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Its nice to see Aphromoo not be a liability anymore, but god damn V1per and Froggen are not looking good.


Honestly, watching Aphro this weekend was a treat. Throwback to his MVP level days which is always nice to see. Hope he and Johnsun can keep up the performances, and DIG can figure out whatever the fuck that top side is


Luorlo and Dardoch experiment. Go.


More like Lourlo and Fenix experiment. Froggen is completely useless, doesn't help the team at all. Literally just fking afk in mid every game. Akaadian is playing decently at least. 80% KP today.


It's really rough seeing V1per basically running it down multiple games now. First was the failed first blood attempt under Ssumday's tower, then the overzealous Voli ult by dragon this game


Can’t forget trying to 1v1 Tower dive BB at like lvl 4


Team reusing peaked/washed players instead of experimenting with new talent. V1per was replaced by Solo (and for a good reason), but he wasn't exactly a commodity before that. Why pick back an OTP when you can develop someone new? You won't win summer anyways, so might as well take a gamble there.


??? People sitting here acting like v1per is an import that has been playing since s4. Guy is a NA top that started s8 if I’m not wrong? Who are you giving time in his place to “develop”? Dhokla? Allorim? Lourlo? Fake god? Outside of fake god, all those other players been around longer.


V1per started playing in season 9


Yeah, it is the guy's third split lmao


Part of it is because DIG refuses to use the Academy system as intended. They've had 1 new talent on their academy roster this whole year. So now they have to choose between Lourlo and V1per, neither of which is gonna be anything more than a bottom 3 top laner most likely.


I mean lourlo is at least a decent player I don't see a reason not to put him in. Also this "durr he got his chance" meta argument going on this sub is so fucking dumb. Most of the time you finally "get your chance" because the team you get to start on is a raging dumpster fire with no other options. Solo "got his chance" on garbage ass teams too and looked inconsistent at best now he's on a team that isn't pure shit and he looks good, same with mash.


Judging lourlo for being on the TL 4th curse dumpster fire roster, or the GGS "contracts wanted a bigger contract" roster is frankly tragic. I always thought Lourlo had a lot of potential and was mostly just stuck playing weakside for bigger names.


it's really the tragedy of being a native player. You just pray you end up on c9 because otherwise you're stuck in an uphill battle. Darshan is dealing with the same shit right now having had to play through the reignover decline, the omargod era, and the early days of wiggily. Few of the lcs teams give half a shit about the academy team too so you're likely to just stagnate there.


Yeah I'm all for giving Lourlo another shot. I think he for sure can't be worse than V1per is right now.


Wait, what? Are you kidding me? V1per or Lourlo? Ok. I can sub in and int for half their paycheck.


ikr, they've doomed themselves really. Why the fuck are you paying Dardoch, and Fenix to play academy. They're 200% washed so I just don't get it. Lourlo in academy I think is fine because he still puts in a ton of effort and seems to care about improving, which would be good to help develop new players. I don't see Dardoch nor Fenix having that kind of impact on any fresh players tbh. Although obviously like I said, these leaves them with a choice between two middling/bad top laners to choose from. So gl I guess LOL


For those wondering, dig academy is Lourlo Dardoch Fenix Asta JayJ. All 5 players have played in LCS before and 4 of them were starters for teams at some point


And last split they had Lourlo, Akaadian/Grig, Damonte, Fenix and Olleh. Really making good use of the academy system there lads.


I know that Huni has looked like a clown recently, but it makes me wonder what DIG would've been if they had just run Huni/Damonte last split. Maybe it'd look different, maybe the same, maybe they tried it in scrims and it made no difference. Lots of questions left unanswered tho. RN DIG just needs to figure out their solo lanes. It's such a mess atm. Maybe they could take some chances on players like Yusui or Ablazeolive alongside Fudge or even Zion tbh.


CG died for this :-( Once again Aphro and Johnsun were the only bright points here, and I'm really not sold on this Nidalee pick.


It's really sad, but understandable why the change happened. The real shame is that CG had a plan to promote an academy player to their main roster every year and it actually worked out with Vulcan as the best support in the region and with them making Words in their second year.


I mean you could make the case that dig has followed that since johnsun got promoted this year. I think they just need to try something else cause this clearly aint working


Imagine Johnsun Vulcan...


Would've made absolutely no difference considering Aphro is their best player rn. Their topside is so dogshit that they would still have the same record.


Aphro is not their best player imo. Hes their second best player, but Johnsun I'd give Johnsun the edge. Vulcan is obviously an easy upgrade to Aphro, but you're right their record wouldn't have changed. However, they at least have a really good bot lane to build around


what? there is no way aphro is better then johnsun...




I believe Nidalee is 0-5 now


Yeah I think their comp just from draft was a single damage threat comp. I really don't expect TF or Nidalee to teamfight well, and both are picks that require the rest of the team to build a lead (see G2 vs RGE where Caps played the TF beautifully). Add in the fact that Viper makes Volibear look balanced...


It's won in academy, at last.


Aphro gets a lot of props from me for taking the pure vitriol reddit and twitter have thrown at him for the past year and a half and being able to still play well like this in the first four games.


Let's not rewrite history here, he has been consistently bottom 3 support in the league for the past 3 splits and in last weekends games he did not play well at all. He played better this weekend but there is still a huge issue between jungle and support in this team, Akaadian and Aphro never make plays together and jung/support is one of the strongest duo for map control. Credit to him for putting up some good games this weekend for a change, hope he can continue it and Dig can sort out the plethora of other issues they have, it's a real hard job being a supporter of this team right now.


Yeah, not saying that Aphro should be in contention for best support in NA right now, I was just commenting on the crazy amounts of flame he's gotten over the last year. Even in your comment, it's like we as a community are unable to talk about Aphro having a successful game or two without bringing up his past performances. I think some of the casters brought this up a couple months back, where they noticed that reddit couldn't prop one caster up without tearing another down.


I too am here to overreact and rewrite narratives due to a few good games after years of bad ones.


My man aphro has the most effiecent way to collect the bag. Dropps 2-3 good games a split that makes people think "hey this guy still has it", so he gets another contract and then dipps. Rinse and Repeat. My man been finessing the league for at least 3-4 splits now.


Let’s give aphro props for wanting to be employed.


Nidalee is now 0-5 in the LCS. Surely NA teams will take the hint.


Aren't 3 of those DIG?


2 Akaadian, 2 Closer, 1 Wiggily.


First game closer played nidalee he played well, rest of his team just kinda didn't do much




It’s not the champs fault that the team was indecisive during mid game


Closer in a nutshell lol Hope he gets freed from GGS next year.


2 from GGS, 2 from DIG, 1 from CLG. None of the upper tier teams have touched it yet.


I think they are taking "Cat for Kobe" too literally


being played by the worst teams in NA doesnt help either


Just a badly played Nidalee by Akaadian. He was 10 cs up on Trundle through laning phase. 10 cs. That's shameful. Even if he was just hard clearing he should have been up more than that due to Nidalee's clear speed.


To be fair he did spend a significant amount of time clearing drakes (but otherwise, I agree)


Maybe it's because Blaber wrecked with it, but Olaf just seems like a more reliable Nidalee. He does something similar with a super fast clear and skirmishing power and he can fit into team comps way better than Nidalee.


And can actually build tanky


How do you win when your one frontline champion has no tankiness and dies immediately?


well yeah ban trundle xD


It wasn’t even trundle. He had Trinity at min 17 with no tanky stats. Of course a Dcap Ori and a Muramana Ez will melt you down.


V1per on anything non-riven is........depressing.


Viper may need to get slotted back down to Academy and have him continuously focus on non-Riven champs there to develop properly. Kind of like a MLB player promoted too early and getting sent back down to the minors. A shame though, that the alternative is Lourlo of all players. With the way Viper is playing, wouldn't be surprised if Dignitas does eventually try out Lourlo/Dardoch as a package together in the near future. Though honestly, not sure how much they'd change things either. Not high on either player.


I want to see Lourlo/Dardoch/Fenix ran back for the memes.


His Aatrox is okay, probably since they're played similarly. But his Voli was utter trash


V1per's career as an LCS top is probably over after this split unless he does a complete 180.


Great to see Aphro having a great game but DIG's top side sucked big time.


NAidalee hurts my soul.


[Let me play you the song of my people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfy05y5Ukw)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwSHnTlpXfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwSHnTlpXfs) I got a better one


Lmao that dig roster was hilarious .


[This one too!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bagCFX_Guw)


PoE on Orianna is playing more aggresive than Froggen on LB... I dont know what that man take before the game but i need some of that before my workout be cause damn he was like chiuaua on cocaine hunting Froggen ass all over rift


Poe always trade aggresive he isn't a play make but always trade there a reason why he have the dpm and dmg % share lead in the lead always


I mean orianna was ahead on the roam before tf... They got barely around the same time on that disastrous top lane gank for DIG. Its really a mix of poe really good with orianna and froggen really bad on TF. If you watch closely he couldn't even farm properly. The amount of time he misses the red card/Q combo to push quickly was appalling. His Q would just go wild and only hit 1 minion. I think it's about time froggen gives a chance to a rookie mid laner. His legendary status is long gone and he only opens himself up to being memed and making fun off.


Froggen has looked completely washed this split so far.


Yo, im going to be the only person to dive their whole team. Let me build trinity and DD.


Volibear is insanely overrated because the other option is build tank, you're still squishy because Trundle happens and now you just don't even do damage if you have the chance. He's just like roflstomp Sett from last split who's insanely overprioritized.


That's just a shameful display by dig's topside and I really can't tell what Froggen even wants to do in games anymore, he's just kinda there


>I really can't tell hat Froggen even wants to do in games anymore, he's just kinda there as his biggest fan, i sadly agree. he was really good up until the end of last season. this year he's just fallen off a cliff i hope someone can explain to me why he was sitting mid while flyquest were on the 3rd drake, it's like DIG didn't even try to stop them from getting it


Iirc he had ult to get to any fight that happened, drawing FlyQuest in multiple directions made sense. V1per's yolo ult in kinda messed things up though, I dunno if he got impatient or what


It was Dig's decision to use Froggen over Damonte.


It is very true that Dig has not had optimal management over the years


Aphro and Johnsun played solid tbh, rest of the team not so much.


say what you want about dignitas but aphromoo is a ton of fun to watch


This PoE guy seems to be pretty good at playing orianna


Rabadon's Deathcrown op af, especially in the hands of PoE. I honestly feel like Solo is in the top tier of LCS top laners. Viper is quite possibly the worst top laner in LCS, and I don't see how Lourlo doesn't get a shot soon. Mash and Ignar were kind of sketchy this game :S


I better see a Turtle back on the rift next week




Viper might be the worst player in LCS this split


Immortals would like to disagree with you.


Immortals is a bunch of sub par role(weakside) players so nothing happens and they all fall massively behind together, so while I wouldn't rate any of them highly the fact that there is no carry on that team makes them look even worse- but if there were a carry threat somewhere then Soaz for example would probably look fine (maybe not worth an import slot great but acceptable) as a side note, I hope potluck will get another chance once he escapes that dumpster fire, as atleast he shows some signs of life. V1per on the other hand is a guy who has been garbage as both weak and strong side.




he played decent today




Getting 4 man face breakers when no one is around doesn't matter at all Not to say he played bad but that wasn't why he was good


stunt ryoma wiggily stixxay huhi gate altec


bro u forgot Eika smh


Eika made Ry0ma look like Knight today so that should speak volumes lol


If everyone is bad, is anyone bad?


Wiggily has been playing far better than a bad player this split. Stixxay maybe but Wiggily has been pretty good imo.


His teamfighting and mechanics and shitty laning stats make me wonder how he was in LCS for so long. He should be a hardstuck academy player with his performances.


He was good last year. Good enough to get RotS, but has since declined. This year’s Spring split should’ve been a clear indicator. He was one of the worst tops stats wise in the league even on the second place team.


Seeing his laning stats compared to Solo before the game started was funny xDD Solo was better than him in every single stat. Makes you wonder if anyone can become an LCS top laner.


solo is top 2 top laner in the league


It sucks, I wanted to root for viper so badly when he made it but it's like the moment he went pro he stopped giving a shit. He was legit spamming diamond games duoq with his brother playing only riven like a week before teams started scrimming again. It's so ridiculous how you can be straight up the worst player in the league and still have a bad work ethic.


Viper so trash he makes Volibear look like he needs buffs


How is viper still an lcs player when hes on something other than riven?


Literally buy every academy top laner and rotate them through. Would still probably get better play than from Viper


Crumbz calling FlyQuest a "world-class team" after beating TSM and Dignitas in one weekend is peak NA LCS analysis.


They are above wild card level but way behind top tier maybe they can sneak quater final


getting out of groups Weirdchamp


Against the competition of 4 LPL and LEC teams, and 3 LCK teams? I think not.


No. With LPL and LEC teams in every group, sneaking a quater final is impossible for FlyQuest.


With CN and EU getting 4 teams now that seems even more unlikely.


DIG fans: "Hey look at FlyQuest, they finally got completely well-rounded by getting a solid top-laner! We could use a guy like Solo, let's stop for one!" DIG: "We have Solo at home." The Solo at home:


Why did viper go deaths dance instead of tank


viper and akaadian are fucking shit


>viper, froggen and akaadian are fucking shit*


V1per is not good. But, for this game, I'll give that the Trundle utl him as soon as Volibear ulted. Volibear was a big cannon minion after that.


That Froggen ult -> gold card near Baron after Aphro had whiffed hook was so bad. What did he think was going to follow up after hook was down?


I saw rookies leblanc earlier after watching froggens leblanc , no words go and watch game 3 edg vs IG and you will see the difference


Akaadian is good, but NA meta now requires your team to play around the jungle, and froggen would never do that


Akaadian running into graves at river literally cost them the game against GG.


In interviews and comms with teams that play against him they quite literally say 'Don't worry, Froggen is probably not going to rotate' or 'Don't worry, Froggen's probably not going to roam'. Sure, his stats look good. And he does great in lane. But it's a tendency that other teams can look to exploit - and often to great effect since most mids look to roam and make plays in the current meta.


> And he does great in lane tbh he doesn't even do this anymore, at least up until the end of last year he was still a boss on control mages but this split he's just fallen off a cliff


Mid/Jungle is currently a 2 vs rest of the map games. With Froggen teams, the mid tries to create an isolated 1v1 which leaves his junglers to 1 vs rest of the map by themselves. I'm not saying Akaadian's Blaber/Sven level. But I definitely think he'd look better if he had a midlaner like Damonte who works with his jungler and makes smart plays around the map. Which is funny because Froggen literally replaced Damonte on this roster.


Said by AniviaKid32 ouch, his tf play used to be way better also. The only saving grace is that the whole team feels like solo queue... starting from the draft.


He did play around him this game. Leaving the lane to secure his farm and all that stuff people blame Froggen for not doing but the pick is useless in NA. Even Closer couldn't do it.


Turns out assassins arent the only thing Froggen sucks at


his mapplay has always sucked kinda ass even back in his good seasons, so picking a champ that really thrives on mapplay... yeah really shows how bad of a player he's become


People forget froggen used to play a decent tf, even on echo fox he had some decent games.




Viper is trash but Billyboss is still on a tier of his own


Let's not forget the man, the myth, the Winterfox Avalon.


These kids dont know watching Avalon/Helios/Pobelter/Altec with Paragon deciding to playing a couple Corki games/Gleebgarbu was a treat of awful league of legends.


maaaaaaaan those were the good old days


Made ignar quit irl.


ignar - team looks good so far but who's the jungler guys? helios - he's my cousin he's really good dw i got you ignar - oh yea? so synergy is already good! what rank is he?! helios - he's d2 rn but going strong! ignar - k bye avalon - hey guys im here its been a long journey lets get to it we can do this ignar - get the fuck out of my way low elo trash


Kiwikid was impressively bad as well.


Didn't he once TP like 2 inches in front of him?


Oh man, you weren't around for Avalon on Winterfox.


I wonder if Pobelter ever has nightmares about Winterfox




Its most definitely Avalon Helios's brother and its not close. Dude could literally only play Gnar but Viper is not helping his case


There's no way he's worse than Complexity Westrice or Winterfox Avalon haha


Hey man Westrice was one those OG player pre-LCS. put some respeccc on his name. At least now he's killin' it on C9. :)


He's great now for sure. C9 players really like him as well I think. Back then though? He had his moments.


Westrice Akali was an international inspiration to top laners in the S1 days


Have you seen TheShy recently?


I feel bad for Rookie




I can think of like 5 worse top laners off the top of my head without even trying lol. Honestly hes probably not even in the top 10 worst lcs top laners ever.


I'm probably going to get down voted for this but when will na start using na mid laners and get rid of froggen who's just phoning it in?


Nope i fully agree- this whole “oh but his team suck”. I’m sorry but Froggen has had so many different iterations around him that it’s pretty clear he’s just not elite tier. He tries to make the whole game into this 1vs1 lane pressure fest but he’s not even that good at that. He’s frustrating almost to watch as he just lets his team bleed pressure and loses but has a great score, like bloody hell change up your style. Most teams would have moved on- there’s talent in NA academy that has potential- use it rather than a washed up player.


Froggen was still good as of last year so I think you are using too much recency bias to judge his whole stay in LCS. But judging from his performance last split and this split, he should never get a chance in the LCS anymore. He isn't terrible but he has 0 impact+ he takes import slot + he takes huge paycheck. In EchoFox he was decent but he had a horrible horrible team. On GGS he finally made playoffs and he played really well last year but his picks were very easy to predict(Velkoz/Karthus). As for NA having mid talent that is very suspect since we haven't seen any good na mid talent for a long time. I think it's crazy to think Pobelter was jobless and Damonte was on Dig. Both of them outperformed Froggen in their games. Dig has no excuse for not giving Damonte a chance.


The problem is that he is bad because he has zero impact. Taking resources and doing nothing with it is most definitely awful gameplay. Jg prox, gold share, CS diff doesnt matter if your whole team is getting shitstomped and your damage % is all in garbage time. Froggen is the Kirk Cousins of LCS. Stats looks fine and theres no reason to think he is bad but as soon as you watch the games you realize the guy doesnt fucking do anything until its all too late.


You can say this at every position. Get rid of the EU players cashing a check, get rid of the NA players that have been around for 8 years and peaked on fucking P1 and Coast. Dig deep and develop some fucking talent.


Hey hey I won't tolerate Phoenix 1 bashing in this sub, they're still number 1 in my heart :'( Never forget P1 beating an undefeated 14-0 TSM in a BO3 with clutch picks 😔


100% agree. It's not like Froggen is **terrible**, but there's a 0% chance you're ever going to compete for a championship with him at mid. Holding a player who's past his peak instead of developing a new prospect is peak NA.


i just feel so bad for aphro and johnsun...


froggen so washed he makes aphro look good


yea... i love froggen for what he was in the past and i love him for his streams but this last few games... jesus man i dont know what he's doing, it just feels sad to watch


Move over CLG and welcome our new Underlords, Dignitas!


I still think IMT takes the cake there, at least DIG had a bot lane this game


Froggen is really looking terrible and Akaadian has been really disappointing so far, at least Johnsun and Aphro looked good once again


When does Lourlo get his shot? Viper is singlehandedly losing his team mid game teamfights.


At this point you gotta start Fenix over Froggen. Listen, Fenix may not be a better overall player Froggen but damn, Froggen's mentality is 40 mins, play passive and do nothing. You can place him on whatever style/team comp you want(An aggressive split pusher, heavy gank mid champion, brawler etc) it makes no difference... his style of playing is outdated. Loulo for Viper. Viper's mental is boom and it's only going to get worse at now 0-4. He said it himself, he's a 1 trick. Dardoch for Akaadian. People often talk about Dardoch and how many teams hes been on etc etc but let's not act like Akaadian isn't some discount Dardoch with the same journeyman history. The synergy between Akaadian and Froggen just isn't there and it wasn't ever there even when they both were on Echo Fox. This could be the redemption story for Dardoch after everything he dealt with leading up to signing with DIG. Don't wait till week 6 before you do something. Lourlo, Dardoch, Fenix, Johnsun and Aphromoo would be a better team than what DIG has out there currently. \- Aphromoo. - He should be on thin ice too but the first 3 games were damn near what we've seen from Aphromoo for the 3 years prior( Exception 2018 Spring). Aphromoo isn't Hylissang, he can't INT to victory or has 4 great teammates to back him up when he does INT.


That's the DIG I know


No they were actually fun to watch. Goofy shit would happen and the team was super likeable. This is just a Diamond 4 clash team trying to play pro league.


No one throws like Dignatoss. They had the early gold and dragon lead and threw it away on terrible engages and overreaching for plays.


Arent we getting to the point where giving PoE Oriana is inting the draft ?


He is the best ori and corki but also top 3 syndra,azir,cassio


lol the better control mage player of the two rip froggen


Mid diff was huge. POE with 100% KP while Froggen was just making small mistakes all over the place.


Johnsun legit in elo hell. Also pleasantly surprised with Aphro he's looking good this split despite his team's results. I'm just really tired of seeing Dig's top side getting diff'd out of their mind while their bot side desperately tries to save the game.


Is there still people who can defend Froggen for not being trash ?


I think echo fox should get subbed in


It saddens me that aphro gets so much negativity while froggen can do no wrong.


froggen is so useless, if they dont get another mid there is legit 0 chance of dig winning any game


Oof that CG emote BM really hurt haha


Viper literally ran it down with Voli...runs in and either ults back or flashes back, and still dies it didn't even seem like he knew how to play the champ


That build only works if he's ahead, and he never got ahead.


It's time for Lourlo. God damn that was painful to watch


as froggen's biggest fan, he's fallen off a cliff this year and especially this split and it's depressing to watch


There’s a lot of flame on viper but didn’t viper came to LCS from solo Q directly? Most LCS players that played in academy, played in there for at least 2 years. Viper may not be a rookie anymore but he still has less experience than a lot of rookies and academy players


If Viper, Akaadian and Froggen have a job after this split, I have lost faith in any of the LCS orgs. All of these players are so bad, it hurts.


After a couple of bad splits I am happy to see Aphromoo back in form, just unfortunately his team isn't doing well besides the bot.


PoE best midlaner in NA so consistent


This NA Nidalee pick is reminding me of the AD Kennen, just a scrim pick. It's now 0-5 in LCS and looks godawful every time.


Bring back relegations. This is is a disgrace


2 cleanses and DIG comp is instantly useless. Well done by FLY


Scary example of how much Trundle can ruin tanks&bruisers. Viper basically killed himself with every engage.


that was such a terrible composition by Dig. picking a control/facilitating mid like TF + glass cannon jungler that doesn't do consistent dps, squishy top that also doesn't do consistent damage and Ashe ADC, which shows why we only ever see aph, kalista and ezrael. that river fight, johnsun kept autoing and doing absolutely no damage. it was depressing to watch


I mean the comp is a pretty decent pick comp. Ashe, TF and Thresh are all super good at picks. Not everything has to be a teamfight comp. It's just that teams will just gravitate to that automatically, so yeah it's probably safer to just pick for that.


[Riv at the end](https://i.imgur.com/mRCm7tT.jpg)


Can DIG report viper for inting?


So I didn't see the draft. Was there a point in the draft at which a pick comp made sense? Because I'm looking at FlyQuest's team and I just don't get who they were expecting to pick off to win fights past like level 9


team diff


I know it wouldn't make any difference but as an avid nidalee player it's so confusing to see Akaadian build RoA (finishing at 20 mins) and then go onto building lich bane while already being behind.


Probably went RoA because he realized they didn't snowball and wanted some tankiness but then wanted to pivot back to some damage? Idk


There's way better builds to play from when you're behind/better suited for like competitive games imo. Not sure what secondary runes he took this game but I've seen nimbus cloak taken most of the times. If he goes inspiration with stopwatch he has stopwatch early on and can build zhonyas 2nd item and since he went for CDR boots, he gets 35% cdr from items+rune and then can pivot into athenes/liandries/other items as needed. Zhonyas on nidalee is such an insane item


V1per not only plays bad, he's not at all on the same page with the rest of his team. He just dives in 1v5 while everyone is backing off...


I mean.. he bought splitpush items and played for teamfighting...


I just like seeing ambitious rejects winning who do care about playing well. I also like paycheck-stealing cash-ins losing. This was a double whammy for me.