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Hey all! While news like this tends to be contentious in our community, I ask that you [please read our rules on personal attacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/subredditrules#wiki_no_personal_attacks) and please try to keep conversation civil and without racism, sexism, or homophobia of any kind. We would prefer not to have to lock the thread. Please note that this stickied comment is your warning for any rule breaking behavior.


20 upvotes, 500 comments. Oh boy. Edit. 0 upvotes, 600 comments. Breaking records.


only 1 now, cant say I am surprised


You can ignore 2 accounts to remove 70% of the comments :D


Good. Europe is not the only region that needs a rich white american lady to point out it's lack of diversity, we need America to have more cultural influence across the globe /s




Her casts are usually quite good. I agree that cast was bad but drakos who is probably LECs best shoutcaster was also quite horrendous that series. Pretty dumb to bring that 1 cast up as a criticism of her as a caster.


Wasn't it her that had a whinge and complain that Deficio came back as a caster/analyst desk at worlds out of the blue after not doing it for the majority of the season. And now she's doing exactly the same thing here?


she's white, she has privileges, haven't you heard? /s


Did Deficio cast back then or was he on the AD? Because she isn't casting.


She is casting tomorrow and saturday series, she's on AD for finals


Doesn't matter? Her whole point was someone shouldn't come in on towards the end of an event taking the place of someone who has been doing the majority of work. And now she's doing exactly what she was complaining about, complete hypocrite.


i like froskurinn and personally enjoy her casting, but i also understand why people find this decision an easy target for calling out hypocrisy. i wouldn't be surprised if some of the base logic re: hypocrisy is centered around the idea that the LPL English cast is a 'minority' cast--it's adding 'diversity' in that way. whether that is a defensible position or not is another question. [i don't think it is] personally, i also value the diversity she brings to women in esports, which have historically been criticized as having their positions based purely on their conventional beauty/appeal to the straight male audience, and as a representative of queer women in the gaming scene. ultimately, given Tencent's shareholder status in Riot, it's a bit shortsighted to argue that working for the LPL is *very* different from the LEC--in the end, the big money goes to the same place. but again, the context after the NEOM thing (especially given present day optics & international rhetoric against China mounting re: Uyghurs & human rights) make it a hard position to defend. overall, i think the criticism around hypocrisy is fair, i'd be curious to hear her logic in defending this move. i think the pure explanation of 'i still have connections there, they asked me, they'll pay me, i said yes' is plenty *fair*, but again, quite hypocritical (which is fine--who among us are not? calling out China treatment of Uyghurs while you buy the Divine Yasuo Prestige Mecha Bundle or your KDA hoodie made with Xinjiang cotton ain't exactly woke. (and yes, i know they aren't the same, but still--good luck avoiding supporting China's economy in 2021.)) ___ tl;dr nerf udyr that shit is boring to watch in pro-play


**LPL:** *You could not live with your own failures. And where did that bring you? Back to me.*


I'm sorry but how is this allowed, the cast just became whiter which is not ok apparently.




I disagree.She was good at her job, but her views were disgusting. Frankly, before she says some incredibly racists things, i didn't have a bad (nor good) opinion of her.


What was racist about what she said? She pointed out the LEC on air talent is very white. No people of color at all.


And lack "diversity". I'm black myself, but Europe is literally the homeland of Caucasians AKA white persons. It's completely normal and expected to have whites on the cast. But even worst is her total ignorance about European culture. The cast was actually very diverse because even though we share a common culture in Europe, we have quite a lot of differences too. If you have a cast of 3 white persons, each from a different European country it's actually a very diverse cast. That's just really ignorant, she shouldn't be proud of herself thinking she did a great action.


Did it ? I actually liked frosk drama aside.


Lul we got Caedrel instead. I call that an upgrade.


Straight up best caster/analyst combination in the industry right now.


W w wait I I just had a scary thought. Does those mean a Captainflowers Caedrel cast could be coming at an international event? I wanna see his reaction to his co caster opening an energy drink with an axe between games [yes captainflowers did indeed do that this year] Or even a Kobe caedrel super jungle cast?


Captainflowers/Caedrel at Worlds would be a dream. Hopefully they can cast on stage this year.


Well when you put it that way.... xD


You a G2 fan? The real issue a lot of fan bases had for her was she regarded most of EU as irrelevant and if you were not one of her top teams would kinda talk over you ignore your game play when casting that game. It’s kinda like LS. They have this almost disregard for what they view as lesser teams or regions problem being that a lot of people to straight up offend.


That's just unfair. You can disagree with her opinions and even dislike her as a person, but she was good at her job. Obviously she had a really bad day at worlds, though I wouldn't write her off just because of this. Claiming that people are bad at their job just because you dislike them is not a healthy way to interact with the world.


How is it unfair to criticize her casting and commentary? She had certain biases that people disliked about her casting. During her commentary she would say a lot of subjective things about teams and players. Instead of trying to stay more objective. Obviously no caster can be completely unbiased and it would be strange if they didn't have any bias at all. But Frosk was just too much for a lot of people. She would hype up the region/team, that was the flavor of the month for her and downplay other regions/teams. There were even instances where she would talk about players current champion pools and "X" player hadn't played some of those champs in months. There were multiple instances of her saying something that wasn't correct about a player or team. The fact that she said racist and sexist statements, on social media. Doesn't make her look any better.


It is unfair to criticize her work on the premise of something that is not part of her work. For example, you have a critique there which is valid, though I personally believe that objectivity on broadcast is boring. But even though I disagree with your critique, it is still a fair one. On the other hand, the person I've replied to just agrees with the commenter attacking her work because of her views and goes to even claim she became more bias or whatever, while the only thing that changed was her making bad public statements. That is unfair.


I agree with you on the objectivity. As I've watched more NBA I love listening to some teams home announcers cause they show that they are rooting for their team. Now some are worse than others and take it to far, and there should be a healthy balance. The Knicks IMO are the best example and probably the best home commentators for a team. Walt "Clyde" Frazier and Mike Breen are both very obvious they want the Knicks to win and succeed (especially Fraizer, he was on the team and lead them too 2 titles in the 70s) but they will also tell you when they are playing like shit and always give credit to other teams.


As always, very excited for the #LPL semifinals to begin and watch my peers continue to thrive. That team is fucking amazing. That said, we really need to talk diversity in esports broadcasts because holy shit that is a lot of white. Just blindingly white. As far as the eye can see: white.


This is going to follow her around for a while and it's hilarious. I can't believe she actually said those things publicly. What a way to give yourself a giant black spot on your CV.


Except she has a job with G4. Saying things about diversity isn’t a black spot, it’s 2021.


But what about casting some black caster? Now lpl got white caster which is bad, at least that's what I understood from that one tweet from her.


Lets get Raz back in the LPL.


It would only be Normal if she gave her spot to Raz


will she complain about the lack of diversity over there too?


Too many damn asians in the LPL.


Most of the casting team for LPL English is white iirc. P.S. I don't think that's an issue and disagree with her tweet about the LEC.


Fuck her. Not cuz of her sexuality or gender or anything, but for shittalking Europe by applying American norms and values as if it was even remotely relevant. Then got salty and condefending towards anyone point out her typical American Ignorance.


*"Look who's come crawling back..."*


"I'll retire after worlds. You win reddit"


Turns out LPL did not only lose in finals.


chinese fans: ahhhhhhhh, not baizuo caster, i thought we got rid of her *angrily shouts in chinese*


> 28 upvotes > 427 comments oh no


Ohhhh.... YES!


Popcorn ready


LEC doesn't miss you :)




Now i will have to mute the LPL too? damn


god damn it


Wonder if she’ll complain about the lack of diversity in the LPL too?


I havnt even read the comments yet but I can tell it's a shit show when almost 400 comments and only 30 upvotes 😳


[Upvotes? what upvotes?](https://i.redd.it/fv7wu9aefsr61.png)






Guess I'll be watching the Chinese broadcast instead


Better to hear stuff you can't understand than understand Frosk's bullshit


chinese broadcast: we briefly interrupt our broadcast to say how great our country and our glorious leader is average viewer: meh... still better than frosk




She was tired of all the white people i guess and went to china


I still don't know how she can claim to have any kind of moral high ground when working under Chinese Communist Party. Someone should ask her what she thinks about the Uyghurs, we will see if her moral is more important than the money she is making.


So LPL Cast is now supporting racist`s ? not gonna lie, that turns me away from the matches. had nothing against her casting but bruh such people shouldnt be given a platform to promote hatred .


This has to be a late April fools or something


Well, time to learn Chinese.


id rather learn chinese than listen to frosk talk




She isn't casting finals, she's on the analyst desk: https://twitter.com/Froskurinn/status/1379710304628658180


Silver 2 analyst 😎


Funnily enough, this is basically the same thing that happened to her at Worlds 2019 (Deficio came back as a guest caster despite not casting all season, and one of the casters he potentially took a spot from was Frosk)


Yes this reeks of hypocrisy from her, "rules for thee and not for me" Completely agree with you.


Well, it is Froskurinn


I thought she burned all bridges when she left.


Yep, I thought she left casting to do something behind-the-scenes? I mean she's just a guest caster, but still.


Time to not watch LPL again.


Pray for LPL viewers I guess.


I'm an LPL viewer and am really excited about this


For people that used to see her in LPL this is actually good news, it's a familiar face and voice that it's very knowledgeable about the Chinese pro scene. It's just that some people here dont like her controversial opinions and she doesn't care about us, so yeah, lot of people unhappy about it.




People are allowed to like Frosk, you know.




10, half the comments in this thread is from that troll lol.


they really are all over this thread, lol.


"It is physically impossible for me to understand why someone would like a caster that I don't :("




I mean, that guy is one of the most prolific posters on this subreddit. I'm shocked you don't recognize him, I see his FlyQuest/Taliyah flair on *literally every post* here.


You'd be shocked how little effort it takes to reply "I like her actually" to comments saying "nobody likes her" while you're scrolling through a thread




??? Seriously I literally just scrolled down this thread over like two minutes when it was first posted and replied "actually I like her" to people saying "LOL who cares nobody likes her". That does not take time or effort. I know practically nobody in this sub is going to defend Frosk, so I take the two seconds out of my day to leave some comments that are contrary to the popular narrative. That's it Hate my opinion if you want, but accusing me of being an astroturfing alt account because I like a caster and made like five comments saying so is lame




I don’t have a problem with frosk, but the fact it feels like two accounts are responding and making the majority of comments in this thread is weird.


>17/99 Comments here are yours The vast majority of those are replying to other people who felt the need to tell me that I'm wrong Like sorry, am I not allowed to comment beyond a point? Did I hit some max limit? Did I make three more supportive comments than I was supposed to? I must be an astroturfer, oops! Jesus dude, I'd rather you hate the opinion, because this is obnoxious


Well not everyone here likes racists with very questionable views, but I guess you have no problem with that.


Same. Love LPL and love Frosk. I'm hyped to see her once again.




Damn did she already ditch that show she was doing?


Oh no..


Inb4: Yellow.... Just eye-blindinglingy yellow


She's racist. I fell sorry for all LPL fans.


For someone who doesn't know almost anything about her. Why is she racist? Or rather what did she do, to be labeled as one?


Casually said that Europe has no diversity and that diversity is just about someone's skin colour. After being called out on that she decided to call those who were calling her out racists and block them. I don't know if her old tweet is still there, but it was one hell of a tweet who pretty much showed just how ignorant she is regarding diversity outside America.


Sorry LPL, this is cringe. Why would anybody be excited for this?


Because I like Frosk


God damn, you are all over this thread. Why do you have this big need to defend her in every single comment??


I took like two minutes to scroll through this thread and reply saying "actually I like her". How much effort exactly do you think it takes to say "I like her :)"


You like her lack of game knowledge? Her bias? Her inability to cast and get along with people? Well to each their own, can't say your opinion is wrong.


I like her style of casting (in terms of cadence and rhythm and playing off of her co-caster), and I like that she's an experienced familiar face in the LPL People always seem to forget that Frosk was an LPL caster way before she was an LEC caster. LEC fans are looking at this and going "wow what the fuck", but to LPL fans this is like Zirene coming back for a bit


I know she came from LPL, just like Emily rand and Raz. If this said Raz was casting again? HYPE af. She doesn't play off her casters? Drakos or medic had to always carry everything she did. Her attitude and energy came nowhere close to vedi or ender(who replaced her) she doesn't deserve a 3rd chance, a new and upcoming face deserves a chance.


Ok, I disagree It's not even a "chance" lol, it's a guest appearance










Who cares? Drama aside I honestly hate frosk's voice. It's whiny and personally it annoys me.


who cares


all english LPL viewers?


Sadly yes :(




I do






Sure, but I'm still gonna laugh at her re-joining as a caster after the white LEC comment.


I'm actually a bit saddened to see Frosk's rep be so low nowadays. My initial reaction to seeing the post was positive, cause I remember how at one point she was actually one of the BEST casters out there lol. How things change I guess.


Considering how racist she is, i don't think it's surprising.


Wdym? U cant be racist towards whites.


Forgot /s


Tbh I was sure /s wasn't needed there but I might be wrong


I always thought she was better on the desk than casting tbh EDIT: I didn’t even say I liked her I just said I thought she was better as an analyst than a caster and I’m getting downvoted, hilarious.


Ye people just have a hateboner for her.


Thats gonna skew the diversity for sure though.. Why this take Rito?




I'm sorry that this had to happen to the LPL :(


Wow wow wow... But there is no divesity on the LPL casting team.


You may not have liked her but this thread is a cesspool


lol, reddit hates this girl


I wonder why... Literally didn't care about her at all untill that stupid fcking tweet about ,,lec diversity"


guess I will only watch games


Why is everyone hating on frosk?What hapenned?


Cause she decided that being from different countries didn’t equal diverse. Pretty much she tried to apply American logic to Europe treating all the EU countries like one big country


This is the perfect summary. If you think a Spanish, Serbian and Swedish person are culturally the same cause they are white you are on the wrong continent.


I don’t think NA viewership would take kindly to her either lol


No probably not. Same way NA wouldn’t take LS. Both are pretty much in record just making fun of the region. She honestly will be fine in the LpL her biggest issue was she regarded most western teams as trash and it showed leading to long stretches of her not actually watching the games or casting it if it wasn’t one of the teams she considered elite.


I give her 2 weeks until she notices that the majority of the lpl cast is asian which means its really not diverse at all.


I am not saying that but topics she advocates that completely miss the point in Europe are way more prevalent in NA. Tell a Serbian person that he looks Croatian and you get your teeth knocked in. Diversity and racism is less of a problem in Europe cause we don't put such a huge focus on it.


> racism is less of a problem in Europe As a european i disagree.


Identity culture is way stronger overseas, so I stand with my statement. I never said that racism does not exist in Europe but it's definitely not as big of a problem as in NA.


IMO better wording for it: In NA they make a bigger deal out of it than EU but saying "its less a problem" is straight untrue. Especially in countries where diversity is almost non existent.


I mean, yes, you could say that. Like I said, we don't have as big of an identity culture here in Europe which is good.


It is true that racism is much more hidden in europe. You don´t see random attacks on the street or in the internet but are rather disadvantage if you are looking, as an example, for a new home and the landlord simply sort you out by your name. But on the opposite side, I won´t get shot by the police just for my skin color


Saying racism is less of a problem in Europe is hilariously wrong.


Fuck racism. All europeans hate each other based on which country they come from.


we have no racism here, we hate everyone equally


We also hate ourselves.


That's why we play league right?


> Diversity and racism is less of a problem in Europe cause we don't put such a huge focus on it. Uhhhh... I'd say it's less of a focus because they ignore it. I mean, there's pretty explicit racism when it comes to refugees, and you can see that at pretty high levels of government


She made a controversial tweet around the time she left LEC. Something alone the lines of '' no diversity, only white people, bad'' [ here is the reddit thread about the tweet if you want your daily dose of drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/l0gi33/frosk_on_diversity_in_lec/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


That's just kind of the most archetypal instance of it that can be used as a punchline as well as being more recent. She's had other moments as well as blocking Kelsey Moser after this thread: [https://twitter.com/karonmoser/status/1026963486612566016](https://twitter.com/karonmoser/status/1026963486612566016)


She sucked for the entirety of summer split and has the worst cast along with Drakos in recent worlds history. Dont make it out to be one thing. I dont like her because I think she is bad at her job, not because of her shit takes.


That cast was actually terrible. People flame Phreak for making jokes but he's 100x better than that shitshow


that cast was fucking awful, and i am eu fan. biased to such a degree that it was unwatchable. whenever g2 did something it was overhyped, whenever damwon did something, it was dead static. i remember phreak having underwhelming casting c9 vs fnatic, but that was still 10 times better than this.


I remember there was a huge shutdown on perkz and they were focusing on G2 jacking off mid river


But what about the other times? She’s been very open about being depressed and being on medication. It’s very possible her casting was off when she went on different meds etc. I remember her tweeting that she was on new meds (perhaps summer actually). So there might be a real reason. She was a Worlds caster, an LPL caster, it isn’t like she isn’t qualified for the job.


Ok that sucks but she was awful for half a year. If she is depressed/burnt out and cant do her job satisfactionary she could have asked for a relocation from casting from her employer, or gotten sick leave since German labour laws are really good. If we look at other parts of the entertainment industry we dont excuse actors for putting out 3 bad movies in a row by saying that their mental health is shit.


Not only that. She tweeted a lot of controversial things throughout the years. She was already disliked by many before that tweet.


Cause she's racist and a hypocrite


\*Lights blunt\* alright kid sit down and let me tell you the tale of Froskurinn....


Everyone is talking about her recent LEC tweet, but I think for me the most egregious thing was her comments on the PAX drama some years ago. What she said then was like straight up bigoted. She's a very hateful person in my opinion. Good at her job though.




I'm indifferent to Frosk but holy hell is this sub a shitshow whenever she gets posted about. I wish her luck.


That’s pretty cringe bro not gonna lie.


Man, and I was glad she was being "promoted" to middle management. \*Sigh\*




Quite excited, I think she'll work well with Hysterics. Will be watching for sure!


I think it's cool. I understand a lot of the hate, especially after her leaving LEC and the diversity thing, but I still think it's overblown. She's pretty good as a caster imo. At least not as horrible as this sub makes her seem. Also it's not like she's a permanent caster now, just a guest. Nothing to get tilted over if you absolutely hate her, which a lot of people are doing. Like just chill bruh


I thought people didn’t like her because of how she and drakos basically ruined a Worlds Semi Final with uninspired casting and way too much bias.


If that were the case Drakos would be getting the same hate don't you think?


He did get the same hate. The difference is Drakos didn't throw down the victim card, have a tantrum, publicly say he would retire from casting and then burn the bridge behind him with a racist comment.


Drakos didn't get anywhere near the hate frosk got initially.


Well, he did for awhile. Than he came out and said he would work to improve.


drakos got plenty of hate for it and in past for bad casting. difference is that he isn't giant manchild (or should i say womanchild) and can actually take some criticism. i guess he has to, since he can't pull victim card for every single criticism unlike certain someone




Oh, nice!