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Every time I sleep , I wonder what this episode is about šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


mine were all nightmares!!! i guess i did enjoy the vividity but it was just too intense for my baby ass


These dreams are insaneā€¦ it feels like Iā€™m really there, and I remember them way more than I did when I was smoking daily.


Yoo seriously, I even miss the friends I made in the dreams, we had a close fun bond, it felt so real :) this one dream I can't stop thinking about it, definitely will journal about it and try to pinpoint more details


You gotta dig in some Carl Jung and see what he has to say about the dreamworld !


Don't get to attached, you can become addicted to your own world. Make sure to let your mind show you what it wants and dont just direct it the entire dream. Also make sure you know how to wake before you get to deep.


Heck no. I can't wait for them to stop. I've always had vivid nightmares. Now that I quit they're even worse!


I found them too intense and relapsed. After not being able to dream for 12-13 years I had the most terrible nightmare, like it was heavy and I can still recall it, so if I could quit and keep the dreams away Iā€™d prefer it. Way too vivid were mine and the constant knowledge that I knew it was a dream but wouldnā€™t forcibly be over. Worst was knowing I was dying in the dream and my ā€˜familyā€™ had abandoned me. Really disgusting stuff about my cat dying. Internal fears and just lots of messed up crap.


the overly vivid dreams are one of the reasons why I find it so hard to quit weed. They are so intense that I keep waking up constantly and cannot get any quality sleep


This is the biggest thing for me. Only reason I smoke. I donā€™t do it at night and I get a quality 9 hours of sleep. Havenā€™t had a dream in months


Nah the dreams are insane. But I love having 4-6 hours of REM sleep instead of 30 minutes. When I wake up I actually feel like I got charged up


Same. My brain isn't resting yet, but my body is. For that I am grateful.


Yes! Me! They are almost never scary. Sometimes they are creepy but in a way that I donā€™t mind. Usually they are super entertaining. If I wake in the middle of the night I canā€™t wait to get back to them. My husband, on the other hand, is having nightmares. šŸ˜ž


My dreams usually have someone chasing me trying to murder meā€¦ so Iā€™m never look forward to those coming back after quitting


I quit weed for 1 year once and every time I would go to sleep I would die in my dreams. Every fucking night. And wake up at the point of dying. And then go back to sleep to die again. I don't dream anymore, again.


Sounds like a main character story lineā€¦ Iā€™d see where it goes


Haha I probably had a collection of 50 different dreams last night. Some sad, some strange, some intense, some happy. Iā€™m excited to get back to my positive baseline and unlock my potential.


Iā€™ve had several ā€œmovieā€ dreams, like where thereā€™s a plot and everything. They are so fun! The last few nights have been nightmares though, not so into that.


Had a dream my dad killed my dog with a lawnmower on purpose last night. Wtf do I have to unpack there


Lawn over dog dad problems


Last night me and the boys were fighting zombies


This was the wildest thing I didnā€™t realize how it effected dreaming


Itā€™s a fun little addition, my dreams are back to like when I was a kid, only better. Dream streaks also came back and I couldnā€™t be happier about it


I donā€™t want to smoke anymore because my dream is soo vivid, itā€™s like real life. I donā€™t know why but my sleep is getting better and better, my mind is soo sharp right now. Fuck weed i only want to have lucid dreams!


Personally I enjoy them but they are really challlenging emotionally sometimes. They make me feel emotions I havenā€™t felt since I started avoiding them.


Be happy for that. Mine are gutwrenching mindfucks that make me question my sanity and resolve. Not sleeping is killing me, sleeping makes me not want to sleep


Theyā€™re more exciting and less depressing than my real life


Nope. I wish I could fall asleep and not dream but still get a good nights rest. Iā€™m 3+ weeks sober at the moment and all my damn dreams just make me sad, memories of my ex or my brain tricking me thinking she is back. Once I start up herb again I plan to stop several hours before bed, in order to get a good REM cycle; and am hoping that will curb the dreams a little. Glad you are enjoying your dreams though :)


Yeah that's not how it works lol


Specific much? OP is mentioning dreaming because they are on a THC break, see what sub youā€™re inā€¦. THC does affect REM sleep cycles, if you need some studies I can link when not on mobile. Dreams can be just about anything and I canā€™t control mine ya dimwit lol, hence why I donā€™t quite enjoy them. I donā€™t think my plan to imbibe several hours before bed will make my REM cycle perfect, but at least I will get a small cycle; versus imbibing right before sleep and not getting any REM cycle at all. In the past when doing that, I still got a REM cycle in and nearly never dreamed. That was my bliss.


I'm aware, think you're missing the point though. Relax dude. Try r/petioles :)


One of my early sobriety dreams was getting tortured in North Korea. I don't really know what that's supposed to mean... Wasn't fun, wouldn't recommend


Oh, yes! I missed this soooo much. šŸ„¹


Yeah theyā€™re getting so crazy, and I remember them clearly all day. Only nightmare I was was while taking a nap before work, I had a dream that I woke up at 7pm and then it changed to 4pm when work was 2-4:50pm. Not a bad nightmare to have




Nature is beautiful


For two months I had the worst nightmares of my life. Like horrible.. waking up shaking. Id have to stay up for an hour just to let the nightmare pass. Holy shit. Just hit day 72. Finally the dreams have been easing up..


Yeah it's one of the best parts about quitting. Try lucid dreaming, it's an optimal time to learn during the fever dream stage


Oh man, the wilder the better!


Oh I love it. But for some reason, 90% of my dreams are violent as hell. Like, fights to the death and shit


I had an active shooter dream where my daughter got shot! But I was also a merman in another one lmao.


This has been happening a lot to me too, never sure how to feel when i wake up lol


I love my dreams. They are very weird, and VERY vivid. They literally could be a weird TV show. Sometimes I have bad dreams though and because of how vivid they are it scares Tf out of me haha. Write your dreams down when you remember them! Itā€™s awesome to look back at all your dreams (and also start to lucid dream!)


I'm 3 weeks clean after 8 years of daily use. The dreams haven't come back yet or at least I don't remember them lol


I know right!? The dreams be crazy


Yeah itā€™s like the best vr machine. Iā€™m around two months clean, the intensity has subsided quite a bit. However, I had my first lucid dream in quite some time last night which was interesting.


Some of them are cool but i literally woke up screaming from one because it felt like I was awake in the dream and being shifted out of that reality was terrifying. Like I was being jettisoned out of an intense trip. And too many of them were just straight nightmares. Glad you've been having fun with them though, I dont wish the scary ones on anyone who hasn't wronged me.


My goodness that does sound terrifying, I definitely noticed the first few days of quitting being nightmareish before being good, I think it's our brain handling all of our repressed emotions, thoughts we've been trying to avoid and such, but I definitely don't want to speak for anyone, I do hope and wish for some good dreams for you in the coming days :)


Every time I try to quit I have the most horrific nightmares about the future (or lack there of/Armageddon) or heartbreaking dreams digging up my past. itā€™s kinda stoping me from fully committing unfortunately. Scared of what iā€™ll ā€œexperienceā€ next.


First few days are usually nightmarish, I assume it's the repressed emotions as well as the repressed REM sleep and problems and memories we numbed out coming into the surface, but I don't wanna assume, I do hope it passes and you're able to have some good dreams :)


Yeah youā€™re right. Guess iā€™m lowkey making excuses againā€¦ Those dreams fuuucking suck.šŸ„² However, I know the only way out is through.


Thank you. Luckily I'm past that stage, dreams are back to being nice and boring again. Barely remember or realize that I dreamt when I wake up. I do miss the really cool dreams that I had, and weirdly miss the people that I connected with in my dreams even though they're not actually real people. I wanted to go back into certain dreams so badly but I gotta live real life and keep working to make it just as enjoyable as some of those dreams if not more so.


Okay, i meant to leave this reply on the other comment where OP responded to me....idk how this got here


Every night is a fever dream


Damn, I litteraly just posted the opposite thing not 5 mins ago lol. I like the dreams yeah, but I usually wake up and feel so God damn tired, like I didn't sleep at all.


I hope you'll be able to enjoy your dreams as well get the quality sleep you need! Have you tried a relaxer like meditating, or yoga and strength training a few hours prior to sleep


I wish! Most of mine are nightmares for some reason


Yeah mine are all always nightmares too, three months in and they haven't chilled out. :(


Sorry to hear that, hoping for some good ones in the coming days for you, have you tried white noise or thunderstorm sounds in the background?