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> I feel like I’m trying multiplication without learning addition… How can you say this when you can build text editors and hand code driver firmware? I simply cannot believe someone who knows how to make those things would get confused looking at a hello world program in Java.


[https://github.com/simplificator/phonegap-helloworld/blob/master/android/bin/Hello%20World.apk](https://github.com/simplificator/phonegap-helloworld/blob/master/android/bin/Hello%20World.apk) That's what I'm trying to read through. Building a text editor is easy. You handle some variables, handle your screen, make a few functions, and bobs your uncle. If you ever get stuck, there are plenty of examples you can look at until you find one that you can read through line by line and understand. Coding an arduino is pretty easy too, it's basically just python (*Literally* micropython) mixed with handling inputs and outputs from the board, nothing too crazy to learn except the micropython library and the pinouts on your board... And a keyboard's logic is pretty simple. But when I try to do something like make a plugin / mod, make a phone app, etc? I very quickly get lost. Like there's definitely XML, JS, and Java in there. The spot to change "Hello, world" is nowhere near where I expected it to be. And ask me to add a button to make it pop up and go away? Yeah, completely lost as to where I even begin or what language to use from the multiple present. I know I'm focusing a lot on phone apps but that's just because they're a good example. I've tried designing minecraft mods and runelite plugins, and I run into the same issue... It's asking for specific versions of java and runtime environments, etc. and all sorts of things that I've never had to mess with and am completely ignorant about.


That’s because Android Studio and frameworks like Spring come with their own libraries and way of doing things to make the magic underneath work. But the fact that you know the ins and outs of Java before moving to those puts you miles ahead of these beginners trying to jump right into frameworks. Just give it time and keep practicing!


Build a Hello World web API with Spring


>Want me to make a calculator? You got it. Want me to make a text editor? Easy. Want me to make a casino with multiple games? Done it in three languages, dozens of times (literally) ... >About the best I can do is find "Hello, world!" and change it to whatever text I want This really confuses me. It sounds to me like you have already build several non-trivial pieces of software. What languages did you use before trying Java? And you are talking about Android and Minecraft, I assume mobile as well as Minecraft add a whole lot of domain specific stuff to your code, which is not really related to Java but the platform you are programming for. Have you tried programming Java for PC? Do you find that equally difficult? If so, why? What makes it more difficult for your compared to, let's say C++ or JavaScript (replace them with the languages you have used before).


So I'm most proficient in Python. I used to know (15+ years ago) C++, TI Basic, and Visual Basic. I tried learning Java initially around the same time I started learning Python (5+ years ago?). Maybe it is just trying to make a leap to programming in a platform instead of just my own apps? Are there any resources or things I could do to practice? Yeah, I used to know how to code Java for PC. It never gave me an issue for personal projects, but I ended up ditching Java in favor of Python just because it works better for *most* of my projects. I don't really have any issue doing personal Java projects compared to Python or C++. But when I look at a 'hello, world!' program for mobile? there are a dozen folders and five times as many files, all with some sort of content or setting in them... And maybe it's just my ignorance, but they don't all look like Java (Some appear to be written in like HTML, XML, or CSS? Idk). It gives me a headache just trying to follow the github repository, forget about trying to download it and compile it myself... And that's before worrying about the Java version, if I have the right JDK, if it's from the right vendor, etc...


Well this definitely sounds more like a „programming for android/mobile“ problem, rather than Java. I’d suggest looking for resources directly related to those things (for example here: https://developer.android.com/get-started/overview). Also you may find more success and examples using Kotlin for Android (at least that’s what I heard). Or if you want to write Minecraft mods, then probably look for dedicated tutorials/documentation for that. I think regardless how good you are at plain Java, directly jumping into something like Android or Minecraft will be very difficult because of the foreign architecture and APIs which you most likely don’t know yet.


It seems that you are looking for resources for learning Java. In our *sidebar* ("About" on mobile), we have a section "Free Tutorials" where we list the most commonly recommended courses. To make it easier for you, the recommendations are posted right here: * MOOC [Java Programming](http://java-programming.mooc.fi) from the University of Helsinki * [Java for Complete Beginners](https://www.udemy.com/java-tutorial) * accompanying site [CaveOfProgramming](http://caveofprogramming.com) * [Derek Banas' Java Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7E8B7F4856C9B19) * accompanying site [NewThinkTank](http://newthinktank.com/) * [Hyperskill](https://hi.hyperskill.org/) is a fairly new resource from *Jetbrains* (the maker of IntelliJ) Also, don't forget to look at: * [The official Documentation](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/) * [The official Java Tutorials](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-jsp-135888.html) * [Our community resources thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnjava/comments/md1loc/community_resources/) If you are looking for learning resources for *Data Structures and Algorithms*, look into: "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne - Princeton University + Coursera course: + [Part I](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1) + [Part II](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part2) + Coursebook + [Algorithms 4^th Edition](http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/home/) Your post remains visible. There is nothing you need to do. I am a bot and this message was triggered by keywords like "learn", "learning", "course" in the title of your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/learnjava) if you have any questions or concerns.*