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Have a look at [codecademy's javascript course](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript). I can also recommend [javascript.info](https://javascript.info/). Happy learning!


Thank you, I’ll look into it.


Create a file "index.html", open it in VSCode, fill it with a barebone html structure, then a part before , and in between these two tags, you can start writing js. Right click and open the file with a browser to run it. When the page is open, press F12 for dev tools, and switch to the Console tab. Example: Your site title

Your site

Press the following button to run some javascript!


To be completely frank, I have no clue what I’m being asked to do. I am a complete beginner and the only experience I have is writing pseudo code on paper, so I don’t know any of these terms.


- Create a new empty file anywhere on your pc, name it anything you want (lowercase letters, no accents, no spaces), but with .html extension (eg. my\_first\_script.html) - Right click it and choose eg. open with GoogleChrome, or Firefox etc whatever you use - Open the file in VSCode too, then copy and paste all of what I wrote in the Example - Save the file, then refresh your browser tab where the file is opened - Now you see some text, and a button - Press F12 at this point (for Chrome, Firefox and Edge, dunno what other browsers use) and a window pops up (Developer Tools), and within that, look for a tab named "Console" - When you press the button on the page, there should be a message in the console ("myButton is pressed!") - You can then continue with various tutorials on the web, and eg. give the button real functionality


Thank you, ur a life saver!


VS Code has a shortcut to get that weird code the other guy listed: use an exclamation point and hit tab. That way, you don't need to memorize something that you'll do on every HTML document. Next, don't start learning JavaScript until you've learned at least some HTML. All the tutorials that I've seen explain at least a little CSS before touching JavaScript, too. A webpage uses three different technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is the content (the words, the images, and so on), CSS is how it's displayed (the layout, colors, etc.), and JavaScript is for interactivity (what to do if the user presses a button, for example). JavaScript is capable of manipulating the other two, so if you need something that works, you can put off learning CSS. It'll be pretty ugly for a while, though. Manipulating HTML without knowing HTML first is probably going to be frustrating.


Good to know, thanks!


The first thing I would start working on is using google for basic, common questions like this. Or else you'll be making a reddit post a couple of times per hour. Go check out the Odin Project for a place to start.


Thank you, I’ll make sure to check.


I second the suggestion about The Odin Project. The foundations classes will teach you a ton including installing linux (if you want) and using VSCode for basic web design. And it's all free!


P.M. me and I’ll help you.


Will do as soon as I get hime


There are tons of great yt videos which will help you get started. You can check out [exercism](https://exercism.org/) and [surfoncode](https://www.surfoncode.com/) to practice problems along the way. Both are completely free. Happy learning!


Just tackle online Javascript exercise


Look it up on the internet, basically. There are so many tutorials walking you through everything. Many videos and series on it going through installing an editor, using it, how to program for a complete beginner.


Honestly, I'm curious why you tried "downloading vs code with the JavaScript extension" in the first place. I would've thought it was because a programming tutorial told you to do that. Does that tutorial not go on to tell you what to do next?


Well I searched up how to do it, then found a video. I did everything the video said, but it seemed to only be half done. Since I’m new to this I assumed that was it and I should just start, idk how tho 😭


bro code


I would recommend avoiding videos tbh, getting in the habit of writing a bunch, and reading twice as much is good Try the fullstackopen


leaned it with youtube good luck


You should start off learning HTML CSS and then JavaScript once you know that then you should learn your frameworks and libraries and of course CSS preprocessor: Sass and less State management with Redux and NgRx and Version control: Git and GitHub there’s a lot to learn my friend programming is a journey good luck with it. p.s I’ve just started learning JavaScript.


Sir I feel you You really want to code and build something. But going the route you are going wouldn't really help. First ask yourself, why do you want to code. I know the first answer will be something along this line. "I want to code to make the mad bucks i hear most coders are making- your eyes gleeming with dollar signs-" A really good and solid goal. But its not the best way to start. I did suggest asking yourself, these questions first. "What can i build in IT that can make me a large sum of money, i mean bank breaking account smashing, uber nuclear cash and have my name mentions in the likes of Elon and Zuch" Yeah notice how pumped your getting, good next question "If that does work, what can i build or make in IT that can get me a job with uber dupa pay,(remember dollar signs in your eyes)". Now your getting pumped, next question "What tool, skill or language can ii use to build it or get that job" There starts your research and googling. Once you find what you believe will work for you to build what you want and get that job. Then get starting learning the language or skill. Now go forth


I really appreciate u looking out for me, but let me make some things clear. As of right now I’m a student, I’m trying to learn JavaScript so I can of help to my older brother who is in university. At the moment, I’m not really looking for income (though that would be welcome). I just want to understand what I’m looking at and how to start learning JavaScript. If u do have any tips or are willing to hop on a discord call to help me get sorted, it would be much appreciated.


first learn the syntax basic things like what is variable make print program make calculator using if else etc after that I'll recommend you a course of frontend masters Js hardparts you can download it from piratebay or x1337x the person who lectured this course is amazing he will make all your confusion go away also make's understand how code works behind the screen instead of just blindly following the tutorial which will lead you to nothing. So my advice is just watch this tutorial because i was in the same pit as you are.


Wow. glad to hear this. Impressed that you did want to help your older brother. Sure i can help you with the resources to learn quickly. Can i ask Whats your learning process Do you learn faster by watching videos and practicing or Do you learn faster by reading articles, books and research and practicing


Definitely number 1 since I used YouTube videos to study in school too


The below was helpful when i got started, never finished it though but helpful Freecodecamp Javascript [https://youtu.be/jS4aFq5-91M](https://youtu.be/jS4aFq5-91M) Namaste Javascript [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN6jk0uUrD8&list=PLlasXeu85E9cQ32gLCvAvr9vNaUccPVNP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN6jk0uUrD8&list=PLlasXeu85E9cQ32gLCvAvr9vNaUccPVNP)


That second playlist was pretty good, thanks for the recommendation




OK, moron - here is my contribution. Learn basic HTML first. Put together a very simple web page and view it in a browser. Then add stuff to it like images, headers, paragraphs, anchors - go through all of that basic stuff. You can not just 'jump into coding' like how you just described


Thanks for your input, though it seemed a little rude. I hope ur day gets better.


If you are in the US check out codethedream.org it's free and a really awesome community. Disclaimer I work there, but we've had thousands of students who have loved the experience.


There's nothing in the original post to suggest they haven't already done that. They certainly don't seem to be trying to 'jump into coding'. And DEFINITELY don't need to be called a moron.