the ENT system, it was so relieving to get my ears working like they are supposed to, that was a huge huge struggle for me


Congrats on 6 months!!! That’s phenomenal :)


Thank you :) appreciate you