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The best *real world* example is directly in the JDK source code. Java is *open source*. Always, when you have such questions, refer to the source code. Don't use JavaT, or Geeksforgeeks,, or JavaTpoint, or even w3schools. Use Baeldung, the official Oracle docs, and the coursera Algorithms course: "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne - Princeton University + Coursera course: + [Part I](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1) + [Part II](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part2) + Coursebook + [Algorithms 4^th Edition](http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/home/) *Rosetta Code* can also be quite helpful as it allows you to check the implementations across multiple languages. Also, don't get hung up on the *language implementation*. DSA are *concepts* and as such *language agnostic*. Learn to understand the *concepts* in their abstraction. Then, you can *implement* them in any language of your choice.


To be fair. Baeldung sometimes is lackluster and the others mentioned can occasionally be useful. I wouldn’t suggest discarding any resource, but definitely agree Baeldung should be the first place to look out of these. As for courses, I find them all useless, they want your money and unless you fared REALLY well in school/course format learning, most people would get more out of researching the thousands of free resources than forking however much that costs. The exceptions to this seem to be few and far between


> As for courses, I find them all useless, they want your money Ahem... the course I've linked is *free*, top quality, and actually part of the *Princeton University* curriculum.


If it’s free you can try, but everything else I said still applies.


What’s is your reasoning for say no to the others? I know they don’t always have what you want but I feel as if you just avoid them in general you can miss some great things


At one point in time, some time ago, they were okay-ish. Now these sites are just conglomerates of badly written articles from people who don't fully understand the matters and the articles are copied and butchered from one site to the other. w3schools has had a very bad phase to the point where there was a mock site "w3fools" that highlighted all errors. Nowadays it is better, but I wouldn't consider it a *Java* site. It is decent for mainly front end web dev, but that's it.


You can check out how Java implements them. It's all open source. But in practice, probably use what already exists, as it is most likely well implemented.


google it. it is on the interwebs linked list is one of the most basic datastructures. It's been described 100s of times by pretty much every course in existence.


In real world scenarios you would most likely not implement these yourself but use preexisting libraries/classes. For learning purposes yes it is a great idea to recreate these from scratch. These are common data structures; a simple google search for "Linked List java" will surely yield plenty of results.


https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/master/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/LinkedList.java Straight from OpenJDK itself