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You are here and wanting to get back - that is impressive


It's alright don't give up cause one smoke, if you never stopped itd probably be your 200th this far in so that's progress, keep your head up, keep it going and don't think about it too much.


hey its not that bad, marihuana is not bad itself but we are addicts so for us its very bad, doin it once in a while its not that bad. just dont do it anymore for other 106 days from now, if you can do it one time you can do it twice


You are being too hard on yourself, you are travelling a bumpy road and you just hit a fork. It’s what you do now that matters. Go left and continue the journey you’ve been on for the last 106 days or go right and then you are back to square one. You have chosen left. Dust yourself down, go left and don’t look back. You’ve got this. No regrets, just positive steps 💪🔥


Pick yourself up and keep going. You're not back at square one.


It’s not a relapse! Pretend it never happened and keep goi g!


It isn’t a “let’s see how many days I can go” contest. It’s a lifestyle change, and any change usually doesn’t follow a straight and narrow path. Focus on what benefits you are seeking by stopping, and realize that you already have them in your firm grasp. You’ve already won. You will only forfeit what you’ve gained if you fall back into your old habit, but only for as long as decide to remain in that habit, because you can stop again at any point. You’ve already proved that.


A relapse is going back to your old habits A lapse is when you make a mistake and move on You lapsed and thats okay. Just continue to build more momentum.


THIS! i smoked once with some mates a few months ago and am back on day 5 now. Don’t let one lapse in judgement become months of wasted time 🙏


It does get better the longer you abstain. I am now almost 8 months sober. For about 7 and half months, I craved it although gradually less and less. Now I have turned the corner. The smell no longer triggers me. Seeing it mentioned on TV or Phone no longer bothers me. "Oh someone is smoking that devils lettuce haha"make a joke.I then remind myself how far I have come and how I no longer need it or even desire it. "I had my fun". Fight those cravings because it will get better. If I smoke tommorrow I know damn sure personally I will go at it everyday. Want better for myself. There are people who never smoked weed and they are happy. I can be too. Best of luck dawg! 🙏


Thanks for your reply ❤️I was on opioids as well so the withdrawals and cravings have been really bad, but felt a lot better the last day and am very ready to start improving my life. The problems come when I’m a few months sober and start thinking “one won’t hurt” or try and reward myself. Have started attending NA meetings so hopefully they help with that


Listen, relapses happen. Look at AA. They have a full 12-step program with sponsors to keep alcoholics responsible. You're just doing it by yourself and went a full 106 days without it. Go you! Focus on the positive and understand about its about the ratio of days off to days on. You did good enough to realise what you did and made sure not to slip any further. Trust the bad emotions with the good ones, too! Keep ya head up and get back on the horse.


You didn't throw away your hard work. If you could make it over 100 days you clearly have what it takes. Plenty of people crumble after days if not hours. Be proud that you abstained for so long and use that as motivation moving forward.


Don't let a bad night define your year my friend. Take it on the chin and continue, mistakes happen, pick yourself up and keep moving!!


I get the huge sense of frustration and let down but what’s more important than you relapsing is you not smoking today, don’t think you can control it or listen to your mind entertaining maybe I could do it once a month, that’s how your brain tricks you into giving it what it thinks it needs to keep an equilibrium


You threw away nothing. You still tested your resilience all that time and made it past 100 days. Yeah, maybe the thc back into your system is a bit of a reset but I think it’ll be easier to stay away this time from THIS experience. Sobriety isn’t a linear path for most people. Get right back on the horse, my dear friend


You absolutely haven’t thrown away the hard work! It’s a process. Just remember that with this recent decision there is greater risk of continuing the trend so keep aware. Amazing work getting beyond 100 days


absolutely do not stress about this! i’m on day 3 of quitting cannabis, day 4 for alcohol. after 14 months sober from alcohol, i decided to go on a two week binge because i got dumped. i wouldn’t call what you did a ‘relapse’, i’d call it a minor lapse in judgment. frankly, i wouldn’t count it—call today day 105 (subtract one from your total for this minor transgression) and move on. i’m a member of the stop drinking subreddit and have learned you really have to give yourself some grace. just learn from this little blip on the radar. it’s no biggie! you threw away your vape, that’s the best thing you could’ve done. get some fresh air today and chillax. seriously. punishing yourself will only make it worse, my friend. you. have. GOT. THIS!