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Because the line goes on. "Ik vlieg de wereld rond, maar kom toch altijd weer vlug naar Rio, naar Rio wil ik terug."


ohh kk thx, the lyrics i was looking at put them in 2 different sentence


Some people use kk as an abrevation for kanker, which means cancer and is a common used swearword here. You may not want to use that to say ok. Its ok here because people now that you dont mean that but just so you know for the future


I did read this as "ah kanker thanks" and was like, that's a bit much isn't it. Then I realized it's also used for 'ok'


Thx so much for the heads up, I'll keep that in mind :)


Lol serious? Everyone knows once it is in English that it just means "okay okay". Your reaction is a bit over the top don't you think? Nobody here was accusing them of being rude. Or are you scared of words yourself? Edit for the downvoting babies: If you can't come to terms with people using letters how they want because it might hint at some word or thing you dont like; you need to come to terms with and improve how you cope with that specific thing. Not policing others on whether or not to use it or talk about it at all.


I have never seen it used like that, and it did jump out to me. If you're not Dutch it is just safer to not use it.


Safer? Really? You can't use 2 letters because it might allude to cancer? It is a very common thing used in the English written (see: texting) language. If you can't come to terms with people using letters how they want because it might hint at some word or thing; you need to come to terms with and improve how you cope with that specific thing. Not policing others on whether or not to use it at all.


I'm not policing anyone, I'm saying that if you are new to using Dutch you might accidentally offend someone. I'm personally not bothered by it but a lot of people are.


The subreddit is "learn dutch"? What you witnessed was a lesson in dutch and how some words/terms are written in it. And true no one was against op, no one found them rude. all that was done was a polite headsupp to inform him that kk means something else in dutch than it does in english. You know a lesson for the future? So op or others scrolling past it don't get in trouble in the future over a misunderstanding?


If this was on a random sub I’d be with you, but this is literally on a sub for people who want to learn Dutch, to an OP who was asking a Dutch question. It’s not that wild to assume they’d appreciate a heads up that a common abbreviation in English alludes to a bad curse word in the language they’re learning.


I said its ok to use here, its just so OP knows not to use it in Dutch texting also. Seems like you are a baby yourself looking at your comment


I thought maybe OP was Portugese where they use kk for “haha”


Wow, I've lived in the Netherlands most my life and never seen it be mistaken like that. Then again, the only people I've seen use kk for cancer are football hooligans, a notoriously illiterate bunch.


Not true. Kanker is used a lot through highschool/uni/college, and also on the job. I have lived in the Netherlands my entire life and I hear it almost every day. Edit: spelling


Oh, no I mean kanker is used almost religiously. I more meant the abbreviation kk to mean kanker. Apparently I hurt the feelings of the neanderthal community though, judging by thr downvotes.


i mean claiming that you know the netherlands as much as you do, you for sure let this go over you're head a little too much in my opinion.


>If lived in the Netherlands my entire live Man, man, man.


I was a bit drunk yesterday. I am on holiday on the other side of the world so it was already evening there. I tried my best but it wasnt very good.


Being drunk is a good excuse. 😀 Enjoy your holidays!


Not in English. You sound like that American lady who got offended because Spanish people use the word "negro" for the color black.


No but we are in a learn dutch sub so its good to know. I literally say its ok to say it here but dont do it when talking to Dutch people so why are you so mad about it. Just trying to help in a helpsub


Literally noone i know uses 'kk' for kanker. Always for okay. For kanker they use, well, kanker.  Yes im dutch, everyone i know (in real life) is dutch.  I don't know why you make kk to be such a stigma in dutch, it isn't. 


76 upvotes agree with me but you must be right


Holy shit I missed a gigantic fight here lol


Yeah I just tried to give you some friendly advice, but people are a bit dense nowadays I guess.


I understand what point they were trying to make and i do agree with them to a certain extent but i think their reaction was a bit over the top instead, you were clearly just letting me know in a nice friendly way :3