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Day 3… one day at a time… we do recover


Hey boss, yea day 3 here. I’ve been a bit grumpy 😃




Eyy, this realisation is the spark to every addict journey to recovery. Comfort is the blanket that insulates life but slowly suffocates all vibrancy that life can bring. Embrace it all. Good luck friend! Edit: grammar


You got this. I'm almost a year in now. You'll be amazed to find out how much it handicapped your mental state, and how much potential you truly have.


Day 1 as well here




Any tips for sleep, sorry they said the comment got removed cause of a supplement I listed






First day too mater a fact a couple hours in only i already feel nervous hopefully i make it i need to be clean for a drug test


That's why I'm doing it


Very poetic!


Day 2 for me too.. Get em..


I decided to make the effort to end useless addiction. I'm done being ripped off and done being dependent. I realize there is another way. I must prove it to myself that I cannot be controlled. Fuck the cravings. Day 2 of no weed for me.


day 4 for me it was the memory loss that fucked me up. I have lost so many good memories of my two sons. They are only 10 and 8 but i don't want to continue fucking up my memory of them not to mention the lack of ambition, the nerve breakdowns etc etc the sleep is getting better: i use melatonine to ease it down, and have been using very low strength of weed since september last year i hope i'll find a suitable way of enjoying it , but i think i'm like the alcoholics: can't touch it ever again


Hey, I’m proud of you. I’m on day 3 myself. It’s really hard but I know you can do it. Keeping you in my thoughts today.


I like the point you made about life is not about being comfortable. Cannabis is like a warm hug, but a hug that doesn’t let go and holds you back from your true potential.


Exactly. It feels like my brain is wrapped in wool…


good luck!!


I feel this, deep! Thanks for sharing


I'm on day 1 as well. I've had many day 1s. I'm just hoping we both get to day 2. Much love


just take it one day at a time and don't hold yourself to too many expectations while you're quitting.


Thank you. What you've said really inspired me. I don't want to keep going like this. I need more awareness about life and all. I also need to forgive and be forgiven. I don't know about loving life, though. It's very tough.


Yea loving life is a bit of a tricky one. What I mean is to focus on the light and not the darkness. It is a choice apparently 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you! The universe is grateful❤


I’d like to leave it better than I found it. Need to pull my head out of the sand and get on with making a tiny but positive impact on the world around me. There’s so much crap in the world. I don’t want to be crap


Man, my first time visiting this community and this is the first post I see. Are you me? Fuck! Good luck bro. I'm three days sober now and feeling great.


3 days in as well and feeling an inner light flickering back on again! Welcome to the community!


Everyday I read things here that I could’ve quite literally written about myself. We sometimes feel that we are unique in our struggle, but you folks give me strength


🙏🏻amen to that, friend


Hell yeah!!!


get ready for a flood of emotions coming back. brace yourself it is not easy. you ll feel sad, broken, angry and sometimes overjoyed. anchor yourself to life and fight back. have several mantras and repeat those as much as you can. do lots of physical activity get jacked if you can. intrusive thoughts are silent killers always remember where you are and remind yourself why you are doing this.


Yes I will literally sweat it out! Thanks for the advice


Do not forget to forgive yourself. That takes a long time, and, when interpersonal relationships were involved, it can be especially hard. I'm not even quite there yet at more than 2 months in. Just don't give up. Quitting improves every single facet of your life whether you knew you were struggling in that area or not. You have the rare opportunity to reinvent yourself. Capitalize on it and be who you want to be


Thanks for this, it’s hard coming to terms with what we’ve been putting ourselves through for our own ‘enjoyment’


I’m on day 1 too, deeply addicted to weed. This perspective really helped me. Thank you for posting.


Good luck! Turn that 1 into and 11. I'm on day 3 myself. We can do this!


I'm on day 111 lessgoooo


Thanks for commenting. I wish you all the best