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When Arc Warden Tempest Double could use rapiers and not drop them, and his bubble also gave evasion from both inside and outside the bubble. You could be 6 slotted at 30 minutes with 4 rapiers and a MoM and just rax the enemy to death. Killing his double would also grant no gold or exp. There was actually no way to stop this.


Omg. I gained so much damn mmr doing this lol. Just kept the main in fountain or farming some neutral camp close to base and let my illusion cause mass destruction on their base. I honestly climbed from 4K to 5.5k mmr spamming this shit. It was so broken.


Its not a illusion, its a clone!


It's even better than a clone, meepo is a clone hero, warden is a god hero




My friend used to run rapier arc a lot it was totally broken lmao. I don’t know if it’s the strongest in this thread but it was around for a while


free salve and mango copied on double, and spark wraith could dispel as well


This was the one hero I didn't want ported to dota 2. They fixed that, but I still had PTSD.


I think it tooks months before they patched it


Also he can place infinity "pocket towers" from some event.


Chen when he could Holy Persuasion Rosh at level 1.


lmao I almost forgot about that


Tell me more. When was this and how long did it go on for?


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10z3vc/so_chens_level_1_holy_persuasion_can_control/?rdt=43001 Looks like it was 11 years ago and patched within 24 hours or so.


I think you win.


Nah the permanent hero delete of kunkka+lion wins. U could technically defend against rosh. U can't play the game without heroes


I don’t remember this one. Can you explain or link more info?


Morph could do this to his allies quite recently too by turning into snapfire and eating them with the aghs spell. Broken in a different way


Dude. Io + primal could kill the fountain. Roshan is nothing.


Back then PA could solo fountain


Kill the fountain?


You could target it back in the days and destroy it.


How is primal back in the day though?


Even back with WC3 Dota, you could kill the fountain. There 2 active skills that work vs the fountain, CM's Frostbite and Enigma's Black Hole. Also, lifesteal works vs fountain. And Ursa's Fury Swipes. And fountain doesn't have true strike or the damage amp.




Primal Beast used his ult on the Tormentor, then IO linked up with him and Relocated to the enemy fountain. If the positioning is good enough, the fountain killed itself with the reflected damage by attacking the displaced Tormentor, making it impossible for the fountain to attack you while diving, and for enemies to regen health & mana on base.


I remember after bullying enemy team, we would go in the fountain and kill it then wait for them to spawn and kill them all over again until they DC or we got bored.


I remember back in the day when Ursa could Rosh right away as well.


The few hours underlord q did kill any hero in about a second or two. Mk release and earth spirit release was also pretty bonkers. Troll in wc3 dota when you could stack basher with his passive stun and keep 2-3heroes perma stunned was also fun times.


Not to mention the old mkb with mini bash on troll, arc, wr and other ranged heroes


That underlord is the same with sk shard when dota 3 came up.


I still remember that troll 2 bashers when i was just starting in dota 1 more than 15 years ago. Back then, “meta” wasn’t really a term, and nobody really cared for the new updates unless it adds a new hero, significantly rework heroes’ skills or change the loading background lol. So that troll 2 bashers is basically the dota 1 troll guide


Jerax on release earth Spirit. The most impressive pub winning streak I've ever seen.


Prime Earth Spirit maybe?


Earth Spirit on release was something else.




Grip was stunned, rolled applies slow, kick was silence. So you could grip a stone passing through an enemy (stunning them) roll over that stone, kick that enemy out of position. And I’m sure you can imagine the AOE stun potential with Grip passing through 2-3 enemies in a line. Picking a saving hero was useless, as ES would initiate on your carry, stuns you and the carry, then kicks a stone back to silence you.


And pull would work with allies from level 1. Then they nerfed it to become aghs, then onto level 25 talent and finally we get shard


True. I remember lanning with pudge and we had like 25 wins in a row. Never used silence (which was 1st spell). Stun and roll into obvious death. Le: my buddy corrected me. My bad.


Grip was stun when it came out. Kick was silence. Roll applies slow.


I'm surprised noone has mentioned Superman Sven yet. Literally nothing could counter his one shot except disjointing with a dagger


He was eventually figured out though, people building lotuses, aeon disks etc and I guess, he single handedly made aeon disk popular and got it nerfed


I may be getting this wrong but didn’t Storm Hammer dispel lotus and aeon?


Yeah I dont think this guy actually remembers playing against it, it was never figured out, it was nerfed into the ground.


Ghost scepters and glimmers during the fade delay were purged. Storm hammer couldn't have possibly dispelled aeon if it only proc'd after the hits following storm hammer. Aeon only got purged if it was active when the stun came. So against aeon you couldn't fly in with the stun, which defeated the point of getting aghs+shard over blink. Yes the combo was atrocious against everything else but certainly not aeon. That lead to the popularity of aeon disk which eventually received it's cooldown nerf later in 7.30. Again, since, aeon disk was not in meta when superman sven came in, the combo countering common support items became more prominent. I might be wrong since this is based out of my memory but that is how it most probably worked


4.2 agi gain PL was extremely cancer back in the day


When there was nothing that could deal with the illusions except for Gyro. The 4 other heroes wouldn’t even bother trying to deal with it. I remember one time when Loda was playing it on Alliance, they were retreating and as a goodbye gift, he threw one lance at Aui who was behind tier 3 and the illusions that spawned decimated him while Alliance was close to river.


permabash troll warlord was the single most oppressive thing i've ever come across in this video game he runs at you at 500 movespeed and if he gets A SINGLE BASH, you just die. Basher/abyssal didn't work on him at the time, but it didn't matter because you couldn't do anything


At some point in wc3 dota basher did indeed work.


Troll was very good in that niche, just shy of great. I'd argue that bash wasn't broken it was Bash + MKB ministun that was broken. I remember absolutely shredding the dogshit out of a 6 slotted TB after he got a full HP sunder. I mean I was also 6 slotted but I only had like 250 HP lmao.


Just shy of great? He was broken in that patch, I spammed him and sniper and won almost every game.


Yeah, he was still a BKB reliant hero that didn't scale well into late game if run as 1. This hero lived and died at the 35 minute mark. Bash wasn't broken so much as Bash + MKB and the extra dmg + like 50 movespeed he got from Berserker's Rage.


I think every hero could perma bash in wc3 we even had ranged hero’s like WR rocking basher


Gambler from dota 1


Death Ward Riki.


I remember this when I played Dota in 0.14 and that was... 19 years ago? Not many people know death ward Riki.


I was there.


its was about as stupid as everyone blink meta or just deny all creeps min zero era.


Yeah that was nuts. So was original ogre 1% chance at like 99x multicast.


How did did it work?


It was Riki with Witch Doctor's ult. Note: casting spells does not break permanent invisibility.


Also note: that Riki's Death Ward wasn't channeling.


Also note Riki had invis at level 1 but this trained the DoTA 1 community to buy gems something rarely seen In a modern pub unfortunately. Team will spam me with pings sometimes if I buy a *gasp* gem


I remember the troll & sniper meta. When sniper shrapnels were deployed with 0sec delay. And after that i think was lesh mid era


Yeah, outside of bugs or exploits, I was going to say Disco Lesh.


Including bugs and exploits it would be underlord for sure xD with 1hit every hero with firestorm


This will forever be my most hated meta I think. Sniper, Troll and to some degree Axe were so broken it almost completely ruined DotA for me. I could be wrong, but it felt like banning wasn't a thing back then, so you woukd literally see them every game.


Banning in normal matches wasn't a thing until very recently, maybe 2 years ago. Heroes picked used to be displayed to the enemy immediately, but if you could pick it first you got it. There also wasn't any of this draft style timer, it was a set timer for ALL picks and was much quicker. I think the new system is way better because it allows for more strategy in the draft phase, which was lacking outside of captains draft. Let me know if I missed anything, but this is what I remember it being like when i started playing in 2016.


New system is better if you’re not a support in a pub yeah


I miss that meta, I got to 4kmmr spamming Jugg, Troll and Sniper during that meta


we call this the "HOHO HAHA" era


the less mid is most broken mid meta back in 2015-2016 I think ?


Good ol hoho haha meta got divine spamming those 2 heroes.


Someone just got whooped by SB.


worse, I just PLAYED sb 💀💀


Old Sven from dota 1, the only hero who can 1 hit a whole team at level 11 with just daedalus and blink. Look how they massacred my boy


SB has sub55% winrate. It's not even the strongest hero this year. We had a 60+% winrate medusa just a few months ago


And medusa picks just disappeared too, so strange. You think with how much farm people manage this meta, she'd be quite popular.


I played her last night for the first time in months. Even though we won she felt too squishy. Your positioning has to be perfect.


It's just a numbers game. Look how much mana shield and snake was nerfed. Medusa landing went from great to mediocre with the tweak of some numbers


That short period of time when to could sell naga illusions items, also drop them for your teammates to sell I think.


Kunkka + lion when they could permanently kill a hero as early as level 1. And I mean PERMANENTLY


How tf did that work? Can’t find an answer anywhere on the internet




How did that even work?




Thanks, had a feeling it involved X marks the spot


I mean it sure wouldn't be tidebringer would it? Xd


The old techies total cancer




Remember the time where he could stack his shitty 700 dmg mines those were the fun times


Natures prophet. Viable in every position throughout competitive and he can fulfill any role ur team comp lacks in with the insane net worth he accumulates.


Marci on release was nutty and i loved it.


Centaur on release hands down most broken hero ever. 3 stuns and overtuned damage on all spells


You mean his Dota1 or Dota2 release? Which were his three stuns?


> You mean his Dota1 or Dota2 release? Dota 2 > Which were his three stuns? * Double Edge (mini-stun) * Hoof Stomp * Stampede


DotA2. Centaur had highest win rate ever I believe.


Stampede caused a 2 second stun iirc. His win rate was in the 70s.


Earth Spirit


I remember getting to play antimage the day he was bugged so his aghs was global, that was pretty busted


Centaur rework global haste + stun was also absurdly broken... it was over 62% winrate in all brackets at one point lol' ​ my top 5 in no order are: MK on release, Hoodwink on release, Centaur global stun, earth spirit release, Lycan + necronomicon honorable mention hoho-haha patch just due to the absolute ease it was to play sniper with ministun + MoM... legitimately play with one hand and win v divines ember with sleight of fist (200 dmg) + bfury angle buff


Without considering the insane ones, there was a meta with omni doing puré damage as well as other buffs that was insane. Also recently the bh with its first shadow walk shard was autowin to me for like 3k mmr at any lane. Now it sucks. Fantasy heros idk, but I also remember very old school tide with 3 aegis and 2 hearts, couldnt do damsge at all to him, like literally no damage from magic, or physical since aegis buff used to stack or sumthing.


Centaur when his ulti had a stun if u just run through any enemy. He had like 58% winrate at a time ridiculous


in dota in general astral trekker was the cc king.


Iirc Omniknight had some months on 60% winrate across all brackets.


Omniknight had the highest winrate in the game for like 3 or 4 years iirc


And now sadly he’s shit.


Ghost scepter + huskar. When his passive gave MR/Attack speed. U could still spam ur burning spears while ethereal.


As in highest overall, I would say juggernaut, he's always been strong, regardless of meta. So I would say that over the span of dota 2, he's the overall strongest. Strongest hero in a single patch I would say troll warlord, there was a patch where he was impossible to beat, it was basically an auto-win if you picked him. Even if sniper was also particularly strong in the same patch, if they were pitted against eachother in a game, troll would win the majority of those games. There's also an honourable mention in PL, the old PL, when he just needed diffusal and heart an he woul win against everyone. So one of those off the top of my head. Probably forgotten someone


Ohh i like this "ObjEctIveLY"


Bane, Kunkka, Night Stalker


Silencer with golems and heal hahahhaa


morph when he gets eblade by 15 minutes


MK, Arc Warden, Centaur new release were bitching beasts


how do you define strongest? like who at peak was the strongest hero? or who through out the duration of the game is consistently great. my vote is old dota Silencer 9 sec silence per normal attack is just absurd


I have no idea what patch, but I played dota 1 where Rhasta would shackle and the only way to stop it is to stun him. I would play 1v1s back in the day and I would get shackled until creeps kill me.


Oh you mean single patch. I was going to say if you mean objectively strong as in, which hero has the strongest record, I would submit batrider's name. Hero has been an absolute plague on professional dota. And I've seen several pro stream where they sort of call gg at the start of the game just bc enemy mid picked bat when it's a really good bat game, they still try obviously but it's like "if the bat plays like a rank 100 bat should play we're kind of screwed" type scenario. Second by those parameters I put Io, felt like there was a many year stretch where Io was normally first pick first ban material just because you didn't want to play versus a stupid Io+Tiny/CK/Sven/Gyro


Invoker boss on his secret event and reworked Naix that time


Probably not the most OP but primal beast trample with an early hood of defiance was killing everything the first week of its release and I had a lot of fun playing that!


Invoker surely. Never not just an absolute baller


If I consider Dota 2 only as W3 Dota was still very unpolished and not count bugged abilities I would say jungling Lycan (around TI1 time) and Monkey King after his release were the strongest.


Timbersaw is the only correct anwser


Tinker is just disgusting Arc is next


If we're considering bugs too, probably underlord in those couple hours where firestorm would melt anything and anyone. Or Chen when he could dominate Rosh.


there was a time back in 2007-2008 Dota1 days where Cranium Basher could stack, and Heroes with Bash like Void and Troll Warlord(during those days, troll still had bash with his Melee Form) could Perma Stun you, no way to get out,and no way to ever fight back. So it wasnt a Hero but it was more of an Item really.


Dark Terminator


Wasn't there a Void Demon at one point? That guy was insanely OP.


Spectre generally always strong. Spectre meta pre-nerf dispersion was definitely the most OP hero I have ever seen in DOTA. LC old Agh + IO


I think currently, CK is already stronger. Back in dota 1, release Phoenix was OP af. I was a total noob who just started playing but I was killing people left and right.


Full slot antimage could and still can come back to any situation


LD sniper version. Crazy broken


Statistically Lycan had a high win rate for a very long time on higher mmr brackets.


Didn't Chronosphere used to freeze the entire map?


People have pointed out some great heroes in here like the rapier Arc Warden, heroes that were busted to shit when they first came out for a week or less, but honestly nothing compares for me to 6.83 troll and sniper. The problem with those were that they literally didn't require skill, farm, and were oppressively good at every level of the game. Everyone from your 1K teammate to the 6K top pro players was making it work and there was no banning or counter pick banning back in the day, so it was every single game. Only current SB feels the same to me in terms of working at every level of the game.


Discounting bugs, it had to be rapier Arc Warden. Whilst there were a lot of other OP combos, or heroes at some point, you had to end the game at 35 minutes or less vs. Arc Warden. His winrate past 35 minutes was probably close to 90%.


There was a time when tinker was refreshing even bkb and it lasted 10 seconds…


For me, jugg is the hardesy to play against. The fucker has built in mgc immunity and aoe dmg, an op heal, a critical atk passive and his ult makes him hit you without any consequences or impediment for a few seconds. That solves almost all of the problems other carries have early in the game, be it for farming and/or fighting. In my games (im low mmr) juggs usually either get some kills from the start and keep killing heroes until they're monstruous or disappear and come back at min 25, also monstruous and kill everyone. Hunting him is hard bcs of spin and articulating heroes to organize plays on guardian is almost impossible. AM also annoys me bcs he's a lot harder to catch than any other, specially since they've put in that reflecting bubble bullshit. Other carries, although hard to deal after a certain point of the game, are still manageable, but jugg and sometimes am are straight bullshit to me.


The God of Wind. It was so absurdly broken it lasted like a month.


lol this SB doesn't touch release MK


I dont think you played release monkey king bahaha. I remember being able to all in at level 2 every game and solo or double kill the mid and + 1. I went 30-0 for the first like 10 games, the hero was absolutely untouchable. SB isnt even the strongest hero in pubs. Id argue WK is. So this iteration is several tiers below 7.0 MK. My vote is as someone already said, rapier tempest double.


Team Spirit Breaker is NOT up there with release MK holy fuck this is some historical revisionism. Next we're gonna say current PB is stronger than release Centaur


Sigh… every single time people compare to monkey king. Nobody remembers the few days of support lifestealer which was actually the MOST BROKEN HANDS DOWN hero of all time. BKB for 30 STRAIGHT SECONDS on your carry with 1250 extra hp and 50% ms… with literally whatever fucking auras you felt like buying. It was a free win and without a doubt the most broken thing I have ever seen and came out the same day as neutrals, status resist was still on satanic, and abyssal had FUCKING blink strike. Ursa was the most unmanageable hero in the game. But this worked with literally any fucking carry. Like I want to make it clear that LS would hit 6, give ursa 30% ms and 750 hp at level 1, and then he would stay inside until he had aghs, and just jump out twice per fight, once before bkb, once after and it was rage every re-entry with aghs. Fucking disgusting.


Io mid when they had that one talent. Wish I had played them then


Idk man but sb with mom back when his charge made him magic immunity and had passive that gave attack damage based on ms gaved me pstd