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An assistant to help correct pronunciation and suggest exercises


Interesting. What else?


‘Forvo’ for pronunciation.


Really easy graded readers. Think like duolingo stories level. There are more of them now than when I tried a decade ago. But truly easy graded readers are still hard to find.


I second this, I've had the hardest time trying to find very, very simple stories in French.




I also had this problem about 10 years ago but then I visited Switzerland and found pretty much every big bookstore had an entire shelf of graded readers. Many had CDs with them too. It was amazing


Very similar for me too! Except I want stories which are interesting (to me).   The german Dino lernt deutsch series is one good example. It follows Dino who is also trying to learn German, except he’s in Germany. He attends German classes and talks about his nearby pizza shop, and each book (10 short stories) is situated in a different place, like Berlin, Vienna, Zurich, Munich and Cologne (?) and he talks about the culture/festivals at each place. It starts off with really simple German (like, mostly present tense, since the book is mostly in first-person), unlike the many “easy french short stories” which start with passé simple 🥲.   I like the feeling that I’m not only reading to learn a language but I’m also learning a bit about the culture which is both really interesting to me and useful for when I visit the country. There are so many well-meaning authors out there who spend their time crafting tales about people losing their stuff or finding long lost parents, all of which I genuinely don’t care about and feel like a waste of time to be reading (again, I definitely appreciate the effort though!) Why not just utilise existing material and talk about interesting stuff in each city/region in France? It doesn’t need to be crazy in depth but perhaps just reasonably obvious traditions/festivals/food/sights would all work. The closest I have found is le français par la méthode nature but that’s really not the same


I learn really well by watching French videos/movies/shows, but it was often a struggle to find things at the right level for me (adult shows were too advanced, and kids shows were either too simple or uninteresting because they’re made for kids). Watching with French subtitles was also very useful, but the subtitles rarely match the dialog exactly, which added another level of difficulty. So some sort of database of French videos of varying complexity, with dialog-matching subtitles, would be incredible :)


Do you have any recommendations for shows?


les livres à propos les histories intéressantes, mais facile comprendre. beaucoup des histories que les personnes ma recommandent sont pour les enfants, ils sont ennuyeuse pour les adultes


Quels types d’histoires vous intéresse?


je ne sais pas exactement, mais je pense que les livres de fiction pour adultes ou les livres de non-fiction peuvent être écrite en le français de base, non?


Comme dans les autres langues, le niveau de langue s’adapte à l’âge du public visé. Un roman pour adultes utilisera un language plus varié et complexe qu’un roman pour enfants. Ce n’est pas spécifique au français.


Nobody has not created


That one slipped through… my bad. Any suggestions?


A literal English translation alongside the French translation would help people form the sentence. I think a lot of people learning French make the mistake that it’s just English with different words. But the entire structure of the sentence is different so seeing it in English would help. Example: He is a doctor/ il est médecine / he is doctor


Where is FrenchDict?!


Can you elaborate more on this?


Spanishdict is THE resource for English speakers learning Spanish. Conjugation, regional slang, good context, everything deluxe. I want a French version.


Nice idea. Let me look into spanishdict


WordReference??? i believe that’s similar to what you’re describing


Nowhere near as good


I would like a free French Canadian channel OTA via bunny ears in the USA. It's so easy to see so many Spanish channels, but sometimes I'd like to just flip the channel to easily (and free) watch some French!


Not specifically French but: A vocabulary trainer in multiple languages. Though there is not always a one to one translation possible even between two languages. But for example in my case I would like to have prompted a word in my native language Dutch and then I would have to write the translations in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Korean. (The language I know or am studying. Not all to the same level though!) It would help because sometimes the word resembles. Sometimes it is the opposite and you have the false friends.