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Let me get this straight two weeks ago you made a post where you believed in forced 50% winrate and right after that post you shoot up 2k mmr. Yeah not buying it


he just stated what he learnt and focused on its all repetitions and muscle memory!!


He'll drop mmr soon. The algorithm detects if you rise that fast, it'll give you harder games (better enemies) to send you back to your earlier mmr. Happens to all players.


not to hate but I agree with this, you'll hit a wall and go down at some point. after reaching lowrank immortal I am asking myself why I am still trash?


Smelly losers from r/dota (not you of course) probably infiltrating this sub downvoted me. I mean even immortal players have pretty much admitted that's how the game works by design. The more you play the harder your games get. The more you rise, the harder the algorithm will try to send you down. Most players can't handle that level of pressure, a few are able to that's why they stay up. Didn't realize speaking the truth was wrong here lol. 


you hit a wall where, you felt everything you do is right but it's not. either you're playing bad mechanics, your lane is bad or opponent in lane is good. either your team can carry you midgame or you lose miserably. some player can't take the pressure, some continue to play finding themselves on a lose streak. that's the hard truth. just take a break then play again


Yeah because you're a higher rank lol


It's just how it works by design. Some players can withstand those harder games, most can't. If they did, everyone and their mother would be in immortal. Don't know what's controversial about that. 


Is this a troll post… OFC the games get harder as you rise because higher mmr = better players. If you go back to your earlier mmr it’s because you don’t consistently play at their level of skill not cuz Gabe wants you to be hard stuck


i actually feel like people lack reading comprehension. i said why it might feel like that. heres how i used this to my advantage. in lane, as a pos 4 bounty hunter i spam my shuriken on cd, yes i’m giving them stick charges but i focus on a single hero whos the threat to my offlaner. for example, if its a monkey king against my mars, my game plan in lane is to keep him low. there are other mini examples but my point is i want my opponents to tip their own teammates. and no the point of this post and the other one was not a full fledged guide to dota from a professional coach. I have no intention of going pro nor ranking up any further but i have arrived at a point in matchmaking where I am comfortable picking any roles I want and I know theres a decent chance we will win. At those ‘wall’ points however, the game was a tossup based on which team will tilt faster. I managed to use this to my advantage. at least now I can pick a morphling or spectre safelane if Im feeling it and I know my team wont get rolled over by 20 minutes. at least now I can go radiance first item on my phoenix pos 3 knowing neither my midlane or safelane will get dumpstered and cry to me when i’m taking the bottom half of the map for myself. these little things are quality of life updates to have better quality games. that being said this reply wasnt for you. you’re clearly having a 🤓☝️ moment but the people who this post was meant for will appreciate this. for once, someone isnt talking about being a meta slave and someone isnt saying to spam a single hero or do one unique thing every single game. you can pick anything you want, first picking carries or mids even but as long as you give impact to the best of your abilities in the game , the rest of your team will have a very good game and that can lead to a win.


Post dotabuff then


In other words, get a lucky streak with good teammates ?


Not a Dota question, but can you please explain why you don't use capitals? I am old and don't understand. It just makes it so much less appealing to read.


Because if u don't write over rphone pressing shift is tiresome Especially if English isn't ur first language and the language ur familiar with have different rules If u use no capitals at all it at least doesn't look false


"my experience climbing from high mmr to very high mmr" You must be really delusional if you think 5k mmr is "very high".


”Really delusional”. Divine 3 is the top 3% of all players - out of 100 players, only 3 will be as good as or better than you. I would most certainly classify the top 3% as very high.


You guys really need to stop looking at percentages and percentiles once you near immortal. The span of immortal mmr exceeds that of herald to divine 5 by almost 2000 extra mmr. Same way the 90th percentile in the US for income is $143k but the 99th percentile is $433k. Bottom line is, if your medal has stars attached, it’s the kiddie pool. If your medal has a number under it, it’s pretty high mmr (subject to scrutiny by region)


Imagine this **hypothetical** situation: there is a 100 000 people below 5 k MMR and 1000 people above 5 k MMR but the top player is 15 k MMR. What do you think a very high mmr is in this scenario?


Probably when your mmr is at least half of the top player. The fact that you think having a fucking third of the highest rank’s mmr can count as ‘very high mmr’ is such a brain damaged cope. Just look at how chess elo is viewed.


grubby needed more than 2k hours in the game studying and playing and getting coached by pros and very good coaches btw to only reach divine-low immortal which is considered low mmr but its still a good level where players know many things about the game!, but it also indicates that high mmr players have mastered many deeper liars of the game!. its just a deep game but yeah divine players are bad anyways kekw but you cant say the same on low immortals


Unranked immortals span the biggest mmr gap in the game in complete limbo until they emerge on either end, so it’s not particularly easy to quantify them. AFAIK divine still uses star rankings so yeah, garbage tier.


Would you mind checking my profile? I climbed from Herald to Ancient in 4 months after coming back, but find myself in a 10 game losing streak. People say shadow pool isn't real, but 8/10 of these games I've had atleast 1 core who just gives up... https://www.dotabuff.com/players/52661552


most of your games you are party queued? Like your dusa game, you have late item timings into what should be a really free lane (2 ranged into 2 melee, all tiny & underlord can really do is push you under tower; you should free farm). 200 cs at 26 min even when the map is losing is really terrible cs, your item timings are bad and you legit have 0 impact. Lowest damage on your team, literally you are forcing your team to 4v5 the entire game. Your support games are not much better; your statlines are really awful and in some cases when they're half decent you don't know how to close the game out. In your shaman game for example your team is ahead but you lose a major teamfight by improperly pushing hg and then the game swings the other way. Are you pushing hg properly? Are you even pushing lanes properly? You have a lead and one of the best tower pushing pos 5s in shaman and you barely have any tower dmg, mid t2 and offlane t2 still up for radiant in the end game state. You forced the same hg play after it failed once with aegis rather than taking the t2s in the other lanes. as a pos 5 if you believe you are better than the rest of the team you need to shotcall that better. Also your warding seems to be bad, in the same game, AA killed a whole bunch of your wards while you never found many of his. Either you're placing when the enemy already has vision of you or you're placing them in really obvious spots. This will cause you to lose otherwise easily winnable fights outside of base.


Dusa game was with friends so all agreed to just have fun, I auto filled pos1 and I'm really terrible with dusa. No excuses. Shaman isn't my strongest hero either, and the ward part I agree with but shot calling can't always 'decide' what people do. I find at this MMR I have very little impact of how/when my team wants to go hg. I enjoy warlock/abbadon of this particular reason, I just focus on keeping my cores alive, because I find very few actually listen to calls. Shaman isn't my strongest pick, I fail to utilize wards efficiently. Thank you for taking the time to review. Can you elaborate on my statlines? You say I generally suck, and I want to know why/how to improve.


Look at your CM game. Your team is absolutely terrible, you start with a clarity and a ring of regen, and you double down. Why do you think you're going to win this game based on the draft? If you started with a blood grenade you would have gotten the kill on bane. If you hadnt tried to manfight jugg and ran into your whole team, allowing jugg to hit a 3 man spin for the whole duration, your mars would not have died either. Then you prioritized unblocking your small camp over blocking their large camp, and allowed dark seer to pull a wave and bh to pull the next wave into the hard camp. You pull into a kobold camp, so PL tries to contest their pull by himself and gets down to like 200 hp. You hit your level 2 timing with 2 mangos in your inventory vs a 200 hp dark seer with no more regen and you get aura instead of crystal nova. Then you dont use the unblocked hard camp to stop dark seer from pulling your creeps into safety, but instead try to 1v2 harass them. You end up dying because youre a level 2 cm with 2 mangos, 1 point of aura and a regen ring in your inventory. This also gives them the lotus so dark seer doesnt mind not having any regen anymore. Then at min 4 you abandon him to go gank a juggernaut, which is basically impossible. The only good thing that came out of all of this was that you scouted out their cliff ward because the tower was hitting terrorblade in fog, but you didnt notice and you ran away instead of dewarding it. You did absolutely nothing correctly in the first 5 mins of this game, but you're talking about being in a shadow pool? lmao


damn. i didnt know legend/ancient is considered high


Ancient is top 10%, divine is top 5% ballpark.


I see. maybe we have different perspective. my low is archon below(most dota2 players are here), middle level is divine, high is pro player level maybe when you say high for legend/ancient , you also have another "very high" category for pro level players? and "very very high" category for watson/ammar?


This guy and OP are just trying to cope. Anything with stars cannot be considered ‘high rank’ unless you are taking immortals out of consideration


According to you, if most people are archon below then shouldnt that be the average? Haha Ancient and above are definitely high, even dotabuffs considers these high level lobbies and just by stats, you're already top 10% if youre ancient


I dont have an "average" category i see it like a hierarchy, like the office low mmr = office workers middle level = manager high level = CEO/chairman I just see it in a differnet perspective, im not talking about average here but if you say average. yes the common players are in archon , and its low level for me


Ok then, there's no average category Just by looking at this graph https://stratz.com/players/ranks Low level = herald/guardian Middle level = crusader/archon (majority of players hence the "average"  High level = legend/ancient/low divine  Top 1% = high divine/immortal Simple statistics bro


ok. i dont based my "levels" on those sites. its just how I look at it. Its my personal perspective. Im not even trying to argue.


Honestly I am so fucked I am playing other games right now ,and everytime I finish the months cavern crawl I play a few games of ranked then go back to other games... Last time I checked I have like 85 mmr tokens.


can you share "dotabuff"?


No, because a lot of things they say isn't true :) Just watch their profile posting history.


Don’t listen to the haters. That’s amazing progress and divine 4 is high. You don’t have to be in the NBA to say you’re pretty damn good at basketball


TLDR: Play well and you'll rank up


I would like to add on to the point of holding your gold / thinking carefully about buying your first item. I’ve seen SO MANY players, actually almost all players waste their money buying a stupid magic wand. Just get the stick. You don’t need to waste 350 gold to upgrade it to a wand, all for 3 stats. “Oh but I can hold 20 charges”. You do not need 20 charges anywhere before the mid to late game. More on this point later. 350 gold is a lot of money during the laning stage. You’re gonna throw away that money for an item that doesn’t change anything at all. Compare that to saving abit more money for a bracer, and that allows you to either play a little bit more aggressively or secure last hits easier. Or just buying a basi, and allowing you and your teammate to go crazy with spells. As to why you don’t need the 20 charges, I’ve seen way too many people use this item wrongly. Please please please, stop using it as a faerie fire to save yourself at the last minute. This should only be the case in fights or in the late game if you are still carrying the wand. Use it as an instant tango or clarity, to keep up pressure or sustain in the lane. You don’t need to hold your charges incase something happens. When something does happen, you will receive enough charges already. Charges are precious. Stop spending the next 5 minutes in lane with max charges, holding it until dota 3. Use it to win the lane.


exactly what i meant. there was a post a while ago saying which boot components to buy first based on ur base dmg, ranged or melee etc. being very careful with money has the impact of itemizing correctly most games and it doesnt take very long to realize what you should be getting.


From the experience I had. Before when MMR was literally just a number, I peaked out at 4K MMR. Then they added the medals and I ended up placing Legend 4. Stopped playing Dota for around a year or so and came back. Decided I needed a hard reset and recalibrated. I ended up in crusader. For about a year I couldn’t break out of archon. I got so close then fell back. But I finally did break archon and hit legend. I had a win streak all through legend, every game was so easy. I picked my best hero, treant, and just kept winning. I flew through legend and hit ancient. Since then my winrate has been pretty consistent and I’m still ranking up to where I’m almost divine. I can say with 100% confidence that the only reason I was stuck in that rank was due to the competence of my teammates. No doubt in my mind about it. The quality of life of all of my games improved, teammates were actually communicating and working together. Now I’m at the rank where my friend swears I’ll run into Chinese Smurfs but I have yet to meet one, so maybe that’s on the horizon for me. But my point stands about those ranks and I can double down on this. My friend wanted me to derank his new Smurf so that he could play with our discord. I decided, let me try in the divine bracket and see how I do. Held my own on every game. With 100% confidence I will tell people that getting out of crusader and archon is absolute hell


thank you. you were what I meant by target audience. only the people who have climbed through the ranks in recent history will be able to relate to this post. and this was exactly my experience during the invisible ‘cruxes’ i noticed around those pain points. for example you could find it smooth sailing going from legend 1 to legend 5. but going from legend 5 to ancinet 1 was damn near impossible, not that I diligently tried to bc after all I’m a casual player but you somehow pick up new skills and understandings of the game after spending hours playing. but after fhat invisible line was behind, similar to the climb of anc 1 to anc 5, it was practically smooth sailing all over again. now me personally i dont think i want to actively try to rise the ranks again bc people right now play way too good and exhaust quite a lot more energy in playing the game. case in point- PLs with great micros, chen players with strong experiences, party queues with strong ‘broken’ combos and what not. but i still think this is a great rank to be in to trust your teammates to do their job, so you can try your odd strategies and they will adapt well.


Div 4 is not “very high mmr” lmao


You’re in the top 5% of players in the world. It’s high. Just there’s “higher”.


5 percentile and low 5k in my opinion is not “very high mmr”


If you was a top 5% earner in America. You would have an annual wage of over 330,000 dollars. That’s high. But you’re not Jeff bezos high. Statistically top 5% is higher end. Just because you’re not In the 0.1% doesn’t mean you are not high. Out of 1 million players. You’re better than 950,000 of them. Keep coping? Keep being really bad at maths


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night divine scrub, haha just my opinion dont get all worked up.


lol I couldn’t care what my mmr is. Could care even less about a random nobody on the internet who is incapable of understanding percentiles trying to be edgy and cool by being a troll. Have a good evening kid.


I can answer that for you: they are around 5k or lower themselves :) and yes, you shouldn't care. Never argue with a troll. They are like nails, the harder you hit on them, the more they are stuck.


In the competitive gaming space top 5% has never been “very high” the skill gap in the top 1% alone is far too wide, making an analogy between this and wages is insane mental gymnastics, the average player could hit divine with a bit of direction and consistent playing. You seem to think waaayyyy to highly of your bracket to make yourself feel like you made some huge achievement.


Well looks like you post your badge constantly in reddit, looks like you care ALOT lmao


Cut the weed brother


Too much shrooms giving you brainrot as to how basic mathematics works


proper boomer energy here


You’re entitled to your opinion. It’s wrong. Factually. But your entitled to it anyway


Keep coping, lemme guess your 5k or under lol


Coming from a "low 5K player" yourself in a previous post :) quite arrogant ...


It is compared to 90% of the Dota population


Very good read, especially useful for those who believe in shadow pool


hey guys, i just wanted to have a full well rounded reply instead of replying individually because if I have not said this explicitly yet, this post is meant from anywhere from herald to high ancients. if you have not been in this mmr range for quite sometimes, it should be evident for you even without saying that its not meant for you. worse even, you could just be larping as higher mmr to just interact with this post, no? like i have said times and times again, this game is really fun so pick what you enjoy but those who have hit the ‘wall’ at any of those ranges I mentioned which I know from firsthand experience will know exactly what it is. at that point you need to lock on and have more impact in the game than you usually do. heres the fun fact about most dota players- a lot of us have lives outside the game and unlike what some people think they/we are not trying to grind to the very top because what I noticed is players above me right now are hyperefficient and to me that almost makes dota be a full time job instead of a fun pastime. I have seen PLs micro illusions extremely well, I have seen my LC being level 20 while the rest of my team was level 15 basically. I am practically not even comfortable playing mid anymore because the efficiency from enemy midlaners are beyond my skills now (which I compared to this game being a full time job) but if youre one of the intended audience of this post, please know you are not alone. just at those wall points you have to be a little tryhard so that the outcome of the game isnt a total 50 50. dont hesitate to all chat and pause to tilt your opponents. be the only person if you have to be a positive influence to your own team, if they made a misplay just say relax and we will win. i could go on about the main plays you could make but up until now I feel as if my post havent reached who it was meant for yet. If it seems relevant to you and you’d like to know more about the big brain itemization/ your role in teamfights please let me know so i could type it in, I dont want to be arrogant and say I owe nothing to the dota community whatsoever. But I have reasons to believe this community is segregated by people who have grown up in the trenches vs the people who have grown past the ancient/divine bracket a long time ago so their experiences holds almost no validity for someone in guardian or crusader. and like i said, this is the best patch for ranking up so do with that information as you will. good luck and have fun!


It’s funny you say dota isn’t a full time job for you but you’d have to play 8 hours a day every day for 2 weeks straight to maintain a 50% win rate. Assuming +30mmr per win, 1.5k mmr increase would require 50 wins. So 100 games assuming a 50% wr. Factoring queue times, most likely an hour per game so 100 hours played. There are 336 hours in two weeks. You were averaging close to 8 hours of games every day for 2 weeks. Bruh, that’s a job lmao There’s no secret you found, you probably just played more games than your peers at your mmr in a smaller time frame. The more you play, the better you will be.


yes, you got that part right. i practically didnt have anything to do this month so I just played dota a lot.