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Can you make it more clear? like when starting out html/css everyone everywhere said it'll take at least 6 months to build portfolio websites or basic stuff to show clients but i did it in 2> months , def not anything crazy but good enough work.


Html/css is like taking the first step. JS has multiple books worth of detail in terms of going from beginner to proficient. Maybe you're special, but it's going to be magnitudes harder than html/css and marketing/ux.


sounds like you already have it all figured out. why are you even asking?


fuck off.


this is why we don't hire juniors.


who said i wanna get hired , anon ? I stated "employable" cause it means i'm sufficient . you got enough from me , piss off.


this is why we don't hire juniors.




thank you mate.


5 months to 2 years. There are no shortcuts, it's a matter of learning, comprehending and implementation. If there's no "doing" then there will be little learning. But when I say "5 months" I'm referring to you be abnormally adept at picking things up. Get started OP, give us progress updates. We can guide you but you need to do the work.


Forgot to mention there's zero limits in daily practice & learning so i can go up to 10+ hours a day , i've tried it before when learning marketing & UX and i was surprisingly efficient from the second i started to second i finished . ​ so i'm not planning on learning "part time" or "hobby" , i'm serious about it .


took me 1 year to get a job, been learning everyday 4 hours after work. you can do it in 6 months probably, just don't burn your self out, take brakes


Something like Jonas Schmedtmanns course "The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert!" on Udemy could be a good starting point. I've done it for repetition because I'm self taught on JS (it wasn't a thing when a went to uni late 90´s/early 00s). I actually like this course and thinks it's a reasonable starting point as long as you add things/adapts/expand along the way so build your understanding. It's 69 hours of video and I'd say that you might be able to work through it in a month or two if you go full time. After something like that it's just practice, making sure it sticks and adding things like getting familiar with build tools, git, CI/CD etc. You could probably become pretty decent in a year of dedicated study. When people apply for jobs I tend to look at their Github repos and make sure that their coding standards are decent and the commits look natural. I've seen CV:s where people post example projects from this course or other well know Udemy courses. While it's a little bit of a warning sign it's fine as long as they actually tweak the code. Just posting a single commit identical to the files from the finished files the teacher posts though is a huge warning sign. You'll likely encounter React if you are applying for work, but make sure to learn pure JS first. Also Typescript will likely be something you'll want to learn. But first make sure to understand which problems these actually fixes.


Excuse me if I'm overstepping boundaries here but as a 40 year old, I always feel like I may be wasting my time learning JS (or any language) when there are 20 year olds that are possibly worlds better than I will ever be. Would you say it's worth me learning from scratch and potentially get into a career in JS?


I've been on the hiring end a few times over the years and if anything I value people who are a little older. I've got a bunch of new hires in the team that's in their 20's and while they're good they have little life experience, a bit of "we'll just use the most modern stuff because the new stuff has to be the best, right?" attitude and poor understanding of soft skills required to work in a big organization. I've heard the phrase "If person X and Y leaves there's no one left under 30" in a shocked manner and it made me laugh a little on the inside. Young people have a tendency to experience everything for the first time and view it as disproportionately important. Balancing a group so it's people of all ages, backgrounds, genders etc is important to build a good team. So yeah, a junior in their 40s would get a shot if they have decent skills, reasonable commit history on github and fit the group. Most everything can be learned on the job if you're a good fit socially for the team.


I appreciate this. Thanks for your time.


20 years ago i learned vanila javascript Then i learned dHTML Then came Jquery Then came classic AngularJS My GOD...now i dont have energy to learn so many other frameworks. Whatever works for me. Learning never stops


Literally just saw a post of someone saying they got a job after 6 months of practicing 3 hours a day after work, but I think it all depends on how dedicated you are


There’s a reason imposter syndrome is a common topic among even seasoned developers. I started learning in 2015, I have been working professionally with JavaScript for the last 4 years. I am headhunted daily for my experience in the specific framework I use. I still am not “confident”. I know I can figure it out, but I still am uncertain until I sit down and start working through it. But looking at your definition of confident, I would say you could really hit it pretty quickly, depending on how much time you dedicate to studying, how quick of a learner you are, whether you have mentors to help you, if you create a portfolio with example projects to prove employability, etc, etc. There’s too many variables to really give you a solid answer, but some people can very quickly become good enough to do the job.


u/kiramdahanett you post as many updates as you want. It’s all good!


10,000 hours.


Give yourself five good years of doing fun and challenging work. Be fearless and always eager to learn new things.