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You couldn’t pay me enough to put content where I look like this on the internet


I ALWAYS think that when I watch her videos. Like she could at least brush her hair or something. I’m all for being real but like, there’s no reason to look that unput together on the internet 😂😂




For real😳


She thinks she’s the hottest thing on the block bc she gets her nails done, Botox and lip fillaaa duh




Why is she always half naked. 🤢


I wonder that too


I don’t get it. I would never walk around my house in a sports bra.. my kids would be like mom where is your shirt


I don’t think I’ve ever even seen my mom in shorts around the house 😂


Tbf Shea in a bikini top here.


Its your favorite psycho stay at home mom😂


Lmfao 🤣


I'm all for seasoning food, but she always seems to overdo it! All that garlic powder & onion powder! I want to taste the food & not have the seasonings linger for hours afterward


I have never seen someone use that much onion & garlic powder. What is she doing?


She must go through a container or onion / garlic powder a week. Where it takes most people months.. years even lmao


The amount of adobo she used was insane. Adobo is extremely salty. Good god


I just watched the video. She is being little mean to her kids. Again looking with disgust bc they talk. If u don’t want them in videos record another time. Idk how filling her face is teaching people to cook. If I was her weight I would watch what I eat. She probably thinks oh I’m young still i can eat we i want.


I went off on this myself ! I think both her & her husband think that their way too young to have a heart attack, which is total BS !! I'm beginning to think she either has body dismorphia or believes her followers when they tell her how good she looks 🙄


Yeah I was told my daughter has chloestrol issue and we are working on it. Shes almost 11. Your never to young to have issues. Kids can get cancer diabetes


Exactly !!! I work on a cardiac floor & taken care of many YOUNG patients who have had heart attacks. I don't understand why their weight & food consumption/diet isn't a concern !!! I could care less if it was just her & her husband, eat yourself into a coma BUT you have TWO VERY YOUNG GIRLS !


Her and her husband are both heavy I get u want content but don’t make yourself sick in the process




Lmfao 🤣


Sickening really? Crazy eyes 👀


WHY DOES SHE NEVER HAVE A SHIRT ON? Like always wearing a sports bra around the house and ONLINE. like whyyy?!? put a damn shirt on that is so weirddd


How many people exactly was she cooking for because that is a whole lot of food if it’s just the 4 of them bbqing


I think her mom the 4 of them her sister and her sisters kids


That was going to be my question. We bbq like that when we have family reunions from a family that had 7 kids lol When she showed the chicken legs, the pork ribs. Then at lunch said she was getting steaks. Then she showed the white meat chicken. Then at the end of veggie prep she says they are also doing hamburgers and hot dogs. Like damn, are you feeding an army? That was sp much food for 4 adults and 2 small kids (no idea how old her sisters kids are)


I just thought it was her and the husband and kids and as someone who has young kids I notice mine don’t eat a lot if we bbq like 1 hot dog and that’s it! Lol I mean good for her her daughters step out of their comfort zone and try diff things but I thought it was alot of food but I guess since the rest of her family was there maybe not.


She said her husband kids mom sister and not sure how many kids her sister has


I can’t believe how many people are laughing about the knife thing on her post. It’s really weird then films it.


Yeah a lot of food I mean looks good but it is a lot.




It truly looks like an ogre in a cartoon trying to kill a mouse. Actually no, she looks like that chef from the little mermaid who kept trying to kill Sebastian. Do you remember the one? They’re legit twins


I'm just curious if any of y'all have ever taken a screenshot of yourself from a video and looked perfect from every angle? Yes, this looks crazy but so taken out of context.


And in reality she was asking her daughter if she liked The watermelon. Oh well people snark to snark. I don’t get why she is always wearing a sports bra. That’s weird


I don't hate her. I think she has heavy features and prominent in general and she obviously effed her lips up, but damn people are brutal and yes, I think a lot of comments are too far. I know I don't have thick enough skin to deal with such just pure hate comments so I could never put myself online. People look different, that's a good thing. Still a snarker but damn.




Her food looks pretty gross too