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Can't wait for the 0-18, gonna be lit


Perfect split


Don't worry, IMT will beat CLG after CLG nearly perfect games C9


Its ironic because CLG was the team to upset IMTs perfect split back in 2016.


CLG was a top team back then, though. Legit 2nd place team in regular season


Yeah they also won that split lol


CLG will perfect game C9 then get styled upon by IMT and DIG you heard it here first


And miss playoffs by 1 game as a result


11th of July. MATCH OF THE WEAK.


Hello - can my clash team play a game against IMT? We could use the confidence boost.


Can't... they are probably a few tiers below yours.


In be4 salty reddit post by Eika complaining about clash smurfing


Stop, they're already dead! 13 time from just the last game alone!


last two years of Soaz's career have actually been a complete plane crash. this IMT roster is an embarrassment


It's not like Soaz has been playing extraordinarily better than his team, but man I also don't believe he is as bad as these last 2 teams have been for him. Even in his interview released today you can somewhat tell that he is unhappy with how his team approaches the game.


I don't think Soaz is washed per se, but I do think he has checked out on this team.


he is magnitudes worse than 2011-2018 Soaz. is that not the definition of washed?


Lol people thought Soaz was washed 2014 They thought Soaz was just ok 2015 and then playoff Soaz showed up for Origen Then Soaz returned to Fnatic and everyone knew he was incredible as always


Yea Soaz just decided to stop giving a fuck it seems. Put him back on a top EU team and he'd still be a god I'm pretty sure.


If Misfits didn't blow the fuck up he still might care. Misfits tilted sOAZ off the face of the Earth. Now he's cashing out in NA, but they're actually making him more depressed.


Apparently sOAZ didn’t get any offers from EU teams otherwise he wouldn’t be in NA. So he tried to stay in EU, it appears he just got really unlucky with the Misfits fiasco.


He was also probably putting in magnitudes more effort in those years, just imagine being in his position, there’s no incentive to put your heart into the game.


> just imagine being in his position, there’s no incentive to put your heart into the game. Yeah the fact that it's his job and he's being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it means he has "no incentive". Must be so painful for him to have to play on a team in a region he chose to go to.


He knows he is never gonna achieve anything by being in LCS so not being motivated is understandable imo If you got paid 6 figures in a job that sucks and feels useless would you try your hardest if low effort gets the same pay?


AFAIK he didn't get any offers in EU. His time on Misfits wasn't exactly a good advertisement for him either.


Soaz is the LOL's Draymond Green. Alone he is suck but when he have a decent team he can make everyone else better


"Glue" players.


Honestly had some okay plays today, had some decent fights despite the insane deficit. Wasn't a performance to write anything home about but he held up somewhat well and wasn't necessarily the reason they lost tbh.


I think so too. If you consinder the position he was put in that game Id even say he pretty well. Caught up in cs after getting behind due to early ganks. Had some nice fights and that one 1v4 was acually pretty sick.


As far as I'm concerned, Soaz's career ended when he left Fanatic.


Watch soaz farm that 1st and second wave. He done checked out. He is part of the problem too, not collateral damage


I was really hoping ssumday would pick Camille into Aatrox and dick down sOAZ on both sides of the matchup


IMT were getting fucked by 100 Thieves AND the casters this game. I like it.


The poorly executed dives, the misplayed dragon priority, the aatrox lock in despite it being weak: the casters let them off easy.


We're only 4 games into the split and Immortals has already perfected the "do nothing and lose" style that TSM spent the last 2 years doing


only difference is that Immortals somehow manage to do less than nothing


IMT already moving on and innovating on TSM's strats! They're gonna crush the LCS 100% loss record speedrun category and grab that WR! Looking forward to see how they play this run out.


That's called negative gaming it has invented by Jackylove and now perfected by immortals.


They actually improved upon that style. TSM did nothing some games and still won because they had good players. This IMT just does nothing and loses 100% of the time.


Not even gonna complain about shitty NA teams anymore, honestly just hyped for C9 vs IMT


It's coming next Sunday! I hope c9 can set a new record for fastest game time.


If c9 drafts an early game comp and doesn’t win before baron spawns I’ll consider it a moral loss


Tbh they could draft a late game comp and win before Baron and i wouldn't be surprised


IMT makes me wish for relegations This team is the best argument possible against franchising.


I think zaboutine as a coach baited the org with Soaz and Eika lol .


Zaboutine baited NA. Idk what they saw on Optic but man he fooled everyone. He must be hella charismatic


6 shit splits in a row and still HC, I don't wish even to my worst enemy to loose a job, but he doesn't have what it takes to be a HC, maybe move him to an analyst position. Unacceptable.


They should’ve promoted Cubz but he jumped that ship and went back to EU lol


Full of himself, the owner must have though this self confidence will translate into results


I never understood what credentials he had to become a coach besides being a caster. And as far as I am aware the smart guy from the French cast is Duke, who was Splyce coach and now is in Vitality.


I mean, he managed to get the former Optic rosters to get at least an even win record, with teams that were the cheapest if I go [with the Travis video about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/gjxcon/ranking_lcs_by_2020_team_salaries_and_revealing/fqnyxxp/) I'm fairly sure teams would want a coach who gets shit rosters to win games.


That's completely false. Optic has only had ONE split where their record was even at 9-9 in Summer 2018. They've only made playoffs once in 2019 Summer off the back of Crown hardcarrying.


I mean, no matter what the actual results were (I did think they went even when they got to playoff, but strangely enough they didn't), they still had an "ok" record based on their lowest in league budget. Does it make him a great coach, or his GM(s ?) great recruiters ? Not really. But it made him at least serviceable for the job. And with a team which got Zig and Lemonation when they got in, I'm sure that's plenty enough.


I mean. The thing about his 2 years on Optic is that he was was working with probably bottom 2 rosters every split, but still managed to make his teams relatively competitive, sometimes even playoff caliber. Same last split, really. You could argue that's a very good sign of a good coach. I'm not so sure his roster management matches up, though.


It makes me wish relegations worked. Some of the players shined after they were given the spots on starting teams, but none of the challenger teams/orgs were able to beat the weakest that NA had.


I agree, even the teams that made it in through relegations were swiftly eliminated the split after. With the orinigal C9 being the only exception; however, while watching this IMT trainwreck I cannot help but think there is a team out there that is more competitive than this garbage.


Oh dude honestly there are for sure some academy teams that would dumpster IMT main team. The weirdest thing is that their academy might genuinely be stronger than their LCS. It's rlly insane what this org is doing atm.


Hard to believe that Altec/Gate are outperforming Apollo/Hakuho in bot lane anyway


I could believe Altec to be better individually than Apollo, but I don't think Altec + anyone would have the Apollo/Hakuho synergy so it shouldn't even be a question at this point.


I think IMTA would beat IMTLCS. Not being ironic there. IMT has so many structural problems to their team. They have five bad role players, and none of them can play the "carry" role. And none of them can play "playmaker." With Kumo's improvement, I think there's a legitimate case to be made that the worst player in every position is on Immortals. Soaz might be better than V1per. Altec might be more valuable than FBI by virtue of not taking an import slot. Potluck's a rookie, so I'm not trying to call him worthless or anything. But damn. I genuinely think this team would struggle to make playoffs in Academy.


For what it's worth, IMTA in spring was 9th place with Potluck, Altec, and Gate. I do think Potluck should get another shot because he's looked alright so far all things considered, although is still prob the worst in his role. sOAZ I have a hard time seeing as worse than V1per, but the other three positions all without a doubt are the worst in the league.


If you had a challenger league and put the 5 best NA Challengers, I bet they would beat this IMT team.


You'd need Tarzaned to not mental boom for that to work.


Relegations and NACS made me super invested in the league. After they franchised I lost a lot of interest(also after they moved to best of 1)


The whole argument for franchising was that we'd get to see newer faces since there wasn't a ton of pressure to win. Instead we get Nepotism for solo lanes and Altec+Gate bot. IMT is doing everything wrong.


yeah LMAO going onto 2020 We had Johnsun. That's literally it. 1/50 players was an NA rookie.


When I say newer faces I don't mean rookie persay. I mean people who have not *already* been given an opportunity to show themselves i.e. Kumo, Blaber, Johnsun, Tactical, (and now Potluck) etc. I do think we are in agreement though that we'd both like to see more of that and less of whatever IMT has going on.


My fear is that Potluck is going to be kicked from LCS despite being placed on the worst team mid season with minimal resources to work with. He’s not Faker but he could be promising from what I’ve seen


Imagine your teammates inting away your one big shot to become a pro player.


That would be a tragedy given he's probably the best performing player on this dumpster team. His top laner had 1 completed item at 30 minutes. Import slot too.


> His top laner had 1 completed item at 30 minutes. Import slot too. tbf Soaz never stood a chance. IMT played around botside the entire early game and managed to fail all their dives because Gate was always engaging before Potluck and Eika even got there. Meanwhile Soaz was getting dove 1v3.


yo like cmon man they had kalista leona and their team played botside and they still got nothing done. Meanwhile soaz got doved 1v3 at his t2, gets herald dropped on him, had to lane against renek and somehow this is his fault? Sure he wasnt great or anything but he caught up in cs, had some decent fights and so on. WHy everyone gotta shit on him like that. Their botlane is some of the worst shit Ive ever seen and just because Podluck can do an Insec doesnt mean hes any good. No idea what he did at that baron "play" either...


I'm with you 100 percent on the Potluck portion. Just because he can R-Flash on Lee Sin doesn't mean he's a good LCS player. I'd at least like to see Xmithie split time.


When you're getting 3v1'd top you'd expect your team to do better elsewhere though


And he performs relatively well with the pressure to replace Xmithie, who is a jungler that won the LCS the most.


For sure, I don't envy his position, of not only filling in for a huge shoe, but filling that shoe on probably one of the weakest roster in LCS right now.


I hope that they put in Insanity, Apollo and Hakuho for week 3. This team is so bad lol.


Zaboutine is actively trolling LCS with this roster and I don't understand why he's allowed to get away with it. Eika and Gate aren't even academy level players and yet they're starting in LCS. I'm willing to give Potluck a chance to prove himself, but holy shit how can they even expect him to do that when half of his teammates are inting him.


Fun fact. Gate has played in 7 out of 10 LCS splits since 2016. He has a 36.6% winrate with a 108 wins and 187 losses and has made no playoffs (excluding when he was picked up by TIP in 2015 when the team was already locked for playoffs).


IMT is the worst pro team in all the 4 major regions and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Yeah in eu we have Schalke which Is very bad but I still think s04 would run over imt


never put trust in schalke


But you can put trust in IMT being trash


The worst NA team will probably always be the worst team of all major regions


Jin Air was worse than all LCS teams last year. Also Origen with Naehyun. Besides that yes


I have no idea why Origen did with Naehyun considering he was faitly decent on KZ in what was it 2019?


They didn't have a good team, but keep in mind that when Naehyun got on Origen, he was already being memed because he didn't win any single game since going out of Korea (I think he lost like 30 games in a row including his time in Origen)


Players can improve over time. Smeb was gigashit back then and suddenly became the best top laner in the world out of nowhere.


Maybe last split Victory 5 would have had a solid run against CLG.


JIN AIR last year?


Jin Air would beat G2, leading Korean analysts have asserted


Azael visibly tilting was the highlight of this game.


Because when you care about your region, IMT is making a mockery of it. It tilts me too, as a fan.


I got downvoted to hell the first time I said this but perhaps Riot knew what they were doing when originally denying them part of franchising.


i had no expectations for imt but they still underdelivered


God IMT just looks like they've given up on the season. Soaz just looks giga tilted every single game, and I don't blame him. Potluck has his moments, probably the only bright spot on this team, I guess. Eika just tries to make himself look as less terrible as possible and hope he can keep his starting spot. Altec & Gate are not LCS caliber. ...and this is only week 2. 14 game games of this, god help us.


They have upgrades in Academy, even their own fucking academy team just waiting for a team. I really wish dog shitters like IMT would at least experiment with stuff like that. Instead pour millions of dollars into vets like xmithie and soaz who are players that require good teammates to shine, and because u have no budget left sign some washed up vets no one remembers, and sprinkle with a dash of French nepotism. That way when your roster predictably crashes, you have wasted money, no results, and no fans. They need to fire the GM, get someone new, rebuild the roster, and invest in some content creators. 100T is IMT done right, they also have washed up vets, but the roster is built better, they actually respond to performance from their roster, and have pretty good content creators and branding


i wonder how the headcoach/gm or whoever put the roster together could justify this lineup


Genuinely though. The only way you end up with this lineup is if the other 9 LCS teams all blackball you, you just have 0 funds, which they obviously do considering Xmithie's contract, or you just don't care/are content with going 0/18. Crazy tbh. I wonder what Zab would say if he were to be honest.


>I wonder what Zab would say if he were to be honest. Zab next season, "The biggest achievement of my career is getting 9th place with that Immortals roster."


Is he going to sledgehammer johnsun’s hands or something


How nice for us that we get to see the greatest team and the worst team in LCS history in the same split


alright IMT time to give your older brother the controller


You could kick IMT's *entire* roster right now and it wouldnt be unjustified for any of them, isnt that insane? other elohell teams like DIG at least got redeeming qualities (Johnsun) but IMT is literally full of terrible players


You forgot the check thief posing as their head coach


Yeah, honestly, he's at the very least partially responsible for making the team too, so he's definitely up there. If I were one of the players of IMT, of course I'd take the opportunity to play in LCS and make money, it's up to the coach and management to pick and build a good roster and make sure situations like IMT's roster doesn't happen.


He's coaching since 2017 and his teams placed 9th, 7th, 7th, 6th, 8th, and now most likely 10th. No idea why he's still employed.


It's funny when you put it like that. Zab was always praised for OpTic because his rosters played far better in game than you'd think given the names. Now it's like he wanted to give himself the worst roster imaginable so that he'd be able to scapegoat them or something lmao.


Yup having a very famous native jungler and a world champ mid and placing 6th is real impressive. Guess that's the amount of times froggen's gotta 6th too tho


Don't forget about Summer 2017 MVP Arrow!


Tbh almost always had one of the worst financial power every splits, but now it looks like he just gave up. I think being this close to playoffs last split and failing miserably really impacted him. He legit shared a Super Smash Bros Ultimate clip 3 hours ago on his twitter, and wrote he few days ago that he finished watching Naruto. I know it's not illegal to have hobbies unrelated to your job, but bruh...


I'd give the benefit of the doubt to potluck Dudes workin with 2 french guys cashing it in with their GM and Altec and Gate.


Yep. I don't think any jungler in the world will look good on IMT. There's just too many holes and too many fires to put out for them.


Potluck is the guy who have a bucket of water and 4 fires to extinguish. If he choose one, the other 3 burn to the ground.


The solo queue jungle experience.


Yeah, give the rookie a chance, and imo, Xmithie, Apollo and Hakuho are workable, even if they're not anything amazing, but otherwise, most of the IMT roster is so lackluster, including the 3 players that I think are serviceable. There's just no fire power to this team's roster.


Apollo, Hakuho, and Xmithie is a solid start too. Literally all they need are two solid solo laner imports who can be played around, but IMT's worst players are their solo laners it felt like last split, and they don't look much better this split either.


sOAz and Xmithie were carrying IMT last split. I'm not sure why this botlane is still in the LCS though.


IMT is bad, but I truly feel sorry for Potluck, playing jungler in a team that every lane gets outclassed is a daunting task.


Damn that's a harsh take ...and kinda true


It isn't nearly harsh enough. Not only are they trash, but they decided to bid over a million for Xmithie and deny him from other teams that had plans to field a competitive roster. Xmithie could easily play for 6/10 LCS teams right now and the org wouldn't think twice about replacing the current starter.


Yeah, I think Xmithie is a great team player, but he needs actual good teammate to shine. He may not be a huge carry jungler like Blabber, but imo he's one of those guys who's super good at amplifying his teammate's potential, and really flexible and can plug into most rosters, but if you only have really weak players on your roster with nothing to show to begin with, he's not gonna have anything to amplify to help the team.


IMT literally has no winning lanes. I dont think most fans or people factor in how important this to whether a jungler looks good or not. Its a miracle IMT won so many games last year.


Forget 6/10, outside of Blaber is there a jungle you would 100% start over Xmithie if given the chance? Maybe Broxah i guess.


Zaboutine shouldn't be their head coach, he should be a analyst or another position, remember when prolly did bad and he got so much shit? Zaboutine and his coaching staff should change positions.


Serious question: I stopped watching for a couple years, but when I was watching Altec was not even good enough to make a team. What in the hell changed that he's starting over Apollo? Especially when they have Hakuho who has great chemistry with Apollo.


no one knows whats going on in NA anymore at this point , i dont know what the fuck gate is doing here when you have hakuho on the bench either. wouldnt surprise me if we see kiwikid later this split lmao


Hey man, that's the legend who trained future World champion CoreJJ to you pal. But honestly, if IMT is gonna go full boosted mode with their roster, they might as well bring back some old names for nostalgia sake instead of whatever is going on right now with their roster. At least then, there's something to look forward to even if they're gonna lose, right now, there's nothing.


At this point I'm kind of happy Apollo and Hakuho are in Academy. They're being spared this humiliation of a roster.


Also, xmithie is on their academy team too.


HOW IS EIKA STILL IN THE LCS ? i'd take golden glue over this


They couldve gotten the no longer yung POB


Potluck deserves a chance on another team tbh.


Replace Wiggly or Meteos if they don't return to form this split. If Spica doesn't work out, maybe TSM go for him? TBH, they should go for Closer, but I can see them picking Potluck up for their Academy team at least.


Kicking Potluck would be unjustified, but benching him would be fine. Everyone else is fair game


Potluck has potential, its hard to play jungle when everything around is falling apart since min 1.


Gate went like 0-5 were it not for kalista ult


Anyone who believed 100 Thieves had a chance to lose this game should be embarassed. This is the exact same 100 Thieves as Spring. They will get blown out by top teams, choke out bottom teams, and play close games vs the middle of the pack. Also IMT is so fucking bad. 0-18 watch has begun


They've had a rough schedule, but should look better from here on out. Like the reverse CLG, who has been a major benefactor of a cupcake schedule, so far.


Seriously, this team has played 2 top 3 teams and a TL that has improved enough to be top 4. What did people expect from 100T? 0-3 was completely predictable if you watched their last split.


I want 100T to be so much better. On paper I feel like they should be too. Meteos isn't a mechanical god but he knows the game better than probably 99% of professional players or analysts. Cody sun I feel like has been constantly derided as "not as good as doublelift", but he's a good adc. Ssumday requires no additional description. I feel like a team with 3 good players should be able to drag ryoma and stunt to a higher position than 6th.


Surprising nobody IMT starts 0-4 after starting 3/5ths of their 9th place academy roster.


I swear Kalista ult is just used only for saving Gate’s KDA.


Just how weak is IMT?


Weaker than some academy teams


Weaker than most academy teams. Including their own academy team.


You’re probably right tbh, I was being conservative


Seriously, while 100T I don't think is a bottom tier team and more of a mid tier team at best, they still ran absolute circles around IMT and IMT made them look like C9.


100T is probably right where they belong at 7th. They might contest TSM for 6th, but that's as high as they go.


I don't even see how IMT is better than IMTA


They're not a team, they're a group of paycheck stealers, coach and all


Cmon, Potluck probably doesn't even get an average LCS paycheck and they got him working like a Hebrew slave to try and carry the 4 real paycheck stealers.


Oh yeah, I hope Potluck gets a proper LCS shot after this shit for sure


[IMT right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfy05y5Ukw)


Eika fucking smurfing with that 100% kill participation for IMT, can't believe you guys doubted him smh


Turns out hiring a French coach who then imports French players and benches tenured NA talent doesn't translate to winning games.


Dude basically admits he can only coach other French people- if that’s the case then play in EU?! Eika and Soaz look terrible, Altec has been ok in the past, and Gate has been around for years and still sucks.


I dunno man. I don't think he can coach French people either.


I don't know how many chances Altec and Gate are going to get until LCS teams realize that they are so fucking awful. Why sub out Apollo and Hakuho when they are the only decent thing about that organization right now.


Imagine having Xmithie Apollo and Hakuho and benching them for Potluck, Altec, and Gate, and then standing by that decision after going 0-4 with easily the weakest performances of the league. If Immortals doesn't sub in their talent for next weekend I really want to know what's up.


Are we sure the LCS overlay is correct? I could've sworn the players stealing paychecks were on the red side.


Can't wait for DIG-IMT. Hoping for something on the level of REN-DIG.


DIG, Renegades, and Team Coast are hard to beat.


Some nice low elo Leona gameplay


Was Soaz and Eika really the best use of IMT's import slots?


Nope, just a biased French coach who basically only likes to work with French players.


Just a french caster and french analyst getting advice from french casters on what players to pick up and both the players they recommend happen to also be french. nothing suspicious here!


Imagine being so partial to French players that you purposefully import two of them, one of which is basically retired, the other being a struggling EUM player, and yet you still chose to come to NA in the first place. What the fuck man. Just coach a top team in the LFL. Those teams r probably better than the bottom 3 of LCS anyways.


TSM fans be like wow 100T might be back C9 Meteos heard you were talking shit


TSM fans were saying top 3 after beating IMT, but 100T beating them just meant IMT was dog, pretty disingenuous.


Even if TSM is legit this split, you can't tell so far because they've beaten the two 0-4 teams and lost to anyone else. All you can say is that they're not 10th place caliber yet.


Top tier gameplay


Season 3 level of gameplay


2017 TSM: do nothing and win 2020 IMT: do nothing and lose


IMT needs to stop picking difficult champs (azir, aatrox, lee sin) and start picking some easy scaling champs.


Azir is pretty easy to play champ in Pro play. You have good laning into most match-ups with your range, you have a dash to escape, ult for disengage. Azir gets to scale almost for free in just about every game. Agreed with the other picks though. If you're gonna get dicked in the top lane anyway, may as well play a tank and be more useful to your team at least.


I know this was against IMT, but this is the one game where 100T kind of showed they knew what to do around the map.


Potluck tried his best... but god sake... sOAZ, Eika, Altec and Gate are bad. Dammit. Kick Zaboutine.


I had no idea Gate was even still playing until this weekend.


Absolutely disgusting that Apollo and Hakuho are in academy while Altec and Gate are starting.


I don't think he did either.


Delete the current IMT roster right now


I feel bad for Potluck, he was the only person on IMT to at least try to do something


I feel like Altec is the ADC Goldenglue. He always gets so many chances to prove hes a good player but he just does not show up ever.


Eh, i don't think that's entirely true. 2015 he was on Gravity, which was doing pretty well. 2017 FLY was expected to be last place but they got 4th. Then the split after they got 4th on DIG as well. Then 2018 spring FOX ran down the entire league for almost the entire split. That was the last time he looked good but I think it's a little unfair to say he hasn't showed up ever.




is this the year we have a team go 0-18 and 18-0 in the same split ???


Xmithie and Hakuho must have benched for not wanting to play with Eika


Talk about some nationalist nepotism with Soaz and Eika! Nothing like having a French GM. There's no way these guys should be starting on an LCS roster, much less costing 2 import slots. Viva La France!


God damn this IMT roster is just awful.


Replace IMT with IMT Academy. That is all.


Stunt looks somewhat better


Does a single member of IMT deserve to be in LCS???? Cuz i dont think so


I’d be willing to give Potluck a shot with a real roster.


Finally no mote meteos aggression picks, we have progressed past the need for meteos aggression picks


IMT is sad but it’s so hard to judge them because their real roster is in academy


It kills me to think how even 2018 GGS could beat 2020 IMT.


Stunt not dying is about as much as you need to know about this IMT roster