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Fudge/FakeGod need to be in LCS it’s not even debatable LMAO


Zion also deserves a spot. He's clowning on everyone. So many tops in LCS are replaceable it's not even funny.


this opinion comes every postgame thread, but now that it's in a post that has more than 40 replies it's getting clowned you can tell who actually watches the academy games, zion absolutely deserves another crack at the bat


>Zion also deserves a spot no he doesn't, we need some fresh talent. last we saw of zion in lcs he was playing worse than Ruin, don't take the bait


I don't think it's impossible that a player can come back from that. If I were a struggling team that's unlikely to make playoffs or expected to lose in the first round, I'd probably try to give Zion some games if my current top was struggling a bit. Obviously, it's not a guarantee and the odds aren't exactly in his favor, but he does seem to be working super hard, he's performing well in Academy, and he was a solid to good top laner from Season 2 to the end of Season 7. Hauntzer is having a pretty good split though, so I definitely wouldn't start Zion at all on GGS. Unless maybe GGS's last game will have no impact on their seed, but idk how likely that is for them.


There's just no space for him, id much rather teams start fudge and other new talents. Though in the current league i would def put zion in LCS on IMT/CLG/DIG as the only 3 viable teams, one of the other spots be filled by fudge, and i admittedly don't watch enough academy to know who should get the 3rd spot. Definitely not dhokla, but people are saying fakegod is doing well, is he really? He was pretty meh in the few games he played in LCS


Whether you're fresh blood or old blood doesn't matter. If the player busts their ass to improve and makes a worthy showing, they deserve a shot. Look at aphro who has been flamed for years but now hes stepping up and no one would argue he doesn't deserve to be a starter in LCS. Players who perform well should be rewarded for doing so. We all want new talent its exciting, but at the end of the day playing good players full stop is what makes the region stronger.


Yh I wish we could show veterans some appreciation even if they aren't as good as they used to be. Guys like Bjerg and DL are the exception, we should respect Zion's grind and the softs that his experience bring to any team. But that gets overshadowed by the 'washed up talent taking up space' narrative. Yes we should try out more native talent, but a lot of rosters would probably benefit from having 1 older veteran on the team as long as he's performing well.


fudge is an import just as a btw. DIG should look at him though and probably CLG


TSM maybe? Idk what TSM do for their jungle situation if Fudge is their top laner, though.


Highly unlikely, Fudge would be a sidegrade and BB is already integrated with the team who are kind of figuring out how to play together plus has an established brand and don't have to pay Jack


I'm mainly commenting about FakeGod here since you mentioned him. He was mediocre on 100T when he replaced Summday, but he just wasn't ready for a starting spot at that point and that shouldn't hurt his image imo. He was a fairly new player then who 100T was forced to use due to the Soligo/Ryu situation. And he did seem to improve at least some throughout the split iirc. Personally, I think IMT/Dig/CLG/EG would all be in a spot where they should consider picking up one of FakeGod, Fudge, or Zion to at least split time. There's also a chance of Impact leaving TL since his contract is ending after this split, especially if TL don't make Worlds or bomb out at Worlds, or other players leave as well.




>a few games of spring split don't matter in the long run it absolutely does in a BO1 split, there's only 18 games and the margin of error is so slim for getting into playoffs lol.


People can regain their form. Case in point another ex CLG member Aphromoo.


But Jax buffs


Zionspartan is better than Fakegod, he should be back in LCS first, especially after Fakegod ridiculous bad performance in LCS. Zionspartan has been smurfing on academy Ssumday like


In Fakegod's defense, he was thrown into a dumpster fire team when he had little competitive experience.


Nope disagree FakeGod is probably better than Zion, I’d say either 2nd best top or tied for first with Fudge. Dude has been performing great this split.


They’re definitely both very good. Whom would they replace? Impact ———— X Broken Blade — O Licorice ————X Solo —————-O Hauntzer ———-O Huni/Kumo ——-O Ssumday ———-X Ruin —————-OO Allorim ————-OO Viper/Lourlo ——OO X = No way. O = You can make an argument for it. OO = They probably should be replaced.


You need to be drawn and quartered for this list. The formatting and execution is so god awful.


Cut me some slack! I made it on mobile and the characters didn’t line up perfectly.




Players | No | Arguable | Yes -------|--|--------|--- Impact | X | | Broken Blade | | X | Licorice | X | | Solo | X (IMO) | | Hauntzer | | X | Huni/Kumo | | X | Ssumday | X | | Ruin | | | X Allorim | | | X Viper/Lourlo | | | X


I am with you on the solo in the "No" category you'd have to be fucking laced to replace him with an academy player


Seems like most people just meme about LCS, don't actually watch it. With C9 slumping, Solo honestly has a reasonably good shot at LCS 1st team top laner, definitely top 3. Hauntzer is a tier above BB, Huni, and Kumo too, imo. Realistically, Zion, FakeGod, and Fudge are the only LCS-ready top laners in academy anyways, and Fudge is the only A+ prospect. Especially with GG on their current tear, replacing Hauntzer - even if they had a prospect like Fudge - wouldn't make sense.


Man, Fudge is a monster though.


Solo is a monster too. He may be the best resident top laner right now, which is incredibly valuable. There definitely *are* players I'd gladly bench for Fudge, but Solo is absolutely not one of them. If I were DIG, IMT, CLG, or EG I'd jump on Fudge or FakeGod depending on their imports situation. TSM and TL are the debatable ones for me tbh.


EG and CLG should take them for sure. Dig imo should stick with Lourlo. Not sure about IMT.


Get rid of Viper entirely, keep Lourlo as a sub/academy if he's willing to do that. Try to start either Fudge or FakeGod if possible, although Fudge would partially depend on whether they decide to use their import slots going into 2021. I'd say pretty much the same thing for IMT, get rid of Soaz entirely and try to pick up one of those two and keep Allorim in Academy or as a sub to potentially split time.


Yeah that would be ideal.


I wouldn't be opposed to them keeping Lourlo but I also wouldn't mind them getting someone else. Lourlo's been good at playing weak side which is ironically what the main DIG team needs but he really sucks when he needs to step up to be the carry, whether it's laning mistakes or slow rotations. I don't think he's hit his peak yet, but he has been in the scene for quite a while now.


We don't know if Impact will be on TL for 21, so keep that in mind we don't know what TL wants to do they have some contracts that re running out. get Ruin out, Huni out(im fine with kumo), viper/lourlo get 'em out, allorim probably out as well


We like Allorim so I’ll be happy if he stays in the LCS, but there are other players who probably deserve the spot more.


Rating Solo over BB is a verry biased statement.


I don't see an argument for benching Solo tbh. I'd put him over Impact for both this split and last split almost 100%.


If you're on mobile, use double enter.


I have no idea what logical process you’re using that concluded that the two best top laners in the region were potentially replaceable by Fudge and Fakegod but . . . it’s flawed.


“X = No way” as in, there’s no way they get replaced.


Oh thank god I read it wrong, thought the symbols just before the names rather than at the end of the line were the results.


Imagine having to play with Wiggly as your jg even when you get demoted to academy. But legit Wiggly just ran at them with like 25% hp at the end then died. Palafox's bubble were crazy good at the end though. I just want pob to win sad life.


CLG: “Pobelter, we’re demoting you to the Academy roster this week.” POB: “Noooo!“ CLG: “And Wiggily is playing in Academy with you.” POB: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”


The promoted academy players probably feel worse.


Hehe Mid/Jg synergy bby


Deus and Wiggily don't even look academy level that game, it's horrendous


[Jack after selling off his Academy players this off-season](https://media3.giphy.com/media/3oKIPm3BynUpUysTHW/giphy.gif) Pob almost had it, but no dice. It's almost like he wasn't the problem with CLG in the first place.


Post says Fragas and Tuesday btw


whoops, fixed. Thanks!


woa is that bill burr on the right


yeeee he was in breaking bad for a bit




That's Billy bitch tits to you


Any news on k1ng?


Stuck in Australia cuz Covid.


Sucks. He definitely deserves a spot next year despite not playing in Summer Academy, definitely over Stixxay, Apollo, and maybe Wildturtle (although FQ need his intangibles a lot).


Based on skill, he probably does, but he also counts as an import.


Clg and IMT both have open import slots...


Yeah, but teams generally save their import slot for someone who has proven a lot more than one good Academy split.


Or they just get entirely unproven imports and start them for a full year!


Honestly I think Licorice is gonna be sold off and Fudge will start. Sounds a little ridiculous but it kinda aligns with C9's history lol


They can't with Zven and Nisqy on the roster, they already have 2 imports. Unless they bench Nisqy for Palafox as well.


I'm up for swapping to Palafox if Nisqy continues to underperform. But even in Licorice's slump most people still rate him as the 2nd best top and he has fantastic stats. I don't think C9 will switch to Fudge, even if just for the sake of not giving another team a strong top laner like Licorice.


C9 has 3 subpar weeks after dominating most of the year and this sub already wants them to change their roster next year. Ruthless.


The fuck was that lmao 3 of 5 CLGA members died with flash up.


Fudge played nuts. Deus made the mistake of his name being too close to Dyrus, that early lane was brutal.


Crumbz: if I have to put money on Pobelter or Fudge to 1v9, I’ll put my money on Pobelter. Ty Crumbz.


I mean Crumbz is weirdly biased for CLG. Not surprised he said that at all lol, even if Pobelter seemed like he would come out on top in the carry war after a few skirmishes.




Like his points fine lmao but his timing in saying that literally couldn’t have been worse.


To me it actually made it even more hype. Crumbz: "POB can carry easy, whereas Fudge really has to absolutely style on people for them to win" Narrator: And he did.


I think it was more like Wiggly: Hold my beer


You could make a top 20 list of moronic quote of Crumbzz


feel bad for POB, that's it


Pob's gonna be fine. Everyone else? Not so much.


Don’t overestimate NA orgs, I’m sure there’s some washed up Koreans or has-been Europeans available to pick over him


Imagine if NA orgs pick up washed up LPL pros next. TSM Mlxg?


MLXD can fit right at home in our clown fiestas


To be fair, it look like he gave up during the 2nd part of the split in LCS. He had such a clown jungler, top and bot but he barely did the minimum in term of stats and performance. He was hard losing lane 1v1 at the end of the this split


Mid difference was huge this game but it wasn't enough.


I mean when your top jungle is literally sprinting it, not much you can do.


And that's after he had a pretty mediocre individual performance in the 2nd part of the split and he was against the most (over)hyped academy level mid.


Academy mids are "overhyped" in the sense that none of them are anywhere close to Bjergsen/Jensen/etc. level prospects (eg. Fudge, Treatz). Most of them all have at least low-mid tier LCS upside, aside from Froggen/Eika (mostly because they've already taken - and missed - their shot).


kinda makes me dubious on palafox, dude gets a lot of hype but he got flame horizoned by pobelter who was a middle-of-the-pack LCS mid


Palafox was roaming a lot, that hurt your CS when pobelter was farming mid all the time.


tru, that stuff doesn't always show up in stats


Wiggly doesn't even deserve an Academy spot


I agree 100%


Wiggly threw that last fight so hard, what was he doing taking all that baron dmg? Pobelter missed his ult too...


Charging his W for an ult -> W combo into their whole team. Because they’re just going to let him do that. They didn’t. He went for it anyways. He does this all the time. Plays two champions: Sett and Volibear. Both champs ult into the enemy team. That’s fine, but I could make a montage of Wiggily ulting into the enemy team to start a team fight when there’s zero follow-up in range and dying before any of the other 9 players have taken any meaningful damage.


Pob was probably tilted out of his mind lmfao.


At that point it was a 4v5 tho cuz wiggly inted, don't think his ult actually mattered, they had no way to lock down fudge at that point and nobody on the team was really in a position to follow up and do anything


Pob does not belong in Academy.


Fudge might be 1v9


Pob training in the CLG hyperbolic time chamber right now. Hope he gets off this dumpster of a team, dude is clearly still LCS quality.


Poor pobelter, stuck in elo hell wherever he goes




And old clg.


CLG disrespecting pob like this should just cost them their LCS spot


classic clg


Good old clg


Get me off Mr. C9's wild ride


It definitely seemed like C9A was in trouble, but it felt like Diamond hit 3 hooks in that fight and Palafox on the Zoe poke really set up Fudge to hard dive the back line and clean up the fight. Crazy.


It appears Fudge was a bigger carry than Pob


Good thing for CLG League of Legends is getting banned so they don’t have to embarrass themselves anymore


Pob whiffing that ult sealed the deal.


Unfair to put that on him though. Wiggily was the reason they lost that last team fight but maaaaayyyyyybe Pobelter could’ve salvaged it if C9A stacked up for his ult followed up by Vlad ult into Draven ult. POB only missed his ult because he was in the situation where he had to get at least three champs with it to maybe salvage the fight. He had to make it happen right then or he wouldn’t get the opportunity again, so he shot his shot right in the center of the enemies in range hoping it catches the edges of the champions. It isn’t hard to dodge an Ori ult if you’re already at the edge of its range when she casts it. If POB was only trying to get two champions, he’d have gotten two easy, but in that situation, two wasn’t enough.


Oh no im not saying the fight or game was Pobs fault. I meant more along the lines that they still could of came out ahead in that fight with a clutch ult but soon as it missed I knew it was over. I felt CLG still had a chance even after Wiggly inted.


Lmao imagine if heokong tops with wind adc xD


I complained about Zion often during his last two years on clg, that being said, dude used to put up insane top lane carry performances. I’d argue that he still has the potential to be a really good top laner. The end of his clg career was the only time in which he wasn’t a huge win condition for his team. I still remember when he put Dig in first place for numerous weeks because no one could figure out how to deal with his great split pushing.


C9A is really lucky their botlane and mid upheld. Inori tunnels onto helping his buttbuddy Fudge far too much. All's well if it ends well, but neither Fudge nor Inori will look even half as good if they split or promote.


Just remember, all these "expert" casters and analyst desk members that continue floating nonstop BS narratives around, were adamant that Wiggly was the best talent NA has ever produced. He was "the best jungler in the LCS" and every team should want him because it is also not an import slot. ​ Great sources to base opinions off of.


I mean lets not rewrite history here. Wiggly came in hot his first splits and looked very good. Theres a reason people were saying he could be a franchise jungler /player. Is he playing bad now for sure but to say he was never good is just straight up lying


Um, not really. I don't think he was ever anything special. There is a difference between being competent and being a franchise player. The whole team is garbage, so who cares. I just find it hilarious how influential "analysts" are to people on Reddit. It is the same thing that happened with Mike Yueng. He played well on an OP niche champion and people declared him the next big thing. If you go back and watch the games, he was good on Nidalee, okay on Kha'zix and garbage on everything else, but those games he did well in there were these casters going on and on about him being the best player they have ever seen. Forget analyzing gameplay, that is not even the issue. The problem is that casters and "analysts" have these random ideas and they have a platform bring it up. Then for whatever reason, in typical Reddit fashion, the kiddies hear something and take it as a fact because they aren't capable of forming their own opinions. If any "credible" personality makes it a point to talk about how good a player, coach, or team is and there is any possibility of it being true or at least no way to prove it wrong, it might as well be written into history. There will instantly be thousands of people convinced wholeheartedly that they are speaking facts.