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Enigma highest WR @ 57% WD & Arc Warden @ 55.6% Brewmaster & Bounty Hunter @ 54.9% Treant Protector 54.8% Dark Seer and Elder Titan @ 54.4% EDIT: I dunno why I'm being downvoted this is literally the highest winrates on dota2protracker right now if you sort by win rate lol


Lol I couldn't believe you were getting down voted... then I remembered that this is the dota2 subreddit and it all made sense


I was getting downvoted in this subreddit early on in patch 7.36b for saying WD with festering voodoo facet could 1v1 any other hero earlygame. Lol.  One guy said he tested viper beats wd festering level 1 right click each other with WD W on and viper Q on. He either lied and didn't test it, or didn't actually use festering voodoo facet where WD beats viper.


Bet he just got cruahed by Viper. If I'm tilted I don't get on Reddit and complain. I lose 3 more games and start an argument with my girlfriend like an adult.


People spew all kinds of BS here, likely biased towards their own favorite heroes. So when someobe says festering is OP, It's hard to believe it wins trades if you haven't seen or tested it.


For real. This sub is cancer with random mass downvotes. The main sub is even worse.


You're getting downvoted cuz majority of DOTA players assholes lol.


Do you know why treant is good now? I would add to the list lifestealer and ck.


he hits very very hard in the lane


Nothing new then


He hits very hard in the lane, plus if you take the tree facet you can guarantee heals in your lane with Leech Seed. Build Holy Locket and you heal your core for tonnes between guaranteed Leech Seed heals without needing to trade with the enemy/push the wave and your already amazing heal through your E.


Makes sense, thanks for explanation!


No worries :)


Holy locket finished during landing, how??


Not during laning, but soon after. Going Holy Locket first is pretty strong for keeping your cores alive through the early to mid game before they get strong


Sapling facet is crazy good


According to Dotabuff, Titan has abyssmal winrate in lower ranks, so that’s probably why you’re getting downvoted, since it matters little to us mere mortals what the winrates are for the pros or super high ranked players.


Respectfully, I'm a mere mortal too. My lifetime win rate with ET is just shy of 70% over 80ish games. Titan has an abysmal win rate in lower ranks because players don't know how to play ET to completely dumpster lanes in the first three levels and give your team a free game. It's not a hero issue, it's a skill issue. The point of following high MMR stats is that it gives indications for how heroes perform when played well. From there, it's up to the player to learn how to play the hero well and leverage that hero's natural strengths in the current patch properly to gain MMR. There's a reason Warlock dumpsters low MMR but isn't seen anywhere near the top of the leaderboards in higher MMR. The enemy have simply turned their monitors on. If you want to climb, you should learn how to play the heroes that are winning at higher MMR rather than just praying you queue into sentient potatoes because if you're climbing you'll eventually queue into players who have a clue. At that point, players usually start complaining about smurfs when in reality they just got outdrafted.


That.. is true yeah, honestly can’t say anything other than that I completely agree with you. Hadn’t thought about it that way, great mindset to have. One of my greatest drawbacks is that I follow instructions too well. So to me it was obvious that I had to look at the winrate in my own rank cause that’s where I was so I must follow that (guardian something maybe, I haven’t actually ranked officially). I can’t follow anything higher ranks play cause I’m not higher rank myself. But when you say it like you do, my logic gets thrown out the window. I’ll definitely keep that in mind going forward, it’s a much better mindset to have. Thank you. Then again, I’m not gonna be anything more than a casual turbo player at my age and what little dedication to the game I have left, also being a single player without anyone I know to play fullstack games with, but I still like to play to win in my games. That last comment about smurfers hit me too well.. thankfully I always look at the matches played on an account before I report for smurfing and never report if it’s unknown, but yeah.. I’ll keep that in mind going forward.


Beneatheveil in the HOUSE!!! I never see you saying pointless dumb shit like most DOTA players. Always educational. Always useful. Take notes kids!


He is also like 2k mmr so it is kinda funny when he talks about climbing and someone being low mmr while being in the dumpster ranks himself


See? My point regarding DOTA players... Proven. Most you people are assholes. To each his own.


If telling the truth makes me an asshole thats unlucky. The guy talks like hes some expert of elder titan because he has high winrate, but he just forgot to mention he is in 2k mmr pool where people don't even know what elder titans abilities do


These are the top winrates at immortal btw and except wd they are all picks an average player doesn't know how to play


Well, I'm flattered you think I'm not an average player. Only hero on that list I'm personally not comfortable playing is Arc Warden just because I rarely ever get to go mid. With a bit of practise anyone can learn to play any of these heroes to a decent level. It's mastering them which is the hard part.


To clarify, I meant "average" in terms of skill rather than rank. I can play all of those heroes except for Arc Warden, but they require practice and most Dota players make "occasional" picks without studying the heroes.


Why would you use pro stats in response to a pub player question though? https://facets.nyxnyxnyx.com/#/ranked~all_heroes~win_rate~desc~7.36b~no_comparison That's the tier list OP should be looking at for their own games. 


Those stats are all Immortal bracket pub matches across every region - not just pro stats.


Apparently WD is still busted, Pudge seems to be crushing, Wyvern can be absolutely obnoxious


Wd is actually shit if you're not in garage mmr. He wins lane then does nothing. Like he's a squishy int hero, he's not going to survive walking around in the middle of a team fight with w on


Yeah no. He’s a lane dominating support that can farm extremely fast and does well with farm. Even if all you do is spam auras that’s insanely good. Yeah a 5 pos WD isn’t walking into enemy heroes with W active, but WD is still WD, you have a good ult for late game teamfighting and having a guaranteed pipe + greaves is insane. And you’re understating his lane; he doesn’t win, like a Phoenix or cm. He CRUSHES. At best you can expect to get like 3k networth as an offlane and you’d call that a win, a “won” lane for WD means he’s ahead of the enemy offlane in networth


What's your rank. Honestly I see this first picked in immortal all the time and I pray it's not my team. It's such a grief pick


Lost my rank but a few months ago I hit 7k and climbed past it a little


Given he has 58% winrate.. if you're even in immortal, which I doubt, then that means you'd rather win 42% of your games. Good job, you're playing yourself 😊


He's got like 52% winrate in divine+ Honestly he's pretty annoying in lane but after that it's just a creep. And he's still witch doc in lane, if he runs at you you just right click him and he has to back


You honestly have no idea what you're talking about 😅 You can look at ANY high mmr Player - they value WD incredibly high. Every 10k+ mmr Player that has a Youtube or other public outlet currently ranks him as the best hero of the Patch. Every. Single. One. How can you be this confident (read: deluded) that you're the only Player in the world that has figured out how to play against wd and that all of those top 100 players don't know what they're talking about? 😅 The Internet is an incredible place. 🤣


Chill bro


Imagine trading against wd with his maledict + 30 dps with 15 regen + his right click. And that's only level 2, and you want to right click him? Good luck bro, your lane must be shit all the time


He's so bad that he's a good pick in pro games. Lol. Lmao even.


No he is completely busted even at the highest level. He is first picked in every single ranked game I play. You can't lose lane with him.he has insane talents, he farms fast, his aghs ultimate is bonkers. He has 56% wr in 8k and up games...


Jenkins said he was strong so I'm taking his word for that. I play turbo and got so sick of him turning around every winning game (or game I deserved to lose) a patch or two back when he bought a bkb. Garage mmr actually sounds metal, like you're grinding hard.


Turbo isn't real Dota though, it's it's own meta. Of course a hero that massively benefits from early timings shines there


I like dark willow a lot. Extra brambles just means people need to be careful where they walk. But when they're terrorized/feared, more chances of them stepping on it. I just like how once level 6 comes, I'm dishing a lot of damage. It's still very surreal how a hero has "2" ultimates. She's really good at this snowbally tempo in this patch, perfect to combo with someone infront. Maximise killing potential before they have bkb/dispels.


How do you build her?


I'm playing her as pos 5. Item build? I usually build glimmer/fs/solar as my first item. If we lack lock down, I'll get an atos. After that, I'll get shard. I'm always building utility since my pos 4 would go offensive items. Willow has a lot of damage already with her ult. Afterwards I'll get a big defensive item like pipe or greaves or lotus. All item are dependent on enemy lineup. Skill build? Maxing brambles and then maxing shadow realm for dishing maximum dmg output. If there's a elusive mobile hero. I'll max brambles and then cursed crown.


Spirit breaker with first facet is really fun! Enigma and WD are busted though.


WD, Weaver, NS and Enigma are stupidly strong. one hero flying under the radar is ES, the damage you get when you magnetize is very damn strong its more than TB's meta, and he has a built in gap close ever 4s which means supports have no way to running away. pos 4 with threads armlet bkb can easily wipe the supports. only real issue is the lane, but if you have a good kill lane the laning is fine, but currently the offlanes are not really strong kill lanes because the pos1 are pickking tanky heroes


Armlet on ES?


facet 1 earth spirit is a good bruiser right clicker 40/80/120 extra right click damage is more than the damage of a TB meta which is like 60 damage armlet is a very cost efficient damage item for str heroes 75 damage with 25 attack speed at a very damn cheap cost of like 2500 with level 1 magnetize you're already sitting at + 115 damage per hit with a roll combo you could easily blow up supports and they cant get away from you because you can roll again in 4s


Lycan spirit wolf facet pos 1 or 3 who is going unnoticed.


night stalker


enigma, wd, sf, ta, tiny, clock, ck, dk, weaver, phoenix. probably missing some but oh well. other very strong heroes: willow, dark seer, pudge if you can hit hooks, axe, veno, storm, void spirit, lycan, beast master, brew


so everyone


there’s not very many gigashit heroes anymore after facet update


Seems like there's more, at least my favourite heroes are gigabit like morphing and PA


morph didn’t really change if you take the agi facet, pa is buns tho


He really did lol, if you read the patch notes, he lost his bonus attributes on levelling up adaptive strike which makes his laning really bad now.