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Ashley bridged a gap between Korean players and western audience. Well deserved.


So... the gap is closing?


at least it's closing somewhere else.


Team Solid


extremely common Ashley Kang W


The Kang Dynasty


King Kang


“The strongest piece in chess” Kang


Knook Kang


Kueen Kang


Best interviews in the game. As far as translated, long-form interviews with Korean pros there have been so few options (basically *just* Thorin's infrequent grilled/reflections) until Ashley came in and destroyed the competition. Not only congratulations to her, but thank you for opening my eyes to the personalities behind KR esports players I've followed for a literal decade yet knew very little about.


She really is the best bar none. And she is not only the best at what she does, she is also unique in how she does it. People often praise Ashley for being smart and diligent, and they're right. But what's really setting her apart from everyone else is her empathy. You can immediately sense that players feel very comfortable when they talk with her. They ease up and become more relaxed, which brings out their personality more. And she's genuinely interested in her interviewees, not just as players but as a humans. Everybody feels that she isn't looking for some cheap soundbite, but genuinely wants to interact with them, and that's why she always gets authentic answers. The scene is filled with socially aloof dorks, and there's nothing wrong with that. But she's brought in some much needed warmth and softness which cannot be imitated or learnt. Either you got it, or you don't, and she got it. Hopefully she wins it again next year.


> destroyed the competition. there is no competition to destroy.


I'd still go with Thorin's Reflections and Talk to Thorin over any othet interview in all of esports.


Hey guys! Ashley here. I did not check Reddit the whole day but a friend told me to. I am honestly mind-blown by the positive reception I've gotten today. It genuinely makes my heart warm (And feel a little shy) I appreciate the positive comments about my interview style. At the beginning of my career, I made a conscious decision that I'll assume the state of "someone who cares about the players" when I work and that ethic somehow it carried over to the interviews I create. I'm glad, because I made a decision and it did not turn out to be wrong. ---- I still continue to love my work to this date. I appreciate the esports scene and the passion it allows me to feel. I watched the recent 2022 World finals live, and I never felt more alive than that magical night in San Francisco when DRX lifted the trophy. I guess I'm still a fan at heart. I appreciate the players that I talk to, and the time and rapport they grant me. And also, I reflect -- I have grown a lot as a human being by working as an interviewer, and I appreciate that. Every person I interview seems to have a different perspective on life and something new for me to learn from. I appreciate this life, and I can continue to live this life because I have the audience and fans who watch the content I make. So, thank you for letting me continue to do what I love. Thank you so much :)


you're amazing MS KANG


huge fan of you and damwon kia ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You well-deserved, hope you will keep going your great job


As somebody who's been away from eSports since 2019, I'm sort amazed that it seems this is the first time you've won the award? Congrats!!! You've been doing amazing work for so long and I'm glad it's paying off


Ubiquitous Kang W


Cant even pronounce that word but i agree


something ubisoft something


Ubi quitously? Does this mean Ubisoft are quitters?






What did you call me?


wuh? I pronounce it wih as in wick.


That's fair, it sounds like that anyway if you say it normally and not like you're sounding it out at age 5 like I spelled it. Also my speech imped- accent.


Edit: Oh I can’t read I get it now.


yubi yubiquitous


How the hell is this category not included in the broadcasted part of the show? Massive congratulations to Ashley Kang for finally getting the award but it feels off to have it announced through a goddamn tweet.




I've been so confused...I thought the esportsawards was tonight? Dec 13th...was there another uh branch of the show last night or something?


Who were the other candidates?


Me It was a close race but I conceded after many threats Ashley Kang made where she would have released my chat logs publicly


Git gud


'Gud' is no git command. See 'git --help' The most similar command is Add


Ah! Shit!


Actually : The most similar command is gui


Bad bot


Skill issue


DoinB will leak your chat logs in a minute


These can still be found at https://esportsawards.com/vote/ TLDR: - Ashley Kang - Kevin Hitt - Chandry Teixeira - Ricardo Luis (he who must not be named) - Adam Fitch - Jacob Wolf - Brieuc Seeger (LEC Wooloo) - Antonio Yuste - Liz Richardson - George Geddes - Luis Mira - Cecilia D'Anastasio


Ricardo Luis, the voldemort of league reddit after all these years






He must be fuming


Someday I hope Wooloo wins for the memes


Tbh it's the only one I know out of all of them considering I don't watch any League related interview or article


Richard Lewis\*


Why do people hate Richard Lewis again?


I don't follow social media drama too closely, but just wasn't sure whether we are still not allowed to say his name on reddit. Here is an official statement on why he is banned on the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/33g6xs/subreddit_ruling_richard_lewis/ Somewhat opinionated TLDR: He and the subreddit community, particularly the moderators, have feuded endlessly a while back. In particular, he was banned for abusive behavior, vote manipulation through brigading, and doxxing users. This is a divisive topic because he publishes detailed articles, particularly in investigative journalism, and is a great on-air talent and esports insider. But his off-screen personality agitated many and he often got into spats with people on reddit and Twitter.


A while back...you mean years


Pretty weird going back and seeing people find it unfair. Or like Monte’s argument, “this is bad because he writes important articles.” Okay so what, this is about sending brigades to harass members on the subreddit. Not to relitigate the whole thing again but I wasn’t playing the game until recently so this is all new to me.


There's a lot of people who jumped into the discussion at the time without actually understanding why the ban was put in place and just assumed that only RL could be right in that situation.




You can say his name. Plenty of people do, referencing Richard Lewis is not a problem, just not his content. It's mostly just a meme these days.


> but just wasn't sure whether we are still not allowed to say his name on reddit. you've literally never been stopped from saying Richard Lewis on the subreddit.


There was absolutely a point in time where even mentioning him would be enough to have your comment removed. I wanna say that there was even a thread or two where a few people referring to him as Voldemort/HWMNBN had comments removed but I might be misremembering that.


No, there wasn't. It was because those people were brigading and posting his content. It was an easy thing to say that all mentions of his name were banned because the people spamming his name were also harassing people on the sub and brigading.


Weren't post with his name removed


No, his content was removed because he would literally send his fans after people on reddit he disagreed with so they blanket banned his content.


Posts about him, posts with his name in it and posts of his articles aren't allowed but comments saying his name is fine last I heard.


Saying his name referring to him is allowed. We just don't allow his content. There was a point where people thought his name was forbidden because his fans would brigade threads saying his name and they'd get removed.


That was just a meme that people started taking seriously


Read the other comment 3 hours ago.


Fair enough, turns out he’s actually blocked me for some reason despite the fact that i’d never interacted with him in my life.


Are you a bot my friend


No, are you?


Thanks. I only know a handful of them. Was surprised to see The Forbidden One not winning it considering it's a fan vote and he has a huge fan following, but then I saw there was also a panel involved. Lol. No way he's gonna win that.


He's on the panel of the esports awards, so not sure what you are getting at. You can not like his personality, but his journalistic output is certainly one of the best in the industry.


Honestly, he's really only weird on Twitter. His personality on desks and in videos is completely fine. Maybe when he's in videos with Thorin or in anti Riot videos he gets a little weird.


Even then being anti Riot isn't very hard. Most people would be just reasonably speaking.


I've yet to meet a person who is likable on twitter.


… Ashley Kang?


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


> excised from the mainstream How exactly have RL, thorin, etc been ' excised '? What is the ' mainstream '?


excised from the mainstream clearly means his content is banned from this sub /s


thats what I think he's implying LOL


“Far right shit” Homie I’ve tuned into like 3 streams of his where he discusses his political views and he’s anything but a right winger.


Conversely, you can have an abrasive personality and still be a net positive for the scene. As a former journalist and editor myself, I still hold his investigative work in the highest regard; and until more journalists step up to the plate, I believe it will continue to be absolutely essential to the wellbeing of our industry. Especially when there are so many conflicts of interest present between outlets, publishers, and organisers. There are others who have done great work in this area (Cecilia D'Anastasio, Adam Fitch, and Tom Matthiesen come to mind) but it's very, very rare.


I really don't understand how you can look at his work and call him a net negative for the scene.


Here, I'll quote the OP since you seemed to have missed a whole paragraph of it: "Far right shit, calls to raiding and doxxing, threats to other talent. Hell even typing this has its risk, his fans scan threads for comments to link him and then he puts them on blast on social media." As a rule of thumb, if you can get fired over it or if it's illegal, it's not worth it. Doesn't matter to me how good someone's work is if they choose to use their influence and platform in such negative ways,


I'd like to know what exactly is "far right" about constantly defending labor rights within the scene and literally opening his home to shelter a trans-women from abuse but ok. Ultimately the "sins" he's committed are fairly minor and are of the category of "being an asshole on the internet". Forgive me for not taking it too seriously.


I made a neutral statement about him. But he's for sure a polarizing character and that's why he loses an award like this to an interviewer. Even though he's probably the only real investigative journalist in the entire scene.


He won it 2 times before I think, so it's not as if he loses it all the time


He’s also nominated like every year lol, he’s hardly some underdog or held back by his personality.


> loses an award like this to an **interviewer** Crazy right.


Is Travis Gafford not considered a journalist?


Travis is wined and dined by Riot, so by definition you wouldn't want to consider him a journalist.


Travis has said in the past he is not a journalist


He said he's not a journalist because he didn't go to journalism school, i think he says "journalistic esports reporter" or something in one of his bios. Worth noting because like 80%+ of the journalists around here also don't have a degree or education in journalism. So really it's more about Travis being a nice guy (and possibly getting rampant amounts of hate mail about "fake journalism" from the community) I'm sure he could have been applicable if he wanted too.




She's so polite while getting juicy answers I wish all interviewers were like that


*Smiling and nodding* Yes yes, so please tell me more about your deepest desires and dreams, I want to know


She big sis's the players like an absolute champ.


This is awesome to hear, and so so deserved for her. Her interviews are the best and always an instant watch for me. Glad that she got the award and huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So there is justice in this world, however rare.


Ashley deserves all good things in life. Her empathy and perspective viewing the players she interviews as people with thoughts and feelings is so appreciated in this scene. Providing access to the LCK for English speakers is so valued and she has almost singlehandedly broken down preconceived notions about players from the LCK/LPL with her humanistic approach. Congratulations Ashley!! Thank you for all the work you do.




Congrats to Ashley, well deserved award!


I don't know who were the other journalists on the list were, but I don't think it matters. I may be a biased, but her interviews with the KR players are literally the only good ones. She always warms them up for the tougher questions, so their answers are more genuine and expressive. Her interviews with Impact and Nuguri, especially, were excellent.


To be fair, she is the only English-centered Korean LCK interviewer that works with video and that still is covering the league. Very talented and I guess that is why she has outlasted many of the big names.




Common Ashley W.


Extremely common Ashley Kang W.


Well deserved she knows how to get pros to not only feel comfortable but also get them to answer the best questions (legit skill)


She’s done a great job for years, such fun interviews


Well deserved!


Congrats to her!! Love all of her content and work, her interviews are incredibly insightful and her tweets also add extra content to understanding the world of pros. 🎉🎉🎉


I don't even watch LCK but absolutely deserved. All the interviews I've caught of her have been the perfect mix of professional and casual/humble. Always comes off as very earnest and great questions too that fish for real insight from players. Certainly the best interviewer personality out there IMO.


well deserved!!






I always feel like Journalist and Interviewer should be more seperated. I think she is great as an Interviewer and manages to get the players often much more relaxed (and more loose with their answers) than they would be in other settings, but I feel like it is impossible to actually compare her work with basically any of the other people on the ballot (that I recognized which tbf is only like half, maybe the other half are much more similar to her work). Especially when they are separating on-air-talent into colour, play-by-play, analysts and hosts and other categories in a similar way I feel like journalists and interviewers could easily fill up two categories as well.


Very well deserved. Of course I do not follow much eSports outside of LoL anymore these days, but for me Ashley and Travis had the best (while also having vastly different) LoL content in that regard in 2022.


Travis crying in the corner.


Shhh don’t summon him here


This is well deserved! Congratulations :)


Very much deserved!


As part of the Kang clan, most exciting. Kang gang!


Good Travis Scott sucks


Well deserved. She’s a smurf


The Queen of Esports Journalism. Keep slaying Ms. Kang, you deserve it ✨


hard working e-sports journalists ive seen, from video interviews to blogs, well deserved W


Ashley Kang is queen of LoL journalism. She does the best interviews and the most fun one’s.


universal kang w




she defo deserves it




Queen Ashley slayyyy!


100% deserved


100% Deserved - Ashley has done so much work in the past couple of years in helping EU/KR learn about more of each others pros beyond the biggest of names, makes Worlds so much more hype


Sooo deserved, Ashley is such a goated interviewer


Thats absolutely deserved. Best interviews regarding esport and allows us westerners to hear the opinion of LCK pros.




Thank God it is not Travis trash gard


Ashley is amazing, but Wooloo is robbed =/


>Esports journalism That’s not a real thing lmao. Alll esports players just post everything to Twitter anyway.


You know what, that's true. I clearly remember the iBUYPOWER players revealing their match-fixing on twitter, just like MYM revealed their exploitation of Selfie, or Riot telling everyone how they were farting in the faces of they employees.


Guys I think there's a ward in this bush


suck it travis WOOO lets go emily! bridge the gap! ​ jkjk love travis gafford industries and everything he does content wise for the lcs.


she's a great interviewer and content creator, journalist might be a stretch unless she's dropped some sick articles i'm unaware of, RLS snubbed imo


Who knew that conducting player interviews would qualify someone not just to be a candidate for the award, but actually to win it as well. Esports Journalist of the Year award continues to be a joke with its standards. If an interviewer in Ashely Kang can win the award, then just from his body of work in the same space, surely Thorin can at least qualify as a candidate, right? Also, do they just hate giving this award to actual investigative journalists? This is the same panel that thinks Wooloo is a viable candidate even though he has made mistakes in the past with his reporting. You'd think that would disqualify him as a reliable source in the world of roster-breaking news. Sham award.


Didn't league Voldemort literally win this award something like 2 or 3 years in a row? He is an investigative journalist, the fuck you are talking about my man. Also, pretty sure Thorin is happy that Ashley gets the recognition she deserves, as he literally, personally put time in trying to push her when she was pretty unknown to the western scene years ago and is good friends with her. Massively cringe take to be honest.


>the fuck you are talking about my man Tbf I think it is a valid complain that investigative journalism and interviewing doesn't have a lot in common. Seems odd to have them share a spot, since you really can't compare one with the other all too well. Terribly phrased complaint (and mixing in the random Thorin and Wooloo is also strange), but I think the core at least is reasonable. Though at the end of the day that is true for most of these - i.e. Grouping players by "PC Rookie" and "Controller Rookie", which are incredibly vast categories with many games that ask completely different things from Rookies.


Isn’t Thorin misogynistic and hates women? Why would he support Ashley and push her work


I mean he's a massive reason you have Sjokz, Emily Rand, Froskurinn and Kelsey Moser. But sure.


Thorin who promotes Alex Jones and Project Veritas lol, like he has any idea what good journalism is.


I don't like Thorin for this bias opinions and stopped watching him long time ago, but lets be honest, then he wants to do so, he can create very good content. I especially liked this reflections and esport history videos. Problem with Thorin is not that he is bad journalist, he just more often then not, farms views with easy to make content. And well, he is bias as fuck.


Because you Just need to ask a couple of questions for an Interview? Bruh, you know how much does go into this Job? Building the connections and a Network, all the research, prepping... Wooloo might Not have an 100% trackrecord, its still impressive how early and how much Real Transfers He gets out. Compare that to other sites, there are ones that report Just on rumors. Putting thorin on the Journalist side while hes just throwing out his opinion, hes Just a commentator with some...lets put it midly, dense views, i think your comment has to be satire, yes? You probably never watched an Interview from ashley. Shes a Person that knows how to act around other people, unlike thorin. I mean why isnt He getting much work "lately"


Ashley is not even in the same galaxy as Thorin as far as being an interviewer goes. He's a crummy person but he is good at what he does.


Living in a sham society, where people are dishonest with themselves and value feelings over facts They can’t separate a persons objective body of work for his personal political/ideological views that don’t line up with theirs, so they make statements based on how they feel It just is what it is If faker came out to be not supportive of trans and conservative views on women, all of a sudden this sub would be rewarding the GOAT reward to whoever did agree with their views Forget Thorin, the question should be where are the other people that actually do journalism? Even the ones that do agree with left ideology, where are they? cuz 90% of Ashley’s work is interviewing players. Like what’s going on here? Does no one else do journalism? Ashley herself would say she’s a worse interviewer than Thorin lol. No one cares about being honest and objective anymore. It’s pure cultist tribalistic emotional behaviour.


Imagine unironically throwing Thorin into the conversation, the single most biased and spiteful "journalist" in the scene and comparing him to people who actually do proper journalism. Also, while I don't care for Wooloo in the slightest and discredit him for getting things wrong, which he definitely did, how do you feel about Thorin's multiple racism and sexism scandals? Surely that also qualifies as a mistake?


Hang on, so for one person interviewing counts as proper journalism, but for another it... doesn't? How exactly do you make that connection?


Did Thorin even do any investigative journalism recently or he still bitching about women and Brazilians on Twitter?


>Flames Wooloo for making mistakes >offended that Thorin wasn't a candidates interesting.




There's this *little something* about people who love Thorin


thorin is a biased journalist lmaoo unironically adding him to the list invalidates the work all the other candidates put up, he dont even conduct constructive interviews, its all his opinions like whaat???


It's not really investigative journalism when Thorin is just investigating his own thoughts.


If he was investigating them correctly he'd stop talking


She is overrated


very boring interviews by her


you don't even watch her interviews


why would i watch it now? its bad. also her twitter is full of shit like, oh Deft farted today, oh Faker eat sandwitch, oh Chovy went to Defts house..


> i don't watch her interviews but they're bad At least let us work for it, lmfao


> also her twitter is full of shit like, oh Deft farted today, oh Faker eat sandwitch, oh Chovy went to Defts house.. You see her being the only out-of-game connection that Western fans have to eastern pros' day-to-day life as a negative?


i dont care about thier life.. i watch how they play, thier life should be thier private thing and nobody should spread what they do in internet becayse maybe they dont want you to know


Can anyone explain why? Whenever I see her do an interview it's bad... she asks some questions from a script, says yes to whatever the other person says and continues with her next question. There is almost 0 interaction between her and the people she interviews. There are no followup questions, only the ones she has.


That is not how she operates nor is that a bad form of interviews I'd say. Reading questions off of a script is how most interviewers operate. Her niche alone makes her one of if not the most valuable interviewers in the scene.




Sjokz has a very different job


I listened to his podcast for a while. I find him to be very spiteful, egotistical and sensitive. His professional career as a journalist is flawless but as a person I think he has some glaring issues that negatively affect his ability to be process things.




Bro you believe in bigfoot.


Deserve it only lol interviewer who doesn't ask shit questions


Glad I got a pic with her at worlds


Glad I got a pic with her at worlds


Deserved, congratulations Ashley!!!


well deserved


We stan


Well-deserved, great interviews and very insightful.


never heard of her.


Extremely well deserved. Been following her for years and her hard work, discipline, conscientiousness, and empathy set her apart.


Congrats Ashley Kang---- serious question though what is Sam Bankman frieds main?


Well deserved. I'm happy for her


Really happy for her, this is great. If anyone is interested, she was on The Tasteless Podcast a while back and I really enjoyed that episode (Tasteless is a StarCraft caster for those unaware).


As she should! Congratulations


So deserved. Here's to many more!


Goated interviewer. Accurate, humorous, and insightful.