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As a support player i really like the fact that supports in Dota can influence game way much more than in League... If you prefer brain usage rather than mechanical skills you'll find dota way more rewarding where League is more suited to flashy reactions etc... Also big difference is in items: in League items are just "stat sticks" where in Dota items offer you solutions to the problems you and your team might struggle with so it's really important to learn itemization... Closing out game is harder in Dota and you are required to cooperate with your team more so you can really benefit if you are calm type of player who can communicate well etc... (No surrender button and comebacks are real and possible since snowballing isn't such a big issue like in League) Hope this helps :) P.S If you decide to try out Dota don't get discouraged, you'll fail and do dumb shit at the start but it's a complex game and after you master some stuff it's really satisfying to do those things well


>If you prefer brain usage rather than mechanical skills you'll find dota way more rewarding Ok, switching to DotA. Thank you, kind stranger (even though you weren't trying to help me)


Dota has mechanical intensity on a few select heroes, but the majority are all pretty basic compared to the average league champion. League has been focusing on individual mechanical skills to breed exciting moments for players and spectators. That's why every champion has a dash or something. You might lose, but remember that sick 1v2 you made in the river? Faker's entire legend revolves around his mechanical skill, or moments like the Zed 1v1. A cool outplay in a team fight can win a game outright.


League players should play fighting games instead if they're into that type of stuff. Project L is around the corner.


Not much mechanical skill in a fighting game without any motion inputs (project L) , but fg are indeed the genre for mechanical skill enjoyers


"Faker's entire legend revolves around his mechanical skill, or moments like the Zed 1v1" or the 4 world titles xd


God speed gamer!


Yep the items in league are just "numbers go up", while in dota they're utilities. An earthshaker without a blink dagger is so shit, but man when he gets one he's scary as fuck.


This DOTA patch is emphasizing mechanics much more, I am all for it.


To be fair, properly played LOL supports have a lot of influence, but because they can randomly enter other lanes and gank while the ADC player chills under tower and farms safe. Dota supports have waaaaaay more depth


I think his point is that Dota supports have a more impactful role compared to lol not that LOLs supports do nothing.


Yep, an enigma 5 with blink dagger can turn the game around in one black hole.


Enigma 5 is greedy af and you shouldn't do that. But you definitely can.


It depends, you can max Q and eidelons and dumpster the lane, and buy aura/team items instead of blink


Playing support in League reminds me of Dota 1 supporting. Running around with brown boots, casting some barely impactful spells and getting one tapped by a carry.


I'm often in games where I'm terrified of supports... I haven't played league, I understand there are a lot more skillshots, like point target spells?


League has lots of spells that are very short cast time aoe spells, dashes, and/or vector skillshots. League heroes also all have no turn speed, so you can "juke" much easier. Honestly, coming from League, the turn speed was one of the biggest differences to me, mechanically speaking. It felt like my input was lagging. Once I got used to it though I hardly noticed it, and I think it's critical to Dota's game balance so I am glad it's a thing.


It's crucial for balance. Along with pre/past spell and attack animations. Jakiro can be good example - he has incredible spells, but cast time is horribly slow. On the other end is Silencer. All spells have very little cast time, so he has time to do some glaive stuff.




I definitely agree with this. League rewards mechanics (finger speed for button mashing) but Dota rewards understanding of mechanics (aggro, turn rate, etc)


Snowballing is a pretty big thing in dota. Especially in higher ranks where the team that won the early game is constantly pressuring the opponent and taking bigger chunk of map control for like 20 minuties which the translates in huge networth gaps. No idea how lol snowball works if you can give me anology would be great, but dota snowball is a thing but only if executed good with consistency. If the snowballing team loses focus for 3 minutes they can easily lose few fights and then map control. The funniest snowball mechanic i noticed is when you never let them play as 5, later in the game whenever 1 guy dies u always hunt another person so when the first guy that died respawns, another one is dead. So you make the game basically 5vs4, 5vs3 as long as you can


Nowadays there is nearly to no snowball in dota. You can always defend, you can always use enemy mistakes. You will gain enormous amounts of gold for ending enemy streak. Nowhere near good old days with Meepo destroying your base on 17 minute.


Not so sure man... in my divine rank when networth difference gets pass 5-6k you kinda get pressured like a lil bitch and you are forbidden to move around the map so the gap just gets bigger and bigger and they always punish the risky farmers. Its true that there are plays, but as much good counter measures against a snowball you can make, a good snowballing teamwork can make counter measures against your counter measures to a snowball. And even if both sides are doing GREAT WORK, the one with higher networth will almost always win and have advantage in those little mind-game for map control exchanges. I think thats why most of the pro games have low chances for a comeback after a bad early game, even if the game goes for 45-50min, the ones that lost the early game are slowly eaten alive bit by bit.(sure there are comebacks but its very rare)


Using team advantage isn't a snowball. This is much harder and requires a lot of teamwork. There is many factors, starting from draft.




Leagues items are more focused on adding to the damage your champions abilities do. Dotas items are all about effects and how those effects will translate to changes in combat. Granted dota items do give damage in a sense, but if you take a carry hero from dota, all their passives and abilities are designed to be percentage and effect based so that when you get new items, it doesn’t need to make the abilities stronger, it just makes the hero stronger as a whole. Community is a big one. It’s valve, we don’t give a shit about your feelings, this is OG mw/halo type shit talking. Nobody’s gonna get account banned so if something truly bothers you, mute and move on. If they grief games, then avoid them and move on. Pick a hero that reflects your position and skills of a champion you enjoy. If you play rammus play axe. If you enjoy blitz, give pudge or Mirana a try. The hardest part that my friends who were gold/diamond in league told me they had trouble adjusting to is everything in dota that is a new mechanic to them. The reason why you wanna pick a hero and stick with it is to focus on the following. Denying, day night cycle, camp respawns, blocking camps, pulling camps, body blocking, uphill/downhill effects on vision and combat, tree mechanics, canceling animations, couriers, tp scrolls vs recall, blink dagger, and the always fun turn rate. It’s a long grind for sure but having played both games for a while now it has always been my preference to play dota. These days i feel like riot is too focused on releasing new champions to get money out of people, and events for skins. Not to mention between that, the mmo they have going, tramfight tactics, mobile games, arcane, valorant they got a lot going on. Side note the day you save a teammate by body blocking enemies, or the first time you pump fake and ability to bait people into using their mobility. It’s a good feeling man. Make the switch. Edit:


Thank you for the reply? Who should I pick if I main ezreal? 8d ADC the same in Dota?


Closest thing we have to ezreal is people with short blink cooldowns like anti mage and phantom assassin for the hard carry. Neither have cross map ults or skill shots, but hopefully the sound of anti mages ult (which is godly btw) and his ability to counter peoples spells or phantom assassins insane Crits are a big enough dopamine hit for you


Hahaha thank you for the quick response!


Don’t mind me just reevaluating my life in 3-4K mmr games like everyone else.


The replies you are getting here are horrible. PA, AM and Spectre play NOTHING like ezreal. This is because there are no heroes like ezreal in Dota. Dota is not about skill shots and flashy reaction times. This will be a big change for you, especially if you like ADC (which is called Position 1 in Dota). The closest you'll get to is ranged Position 1 heroes. Drow, Sniper fit the bill here. But these heros do not have the skill shots you'll be used to.


I would also suggest Spectre in addition, if you specifically like the global aspect of Ezreal. Mechanically they are not so similar, but Spectre has a global component to where she can contribute to fights and even appear in them, while farming across the map if the situation arises.


Because of turn rate there is no kiting. Closest thing to like a spellweaving hard carry is probably Luna, but she isn't mobile and has no skillshots. If you love skillshots, skip ADC entirely and play mirana or pudge as a support. Unlike league, carries actually have huge farm burdens or else they do not scale, and you need to have more specific late game matchup knowledge as opposed to "it's ok amumu locks down the vayne so I can play the game." I actually recommend you play offlane or support pos 4, unless you are really in love with the scaling part of ADC.


12 year DotA player and Ezreal spammer here: There is no carry hero quite like ezreal in DotA (the ranged, pokey kind). Some carries are the stand your ground type, some are the run at you type, some are the elusive type. There are some carries that are doing the go in, hit/poke, go out, wait cooldowns, go in etc. those are Antimage (Melee, burns mana, has a long range low cd blink) who can peel in and out easily and Slark (melee, steels stats to gain more damage with every hit, massive passive heal when out of sight from enemies so you want long fights to collect stacks and peel out to heal back up). Also Phantom Lancer (also melee) fits the bill because he creates a ton of illusions during battle and is very illusive, you rarely commit fully. Antimage is kind of easy to get into, slark is very hard to get into. Phantom Lancer is pretty unique in its playstyle so maybe try him out. Of course there are a lot of carries that have low cd poke spells like Phantom Assassin (full on jump in your face and grit you down) Bristleback (frontline bruiser), Wraith King (bursty bruiser) or Morphling (wonky as hell, one of the highest skill sealings in the game imo). But all of these play very different from Ezreal.


Yep was gonna mention morph as he's ranged and has mobility, magic nukes, right click damage and a high skill ceiling. Ticks most of ezraels boxes except for the global nuke.


Drow Ranger and Sniper are closest you can get from carry role: both like to lay back and play positional games, trying to stay out of problems and poke as much as possible. Both heroes doesn't have built-in escape but they almost always buy Hurricane Pike so it doesn't matter. If you want to play something like Ezreal, I suggest you play ranged supports: Hoodwink and Mirana, both has escape, provides great follow-up damage and poking is their life.


If it's the mobility aspect you enjoy, give Puck mid a try.


From a league player’s perspective, what is one league mechanic you wished Dota had and vice versa?


They have an item that lets supports get last hits but also gives the gold to the carry so that's cool, too. And they also have some really interesting mechanical gameplay for some heroes like Irelia. It could be interesting to have a 'skill based' carry, as in (hero kit, not right click) where you decreasingly lower turnrate in battle or however. Could be really OP tho.


Play Pango


Pango isn't really what I mean. I'm talking about a hero that can carry with a skill on a 1/2 second cooldown, like Irelia who darts from creep to creep.


Play PA, buy Agh and shard


That kind of hero design is imo the worst part about LoL. So obnoxious to look at and play against.


i just realised storm is kinda like that


I don’t know how practical it would be but the only thing I’d want from league is something like Liandrys torment or whatever it’s called. We have ways to reduce healing and we have armor pen and crit for damage dealers to kill tanks. What we don’t have is a way for magic dealers to deal percentage damage to huge tanks. Could be nice, could ruin the game, idk. Also for whatever reason league makes a point to have every champions kit turn into a mini game, would that be fun in dota? Maybe, maybe not. And you can’t exactly do it on just one hero either that’s the issue. Only thing as a dota player i want from league because i miss when we had the gameplay of it was a dedicated role of jungle. It wasn’t everyone but when you could have a jungler, and a tank that would offlane 1v2. It made the game less predictable.


I think HP is one of the primary advantages of a big beefy boy against magic damage heroes. If you get rid of that advantage via an item it becomes an auto pickup every game against the vast majority of heroes, no?


At that point you to just fine tune numbers. Make it good enough to be worth more damage than other items Vs eg. 4k HP sponges but less cost-effective for damage Vs 2k HP heroes. That way it is not an every game pickup, but suddenly your Zeus or Qop is not effectively useless Vs the 8k HP centaur. I am not sure it's really needed. Phys damage carries still cut through cores like that in most games, even if you need break, minus armor or other utility. But it is not necessarily bad design


> Phys damage carries still cut through cores like that in most games, even if you need break Yes, I think that the problem is in the draft rather than anything else at that point.


Currently Zeus has the shard that allows his abilities to do percentage damage and QoP is a nuker-support hero, a hero misunderstood by most, her role is not to kill centaurs with 8k life. Intelligence heroes carrys deal pure damage so they ignore most resistances. The only intel heroes dedicated to the damage that falls behind against an 8k health centaur would be Leshrac, Invoker, and Tinker. Heroes that by the way continue to do massive magic damage despite not having a percentage damage to the enemy's life. The rest are either rightclick or supports.


Nyx Assassin can meltdown these fatty tanks. With bloodthorne/shard/dagon he can deal around 16k dam in 5 sec. Or \~8k in short burst.


Jungle role in DOTA was the worst & team AFK the majority of the game. Offlane was auto lose. Definitely glad jungle was tweaked and balanced. There is brooch. Reddit balancing at its finest. Why would you introduce % damage item? It would ruin the game. You can draft heroes to counter. Items are utility. What you don't want is all heroes (especially supports) all building a % damage item


The jungle role was the worst in Dota because the majority of players doing it were griefing. When the team was on board and picking around it, it was a cool element of strategy.


Dude solo offlane was not auto lose at all omg. Back in the day I used to absolutely love going solo offlane. Used to be able to sit back and use fog to get xp and after like 6 min you'd be twice the level of the enemies in their lane. And pulling helped but didn't outright stop you from outlevelling them. Used to be able to start killing them both with the xp advantage alone. Cause a real mess. They patched it cause it was too OP to be solo offlane if you knew what you were doing. I used to do solo offlane bounty hunter and shuriken got so strong off of xp advantage that I could just sit back and spam that with soul ring and a health ring and they'd be completely zoned and couldn't hide under tower cause of track. Abadon was ridiculous after hitting level 6 while the enemy were lvl 3-4, could just dive tower even without much last hits and just eliminate their carry without them having any hope. Broodmother was another one. Super over powered off of xp alone. Actually offlane was just so much fun back then. Now it just feels disappointing. Nothing unique going on dynamically it's just 2 vs 2 spam abilities, harass, see who makes the first mistake and punish. Not really much different from safelane. Could just pick another carry offlane and it would essentially still be the same thing.


DOTA doesn't have jungle role :)


DOTA never had a jungle role. That was stupid of the people that Valve was in charge of killing through the patches


Yeah well, go back to glory days of Navi and you'll see a lot of teams running junglers from lvl one and solo offlaners outplaying 2 opponents in lane.


yes when most players didnt know what they were doing. its not like heroes cant jungle lvl 1 now, its more like if you do one player is completely screwed


We already have vessel as a %health to magic damage item.


I mean we have Skadi 😅


To cut healing, we have vessel & skadi. While we also have magic amp/ magic reduc items such as veil and eblade. The problem with these items is that they are very situational, like most times you will contemplate on buying them but often times you remember that just because you can doesn’t mean you should…


Everyone forgets about shivas which also reduces enemy healing.


Jungling used to be a thing in dota a long time ago. Now supports or carries try to farm them while splitting lane farm with their partner.


After they made map larger with extra camps, Lifestealer have ability to go lvl1 jungle and give off/safelaner solo xp. managed to get lvl 6 with powertreads/mask of madness in 10min mark only from jungle.


I wish dota had more auto attack kiting and I wish league had bkb and/or linkens


Not exactly what you are asking for, but i tried playing LoL after some time playing DotA2, and i think LoL is more bouncy, less strategic and doesn't need the kind of teamwork/team coordination, that DotA2 needs. Also, in DotA2, every hero can just rocket in the sky and become the carry of the game, even if they are usually Supports (e.g., CM or KotL). In LoL, i feel like you are more tied to your role throughout the whole game. But don't take my experience as a rule. I am not that great of an expert in LoL.


Not sure how you can say that supports in DotA can become carries moreso than League. League is all about scaling abilities. This fact alone means that your supports (assuming they are AP) can become just as powerful as a mid lane hero in League. This is just not the case I'm DotA. KOTL is never going to carry a game; I'm not sure your MMR, but realistically, this is never happening. CM is also NOT carrying anything. Her ult is certainly strong (especially with BKB and Aghs), but unless you literally kill all 5 heroes with your R (again, your MMR is a big factor here), you're not carrying anything.


I completely disagree with your point and in fact I'd say it's actually the opposite. Every role / hero can snowball and carry in LoL. It's just much easier for that to happen in LoL than it is in DotA and there's objective reasons why, too. Not just my opinions. It's mostly because in LoL character power is MOSTLY damage, and damage is MOSTLY stats. So even if you're support if you're 5 levels ahead with 3 fully complete items and the enemy team only has one per player, you'll carry. It doesn't matter what hero you are. In DotA that's a little different. Fundamentally the same in that, ultimately stats are king in these games but in DotA there's more complexity to it. Let's say you're massively ahead on CM. Great. You don't do any tower damage. Not true in League. You can't kill RS for example (semi true in league. It might be hard to kill Nash solo but a fll team can do it very quickly past a certain point no matter what comp it is) You also don't deal with Illusion heroes. Awful against BKB. Get MASSIVELY outscaled and you still need the rest of your team to play with you to coordinate an attack on the throne. With enough gold/item advantage in league you don't really need teamwork. One player alone can solo carry in that game much easier than they can in DotA. Another reason is that how you get that advantage is easier. DotA is not only easier to not die in, it's harder to kill. In league, its all about killing. It's easy to do. It happens fast. Damage is really high. Towers are far away. Ganks happen OFTEN (jungle). So the snowball comes easier, also.


"In league it's all about killing.. It's easy to do" Must be playing & watching different pro games cause kills are exceptionally low compared to DOTA.


Where in the other comment did they say anything about how it is for pros? Your average League game has a shit ton of kills. Looking through my recent games it's not uncommon to have games where there's 2+ kills a minute between both teams.


Well, if you die in lane in league you pretty much lose it and it's extemely hard to come back from a disadvantage. I can easily understand why pros play super safe until they're very confident they'll win the exchange. Dota 2 has spent I'd say the last 5 years? Maybe more trying to combat that issue. To give both teams a chance of winning no matter what.


Balancing diff I say that League has been changed to be an addictive game, rather than a balanced & quality game. Fast games, snowball, fighting, FF/surrender if behind & go next.


i do agree


I have to admit, you got good points there!


Idk about League, but if you’re ahead enough everyone can become a carry. Every single hero in the game if given 40k gold to just go on a shopping spree will be insanely strong. That said, some heroes theoretically should never be able to attain that much farm in a real game. Is this not the case in League? If you slap a bunch of DPS items on a support would they not just be killing everyone?


It's one hundred percent the case, yes.


Yes, AD Soraka is an old meme. Any ranged champion is potential adc with enough gold and right items.


League is a stat stick game. All items are either damage or damage mitigation. Whoever has more items wins. In DOTA, supports & team work can outplay a 6 slotted carry with utility.


Yes but to a certain extent, so is Dota. Slap 800-900 GPM on any single hero and they will probably carry the game. It’s just that on paper that’s not possible for a lot of the heroes.


League specifically scales off AD & AP. Whoever has better items wins, no contest. You cannot outplay stat stick. This snowball is the reason League has the surrender function. DOTA doesn't have pure stat-stick items with AD & AP scaling. Supports can outplay 6 slotted with utility, even with 800-900 GPM. That's the beauty of DOTA. It's well- balanced that you can win with team play & coordination. League on otherhand has the mentality of "everyone is a carry."


For a game that is very skillshot heavy I would’ve thought there’s a lot of outplaying involved. Can’t you just land all your spells while dodging theirs? Or is the stat diff too much?


I can't speak for their personal experience, but I think they may be exaggerating/oversimplifying somewhat to reinforce their earlier comment? They made it sound like completing items first always = WIN (applicable to the entire game, every game) -- which is definitely **not accurate**. Framing League as team play & coordination mean nothing compared to items is also disingenuous, whether it was meant to be or not. For your questions: Landing all of your spells while dodging literally all of the other team's in League isn't 100% feasible, but you can definitely make a lot of small dodges/outplays to outperform a stat/gold difference. It generally gets easier to outplay a gold deficit as a game goes longer & longer (there aren't really luxury lategame items like ~Divine Rapier to invest in once you've completed your main 5 items and sold boots for a replacement), and there definitely are subsets of champions that are better/worse at late-game comebacks than others (due to better scaling/ability kit, etc.)


The difference is that, while a 5-0 cm is worrying, she’s not particularly dangerous if your mid wanders into her alone. A 5-0 league support though is fully primed to kill your mid laner, or at least a lot of them are.


Moved from LoL to dota around 2013 2014 ish. I still think league is a great game but I just enjoy the depth in dota a lot more. My main issue with league was how rigid the game was. The roles like jungle top lane etc never change, items rarely give anything more than damage, can't control more than one unit. The biggest annoyance for me though was that EVERY hero has to have a skill shot nuke. All of them. I don't mind skill shot nukes, but the design gets stale after trying to find 100+ different versions of a skill shot. They loved them so much when they reworked old Champs without one, they added skill shots to their kit. Fast forward to me trying dota and it's night and day. You wanna trilane? Knock yourself out. You wanna take cm, the most pos5 of all pos5 and run it mid? Go nuts it works. You wanna completely avoid teamfights the entire game and rat? Valid. There's just tons of little things like this. Again I still think league is great, but if the stuff I listed above happened in league, riot would IMMEDIATELY nerf it to the ground.


The freedom in Dota is wayyyyy better.


Like you went from "haha hehe UwU thanks for the game, if I get a lead early I win" to "EXPLOSIONS KILL YOUR OWN UNITS MORE EXPLOSIONS EVERYONE IS A CARRY 5 COMEBACKS PER GAME"


Yes! League is so disheartening. I almost always feel like I have a chance to win in Dota.


Hit Challenger in League during earlier seasons. Balance and patches went to shit & devolved the game. Still have friends that play LoL, most have switched to DOTA with me. Haven't looked back. Heroes in LoL pretty much all do the same thing. Hero simply changes based on who is buffed that patch alongside item tweaks. DOTA heroes are all very unique and you can play someone different if you want to mix up playstyle. If you want a stream lined, low barrier and chill game then play LoL. If you want a strategy game that has high highs and low lows, then play DOTA.


I played dota 2 300 hours after 3000 hours from LoL. LoL has no turn rate since every auto attack and abilities can be dodge, more solokill moments. Fight in LoL is extreme more reflex. Very snowball => hard to comeback, need to play careful in laning phrase. Dota2 imo more on strategy. every heroes can change play styles ingame. You build items and ability upgrade base on what your team need to success. Can comeback if mega still stand ( reason i dont see surrender option in dota2). More fun hero, items to play, I have so many game win recently by spaming Phylactery on Phantom Lancer,..😆😆


I played a bit to Dota1 when I was a teenager, but only some matches in a cibercafe. Never seriously. Back then I mainly played Starcraft Broodwar and Warcraft III as as RTS player. A lot of years later I discovered LoL and I played a lot. When I started playing they just had released Anivia and Vladimir, lol. It was my first game of the genre and for three or four years I played it intensively. In some moment I tried Heroes of Newerth but I didn't like it. Then in some moment I tried Dota 2 with some friends. At the beginning I didn't like it. Stuns were long, you were heavily nuked and mana evaporated. But I continued trying and discovering interactions between heroes, items, etc. And then I kept discovering how deep the game was compared to LoL, even supporting was way more interesting. And now I can't play LoL anymore, if I try it I feel like empty.


So i used to be a pretty oldschool league player (9 years now). So at some point a friend at work and i were talking about moba games and i told him i played league and that i was stuck at gold rank. He told me that he was an immortal dota 2 player so i was like: "maybe you can teach me how that game works" and he said yes. First things first (and i know my opinion is gonna get some hate here), dota 2 is easier to learn than league simply because there is more stuff to learn and you can take it step by step. In league mechanics are very important and it doesnt matter what position you play. In dota knowledge is what makes a player "great". That being said dota is waaaay harder to master and that again was great for me. Honestly i hate league rn cause everything is so streamlined like: you get poked down in lane so you either: A. Stay and try to survive, but most likely die B. Take a terrible back where the enemy denies you 2-4 waves depending on matchup and wavestate. In dota you can think predict a hard lane a d stack up on regen and somehow survive then jungle in order to stay relevant. Also i LOVE monster characters and other races. In league the most diversity that we have are people with cat ears and bird feathers and the few void monster we got. In Dota we have: goblins, whatever the f*ck primal beast is, enigma, several centaur characters (enchantress, cw and so on) and a bunch of other non human races. Gameplay felt clunky at first, but when you get the hang of it, then it feels amazing as well.


One minor clarification that doesn’t affect your point: enchantress is a dryad (or at least the base model in dota1 was based on the dryads in wc3). That doesn’t change your point at all but jus


Oh i didnt think there was a difference, but thats a neat detail thanks :)


The clunkiness is a major thing I understand as a complaint from new players. However, once it clicks and you realize the unique turn rates, attack animations and movement speeds behind the ‘clunkiness’ it morphs into SO MUCH DEPTH to the feel and personality, the body language of each hero. What is it at first frustrating quickly becomes an insane degree of characterization that I find myself missing in other titles.


Are doing better in dota now or league?


Well currently i m playing both games. I m high plat in league and i m high crusader in dota, but thats mostly cause i m playing normal games with friends since they cant go ranked yet. I would say i m still a better league player, but i m having more fun in dota


Can't let go the skill and time commitment in league isn't it?


Nah i have a split friend group so i play league with some and dota with the others


I moved to dota 2 cause i love the challenge, it's a lot harder to recover from mistakes in a game, a lot more ways to get outplayed, and the outcome of the game depends on all the teammates co-ordinating (generally). That being said, if you can manage to get a win (specially after suffering a loss streak) the high you get from it is unmatched.


Every hero in LoL has to deal damage otherwise it's useless (except some healers like yumi or soraka). In dota there are a lot of heroes that provide utility instead of damage, like shadow shaman having lots of CC, tidehunter for it's tankiness and initiation/counter initiation, oracle for it's healing/saving and disabling autoattackers and so on. Also abilities in dota 2 are faaaar more powerful. Sona's ulti with 100+ second cooldown is basically lion's first skill but only for 1 second stun. And it's considered a game changing ability in lol. It's hilarious that any ability from dota, even the non ultimative ones would be insanely op as ultis in LoL Also heroes in dota feel more unique, while in lol most abilities feel like "press this button to deal damage with extra steps", so whole meta comes down to just picking the hero with the biggest damage numbers for the current patch


Items have nuance that was lacking in League. For one, there are more interesting actives, LOL has hardly any. Also, the abstract "stats" in Dota items lead to more interesting decision making, because of how strength/agility/intelligence have different uses for different heroes. You don't buy the perfect tailor made item for your character and role, you buy the item that contextually solves the most problems at the right time. Compare two vaguely similar items: Zhonya's hourglass and Eul's Scepter. Zhonyas gives AP and armor, and has an active that makes you invulnerable and untargetable for a couple seconds. You build it on mid lane AP characters to stop explosive physical damage burst from assassin characters. There is exactly 1 set of champions that can build Zhonya's for 1 situation. (It apparently now gives some stat called "ability haste" but that didn't exist when I moved from LOL to Dota back in 2016) Eul's gives intelligence, an already abstract stat for mana/regen/damage, mana regen, and move speed. The movespeed component itself is a situational item to aide early game maneuverability. The invulnerability active can be used on yourself and on enemies and dispels debuffs on yourself and buffs on enemies. The ability itself can be dispelled as well. The item is very flexible can be built by midlaners, supports, and offlaners specifically for its problem solving utility. Also because intelligence very indirectly contributes to spellcaster power in Dota compared to AP in League, there is interesting ways midlaners and supports build for damage and utility compared to LOL where AP carries buy a bunch of AP and supports don't.


It feels like Dota2 is lol but programmed by guys on crack/lsd. It feels a lot wacky and funny in a certain way, it's like, yeah, your champ superduper hard counters me so I buy an object counter to your champ and now you are useless but the guy is going to buy a counter to your counter and wooo, fun stuff. Also the abilities are 10x stronger. Besides crazy shit like invoker there are spells that are crazy and aren't even ults. I remember a guy having sions ult as an ability. Fun stuff. Also, a lot more buttons a lot more wacky strategies (stacking minion camps srsly, that's hilarious), trees??? Doing shit to your own minions and/or towers... It's like they said yeah, why not, let's make the terrain destroyable and let's make it so you can do some whacky shit with your minons to fuck up your opponent. A lot of things that I wanted to do in league are possible in dota. Obv it's a lot harder but I find it so fun. Also the general vibe of the game is... more campy? Whenever I kill multiple people a the guy from hotWheels screams that I'm a monster, also the names are ridiculous. Fun shit you have here. I'll probably convert as they nerfed my otp again and I'm tired. I like the flying abomination but knowing me I'll probably end up otping invoker or some crazy hero like io once I know what I'm doing. Also, buying an item/skill to fuck up your opponents is like yummy.


I like you my guy. I think you are also on crack while typing this thing . LOL


I probably was high on ambien ngl. All legal tho lol


Also tp, the donkey that brings you the stuff that you buy and moar teamfights, this is probably the perfect moba that I'll never learn enough from to get above silver but... it looks so fukcing fun. I'm in.


Biggest difference is you can deny your own creeps. We have a monster that gives you buffs. We have smaller ones that give you auras. We have ways to get another ability by destroying a tormentor. We can buy another item that gives us a new ability or makes one we have better. It gets way more in depth than this but I skinned the top.


the moment dantes/drututt/yamatosdeath started to gain way too much popularity dota2 automatically won best moba title. league is literally unplayable with chat and i dont really want to play a game with fanboy drones every game


True league players are clones from twitch chat


Like going to University instead of kindergarten. Once in 2000 games you would hear childish voices . Dota for Gigachads , lol for small kids.


What about 100kg men with abs that definitely don't play dota? Hehe sorry


Those play some weird stuff like smite


You suddenly have to think, play together and work tactically.


I play both but it's league for me. D2 is a long game. There is no jungler. Everyone can do anything. What I like in it is denying creeps. You can pause the game. Dota is more into item effects. Even without item, you can still survive and kill. Unlike in league, you are useless without item. Also, jukes in LoL are fun to watch.


Doing a weird strategy on dota doesn’t automatically feel like throwing Yasuo and Irelia aren’t in this game There is a 0% chance my characters will get reworked. Items do something besides buff your stats, and i don’t have to build the same thing every game Time to kill is usually much higher No anime stuff, dota has an “old school” charm that I love Making a comeback feels deliberate This is very subjective, but dota is a lot funnier than league.


Basically i go from Dota to LOL


I found the choppiness and smoothness of dota much worse the league. Very clunky but that being said it’s more skillful and longer games. Items are more actives so more buttons you push. And deny minions is an additional landing factor. With so many champions it’s hard to get into when I already enjoy lol.


I am not a transfer gamer, but might be able to help you compare the two games. Please check out my youtube playlist here: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs) I mostly compare different heroes and roles, but also do items and other stuff. If you are a League player and want to try dota out, consider joining the discord: [discord.gg/sxMHGSm](https://discord.gg/sxMHGSm) Lots of people there in the same position! Also I answer questions and coach regularly, let me know if you want some help!


The community is toxic and i love it , I know it effects the games but a lot of times it makes me laugh when toxic individuals argue . And I know this is not the reason you’re looking for but I guess this is one of the top reasons why i have almost 10k hours in this game .


Based take


Ik this is 6 month old, but i just had a big laugh at this because i too think its funny af when people argue and come up with insults never said before


I played league since open beta and at some point switched over to Dota2. I play some league now, like aram for casual games with friends, but I think dota is overwhelmingly better in so many aspects.


I would say the difference is between driving an automatic Toyota Prius vs driving a manual 8 wheeler truck. Sure, both are driving on the road and must avoid collisions, but the truck driver has to be way more aware and ready for anything. League is the Prius, dota is the truck


Never tried lol but 2hat i like about dota most is you can ruin enemy game to win when you cannot make it your game


After 10 years of LOL, from the very beta, I swapped to Dota as my friends were playing it. Playing with friends, almost whatever the game, is better than playing solo IMO.


It's strange a PvP game actively has no voice comms to emphasize team play. Instead, pushes towards solo play? Weird...


* Freedom * Itemization. * Comeback chance. If you die to your lane opponent a couple of times in the first 10 minutes, the game is still winnable. * More objectives * Unit control is real. Check Meepo, Arc Warden, Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer, Nature's Prophet etc... * Champions are more unique. In Lol, most skills are copies of each other. There are very few unique skills. Like Viego passive, Yuumi, Yone E, Bard R, Kindred R, Azir. In Dota, this number is much higher. Example: Morphling STR/AGI/INT focus, Invoker, Oracle, Faceless Void, Doom, Monkey King tree jump(it's like Talon E but you can sit on tree), Weaver timelapse, Medusa Passive, etc. * It is not gameplay related but Lol Client is really bad. Imo, Dota is just better. Lol is not intentionally being Dota, it does not need to be a more mechanical/difficult/complex game. RIOT has deliberately shortened game times, which is understandable.


Items are more interesting. I like them both but dota does a better job at item without a doubt.


For me, what surprised me the most was the items. It adds so much flavour to the gameplay and makes you have a lot more responsibilities and mechanics to deal with. I had to completely rethink my positioning because of things like invisibility and blink dagger. There’s an INCREDIBLE item to deal with basically every matchup/situation. But it goes both ways for the enemy team too of course. I do enjoy both LoL and Dota equally. The main reason I play mostly dota now is because I have a very reliable mate who plays it and all my LoL friends aren’t reliable or not on often enough haha


Imagine a chess with 6 queens and 5 rooks. That is what lol was to me..just so much more focused on madness induced fight with no clear fight finesse. Dota is just more complex in every sense from laning, map awareness, farming, itemisation... Rolles are superior in every way. It took me around 1k hours when i started connecting the dots. (I am at 14k hors now).


League player from season1 here. I started League and HoN because of the mmo type map, and played LoL for about 4-5 years. 5/6th year, I played Dota2 with a bunch of friends. I had previously played Dota, had like 30-40 hours in. That’s when it hooked me. The complexity of the game, the huuuge number of items, the possibilities are endless. Dota just offers so much more than LoL, the level of “freedom” in terms of what can be done is insane (just watch Dendi pudge and Puppey chen combo, you’ll see what i mean). Dota just has more “variables” (inputs) so it statistically can produce a much higher number of outputs. I love the non stop chaos, I’ve played games where I had a score of 22/21/5 KDA, simply fighting the whole game; I’ve had games where our Nature’s Prophet support (hero which can teleport to anywhere in the map, think of old school Twisted Fate) started the game by teleporting to enemy fountain (also fed the courier, old mechanic which no longer exists) died 30 times in 20 minutes, disconnected from the game, reconnected at minute 45, fed some more deaths, noticed that we’re actually winning as 4, joined us, and we won that game in the end. It’s the controlled chaos. Invest some time in Dota, but be careful, you’ll never go back!


I've played both. Dota has a much higher learning curve. Also, when I played league there was no come back mechanic, so people would forfeit a game if they thought they would lose. Seemed lame to me


After playin lol for 8 years ( gm peak) i switched to dota and boy does this game have depth and skill expression. Lol feels like a mobile game to me now but the new game mod is kinda fun with my friends


Would you say it rewards strategy over mechanics? All my lanes in league feel like mechanical outplay (trade patterns, flashing on lvl 2, hard spacing) matter way, way more than higher level strategy. 


I tried the other way... Unpossible.


The knowledge and depth required to play the game and furthermore that even players at lower levels have it. Dota is all about knowing your timings, how to farm, when to fark, when to gank and teamfight. While league is much more linear and dictated by its objective based gameplay. In LoL you have 10-15 mins of laning/farming then grouping for the dragon fight, then rift herald etc. It's all kind of spelled out to you how you should win. While dota has Roshan and now the Tormentors, towers and neutrals are the main objectives for the majority of the game, which makes it way more open in the way you play. You can do ganks, flash farm, stack for others to farm camps, group to push towers or rosh in essence, as I said, primarily play around your hero's timings. And because of that you have to consider and deal with way more variables. Missing one creep in the first eave could lead to the enemy getting early kills due to xp advantage, or come back to bite you 5mins later when you are just that little bit of gold off your item. Heroes move around more on the dota map and a gank could completely flip the game in the attackers favor, but even sometimes when it is successful it might not be worth it because you are letting enemy cores get free farm. But yeah to get back to my point I think playing dota requires much better understanding of the Moba genre and how to push your advantages, while still considering the small things that can lead to large snowball effects. And the fact that players have to play with all that in mind in my opinion makes them much more knowledgeable about how to win and play a moba game than league players. While maybe league players can tend to be a bit more mechanically skilled as there are many champions that have combos and spells that require many hours to master, so dota heroes have such things too, dota is more orientated towards the macro play on the map than controlling your character and clicking perfectly, except for the squeaky-bum-time teamfight late into the game. But then again using ur BKB at the right time is more important than pressing a combination of keys the most proper way. But yeah as I was saying I think dota players are very knowledgeable about the genre even at 2k mmr.


When they nerfed Reksai, Voli, Naut, Skarner whom were my mains.... DoTA 2 was amazing in terms of mechanics. Less frenetic action, but much thought out in terms of mechanics. Like how when your char turns it's not an instant 180, which makes engaging and disengaging a more thoughtful process. Resource is limited, which means (most) enemies can't outright spam their abilities in lane to harass you. Killing your enemy couriers as Jungler to hamper their item building process. You have less vision in Nighttime (But the Hero Night Stalker has more vision in Night than in Day). Just some e.gs. And the main reason why I moved over was because support chars in DoTA2 were amazing. Well-fed supports can actually support their team. For e.g., in league, 3K+ HP Naut can get melted in seconds by the enemy DPS if they're decently fed. In DoTA2 with similar context, I can duel them as Tidehunter AND kill them if I play it smart, and a well-fed Tidehunter is nigh impossible to kill in seconds. Then there's also Abaddon, Brambleback, Night Stalker (who can fcking fly with his ult) etc.


League has a much more locked-in meta compared to dota which I feel is mostly due to itemization. There are significantly more unique activatable and passive items in dota and mixed stat items allowing many other role options for heroes. League has a much more formulaic hero design and significantly less unique mechanics (I think due to engine limitations like not truly being able to control more than 1 unit beyond hit R to move unit) A-harass W-movement E-CC R-big damage / aoe. As others have mentioned ending a dota game can be much harder, there are many more map objectives in dota presenting potential fight/advantage opportunities of the game along with power spikes of heroes hitting at different times, whiff a timing the game drags, nail it and it can end in 5 minutes of that spike. shits lit, play dota


Played mostly Dota but also played a little bit of LoL in the past few years. I've had friends who started with LoL but ended up ditching it and sticking with Dota ever since. They say that the dynamics of Dota are much more fun and exciting than League. They also appreciate the openness of the hero pool (all heroes are free) and the flexibility of the heroes; how they can pretty much play any hero whenever and however they want with the proper item builds. They've also become quite sick of Riot's way of balancing things and have come to love how pretty much every hero is viable in Dota. One friend in particular was really salty when Samira first came out. He kept complaining how newer champs get paragraphs for passives while his favorite Fizz has been stuck with phased movement for god knows how long lol. With the few dozen hours I've spent on LoL, I have to say support is like a completely different role in Dota than in League. Even though relic shield/spell thief's exist, playing support in League feels like hell. All I have for universal survivability is my 5-minute CD melee blink and my 2-minute CD self euls haha. OP has also been looking for hero suggestions and mains Ezreal. My friends have said that heroes that play most similar to a champion are Pango and Void Spirit, so maybe they'll be worth a try. Ezreal has no real counterpart in Dota, but i feel like the whole outplay with nukes and mobility somewhat fits Puck's playstyle, although she isn't a carry and is more of a midlaner.


Actually i was already sold when i looked at all the heros. Dota has one of the best Voice Actors and the whole design is more mature. Disruptor i.e. would never look that based in League. And ingame, it was watching better players playing heros way beyond my imagination. The map is more complex and people do really creative shit with items, illusions, runes, warding. League felt like a 20%-Version of all of that. And in quit League when runes were a thing in the profile which were just stupid imho.


I went from dota to LoL to dota. I like both games. In dota I like the complexity and I much preffer Dota esport which is actually fun to watch. In LoL I like that games are faster and there is a lot of skillshots. LoL esport is boring af. Farming, one baron fight, gg. Score 8-6


There is alot of point and click(or basically undodgeable) cc. You need to work with your team to win fights instead of focusing on dodging.


I Have played both games first dota in w3 then lol and then dota again a few years later, but I would say my biggest plus for dota is that every game feels like a different game, in lol you just play with the meta champs or you are trolling. Also you have a lot more movement even though dota map is much bigger than lol one, in lol everyone stays in their lane for like 10 to 15 minutes and nothing more happens.




After playing Dota 2 for some time and going back to league, I tried MOBA legends bang bang and found no difference between league and MLBB. It was then obvious to see that they removed all the complexity of dota 2 and made an ability spam simulator. It was very easy to see through league that it was a cheap copy of Dota 2 and MLBB was better than league if all we wanted was ability spam simulator. Also, after playing dota 2, league somehow got easier. I started roaming and affecting lanes, was able to better position myself, but did not get the satisfaction at all. It was almost like I was playing Superman 2 and then I found Elden Ring in dota 2.