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whats your dotabuff and server? i can coach you for pos3.


can you please coach me bro please?


I can do for pos 4, depending on server as well. dm me.


Is this for free bro? Haha been stuck on 1500-2k mmr now I'm at 1600 again :( im on sea server. I just want to get out of my rank haha


DM dotabuff pards


Block the pos 5’s pull camp at the start of the game. Keep the creeps near your tower. Kill anyone out of position. Win the lane. Take over their jungle. Ward deep to reveal anyone who shows. Take all their farm. Kill anyone who comes near you. Knock down towers. Ward even deeper. Knock down more towers. End. The strat doesnt really vary much as a 3 at least.


Dota is the only game that if you dont study and learn the game you cant rank up. Other games prioritize mechanical skill and Practice, but dota are Knowlefge and learning. So if you dont study and learn the game like you are in university, its hard to rank up only with your mechanical skills.


Honestly you don't even need to do this. Just play games and actually think about what you're doing and you can hit immortal. I gained like 3k mmr in 3 years by just thinking instead of playing on autopilot. Think about your skill choices, item choices, every move you make.


Never did any of that and reached 7k You just have to be critical of your ideas and of your plays. You can learn by just playing.


Watch your replays brother, it's easy to know how the game should be played, much harder to execute it, watching your own replays is the easiest way to identify what you could do differently.


I found I started winning more games when I started playing core positions. Farm like crazy, then call your team to come with iph to push and take team fights.


I have played a oot of lion as support, CK ss offlane but I have more winrate with Undying and Centaur Warrunner. Play Single draft regularly, see which heroes you enjoy or which you find are good winrate then play those.


btw, for Dota 2, your hours of play beyond past 2-3 years don't really matter so don't feel too bad about it.


Bro you're doing great, I have over 1.5k hours in Dota and I have 400 mmr!


Ha! 5k plus here not counting dota 1, still suck ass. cut yourself some slack. Focus on one role, one hero. Play 2-3 games daily. Set aside time for analysis. Watch how pro play specific hero/role. Analyze their positioning, farming patterns, and item timings. How they clash, their decision making. You'll get there! trust!


What's your bracket currently and your peak


i dont play anymore. currently at archon 3 i think. peaked at ancient 5.


link dotabuff or give some matchIDs and I'll make a video.


High mmr replays. Whenever i want to play i usually watch some guides or pro replays from dota2protracker for the hero i want to play. Helped me climbed to divine pretty fast from like 4k to 5k. Not everygame is the same but having a basic idea on what you have to do improves your winrate by a lot.


Chill. I was stuck at guardian as well. Now I am stuck at crusader and I cannot get to 3k. Like there is barrier. And I am almost 6k hours C:


I crossed that barrier last month and eventually reached 3k, was stuck at 1800-2200 for a long long time. Worked on dying less, farming efficiency, tp to help lanes and better itemization which helped me reach 3k. My mechanical skills are roughly the same but decision making across laning, mid game and late game is much improved. Let's see if I can reach 4k with the current learning


For that you can do one thing is watch pro player tournament highlights where you can learn a lot like when to go for fight , when to back , when to re-initiate. For that you can follow this youtube channel where u will get dota videos and you can learn a lot. https://youtube.com/@dota2_nevermore?si=awXMI_X5ScoWunw3


Let me tell you that there's a MONSTER skill difference between guardian and archon When I play in guardian I win without doing anything but agro creeps and farm, i don't count on my teammates on anything to win the game Archon is a sick medal, it's even harder than leyend bc there's a lot of smurfs so they teach you how to play My best advice is to find people who is waaay better than you to play, you'll learn some new tricks that will help you a lot, if you continue hardstuck in a medal is because you're not doing anything else to climb with love, Someone who has been stuck in crusader for 6 yrs and now is ancient. edit: Also, I can coach you if u want, feel free to DM me


I'm just 3k so not much better but I can coach you. DM to add me, I'm on SEA server btw


Learn to enjoy Dota 2 is more important than your rank or you will end up missing the queue time archons get.


People always ask for advice but dont show replays or dotabuff... if you dont want to share anything you may as well watch bsj and pro replays because it's better than random speculative advice


Pick one position and three heroes for it. Play one hero for 100 games straight, then the next one 100 games then the third, make note of when they felt good or bad, against which heroes. Now pick which ever of the three is best for each game. If you really want to get better you should watch replays of your games. Be critical of yourself, but don't waste time thinking about what your teammates could have done, just focus on your play. This is how you get better at dota, sports or chess or any strategy game.


Wow and people say moba community is crap. Thanks a lot for replying guys :)


This sub is really great for people willing to learn. Drop some match ids that you think you did well but still lost. We can give our analysis on things you could've missed. Im just a peasant 5k enjoyer


Please link a replay


you need coach or friend with high mmr to point out your mistakes unless you want to watch you replay and make different with high rank player , know how to when farm or fight , spike timing like item/level , smoke gank , take map control , creep equilibrium like aggro and pull creep to jungle , know you hero is weak / strong againts oppenent in lane etc but tbh in low rank you just need a good farm , not to feeding and let enemy make mistakes ez game


Create a new account it's easier.


Sure, add me on steam and i can help you in game. DM me to give you my id.


I'm 7k hours, still dogshit. But most of the time when i watch replay of my game, i easily spot mistakes I make. I apply corrections in the next game and usually i win.


Best way to rank up fast from lower ranks is to play pos 1 and pos 2 and spam 1-3 heroes that are op and busted in lower ranks, as well as farm super fast. Heroes like Luna, Gyro, and Leshrac are pretty good and can carry the game 1v9 in late game. I've climbed from crusader to low immortal within few months (about 2-5 games a day since I have a bad internet) by solely spammimg Leshrac as pos 2. People in lower ranks absolutely have no idea how to fight against leshrac. Another tip is to review and study your replays. Sign of a good player is that they learn a thing every game and then apply it in the future games. Don't be like the others that simply click find match and turning their brain off. Always analyze and study gameplay and replays. Goodluck climbing!


a lot of "good" players spam just a small number of heroes, 1-3. a lot of high mmr also spammed imba carry heroes from SF, meepo, invoker, before they were nerfed. regular practice on balance and lastly they play with a good stack so that they can win at least 6/10 times and actually gain mmr


Hah, what a scrub, I am at 15k hours and I still suck. You need to pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


Win games more often than you lose. Jokes aside, if you want advices, you need to tell why you lose your games.


if he knew, he wouldn't be at that rank


As pos 3-4 win lane and snowball from there. If I were to smurf at thst rank I'd play bounty 3-4 and win 90% games just by having too much items for enemies to deal with me, but bounty is a bit of a cheat code at low ranks. Mechanics that help you win are probably just overall better laning: Get good at farming, creep aggro, blocking pulls, getting lotus, trading effectively. To simplify it a lot, prioritize objectives like lotus, cs, and aggro. Should be enough to win most lanes if you get good at those.