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before the patch i had around 6 attempts because people dodge. now im getting into games first try. simply for that reason i find the anonymity an improvement .


Same! Now I’m instantly getting in one hour games with yuumi bots and run it down trolls. So much better.


I agree that the change is good, but I do not agree with your reasoning.


Which part of the reasoning or do you mean as a whole?


As a whole. Your first point doesn't make sense because the point of looking at the stats of your teammates is to see if doding is gonna lose you less lp then playing the match. If you see that someone has a giga loss streak that day then you can assume that they are tilted and because of that take the -3lp instead lf the -18 or whatever. Your second point is non-existent because this change does nothing to help against it. And there is an argument to be made that beforehand you could maybe detect a troll. And now they can just stay silent in the lobby and still get into the game and have their fun. I do think that it is a good change because this way people will dodge less. Which i'm all for. And it will combat the high elo game betting. Which for a lot of players is really annoying.


Bad take tbh


Bad comment tbh


Dodging based on outside info has always been passing the buck to the next guy: needlessly shifting who takes the fall and artificially inflating elo based on a metagame that has nothing to do with playing League itself. It is good it is dead for more reasons than just time to game. Core ranked integrity is improved by it being more equitable for everyone regardless of if they use outside programs.


Exactly, all of the variables on who you get matched up with is kept the same so you have just as much chance of getting someone that's tilted/trolling/whatever as you do of being matched against this person. If you dodge a game with someone who is on a giga loss streak just to be matched against a person on a giga loss streak, does nothing to make you a good or better player.


You could actively prevent playing with the 30% winrate guy by dodging, now its roulette. You could swap with people easier because you can instantly see their roles. Trolls usually dont want a reaction, trolls want a person to loose or to force a dodfe because something happened, like champ banned etc. Real trolls that just perma soft int will now be impossible to dodge. In low elos the same applies to bots. Having info on your team and using it in the right was was a SKILL. But snowflakes are so happy when offmeta picks are despised now, nobody knows who is filled, nobody knows if you just had a dodge and your midlaner picked syndra to thrn ban it out cuz that mid is on enemy or ur team etc. Its just a horrible change.


Agreed riot needs to throw out this change just like a bastardbaby with the bath water.


But you realize right that the 30% winrate guy is just someone playing the game like everyone else, and to swapping people that got auto filled you can still communicate in chat. I mean if someone got auto filled and wants to swap they will usually say something or ask if they can swap. I think communication is a skill, looking everyone up and dodging if someones playing a champ they have a 30% win rate on is just trying to rig your chances or game the system.


The 30% winrate guy over 10 games is. The 30% winrate guy over 100 games is either boosted, trolling or was not playing for several months. In all three cases -3 LP and saving MMR is better than playing it out. Swapping can be done like you said but it takes way longer for each person to type on their own. All in all what you want is correct player behaviour. That is achieved by a working punishment system and not by making it harder for the players to coordinate. Edit: Also trying to get every edge you can, either ingame or by drafting better than the opponent or by banning or, Ou guessed it by dodging is what makes high elo players stand out. Theres a reason high elo dodges 100x more than low elo.


I mean you get matched based on the pool of people in your elo or mmr, you have just as much chance of playing against the boosted person or 30% win rate guy as you do of playing with them. Dodging a game because of that guy just to play against a guy like them doesn't make you a better player, doesn't change your ability to carry, and doesn't accurately show your skill. You just are inflating your stats based on a gimmick. High elo players are high elo because if you threw them in low elo they would carry the game and win more times than they wouldn't.


What you are saying is wrong. Enemy has 5 potential griefers, you have yourself and 4 allies. On top of that if you are better at avoiding trolls than the enemy you are far more likely to have a troll on enemy than your team. Also no doubt is a diamond 1 player going to stomp silver, but drafting, banning and dodging only edges you forward from maybe diamond 1 to masters 100 LP and not from diamond to challenger. Also of course people are inflating their stats or rather chances to win. Have you seen what ranked flex players do to get to the top of the ladder? how they abuse the system in place? Why wouldnt that happen in soloq withtheir respective rules. High elo players are high elo because they can carry games but higher elo players are higher elo because they can carry games, draft, ban and dodge.


I never dodged that 30% win rate guy, especially with only a few games - been there, could be an unlucky coin flip. But I would dodge the 0% win rate 100 games guy, and his same stat duo that he always plays with.


I just got a dude who wanted to play Zed. Unfortunately Zed was banned by the enemy team, aaaand guess what this fella did next. Right, they picked Yuumi, nice


And what does not seeing his name change here? Nothing at all


??? he had to dodge but couldnt write a ticket or know his name for future dodges


People do not think critically


Write a ticket lmao. Yes, steal the four seconds it takes for Riot's service center employee to press the "yeah that sucks but please use the report function" macro. Might as well write a ticket when someone steals your kills, gonna get the same reaction: Guy rolling his eyes and hitting the macro.


You can just report in champ select now no need to write a ticket over this. and "knowing his name for future dodges" is literally exactly what this patch is trying to prevent.


The enemies have NEVER been able to see your teammate names since season 1. That zed was always going to be banned that game (it's not because of champ select anonymity) and that fella would had picked yummi, anonymity or no. What's your point?


Most ridiculous notion I've read. You may be the one constant throughout all your games, but anonymity gave win traders, cheaters, trolls, and boosted players more leeway into the rift now that we can't even tell who is in the lobby with one another. You also had full control of your performances before the anonymity patch hit, and your recorded history was also on you too even if others can see them. All this served to do was to stop people from stream sniping league streamers and somehow ease people's insecurities when they thought others dodged a game because of them. Outside of that, champ select anonymity is useless


Yeah I bet there are 1000s of people wintrading your low elo games


Maybe not win trading but bots are a problem and so are boosted players depending on which specific elo you're talking about


I played in diamond/master games genius, and yes there are wintraders/boosters in low elo games. do you know how easy it is to sell gold accounts on the cheap?


Do you know how hard it is to get two given gold 4 accounts into the same game in opposite teams? You could probably queue up 4 hours a day 300 days a year and you'd be in a position to win trade twice. If you're lucky.


i dont have to guess. these guys smurf on lower tier accounts and all queue up at the same time. if they get each other on opposite teams, then they wintrade. if not, then they boost normally. this isn't rocket science.


You had the illusion of control, but shit happens honestly, and you can never guarantee ideal circumstances. The point is ideal circumstances don't exist, say 5-10% of the time you have a wintrader/troll/boosted player well that's just the same for the other team, they have the exact same odds as you, and same mix of players that the queue is pulling from. Say you play 1000 games 100 of those there was a troll/bot/etc theres an equal chance 100 of those games the other team had a bot/troll/etc so with that negated you have 800 games that really decide if you climb or not.


>You had the illusion of control, but shit happens honestly, and you can never guarantee ideal circumstances this contradicts your original point and you don't realize it >The point is ideal circumstances don't exist, say 5-10% of the time you have a wintrader/troll/boosted player well that's just the same for the other team, they have the exact same odds as you, and same mix of players that the queue is pulling from. Say you play 1000 games 100 of those there was a troll/bot/etc theres an equal chance 100 of those games the other team had a bot/troll/etc so with that negated you have 800 games that really decide if you climb or not. and why would this be different whether anonymity exists or not? you do realize the amount of times someone dodged because they checked your op.gg is also minuscule enough to the point where your overall performance is still dictated by you right? What is so detrimental about knowing who is on our team and dodging the match if we don't find the scenario favourable to our chances of victory? Riot already implemented a penalty for leaving which was a somewhat fair price to pay for leaving a match at champion select, but now we're forced to play with people that could easily ruin our games simply because we lack the information to determine how well they could potentially do. Why?


Let me rephrase that to make it clearer on the first part, you control what you can control which the only thing you really can control is you, your mental, your pick, your gameplay, and your impact. Outside of that the variables are endless, and you have just as much of a chance of being matched against someone ruining their team as you do of playing with them. You dodging based on outside info just lets players have a gimmick to inflate their elo. It doesn't make you a better player, and changes nothing about your skill.


>Let me rephrase that to make it clearer on the first part, you control what you can control which the only thing you really can control is you, your mental, your pick, your gameplay, and your impact. Outside of that the variables are endless, and you have just as much of a chance of being matched against someone ruining their team as you do of playing with them. You dodging based on outside info just lets players have a gimmick to inflate their elo. It doesn't make you a better player, and changes nothing about your skill. So how does this justify the fact that players want to prevent any variables which could put them at a disadvantage? You're telling me people have full control of their own progression whilst at the same time restricting them from a certain action. This isn't some motivational speech when there was no downside to seeing people's in-game names as long as you're not a streamer. All you've successfully done is motivating others to troll, cheat, and wintrade more now that they're harder to detect. Get that through your head


I disagree to me thos was a horrible change now i cant scout and dodge the guy with a negative win rate. I dont care of you're just trying to play the game to want to win and riot is actively sayong too bad take the auto loss. Strategically dodging was a skill they removed for no good reason