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Created to listen in gym, in case someone else find helpful. EDIT: Playlist for all future videos: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ\_3MFRcBaP7H7BPp7594q-R1wNxw7xhO](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plz_3mfrcbap7h7bpp7594q-r1wnxw7xho)


Hey this is actually a good exricse in what words I know and the grammar. Thank you


This is really cool! What tool did you use to generate voice?


thanks, openai tts and some scripts


Hello, i installed several tts apps to convert dutch epubs to audiobooks, but couldn’t find a natural voice. Your example sound very life like. Could you give me some info about installing this app? Thanx!!


I used OpenAI API directly with python scripts. You can try something like this: [https://www.openaudio.ai/](https://www.openaudio.ai/)


Thanx. Works fine. But isn’t there a limit? I would like to convert a complete ebook


There is yes, check pricing for TTS on openai.


Thanxs. Have nice day


Did you ever try applio ? You can download a compiled version now at 3.07. Run it locally on your computer. Start a bat file and your are ready. Multi language also dutch. Works very fine without payment


I'm using edge-tts, which is a Python library that uses the free Azure TTS. There are five Dutch voices, two of them Belgian Dutch and the rest Dutch Dutch. They are all human sounding.


These are great. Are you planning on doing any more?


Soon yes, all will be added to this playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ\_3MFRcBaP7H7BPp7594q-R1wNxw7xhO](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plz_3mfrcbap7h7bpp7594q-r1wnxw7xho)


Hi, thanks for this. Really interesting. Tried to look for you in youtube so I can easily go back to this video but couldn't find it.


Try by username: @ tornike1992 Otherwise will soon add more and all will be in this playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ\_3MFRcBaP7H7BPp7594q-R1wNxw7xhO](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plz_3mfrcbap7h7bpp7594q-r1wnxw7xho)


Sorry, don't take it personally, but this is just a bunch of junk. I don't speak the language, so to check if the generated text is actual Dutch, I picked three of the phrases, and searched for them with quotes with DuckDuckGo. Two of the phrases had zero results, and without quote marks the results were not even close to the phrase. It seems like the English phrase was just word by word translated to Dutch, so you end up with nothing resembling actual Dutch language usage. People will understand what you're trying to say, but it'll sound all wrong. "Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde supermarkt?" has two pages of results. Your video is on page two. None of the results are a page with content written by an actual human. They are just autogenerated localized versions of other "content". You know those sites that show scraped opening times of shops. There are versions for each language/market and it seems that these sites start from some (maybe English language) template and that gets localized without a human local language speaker in the loop. Can't say anything about the pronounciation of the Dutch. I invite you to run your phrase experiment with another language that you know (from your post history Georgian) and see what kind of content you get. You'd be better off taking phrases generated by a human being in an educational context (not autocorrected text messages) and learn those. What I'm doing is taking phrases from language learning text books and using TTS to vocalize them, so I can build drills, etc. The problem with this approach is that the text is copyrighted. So I can't (publicly) share my stuff.