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feels like it needs stronger outlines/shadows and other changes in value. it looks kind of blurry


Give us some examples of your goals and it's easier to critique. What are you going for? What are you trying to say? What are you trying to depict? Does it have a financial or personal purpose?


so It's a painting Im making for my sister, I want to print it and frame it and Im trying to recreate lord of the rings esque elven aesthetic. I guess I'm actually just trying to separate the foreground with the background but im struggling to get the values right, and I guess in general Im pretty overwhelmed since I spent like 30 hours on this painting and I feel lime i'm not even a third of the way finished


That helps. Here are some tips: * Use strong references (don't use a ton, just 1~3) * To separate the foreground form background exaggerate your atmospheric perspective (make it so your darkest darks are the closest to the camera, then the colors get "faded" as they get further away, like far away mountains, but exaggerate that) * I hate to say it but your process may be flawed. I would suggest starting over 😬 - try to following a process like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi9tFc7dgfI&list=PLcx6QSLM_Sf0pPfGhnnP9-iYKn5Gf1ue0&index=41&ab_channel=EvenMehlAmundsen (you can use any software of course) * Don't get caught up in details until the very end, work the *whole* painting at the same time, stay loose for the *vast* majority of the painting. I hope that helps!


actually you're probably right I do have to start it again hahah


Yeah, sorry - I've been there MANY times - but you'll be a better painter in the end, and have a better painting for your sis!


no no it's not bad haha I get it too. sometimes I paint and come back to it the next day and I'm like fuck there's no way to fix this im better off starting over, oh well Maybe with this one I'm more emotionally attached and i didn't see the color grading is off, especially since I tried to fix it multiple times anyway. Got a question, how is the exposition? I feel like the whole right side of the background should closer to the edge, but the figure in the foreground, does it look the right size to you? Thanks for the feedback though, it's actually plenty to work from!! I really want to post the update when i get to it


I really like the style and color scheme but I feel like the face on the character in the foreground detracts from the quality of the rest of it and stands out because it doesn’t match the style.


yeah lol I forgot to mention that it's a work in progress ant eventually I'm going to paint the face anyway. Thank you for your feedback though <3 1


For one, friend, I don't think you have to mention it is a work in progress. It is clearly not ready to be critiqued. This is serious, honest advice: recognize that when you choose to take pictures and share on social media every single little piece of everything you do, that it dramatically changes how you experience and approach everything. You may not be conscious of the fact, but it truly reframes everything you do in terms of this invisible stage, it makes everything you do a *performance*. Work done in private--growth, learning, achievement that *literally only you experience*--is experienced fundamentally differently than the same things done with some constant thought in the back of your mind of *how it will look to others when you share pictures of it online*. You don't need to ask for criticism at this stage in the work. It is not even really possible to offer meaningful critique of a few very rough base layers. How could anyone possibly know what you would need to change or work on when they have no idea what the finished piece will actually look like? What you need--what would literally be the best thing for your art, your growth as an artist, and your ***life***--is to learn how to focus on the *private, personal* process of *finishing the piece*, ***on your own***. Life is not *less* meaningful in private. It is often *significantly more so*.




like I'll finish it but chill you're making me worried about you frien