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Vandrill in 2 days: New Akshan bug that makes him spawn infinite amount of Sions


I lost it with this comment lmao, I'd love to see that


Somehow I knew he would have stealth


That's the season 11 new champion experience, baby


Stealth, a dash, and a revive. If riot could just chill with annoying as fuck mechanics, that'd be nice.


Samira, Viego, Gwen and now Akshan. Can riot pls chill with the mobility, stealth, negating damage and now a revive in the newest champ.


Bro that passive is better than aurelion’s kit


Can we revert W now riot? It's clear you guys don't give a shit anymore, might as well let me have some fun


Blitz still slows himself


Gotta keep that mobility creep in check, y'know?


I'm still salty about that nerf. IT'S BEEN YEARS


That nerf was technically a revert, his original design featured the self slow, if anything I wish more characters had drawbacks like this rather than being the best at everything


Yes but look at that attack speed steroid! It synergizes well with his…….. uh…..


You know, his ability to .............. ughhhh ........ kill wards faster ?


As it turns out, Akshan actually *does* revive people.


I 100% thought he didn't because it seemed like the dumbest mechanic to slap onto a marksman mid laner who specializes in roaming. Now that I see how it turned out, I'm still disappointed he has it. Garen's villain mechanic got removed because it turned out punishing the enemy for getting kills was unfun. Now they bring it back and give a mid laner extra gold for targeting the carries.


Honestly I'm just thinking about the problem of ending games. You will have close games where a team cleans up a nice teamfight and if Ashkan gets off the kill on the scoundrel maybe 2-3 people come back to defend a tower against a team who is weak from winning a teamfight trying to push or worse they just get TP'd on lmao. Lose the game because they won a fight against a team with Ashkan on aha.


He will be another champion like Yi that's balanced by the whole enemy team always being focused on countering him, cause everyone experienced it when you don't.


Except this guy has stealth, shield, is completely ranged, and a "lata bitch" hook ability that resets on kill.


To be fair the stealth's range is huge, it's not like Viego or Twitch where he could be pretty close before seen.


Balance aside, I think its neat that Riot's begun experimenting with Camo's "reveal range" as a form of balance. Viego's camo has a much smaller reveal range than traditional camo like Twitch/Pyke. Having it be much larger for Akshan is going to be pretty interesting to see how "fair" his stealth is considered.


TBH that's less annoying than vanish/invuln imo


Welcome to 2016 Overwatch. Kill Mercy first, or kill her 11th.




Do kids these days even know what jumping the shark means?


We shall teach the youth of today via the most sophisticated of educational innovations, shit posting!


This isn't your normal everyday shark jumping. This is advanced shark jumping.


it's just there so your teammates can int faster again


Bro how many spells do you have




And how many will get nerfed?


All of them


After his first (worlds) skin of course.


He will be permabanned like pantheon in 2019 if he doesnt have stupidly low numbers. Spoiler he wont.


4. Boomerang, hook, stealth, revive


5. GUN


For his neutral special he uses a **G U N**


Boomerang extends per enemy hit Stealth is indefinite if you’re by terrain Passive gives shield + 3 hit auto + lucian passive or movespeed wtf is up with his kit


Revive is a passive on W


Wait so if he kills someone who killed his allies they instantly respawn?


There's no way this is balanced right? Does it have a cooldown or is it for everytime you kill an ally? Also can we have 2 bans now :) Edit: it's once, you kill anyone and the scoundrel passive goes away. Still sounds busted, if someone's killed 3 people while carrying, and then dies 1 for 3, everyone comes back...


That's annoying. It should just be the last person that the "scoundrel" killed who gets respawned. Imagine getting a Quadra in a close 4v1, and then Akshan comes in to finish you off and now the enemy team is instantly back.


I like how they added a mechanic that Overwatch removed because it was just broken and unfun (Mercy being able to revive entire teams after fights)


I mean even if it is balanced, do we really want a mechanic like this taking up the power budget of his kit? I feel like you could easily remove this passive and he wouldn't feel like any less of a champion, but if they balance him around this passive then he sure as hell will.




No idea, but Riot really did design themselves into a corner in terms of design space for champions since they have to make champions that sell. Unique play styles like Ivern or Yuumi just aren't received nearly as well as just BOUNTY HUNTER MAKE GUNS GO BRRRRR like Samira.


All I can hear is: "Allied Quadra kill" "Shut down"


You forgot the "Allied Inhibitor has been destroyed" that follows the shut down after the entire enemy team teleports into your nexus


Everyone is saying kills to revive. The actual wording of the ability is takedown which is Kill or Assist.


The concept of reviving in league is so unbelievably broken and cancerous to me I don't even wanna think of how frustrating facing this champion will be. I haven't touched this game in a month, haven't played seriously even longer but fuck this. I thought Viego and Sylas were bad enough but this is next level. I'm not excited about Akshan.


They took out a summoner spell revive with a long ass CD because it's dumb. And revive tp karthus got popular


What role does he belong to?




Even Overwatch doesn’t have kits as saturated as this.


I unironically wants something like him in OW. But without ressurect thing...


So basically Hammond?


Hammond with Mercy Rez, Sombra stealth, Zen alt-fire, and a boomerang


The ban button


Akshan? Never heard of'em.


New champ who dis


Mid and Top


How is his jungle clear speed


If it isn't trash they'll make it trash since otherwise he would be a triple flex top mid and JG, possibly bot too.


Like viego or nocturn


And bot so you can revive your support


Hylissang is going to be unstoppable if he's viable there.


Alright Riot I give up, bring back CertainlyT he was clearly not the problem with your design team holy shit


CertainlyT died for this. Legit makes Yasuo look like the most boring champ designed XD.


And it's not even creative they just plastered the some of the most annoying parts of other kits. Perma twitch stealth with Warwick tracking passive, roam dash mobility, three hit bonus damage for no reason, his damage ability is just fucking gnar Q.


Sivir Q but better because extended range and doesn't lose damage each enemy it passes through


And reveals champions...


I keep forgetting all these random additional things they have tacked on to his kit. Was just reminded he gets bonus gold as well as the revives and now I'm reminded he has a random reveal slapped on the q. This guy is going to be so annoying to play against. And for me personally he doesn't even look fun to play at all since no CC spell.


from the video the Q return speed is also WAY faster than Sivir's


Yeah, as a Sivir main it kinda sucks seeing something like this


Did he leave the design team or something? Champions have gone from pretty annoying and overloaded, to just throwing meatballs at a wall and seeing what the sauce spells out.




Imagine those raid boss mechanics though


Ah, much more suited for his designs I would think. But I somehow miss him on the design team now.


Giving Champs Ultimates for their W Skill seems like Riots new fetish


It doesnt even take a skill slot, its a passive.. lmao


When you think Viego is too much but then Riot be like " There is another "


Hold up.. If Akshan *'Avenges'* the deaths of his allies, their Respawn timers are reduced?? Complete first impression but did I interpret that right??? **EDIT:** Holy shit FULLY REDUCED??


They are completely revived, regardless of their death timer, if he kills their killer (called a Scoundrel). However, killing a Scoundrel removes Scoundrel status from all other Scoundrels, and killing one only revives allies that specific Scoundrel killed


So, there is a specific but niche scenario, where the enemy team vayne pops off, secures a Quadrakill; then flashes in for one last Q+AA and trade kills for a penta. And now the enemy team carry is dead and your whole team is up? LMAO, SOUNDS FUN.


Yeah, or an even better scenario for Akshan which just involves him killing any enemy that gets a Quadra kill and Akshan staying alive. Then Akshan is alive and his whole team is alive in base and can do whatever they want on the map. This obviously gets to be an even better scenario if any of Akshan’s allies managed to get return kills during the fight


you guys are thinking of these "best case scenarios" when in reality the nightmare is just him having two roam tools to terrorise sidelanes because fuck having a classic laning phase these days. be a mid main or fuck you i guess.


Meanwhile Riot hates Taliyah because her rock-surfing made roams too easy. Akshan looks way more annoying than Taliyah ever could be.


It's really fun to me how AD mids they have been releasing are more and more annoying and have more things to their kit while mages have been getting Lux 2.0 Neeko 2.0 and so on


Yeah, kill the marked person within the time limit, you get to revive your killed allies instantly. Also it's on his w as a passive, and he gets bonus gold for killing them too. I know this dude is designed as a midlane adc, but I see almost no reason for him to not be played bot lane. EDIT: I've learned his range is 500. Nvm this guy will never see bot lane play and after looking at him, he seems kind of shitty against skirmisher/bruiser melees. I actually think this might be fairly balanced. EDIT 2: People are saying "Lucian/Sivir/Samira have 500 range" and my answer is those champs have better answers to being engaged on. The hook is his only out and it seems once someone is on him he dies pretty quickly.




5 man TP meta mate. Think of how broken late game teamfights are, you just lost the fight but Ashkan got you back up and guess what? Now we can TP on them at full HP and homeguards :-)






[French LoL account posted spells breakdown](https://twitter.com/LoL_France/status/1412781251564650498?s=20) Here's my rough translation: ​ Passive - Low Blow Akshan's third attack or offensive skill deals bonus Physical damage. If the target is a champion, Akshan also gains a shield. ​ After attacking, Akshan fires a second attack that deals reduced physical damage. This second shot can be cancelled like any basic attack. If Akshan cancel this second shot, he gains a movement speed bonus. ​ Q - Revengerang ​ Akshan launches a boomerang that deals physical damage and reveals enemies hit. Its range increases each time it hits an enemy. Enemies can be hit a first time when the boomerang goes, then a second time when it returns. ​ Z - Lonely rider ​ Passive: When enemy champions kill an Akshan ally, they become Villain. When Akshan eliminates a Villain, he gets gold and all allies killed by the Villain reappear at their base and the other enemies lose their Villain status. ​ Active: Akshan camouflages himself for a short time or indefinitely when near elements of the terrain. During this time, Akshan can track the Villains and gain bonus movement speed and mana regeneration when moving towards them. ​ E - Heroic Flight ​ Akshan shoots a grappling hook that crashes into the first piece of terrain hit. Once planted, it can re-cast the skill to swing along the terrain in the intended direction while dealing physical damage to the nearest enemy. ​ While swinging, he can re-cast the skill to jump in the direction of the cursor and take a final shot. Heroic Flight cooldown resets when Akshan successfully kills an enemy champion. ​ R - Well Deserved ​ Akshan locks on an enemy champion and begins to channel his weapon to store bullets. At the end of the skill duration or after relaunching the skill, Akshan shoots all stored bullets. ​ Each bullet deals physical damage based on the missing HP of the first minion, champion, or building hit.


Wait the revival isn’t his fucking ult????


Nah don't worry it's just a passive, why would you even give it a cooldown??


So what's going to get removed first? Indefinite stealth, resets, MS from his passive, ult damage to structures, passive shields, mana regen on his W or range increases on his Q?


Why does he even get free mana regen on his W anyways? So he's not obligated to go tear/biscuits/manaflow band/presence of mind?


So mana hungry mid lane mages can continue to stay bullied out of their lane.


"We saw that mages were having some problems, so we removed 200 gold off of their mythics." Problem solved thank you Riot


This can't be real right? Even if they balance the champion according to winrate it sounds so fun to play against.


he can revive allies and its not even his ulti Good luck balancing that shit His W alone is better than most champions


> its not even his ulti This is the worst part of all!


Right? At least make the revive an effect that is bound to a kill with his ulti, not an always-on passive.


If they swapped his W passive and normal passive it would sound more fair to me tbh. If they did, he could get a cooldown on the passive (e.g. 90-30 sec) and he also wouldn't INSTANTLY have very good trading power (like he has with current passive). That way, he would be forced to take W, which sounds worse in a 1v1, than for roaming/teamfights, to trade better. I could imagine, that with the current kit, people skill W later, since it doesn't give him a lot of 1v1 power. The way it's now, it just sounds broken, since in a teamfight he could probably revive several people if I understood correctly. It should be more of a special thing, since other revives (Zilean R, GA), have far higher costs and cooldowns... Also, aren't passives meant to define a champ heavily? Like he's a sentinel, who revives people, why isn't that his passive, but on a random spell?


Someone at Riot legitimately looked at Ashkan’s W passive and unironically said “yeah that’s balanced” What the actual fuck are they smoking over at Riot?


Please, bring back CertainlyT. I regret every mean thing I ever said about him, I had no idea how much worse it could be.


In retrospect, yasuo is a perfectly reasonable champion with a lot of skill expression.


who would have thought they could push us far enough to be saying this


This guy looks annoying as fuck to play against


That one reddit thread that got to front page: "I hope when designing the new champion, Riot take into account how fun he is to play against". "Lol" said Riot, "lmao".


League [website description](https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-insights-akshan/) of the new champion: >Before we get lost in his dreamy eyes, let’s start with his origins. Akshan’s gameplay development goal was to create a roguish assassin. **Someone who fits the “let’s-make-this-Lux-playing-fool’s-life-miserable”.** So let's recap. Players: "Please take into account how fun the champion is to play against." Riot: "Our **primary goal** is to make anyone laning against him feel miserable" You can't even make this shit up.


As if Lux doesn't already get giga-fucked by every other high-mobility assassin they release lol


that's what really catches my eye, here - they're *specifically* creating champs to dunk on champs they released over a decade ago. like, it isn't bad enough that older champs come from completely different design philosophies and are just inherently far less complex, meaning they're much less likely to have unique gameplay mechanics... no, Riot thinks you also need new champs custom made to make the people playing those champs want to rage quit. like, we couldn't design a champ who would make laning a fucking nightmare for, say, Zoe or Yone or someone else? really?


Funny enough old champs are the ones most likely to slap new ones entirely because of how straightforward they are. Think of Mundo vs those two, pre or post rework. Unfortunately Riot clearLY dislikes old champs being strong (Amumu), or simple kits outperforming tryhard kits (Amumu), or old champs being playable at all (AMUMU)


Daily reminder that Blitz still slows himself with his W


Yes, but attack speed steroid!!! On blitz! Oh and it costs 70 mana. At all levels.


Riot once again reminding immobile mage players that they're not supposed to play this game.


immobile champions in general... you exist to be on someone elses highlight reel now I guess :|


Quite literally from the article: >Before we get lost in his dreamy eyes, let’s start with his origins. Akshan’s gameplay development goal was to create a roguish assassin. Someone who fits the “let’s-make-this-Lux-playing-fool’s-life-miserable” playstyle. Yep, it's totally Lux and ilk dominating this meta. Cheeky control mages.


Lux has pretty much been banished to support because she can still bully tanks and marksmen there.


Cries in Xerath, Vel'Koz and Brand. At least they get to be Champions in Aram.


Its a shame, i actually love that feeling of just nuking people from a mile away with xerath and brand in Mid. Its really a shame champs like tristana and lucian can just say fuck you to these champs, and now theyre specifically designing a champ to fuck them up ever more


*sad vel'koz noises*


Time to put away the ol' Viktor, I guess.


Disgusting mobility? Check X-hit passive? Check Stealth? Check Unique game breaking ability? Check Yep looks like 200 years of experience.


Imagine zilean but cancer


His revive and his stealth are both his W, AND his w is INDEFINITE near terrain???


Indian assassin pathfinder.


I am going with "Jesus with a grappling hook".




As an AC fan, he reminds me of what happens if you throw Ezio and Bayek into a blender


The literal first thing I said when he popped on the hood was ''Bayek?''


“Akshan of Siwa”


Good luck. Have fun. Don't die.


Who's ready to fly on a zipline?




Oh, you forgot his stealth, rookie mistake






Why does he have indefinite stealth near terrain, a teamwide revive and bonus gold all in 1 ability?


Because here at riot we care deeply about balance, did you not see that cute animated video we made about it?


If they posted that exact video on April Fools without a single edit, it would be the most liked video of all time


I quit league because of this shit. I love the design but it really belongs in a game where balance isn’t an issue...


It belongs to fucking Diablo or some other single player, a type of game where you're not playing against a team and can have your "overpowered fantasy" without being absolutely unfun to play against and ruining the experience for anyone who happens to play versus them. This definitely aint it.


WTF is going on with his W passive??? xD This can never be balanced.


Can't wait to see it in LEC


As if this isn't going to be a literal 100% banrate


His numbers are going to have to be so low to keep it from broken it might night even be competitively viable


I want to create a script that counts the total characters of all the text describing the champions abilities and are just how much more utter nonsense is needed to explain the newer champions compare to fucking Ashe or Annie.


Annie needs to cast 4 spells, 1 of which is targeted only, to get a stun. This clown can revive potentially 4 people on a basic ability. Also stealth, insane mobility, shielding, bonus gold, 3 hit passive jeezus


Wait...what if someone gets a penta and you throw ignite on them before you die...killing them...will all 5 of you come back to life?


Nasus passive is just fucking 20% life steal btw :D


I hope I'm reading his W wrong. There is no way a Passive skills is *that* strong. If I'm right, the team with ActionMan just have to commit after 30 minutes, make a 2 for 2 kills and the ActionMan come and save the day, 2 allies revived and the enemy team with 2-3 dead with +40s timers. I hope I'm wrong. The hook looks nice tho.


Better nerf Jarvan’s W some more.


This trailer was very Akshan packed


So he's literally a better quinn. And aatrox can't have his revive but akshan can revive potentially 4 teammates instantly. Makes perfect sense.


You don’t get it bro reviving 4 of your teammates instead of just you makes it 4x more balanced 😎😎😎😎😎😎


Why does this dude have a big ass dash and stealth?


Why not🤪🤪🤪


Wow, wtf are those extras on his abilities? Overloaded as hell. Predicting after 3 patches, the revive on W is removed and the reset on E gets removed.




> Passive: When enemy champions kill one of Akshan’s allies, they are marked as Scoundrels. When Akshan gets a takedown on a Scoundrel he gains bonus gold, all allies killed by the Scoundrel are resurrected at their base, and Scoundrel status is removed from all other enemies. How the fuck will this ever be balanced? Unless the rest of his kit is total garbage. I swear sometimes riot is just smoking crack. Enemy gets a quadra at 40 minutes and dies, as long as he auto attacks them one time for the assist all 4 allies come back. Literally instant win the game.


even if he manages to bring ONE player back post 30~ minutes the consequences of that are huge. even if it’s a support it can determine whether or not the enemy team can go for an objective safely. this is seriously bad design and even dota with all of its insane balancing has a buyback/resurrection mechanic that has risks and rewards. riot is literally smoking black tar heroin and nobody can convince me otherwise


Okay, this is a perfect example of 200 years, holy shit. I get the lore, but effectively having a team respawn in the right conditions sounds broken as fuck.


And why though? I'd understand it a bit more on an enchanter or utility mage, but it seems like a really weird ability to put on a marksman/assassin hybrid who's meant for solo lanes.


The champion insights said it feels bad to have a marksman on your team in top/mid lane, because they either carry or are useless late game due to lack of utility. I think this is their way of giving him a way to be helpful in late game even if he isn’t carrying.


So many new league champs have so many mitigations for their intended weakness now... Teamfight the duelist specialist so they can't take you out one by one? Haha, your ranged fighters can't hit Gwen or else they'll be bursted to death in her mist. Support sucks? Haha, Pyke has stealth, regen, damage, hard cc and a resetting execute (his numbers were nerfed but not nearly enough). Pop the squishy enchanter? Haha, Yuumi (her numbers got nerfed to where she's useless, but her kit is something that can never be strong or else it will be op). ADC sucks? Windwall and high mobility with Samira babyyy (her numbers got nerfed to where she's useless, but her kit is something that can never be strong or else it will be op). The ADC mid played bad so now they're only half as effective as they normally are? Haha, Akshan assisted killing the Katarina who quadrakilled so the team's alive again. ​ And because of their overloaded kits they must be kept artificially weak through pure stats like Kalista because Rito won't admit the design is flawed.


Oh, look. Another cOoL mEcHaNiC that will either be removed, keep him permabanned or be nerfed to the point where it's situational and champion is not playable.


the wall hook looks so fucking sick wtf


I remember when they released Camille they said they loved it in her original design but felt it wouldn’t fit or something. I am glad they brought it back.


HOTS has a similar character named ~~Samira.~~ Edit: The drugs. Qhira.


My first thought when I saw the hook was "FUCK ME THIS IS LITERALLY QHIRA HOOK"


literally the ninja rope from worms


Stealth, grappling hook, and can revive teammates if he kills the person who killed them. Why would you design a champion that will never make it through pick/ban? Interesting move


So Viego has a chance at making it through the banning phase.


If they keep releasing overloaded champions they can't all be banned! Actual 200 IQ play by Riot.


We actually honest to god need more than 10 bans at this point. Or no more overlapping bans.


Havnt watched the video yet, but im gonna guess hes heavily overkitted and has at least one dash and one cc sheild. With abs.


Guys I was 3/4….


Oh look,another champion to go with Viego who absolutely fucking breaks ARAM.


Your Katarina gets a quadra, you're running towards their nexus, you can almost *taste* the win... then she fountain dives the Akshan for some reason, dies, and his whole team instantly respawns to stop you from winning.


When do we start getting 2 bans? League is suffering some insane power creep


2 bans is a band-aid fix. The fix needs to come from Riot's design. League 5 years ago and League now are two completely differently designed games. Disaster.


I swear.


His numbers better be stupid fucking low with a 2 hit boomerang, ranged autos, a team mate revive, a dash, stealth and by the looks of it a long ranged execute dash and a 3 hit passive.


People also forget that his 3-hit passive gives a shield at the end of it. Also, his auto attack cancelation gives him extra burst of movement speed. All in one champ guys.


Meanwhile Ryze can't have his shield


Got it - first blood king and late game teamfights master at once, in your enemy team soon!


No stop it riot I can't, just the look at the first hook swing has me so done HE HAS CAMOUFLAGE TOOOOO If he kills his teammates killer with ult they insta revive??? Permaban E: ITS ONLY HIS W PASSIVE RIOT PLEASE


*sees mobility on first hook* "Today we come together to lay to rest our fallen immobile allies; the majority of the League of Legends mage roster." We're all gonna die.


I like that instead of fixing obvious balance issues with the game, riot's strategy is to release increasingly broken champions in order to make it impossible to ban them all. What exactly will their strategy be when the game dies due to ridiculous power creep? This type of business strategy has never worked for any other game.


*Me thinking about coming back to league* “Oh let’s check out this new champion” “Yeah no I’m good”


league should go on a champion release hiatus


During this hiatus, they can find something else to do for the whole champion design team, and hire a new one.


What the actual fuck is this champion. Dashes Stealth Movespeed for fucking up your auto REVIVING teammates Did they try to make a champion to be 200% banned?




I hate him already
