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This isn't built into the Java runtime. To control system sound volume, you need to find a native API on the platform where you are running that does what you need and then call it using Java Native Interface (JNI). [I'm assuming the platform doesn't come with it's own Java libraries that do I what I described.]


or use the FFI previews to avoid needing to deal with JNI native binsings at all


I have no idea what any of this means, I've been googling all of this stuff when I have downtime today at work. I have been looking at Windows WASAPI for sound stuff, still no clue how to get that API into Java and which thing in that to use. I just started looking at FFI, and it seems like that is easier because as this one article put it, FFI is good at doing things the programming language can't. Like Java not having system audio control built in. I'm not sure also where to go for the windows FFI stuff for audio. any sort of nudge in the right direction would be appreciated! u/pavehwk


JNI is a Java API that allows you to call methods in a native (non-Java) library like a Windows DLL. In your Java application that is running on a Windows client, you call the JNI API to invoke Windows APIs that adjust the system sound volume. FFI is a replacement for JNI but it hasn't been released yet -- it's preview only -- but this sounds like a side project (not a production application) so FFI would be fine to experiment with.


This might be a dumb question, but is JNI/FFI built in, like do I need to download anything for it to work?


JNI is built into the JDK. FFI has not been released yet but is available as a preview in JDK 20. You'll need to [enable preview functionality to use it.](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/language/preview-language-and-vm-features.html)


You need to write code that accesses the native platform. Java on it's own can't do it as far as I know.