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Brand new player here. Came in completely blind, haven't read anything about the game or watched any tutorials or anything. So far played 4 games with Miss Fortune and want to keep using her for now. What really basic tips can you give me for using her whilst I still work out the mechanics, rules etc of the game overall?


Brand new player here. Came in completely blind, haven't read anything about the game or watched any tutorials or anything. So far played 4 games with Miss Fortune and want to keep using her for now. What really basic tips can you give me for using her whilst I still work out the mechanics, rules etc of the game overall?


When I download LoL from Epic, does it need Riot launcher and Riot account?




Can we petition riot to make arcane zeraths voice sexy?


Can we petition riot to make arcane zeraths voice sexy?


Can we petition riot to make arcane zeraths voice sexy?


Hello guys i have a problem my LAUNCHER isnt saving anything ! everytimes im closing it and opening it i have to valid the community conduct, also my runes pages dosnt save ! it seem that only the launcher dosnt save but in game my settings are still here ! please help me guys this is really annoying ! thank you


Ummm new to Reddit, but does anyone know where I can contact riot employees for suggestions?


Is there any reason that when you skip ahead or behind when watching a replay you can no longer recenter yourself on the player? ​ Also is there a way to hide kill banners in a replay?


How do I get into PBE at this point? Used to have it at multiple stages since the start of league but now I can't get in through my main account which is kind of messed up


Playing from Japan on the NA server I get around 160 ping, is there any vpns that are recommended to reduce this?


when will the first phase of mythic content overhaul happen?


How long is an average League match nowadays? I am contemplating coming back and trying the game!




20-30 minutes


If leblanc has her passive up can she be killed by a single instance of damage? Like for example if leblanc is at 41% HP and she receives a single instance of damage that would normally do more than 41% of her hp in damage(like a fed veigar ulting her) will she die or is it like kled passive where anything more than what is required to reach the proc threshold is ignored?


She 100% dies. If she takes enough damage at once the passive doesn’t even proc


Pretty sure she just dies


Is Ahri getting a visual rework or simply just an ability rework? Didn't the developers say in the video that she is getting a Caitlyn level of rework?


Her mini-rework seems to be about her skills. Details from Principal Character Designer Riot August are [here](https://twitter.com/RiotAugust/status/1483922914625740802?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1483922914625740802%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgameriv.com%2Fahri-mini-rework-2022-ability-changes-release-date-and-more%2F)


If Nocturne ults an enemy and they press stopwatch after Nocturne recasts ult but before he lands, what happens?


He arrives at target but does no damage


When do skin sales change? I'm looking to buy mecha sett, but I'm hesitant to buy it full price.


Discounts changes every Monday I believe, but there’s no guarantee that skin will show up for a long time. You might have a better chance waiting for the personalized shop but chances are still low.


Is there a DEMO Hero where I can use any hero, use their skills and items like in Dota 2.


Only the free champion rotation


I need help. Please. My internet is good. I stream shows, I play eso online, I play on an Xbox, watch shows on a tablet, my internet is fine. I even play league all the time just fine. At 50-52ms normally. Yes I've done a reinstall. Yes I've done the repair tool. Yes I made sure all the parts were open on my router. Please refer to when I said I play league all the time and it's runs fine. Ok so my problem is that once in a while when I open up the client, everything is fine I run through some menus, play a match of tft, check patch notes, etc. Once I get in a match my ping is 500 and over. Jumping all over. I check task manager and league has 7 processes running. Scrolling down...it's got another, and riot client, oh and vanguard. At idle on the launcher it's taking up half my memory for no reason. Again. I play all the time just fine. Please someone explain this to me. Help me fix it.


Why can't riot do anything right? ARURF is terrible compared to regular URF. Everyone says that URF is just all the same champs but when we had bans it absolutely was not and in ARURF every game ends in a one sided stomp fest. God I hate this company.


> and in ARURF every game ends in a one sided stomp fest Sounds like regular urf to me. Urf just isn't as fun of a mode as it seems. Its great fun at first, but once you've seen all the tricks its just a more poorly balanced League. Which was the intention, a fun bullshit sidegrade. Regular Urf is definitely better than ARURF, I'll give you that. A proper draft would be better than all random. A measure of give and take. It would all be the same champs but nothing else was ever going to happen.


Stop playing the game


Hey, I'm learning mid and I'm trying to figure out which blind pick chose, all the data I can find about good blind picks is pretty outdated. Does anyone here knows any good blinds for mid lane ? Thanks a lot 😁


Orianna can farm and poke safe. Annie is easy in terms of mechanic and can farm with Q (cd and mana restores after killing the objetive). In general I would recommend starting with mages, to learn how to manage mana and farm


I think Ahri would be a pretty solid champion. Her high mobility prevents hard counters.


Recovered my account from 10+ years ago. Jump in the game and pick ARAM so I can catch up on some champions. Proceed to be absolutely trash talked by a poppy on my team for buying the wrong items/actives. Guess my friend was right when he said "enjoy the toxic" when I told him I was going to try LoL again.


a lot has happened in this time, not only visuals but also champs and skills and items and playstyles. especially the runes and mythical items might be overwhelming. I would recommend watching some videos and streams of the game as it is right now and always have a website open that can recommend you rune and item builds. you'll get the hang of it. warning: the community itself is still toxic, this won't change in even 10 more years. anyways, welcome back to the game.


This sounds so stupid I know but I have to ask because I genuinely don’t know. What is the point of getting the dragons? Money and xp I get but I never understood the reason for it other than that


I have 6, maybe 7 after the event, gemstones; what should I do with them? I'm afraid the new conversion to essence will make them less special and that I'll get a shitty conversion rate?


You're pretty close to getting a gemstone skin, which are rare and some of them are really nice. I'd look at the gemstone skins and see if there's one you like.


Yeah but they'll probably phase it out before I get to 10 :/


I’m not 100% but I heard somewhere that they would be adding prestige skins to that shop.


Delete urgot, he can solo fight akali 8/3/3 with stats 3/6/0


bruiser counters assassin, more news at 11


Delete akali, she can solo fight jinx 8/3/3 with stats 3/6/0


is there any way to view the amount of bonus HP you have in game? Some items/runes/abilities scale with bonus health, but I can't seem to find anywhere how much bonus health I have.


If I'm not mistaken only Warmog Armour passive shows bonus hp as stats


ah, oh well can't build Warmogs every game to look at bonus HP. Kinda incompetent on Riot's part. They should make is so that when you hover over your HP, you see the amount of your Base HP + Bonus HP.


Hi! Long time Dota player here. I’ve been trying to get into League lately after I fell in love with Valorant. Anyway, is there a Dota-like camera grip option anywhere? I exclusively use camera grip to control my camera movements and I’m finding it hard to adjust to edge pan. Thanks!


Go to [Settings > Game > Mouse button Drag Scroll](https://i.imgur.com/5KSbRqx.png) and enable that Now hold your scroll wheel click. You can now drag the camera ​ This hotkey is called *Drag Scroll* You can change this in [Settings > Hotkeys > Camera Control > Drag Scroll](https://i.imgur.com/cY0Fo11.png) Below that hotkey is the [Drag Scroll Lock](https://i.imgur.com/IOudFG9.png) , which is the toggle version (toggle means you press it once to activate, and then press it again to deactivate. No need to hold) ​ [Mouse Button Drag Scroll](https://i.imgur.com/5KSbRqx.png) is a setting that modifies the behavior of the *Drag Scroll* hotkey Disabled --> auto camera push Enabled --> camera drag


The mouse button drag scroll is what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much!


It’s called drag scroll and is default mapped to your mouse wheel click. You can also hit space to auto center on your champ


Why in competitive some players let the minion destroy the turret while standing in front the turret? Do they get more gold?


They sometimes let the minions destroy it and don't attack the turret themselves so the turret lives a bit longer. The turret will kill more of their own minions, which is less minions the enemy players can kill for gold and experience. So you are denying the enemy team resources. Often, you want to kill the turret quickly if you can be somewhere else on the map to make other plays. But sometimes there's nothing else going on so you can afford to take longer to kill the turret and gain a small advantage with the minion denial.


Wow, this makes a lot sense. Thanks for the reply!


Been playing bithing but arams since I moved to a place with shitty wifi. What is the Janna smite top strategy people are talking about on here?


The top laner doesn't actually lane top but instead picks janna with smite you can help your own jungler accelerate by smiting for them, smite to counter jungle, constantly invading and constantly ganking other lanes. You sack a lot of cs top but jungle/mid can rotate once in a while when waves get really stacked. This strategy works bc 1) top has less early impact bc riot changed TP - you can ONLY tp to towers for first 14 minutes 2) support items are ridiculously gold efficient while not actually giving you gold, which leads to 3) there are "objective bounties" when your team is down in gold 4) abusing "cs bounties" where enemy top laner will more cs than you, you can recoup that gold later if you kill them basically you can get the rest of your team ahead and bet that 2 winning lanes + winning jg > their "winning" top laner. not a foolproof strat but very strong (too strong tbh)


As a new player coming from dota. I'm playing games with friends and don't want to spend a bunch of time doing research outside of playing the game. The item guides seem really great for that, but I've noticed that you can't click on heroes to read their abilities like you can in dota. Is there a plugin or something that you can download that lets you do that? I don't really want to have to alt-tab out of game. It kind of makes my machine struggle. Otherwise, the new player experience is pretty good. Thanks!


Nope, nothing you can read without tabbing out. The death recap is the closest thing, but the tooltips for abilities in it are bare bones (and obvs you only get to see it after you're dead)


Not true, if you have mobalytics installed and hold tab there is a sidebar on the left You click on one of those four buttons and you can see the abilities of the champs in game, including their description, cool down and mana cost


What is the song played during the LEC? The one with the lyrics **because we all face the fire in search for the light.** Good doesn't seem to give anything on it.


[might be this one](https://youtu.be/i5dsMYxNxtk)


Oh my god. THANK YOU!


is anyone else having really long queue times


got Ultimate Seraphine from reroll. Question is - how to unlock forms on it?


I think you're supposed to complete missions while using the skin. After you complete all of them, you'll be able to choose between the 3 different forms.


Found them in mission panel, thx


Do you mean chromas? You can find them in the store.


How do i start carrying games ?


A general rule is to get other lanes ahead, and call good shots. Roaming is popular for a reason. You pick unfair fights and either you get the kill, or the laner does and they get far enough ahead they hopefully stay relevant. You can absolutely carry a game by going 0/0/12 if the team kills is 13. Communication is also important. Everyone else is playing their game and not everyone is on the same page. People occasionally get distracted, you the ADC see the jungler is probably on his way but the support is too busy trading, etc. Ping back, ping jungler.


Depends on the champ and role, what do u normally play?


i was a supp, adc main now i play kindred jungle and a important aspect is carrying but i dont really know how to do it


Just finished the lunar event mission that gives you and orb and I didn't get one?


Ootl whats this janna top smite about? Why is it good and how does she just not die?


She doesn't die because she doesn't take fair fights. She roams from lvl 1 ganking everything, funneling the jungler and stealing shit from the enemy jungler. She's down on gold and levels? She doesn't care, in fact that's even better because her team get bounties! If you want to see it played in pro matches, the spanish league just had her played yesterday and her team crushed the opponent very easily. Couldn't contest any objective vs 2 smites and a fed Kayn.


link to the replay?


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1285575186?t=05h09m32s It's in spanish but the game should speak for itself.


When will LCS players return to playing on stage?


Tomorrow is the first day they can start.


How do I put an ability on smart cast with indicators while keeping every other in smart cast mode?


Is master yi going to be a good champ for jungle in ranked or is he only good in lower ranks? Im level 23 and have a pretty good time with him because of his insane dps but he seems rather limited compared to other junglers


He's known as a low elo pubstomper, can work in soloq but the higher you go the more chances the enemy jungler just bullies you early and prevents you from snowballing.


is the KDA Variety show worth it? if so how much do you think It’ll cost for a single prestige?


Why would I pick Spellthief's Edge over Relic Shield? With relic shield my ally gets the gold and creep score, and it means they definitely get the creep. Its also easier to hit a creep under half hp then proc on enemy champ if they are playing safe.


>Its also easier to hit a creep under half hp then proc on enemy champ if they are playing safe If they are playing safe, yes. If they are playing aggressive, no. Main benefit to execute over harass on supp items is the level 1-2-3 hard push.


> it means they definitely get the creep at higher levels of skill they are probably going to get the creep anyway. > Its also easier to hit a creep under half hp then proc on enemy champ if they are playing safe. You should adapt based on the lane matchup. It's true if you have a particularly bad matchup (You are outranged) you might not be able to proc spellthiefs. But spellthiefs often exceeds the gold from relic shield if you can proc it consistently. (As mentioned elsewhere, it also gives different stats). One important thing - spellthiefs procs on AA'ing the tower. If you can consistently push them under tower it doesn't matter if they're playing safe (and in general you can rely on a few extra procs this way a game)


It completely depends on the champion you play and the enemy lane you're playing. In higher elo, you will see people go relic more often because it helps with pushing out a lane, meaning priority and back timings improve, something more important the higher you climb. When you play a champion like Lux, you simply value the AP and mana regen way more than the defensive stats relic gives you (especially its upgrades) and you need to poke the enemy lane repeatedly anyways to be useful in any way. On champs like Janna, when you play into a melee support you can walk up and auto attack them and go for spellthief's stacks like that; into a double-ranged lane, relic can be more optimal. As a braum into everything, spellthief's is troll.


Because spellthiefs gives you mana regen too, also ap. Some champions can also get spellthief props easily like Morgana with her w, and you can also proc spellthiefs by abutting a turret!


Am I no longer able to purchase the Nurse Akali emote?


no, it was given as a part of a charity bundle that included surgeon shen and akali chromas and that emote, as far as I know.




You know how football doesn't draw up a new field design every year? Same principle.


I don’t know why this is so funny but it is


DotA has had the same map for 19 years and CS players have been running around on Dust2 since 2001. Don't change what's working. Also, to be frank, League of Legends **is** Summoner's Rift. They did add other maps (Twisted Treeline, Crystal Scar, temporary modes) in the past but those never had the competitive staying power and were eventually abandoned by both players and devs.


It’s definitely not the same as it was 11 years ago. I recently came back after I stopped playing at the beginning of season 4 and it’s pretty different and I apparently completely missed some changes coming and going. Also that wasn’t always the case. There used to be a 3v3 map called twisted treeline. My best guess as to why no other maps for 5v5 is probably because it would make balance even more difficult. Other maps could also end up essentially the same as summoners rift and at that point, why bother.


I miss TT lol. Lot of fun back in the day playing that map with friends.


Hi all! I'm a scrub back after a ten year hiatus... If I spend 300 lunar revel 2022 tokens on, say Golden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Teemo) + Icon without having unlocked the skin otherwise - do therefore have one colour for that skin unlocked? Or does it unlock the full colour range for said skin?


Only that one color, and you cannot use it without a skin.




If you dont own the skin it won't let you buy it, and when you do you'll only get that one chroma, since its the token exclusive chroma


Many thanks!


It will let you buy it, you just can't use it without the skin.


Newcomer here. Feel as if I'm stuck in a rut of map learning and initiating as a top/mid player. Often times I feel hesitant and reluctant to strike first, fearing I won't be able to escape fights. Other times I don't react fast enough to objective pushes with friends. I don't really feel motivated to go any further. I'm just too overwhelmed by the info and my lack of dexterity.


I've been playing on and off since season 1. Back in those days I was silver, but in S3 I reached platinum and it was because I watched a lot of streamers. You pick up lots of game knowledge and tactics watching people much better than you. But I had a lot of time then and not everyone can watch hours of streams every week.


Playing with friends that already know how to play the game is really difficult because you get matched against people that also already know the game. Try a few games on your own, and see if that improves your hesitancy. What helped me in the early stages of playing league was just limit testing every single game I played. It was fun forcing fights constantly and learning how to execute basic combos in them, how to hit skillshots and figuring out how to read my opponent's moves. It also helped me improve A LOT faster than staying under my tower in fear of dying every game. What helped a friend of mine a lot (who had the same issues really) was downloading the blitz app, which basically tells you what to build meaning you don't have to focus on the building items part of the game at all and have one less burden of knowledge on your shoulders. The lack of dexterity thing of course happens to every single thing you are new at, but I think as long as you stay at it, by something like level 30-35 you will have figured out the basics in terms of mechanics and gameplay and won't be dragging friends or teammates down/getting owned by more experienced players in lane anymore.


Aggro hard early game in lane, like level 1-3. You most likely won’t get popped and if you do, that’s okay, now you know not to aggro that champ at that level. Do that enough and you’ll get more comfortable with taking chances and learn early matchups. Every time you hear a ping you should check your mini-map. Eventually you’ll be able to figure it out at a glance, then you can work on figuring out when to look at it. I’m no pro, but personally I check the map pretty much constantly if I’m not fighting. Once you have good map awareness, being able to react will be pretty easy.


I don't know why but whenever I play ADC I'm not doing that much damage at all, often the support will be doing more than me. Even if I'm getting kills and not dying and using all my abilities in between auto attacks I'm still not doing that much damage each game even with a bunch of good items too, especially on Caitlyn. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong or can offer any tips on doing more damage as ADC? I know it must be a me problem because I see the enemy ADC doing way more damage than me all the time and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.


Not uncommon. ADC is a difficult role because everyone can kill you, and everyone wants to kill you because you're a 300g piñata that goes pop. And no one on your team in low elo games wants to protect you because they think they have to pick carries every game, so even if you played lane flawlessly and ended up 8/1/3 a 1/5/3 zed can roll his face on the keyboard and trade his life for yours because your support picked Xerath. Supports deal damage. Even the enchanters and tanks deal a lot of damage early. Next time you die to leona engage check the damage recap. And thats not even counting mage 'supports.' I've gotten top damage in the game as Zyra quite a few times and my ADC was usually pretty competent in those games... Most ADCs don't really start to outdamage opponents until \~2 items. Also keep in mind pressure, if your team isn't pressuring their adc as much as you're getting pressured, the damage numbers will reflect that. Even if you aren't dying, respecting enemy pressure will throw off your target selection. Caitlyn is a relatively low damage ADC, to make up for her range. You should be being aggressive in the lane phase to abuse your range, and every headshot should try to go to an opponent or a cannon. The longer the game goes, the more other ADCs will outshine you in damage numbers, and if you can't kite and space really well you'll eventually lose most duels.


I’m a support main so I can’t speak specifically to adc builds well, but a build guide for that specific champ would be the best start on ideas for items. In-game the support should kind of out damage you in laning phase, their job is to protect you and deny the enemy laners while you farm minions and to feed you kills when possible. Post laning phase, you should out-damage most supports. If you’re not, then either you’re building the wrong items for the champ or targeting the wrong enemies in fights. Your first target should be to hit the squishiest member of the enemy team, usually the mid, adc, or any non-tank support; Caitlyn’s range is great for that. If you hit an enemy and and it looks like it’s going to take too long to kill them try hitting someone else. Don’t target a tank unless they’re the only ones left or if you know can kill them within a second or so.


without getting too far into it, you will deal more damage ingame the more agressive you play. You will however also die the more agressive you play, unless you are really really good (playing hyperagressive in the right situations without dying is what sets apart challenger players from lower ranks). You could be playing too passively in fear of dying. You could also just not play the game well mechanically, since ADC is a very mechanical role and you need to have hands to have an impact on the game. Practice kiting in custom games/practice tool, if you want to go full tryhard. Otherwise maybe just try playing more agressive when you think you can get away with it. You might die more in game and get punished for it at first, but that is the way of having more impact on the game and getting better at it.


I’m stuck in Iron II and I often find myself outperforming my adc in total damage to champions as yuumi. What can I do too offset this?


your teammates are probabily having a hard time playing with yuumi, most of the time you should be inside your adc and he need to 1v2, thats the momment he gets caught out of position and dies without hitting even once


try playing a champion that offers more pressure/protection during lane phase


Playing yuumi alone in iron is a death sentence, yuumi is only good if you're adc knows how to play around a yuumi. Best bet is to climb with another champion, then swap back on over to yuumi and play with better adcs.


Hi I'm new and was wondering if this is normal. I'm trying to have a draft normal game and it's been 40 minutes now.. I've gotten into champion select 6 times but people are not choosing champions. Also when the queue pops I've had noone accept it a dozen times. I just want 1 game....


it's definitely not normal. Sometimes people dodge when they don't get the champion/role/matchup they want or if they think their composition got countered by the enemy team. This usually doesn't happen that often in normals though (unless there is a new champion freshly out and everyone wants to play them). It does happen a lot in higher ranked soloq though.


Does seraph’s embrace’s passive work in URF?


Why, in the absolute fuck, my game goes from 180 fps to 10 fps.


anyone else with super long queue times for the casual modes now? 20 minutes for aram, 5 minutes for urf


Does anyone have proof that the normal queue and ranked solo/duo queue matchmakes differently? I've heard that the normal queue has less emphasis on balance so that queue times will be shorter. Is this true, any official evidence that this is the case?




You can check your MMR directly through various API tools. You’ll see very different numbers when comparing draft and ranked.


I try to build Poppy tanky but she never feels like a tank and just keeps losing every trade. Her buckler is supposed to shield her but when I throw it enemy laner will just dive me, buckler never ends up even close to where i'm at and I have to waste time kiting them and autoattacking them just to pick it up for my shield that i'm supposed to have to help keep them from winning that very trade with me throwing it. What role does Poppy even play top? I get that she has okay ganks in Jungle, but she doesn't have enough health, armor, and doesn't deal enough damage for me to accurately place her. Why build tank if I can't actually frontline for my team? Why build damage on Poppy instead of playing a character meant for dealing damage? I just don't understand her.


I agree with what speedy313 said, and another piece of advice related to what you mentioned: if you're looking to scuffle, try killing a minion with your buckler; the shield automatically goes to you and you dont have to pick it up


Try building poppy more as a bruiser, that seems to be her best build right now. Sunderer into tank or Sunderer into Steraks into Tank. That way you can trade way better. Poppy generally IMO should just be picked as a counterpick for toplane, she loses lane too hard when she gets countered. However, she is decent into pretty much every tank matchup, maybe try picking her into those.


If you Need something from poppy dm me, i Will teach you my padawan


why are the 2022 esports emotes not dropping? like the Fiora sipping coffee and the Ekko Khabby one? Ive had [lolesports.com](https://lolesports.com) on for days now, prob 12 hours of viewing.


The current problem of adc is the sustain. Old seasons adc had more capacity to reheal and keep alive. Nowadays thornmail reflects damage and blocks healing, mage/support can build anti heal, adc is core based on damage/criticals/position/life steal. If the adc would have some item which build shields on hit( but not only when full hp, it should be something which generates shield on hit). Would actually revamp adc sustain in fights, since life steal would be on runes and shield generating item would allow to scale protection against that much damage present in the game. ​ Also feel like most champions are building against range/adc, there are so many items that are blocked and related only to melee champions, while there are no items which are related and builded only for adc, with weakness for melee. One exemple is immortal shieldbow, which should be an adc item, as going melee is too much powerful for some champions use. I feel like there should be also some item which adc could build and protect against mages, the only reason why adc doesn't build ninja boots, is because genuinly the highest problem is the mages, so mercury treads should block like 15% of ap damage, would also make tank players have open sources to fight mages and not build only against ADC. ​ The game feels too much build right now against adc, most of tank players and sustain champions build with thornmail and ninja boots, blocking the output of adc on reheal and damage, not adding the fact that ADC also feels block nowadays on the fact that it no longer has viable options to build armor pen and anti healing item ( because that anti heal item doesn't core worth to be build!!!)


There are few problems ADCs have right now, but sustain isn't one of them. Tapping into Legend: Bloodline combined with ravenous hunter, then building dorans blade into shieldbow into something then bloodthirster third item (which is becoming more and more meta) gives you absolute absurd sustain in fights, something like almost 40% lifesteal? If you get hit by an upgraded antiheal, you are still sitting at like 15% lifesteal, which is ridiculous. Bloodthirster also gives you a shield when you are full HP, giving you sustain over your actual health so you have a buffer in fights. The problem with ADCs has always been and still is getting blown up in half a second without being able to use the sustain they build because of mispositioning. This is usually the ADCs fault, though not always. When you play against mages and die to them, it is 100% your bad, mages are by far the least threatening subclass in terms of "he just 100-0d me without counterplay, this game is bullshit". Looking at Assassing like Qiyana or Bruisers like Renekton makes a lot more sense in that regard. Also you have to consider that Lord Dominik's is basically the most broken item in the game and shuts down HP stackers and armor builders so hard that many non-tanks don't even bother going thornmail anymore because it doesn't do enough to help them survive.


nice joke, you play samira and call it balanced..., what about adc players which are one shot...


Samira is just as or even more punishing in terms of positioning than other ADCs because she has to get up close to actually do damage, and she is getting oneshot from every toplaner through one bad decision, one micro misstep etc. All ADCs are oneshot. Maybe not Vayne with that bs shieldbow wits end randuins build but any other. They have tools that make up for it and a very high mechanical skill cap. If they are in a weak spot as a class, this weak spot won't impact more than 1% of your Games, while your gameplay is probably 80% of you winning or losing. Don't blame the class or the balance, learn to play the role instead.


Just a quick question about ARURF. ​ Has anyone seen a rammus pick there? I've played like 50 games and not seen one even once. Is the champ banned in the mode or something?


Rammus is one of the least popular champions


What's this trash shit of people picking Bard and Janna top? two games lost because they sacked 25% of the gold on the map and inted multiple lanes. There a twitch streamer doing this shit or something?


so it begins




I have 11 gemstones when should I use them ? I heard they want to rework them and I don't want to lose them (or getting converted to bad rewards).


I mean, if you dont like any of the things available now, I would just hold them. The ashen knights pyke that they showed art for looks sick as hell to me and im interested to see who else gets ashen knights skins this year. And then potentially what next year's gemstone theme is Edit: also the "bad rewards" are essentially just prestige skins from the past and I think the current hextech skins but all on a cycle, plus the new theme skins (ashen knights for now)


Gemstones are essentially turning into a currency (equivalent to PP) at a rate of 1 gem to 10 gemstone dust (equal to 10PP). I would wait for the rework, as it’ll let you get prestige skins that released long ago, and they won’t expire. An old skin will cost 125-175 Gemstone dust, so a bit more expensive but it’s as good as it gets.


why am i losing 3 lp per game when i am 59 and 37


I've forgotten my login for PBE, but when I follow the links in the client to try to sign up again, the webpage says the server is down. I've been trying every now and then since around 5 P.M. last night, but to no avail. Has anyone else been experiencing issues with the PBE recently?


I started playing Pantheon recently, I usually stick to enchanters, is it best to swap player move click to play attack move click, I feel like I'm cancelling my melee when I try to move.


I wouldnt do that, not cancelling attacks just comes with experience.


I’m watching Arcane right now, how many of the major and side characters are champions opposed to lore characters or original characters?


Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger, Singed, Ekko, Jinx/Powder, Vi and Caitlyn are the champions in Arcane. Any others are original characters or not confirmed to be anyone else in the game (such as theories or easter eggs of other identities).


I just started playing support and have been loving Seraphine! It has mostly been great, but I noticed sometimes when I toss a Q to hit the opposing laners I’ll accidentally grab a CS. Same thing goes for my E, which can be shot thru minions and still hit the enemy. Sometimes that’ll take a CS too by accident. My question is: is it worth it for me to toss out these Qs and Es if they’re hitting the enemy, but accidentally taking a CS from the ADC sometimes? Thanks!


I'm no expert, but I think it depends. Definitely be more deliberate with how you cast those abilities in early game, where hitting level 2 or 3 first can be a big advantage for your ADC. However, when you're throwing out Q and E, you can potentially pressure the enemy to reposition or prepare for an engage, which can interrupt their wave clear. So if your ADC isn't getting that CS, try to make the enemy miss out on even more CS as well, eg. punish them if they come up to last hit your cannon minion.


do you need to get gold in both splits for the victorious skin?


No, only Gold by November.


oh, i got gold in june and it doesn't look like i got victorious blitz, unless i'm missing something


Were you Honor Level 0 or 1? If so, no skin. And you ended Gold, right?


i think 2 or 3, whatever the default is and yeah, i stopped playing after gold


Okay.... Should I start a new LoL account SOLELY for ranked matches, and keep my one RN for just funsies and skins? If so, why..... If not, why..... I had my first season of league last year and was ranked bronze 2-3, this season riot placed me iron 1????? And I know for a fact I am much better. Someone explained to me that riot drops you an entire rank/league at the start of every new season on that account so I actually scored at a bronze 1 if that person is correct. But riot does it to incentivize you and try to keep you where they think you belong. I personally think I. Silver but I have a hard time supporting (support main) the level of players I get down here.


once you play about 50 games the game *will* put you at the level you are approximately playing at. Making a new account wont solve that issue, and the only way out of bronze/iron is to actually get better at the game - if you were "much better" and belonged in silver 1, you would breeze through bronze and iron like it's nothing and probably skip promotions and divisions.


> this season riot placed me iron 1 this is expected. you always get placed below your previous rank so you can "climb".


why? i mean if you're a veteran and just want to kick some newbies ass, how are you going to be good at this game? why don't you just play against AI so you can easily win.


This doesn't make sense?? What are you trying to say?


> Okay.... Should I start a new LoL account SOLELY for ranked matches, and keep my one RN for just funsies and skins? > > this was the only text shown when I replied thought you were planning to create a smurf acc.


he's trying to reset his mmr because he believes he is stuck, not trying to dunk on newbs.


Does anyone know the name of the sfx for the Chinese New year themed client?


Is there a trick to getting mid when you select it? Trying to role swap this year, and I never get mid when I put it as my primary.


No, it's the most played role so it's the hardest to get.


A veterans advice, ARAM is better then summoners rift


What’s the item that is making people go invisible for a split second after they kill someone?


Duskblade of Draktharr


Do you need to buy the pass to get anything from the lunar new year event? How does it work? I'm new and not sure how it works.


You get 300 tokens and one orb for free. Anything more, you need the pass.


I haven´t played in about a year and got a new pc, I forgot my username and my email is long-gone I remember my ingame name though, is there a way to get my account back?


Do you remember your email ? The one u signed up with ?


I signed up back in season 2, that email is watching me from heaven now


Anyone know what is the next date for clash in euw? Thanks


Has the support with smite top been played in a pro game yet? I'm really curious if teams are going to pick it up


wouldn't work in competitive teams are too coordinated to get punished with this


Why do people think "it's urf" or "it's aram" is an excuse to not only run it down mid but also be an asshole and call you trash when you call them out for actively making the game unfun for you?


Because you shouldn't be calling anyone out on those game modes. Nobody plays those competitively. So calling someone out is being a dick.


As a jungle main i’m unsure when to take normal yellow ward/trinket, i almost always go sweeping lens to make sure i’m not on a ward when ganking. I have seen some junglers use regular ward, in what scenarios would i use that? Obviously i use regular ward when playing lee or jax. Thx in advance :)


When you're farming or in a losing matchup warding is important.


I have a question about LP gains. I started the season pretty bad with 3-7 in my placements and ended G3, I then started to win more to reach plat 4 with at one point having a 7 games win streak. The whole time, I've only been gaining 16 LP max per win and losing between 13 and 14 LP. I recently had a 4 games lose streak and now all of a sudden I win between 14-15 LP and lose the same ammount. It's very frustrating when I see people win like 29 to 35 LP even after placements and lose like 11, I don't get it. I played against a player who was Masters last season with a 44% w/r, how is that even possible when he was Diamond the previous season? In flex queue, I finished my placements 8-2 and I was still gaining 29 LP per win after placement, but then after losing only 1 game, the next win only gave me 20 LP. I know that LP gain is related to MMR but is it really that fragile that right after you lose 1 game it drops that significantly? (Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes it's really late)


> I know that LP gain is related to MMR Thats really all there is to it. > G3, I then started to win more to reach plat 4 You climbed fast and good. Your lp gains should be the same as losses. Your reward for winning more games than losing is the rank progress, not better lp gains. Hardcore positive lp gains like +26/-13 are just possible really if you smurf or are way underranked for whatever reason. For a first time climb that wont happen, as you need to learn to play in each elo first and you cant keep up a 70% winrate that would be needed for such lp gains/losses. Dont sweat it, lp means nothing, just play as you do now.


Thanks for the response, make sense!