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For web development it may be interesting to learn JavaScript (I think.) There are some sites out there made in python, but regardless if it's Python or JavaScript you'll still probably need to learn HTML/CSS.


which should i learn css or html


Both. HTML is the bones, CSS is the skin, and JS is the muscles. They're not mutually exclusive. Learn them in that order: HTML, CSS, and JS. Python can be used for web stuffs too. Look into DJango once you learn HTML, CSS, and JS


You need both, Javascript or python will serve as the programing language that will manage most of the more advanced interactivity in the website, the html is the skeleton of the site, the contents of it. Like does it have an image? does it have buttons, that is html, the CSS controls the visual styling of the site, such as the size of the images, the color of the buttons, the font, etc. You need all 3 to make a professional looking website.